Skeleton General

I blame Veeky Forums for getting me hooked on the best kind of undead

Assemble, my fellow bone-rattlers

Show them the frailty of flesh

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Greeting, gentleman, what is going on in this thr...


Look out!

Not the right neighbourhood







You're in for a bloody good time

>in my skellingtons

zombies pls go

Appreciate this dude's t-shirt



He probably crawled out of a person recently





>Not knowing about best skeletons
>He's fine with staying in broken bits, while I'll just put myself back together

slight lewdity pls no ban

Should skeletons get a bonus save against arrows? Also a bonus to dodge or for the arrow to miss, since their silhouette is so thin


Everything that isn't bludgeoning is ineffective

In most dnd editions Skeletons resist damage from any non-blunt weapons.



Huh these are really similar


Ultimate peasant deterrent

ikr, probably a refference





>The farmer charged in half-cocked, and soon regrets his actions.
>The candlemaker stays his ground, hoping the horror is afraid of his miniscule flames
>The blacksmith, perhaps one of the better equipped and physically capable of the lot, fails his fear save and remains paralyzed.
>The chef abandoned his knife and cleaver, for he knew what the creature was weak against. He bears a look of grave determination, as his humble party falters.



Too bad they weren't the protagonists

They're the protagonists to us, and that's all that matters.









good job, user.




Deathbed the bed that eats?


Sugar skeletons are canon

Do you guys prefer your skeletons 100% bones or prefer them to conserve some tendons?

100% bone purity, mang.

I like the idea of a full spectral copy of the person's flesh laid over the bones.

I generally don't mind the look of dried zombies, but that kind loses the greatest advantage of skellingtons - rattling and reassembling bones



Post cooldown does not want to make this easy.

Hard to be this swag with all that tacky flesh in the way.


Not a proper skellington, but she gets an honorable mention for sick fashion sense.

Friendly reminder to our resident meatbags.

Another honorable mention

Flesh to Swag is a hell of a spell

>Skeletons and undead in general are not a core race or a core variant
This is bullshit. What are the stats of a human skelly boy character?

Skulls are the apex of aesthetic.

A moment of silence for my Skeleton Thrall player, who has left the game due to life getting in the way.
I’m gonna miss that crazy bastard.


even stardust knows that skellies are the scariest thng out there



It's because it makes more work for the DM and is really easy to cheese, especially if you give them some traditional skelly abilities and FUN is allowed. For a traditional skelly (undead immunities, remotely controlling limbs, repairing themselves with other body parts, etc.) you either have to trust the player to not break the game or build the game around making sure he can't break the game - and while that's not a problem if the skelly player isn't a dick in the former and everyone present is up for a bit of creative FUN in the latter, there are many groups and DMs for whom this is either too difficult or not appealing.

I want to rattle her bones

Anybody got art of skeleton kings? I'm looking for something subtle, maybe. Or party-ish.

Howabout Skeleton queens?


Its a japan thing. They have a spooky myth about these mega skeletons that come out at night to eat people or something

