Critical Role One-Shot: Thursday by Night (Part 2)

Part 1:

Tonight concludes the two part campaign based on Vampires: the Masqurade

>Ruleset is a mix of classic, the current beta version, and homebrew
>Possible Special Guest tonight
>Yes, Marisha and Matt were killed off early on purpose so they could do wedding shit

Upcoming Shows (All TBA)
>Laura DM'ed One Shot
>Possible Part 3 to Liam's Quest
>Talks Machina Campaign Wrap-Up
>Level 20 Battle Royale

>New Campaign in January

Other urls found in this thread:

It's the Halloween episode, too.

Laura's dressed up as Chele, Sam's Pacman, Liam's a Vault Hunter, and Travis is the guy from Walking Dead. Taliesin is dressed as a warlock cultist... Which is par for the course for him.


Travis is roleplaying as Grog to run a one-shot next week.

>Grog running a meta game
Jesus take the wheel...



So it's the group of them playing a game in-character, where Grog is the DM and the rest of VM are players.

We're getting into some real meta, Inception shit here.

Travis said he was Joel from The Last of Us actually

Might be Pandemonium now that I think about it

>A game from Travis
>A game AS GROG with all the players being their characters playing other characters

I love it already.

Laura is very quick to do vampire shit and find stuff to eat.

God Laura is so qt

What classes do you think they'll play next week? Vax would probably go druid

>You will never have post session sex with Laura while she uses her shin-chan voice with vampire teeth

>Tfw I never heard the shin-chan voice cause I dont listen to dubs

Okay, I'll take Travis.

W-w-w-what is the Shin-Chan voice?

>Travis/Laura knows the myth of the LA Lizard People

I am more in love every day

I much prefer this thank you

>You will never hate-fuck marisha so hard she can't come to the session tomorrow

Darin De Paul is in there and special guest

That would be fun.

This is getting fucking meta

Those dice are pretty nice for $20. I wouldn't carry them in the bag but I might snatch em up

Sam looks upset and/or absolutely tired. What'd I miss?

It's super hot in there and he's in a costume.

Its a mixture of the heat, his makeup and pretend pouting he got the lowest INT score

Its a shame Taliesin's one shot is only doing 15k

I think that's more due to people not liking the VtM system than disliking the players or Taliesin himself.

I know, I feel like he is doing a pretty decent job though. I think he is making the right decision in not having combat (till probably the end) cause combat in V:tM is a slog

>you get to be sucked

>you get sucked

laura is the best

> tfw you will never get sucked by vampire laura

sam and travis are perfect

Oh shit, it's Yuri.

It's over, and it didn't suck!

In that way. Good goin' Tal.

Did Sam seem unhappy about being killed first? I couldn't read his expression that well with his makeup. He was pretty quiet too.

I think it was more that he didn't know why he was being killed.

Once Taliesin revealed why he was being killed (he drained a human to death), he seemed fine with it.

Also, rather funny that Laura went sane after getting out of the underground/crazy shit that was the G&S studio and was all, "lets not drain them to death, baby," to Travis when he was all ready to drain a sucker dry.

>Sam casually holding a copy of Oathbringer


What? Are you kidding me, it doesn't come out until end-November, right? Fuck man.

Pretty good one-shot, extremely hyped for next week tho