>All the gold-medal winners of the 2028 Summer Olympic games are sent back in time to the Middle Ages
What kind of athlete would you choose to play as? How would you play this character?
>All the gold-medal winners of the 2028 Summer Olympic games are sent back in time to the Middle Ages
What kind of athlete would you choose to play as? How would you play this character?
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>What kind of athlete would you choose to play as
Athletics. I'll need those running skills.
Do we get to keep the... food supplements?
Fencing. Blade skills are usefull in a medieval worlds
What good will fencing do to you? People didn't exactly fight by the rules back then, and they weren't very sportsmanlike. They don't grab you by the hair in the olympics.
>the gold-medal winners of the 2028 Summer Olympic
So all the "women" will be trannies? That's gonna cause some interesting reactions from the locals.
They'd all trash their legs after their shoes wear out.
Even with rule constraints a gold metal fencer has the skills to kick the shit out of an average Joe.
Or an above average Joe.
Really you'd have to be a pretty good Joe before you leveled the playkfn field
Being fast and accurate with a blade makes you fucking deadly, especially if you take away the rules.
Olympic style fencing has fuck all to do with actual sword-fighting, you'd die pretty fucking quick if you tried some of the bullshit they pull.
For a lot of them I think nutrition would be the big issue - athletes eat a fuck of a lot.
Sports-wise I'd say one of the combat sports, lifting or throwing sports ideally at one of the heavier weights
It's gonna be in LA. Pretty solid chance majority of men are gonna be trannies too.
You don't have to follow the rules. It's the same argument as "mma fighter couldn't win in a bar fight because he can't kick to the balls".
Yes he can. And it will hurt.
Yeah and people actually trained in those sports fighters know about that. Do you think boxers don't kick people in fights or taekwondo black belts never throw a punch?
No. So they got peak muscles that can be reached again if they get to feast and work out.
Which basically means your best bet is basically some kind of Martial Arts of weapon sport. Or Athletics Generalist.
Decathalon or Modern Pentathalon are probably the optimal choices, given that their multi-disciplinary nature produces an all-rounder with a variety of combat abilities rather than single specialisation.
A martial artist of whatever kind, boxer, MMA, jiu jitsu, etc, in a street fight still has his own arms and legs to fight against some other guy's own arms and legs. A fencer in medieval times would find his own sword to be useless, and swords of the era to be incompatible with his discipline.
Tough choice between wrestling and ping pong.
Only if it's fully armored combat. Only thing Olympian fencer wouldn't intuitively figure out is halfswording.
I've never watched the Olympics. Is archery an Olympic sport? That sounds pretty useful.
Rowing, they're the most well-rounded.
The rest depends on qualities not linked with the main sport, so I'd rather have a top badminton player that's also a hardcore survivalist than a pampered and brain-damaged boxe champion.
Fencing is one handed thrusting swords, medieval swords were mostly for cutting, and were like 3 times heavier than fencing swords. If you have to " intuitively figure out" how to use those swords there's no point to choosing fencing, as anyone can intuitively figure that out.
It is. Though Olympic archer would be at serious disadvantage with ye olde bow.
Modern bows are as heavy as hunting bows, the trick is they "lock" to give you as much time to aim as you wish.
Guards and lines stay the same, no matter which sword you're using. So long as it's a one-handed sword, sport fencers should find no problems adapting. Sabreurs might have to slow down a little, Foilists would have to quit it with their floweryass bullshit but mostly it's the same theory.
Pull strength without pulleys tho
Olympic weightlifters (and similar strongment sports) have the most to lose in the middle ages. They can only maintain that weight with a significant and rigorously maintained diet (high in protein, etc). It'd be difficult to maintain that in the middle ages without employing an army of farmers/hunters/fishermen/etc.
For general combat utility, perhaps wrestlers would be best. A nice combination of strength and mobility.
Fencing and archery have the closest similarities to combat weapons in the middle ages, but they're functionally very different weapons than what were used in the past and the technical proficiency likely wouldn't translate as much. Also because archers are only useful as a group and fencing is more for dueling than mass combat.
Imagine being in that world along with badass spearthrowers, wrestlers, judo masters, archers, fencers... and you're an olympic medalist in a useless meme sport like curling.
>Gold medal in ribbon dancing
>curling's fun
>get paid to curl
>female curlers are qts
I mean, there are worse positions to be in.
I'd entertain the lords.
Males look likes faggots though
The question is whether the equestrians are laughing, or are in the worst position of all
Waste of quads, swords are not massively heavy things.
not really? they just look like average dudes.
>not shotputting your enemies in their place from a safe distance
I declare that, in the future, fornication is an Olympic event.
I proceed to roll up my character as a bard.
I think he was talking about foils.
Fencing foils weigh at most 500 grams, usually 350. The average arming sword weighed around 1 to 1.3 kilograms. That is twice to three times the weight.
Even if they can't maintain that weight, they still keep that power, it doesn't go away over night, and likely they would be some of the most powerful men in the land
Well he should have said that.
Yeah, and that's not very heavy and it's still a crap point from a man who doesn't know what he's talking about especially since he thinks no sport fencers cut.
Olympic swimmer. I become an ocean fairing merchant, and unlike most of my fellows I don't die when my ship inevitably sinks upon hitting some damnable rock in the Channel.
Olympic Sailing. A ton of diverse skills, good physical fitness without a reliance on "supplements", and most of my specialty skills are transferable over to Medieval sailing ships, especially if like most Olympic sailors I compete in long distance racing as well. Comes with being trained to swim in a cold sea as well, distinct advantage over olympic swimmers who aren't used to swimming in waves and sea water.
>Well he should have said that.
I said fencing swords. Foil, epee, and sabre all have an average weight of 350 to 450 grams.
Now since I guess you do sport fencing, or at least know more about it, tell me more about the guards and cuts. As far as I can tell, all foil and fencing fencing guards assume the same stance, always right foot forward and with the sword arm forward. Also, none of the three swords have any edge to them, so how can you practice edge alignment and so?
Nice quints.
Both sabre and epee score with both edge and point.
Only foil is purely thrusting.