>Y’know the game is available for preorder right now, right?
Used 1 speed weapons and didn't wound the Butcher enough: What do you hope to see in future promos that offer actual game content?
>Y’know the game is available for preorder right now, right?
Used 1 speed weapons and didn't wound the Butcher enough: What do you hope to see in future promos that offer actual game content?
Other urls found in this thread:
>What do you hope to see in future promos that offer actual game content?
Less of them so scalpers fuck off.
Poots is a retard in terms of business and pretty much hates his customer base.
The business model is completely fucked; I can't tell if the dev's a fool or if he's fabricating scarcity on purpose.
Needs a better printing deal so he can do a Catan setup with Base Game + Expansions at reasonable prices, vs "Go $300 because you'll basically never be able to get the other stuff elsewhere. "
Poots isn't into it to make money, Poots is into it take us into his Magical Realm and cut even.
Still more customer friendly that GW.
Acanthus Doctor pinup when?
That was KS 1 buddy. That tired meme hasn't been true for years.
Now he has 12 million and sells out instantly on new shit.
You can do Catan setup now.
It's just a matter of getting the right table.
I think you're missing the "reasonable prices" bit
yeah, no, because there's no way to know if/when things will be reprinted
at any point in the future he could just shut it down and it disappears and becomes unobtainable
Why the obsession with genitalia?
You're not proud of your penis?
People like using their genetals, but many people also think genitals are horrid looking. Body horror can use these conflicting stances on the familiar and intimate (the human body) and pervert them to elicit revulsion and disgust at seeing them used in such an alien and awful manner.
Our fathers taught us to be proud of what we have.
We brave few purple headed warriors.
Niet. Cover that gap first.
Allister was the first assembly victim, figures I’d forget about the Monster gap on his shoulder.
Time to gather up three games worth of imperfect models and whip up a batch of Milliput, then
Don't feel to bad. I still have to fill and spray my shit.
From the first kickstarter
How do you store your Expansion contents?
I have all except Manhunter and Green Armor, and my Core Game Box is already pretty much full.
No idea how I am gonna manage all the other expansions from the second Kickstarter.
Get a Detolf
I have a big wooden box that was originally used for tea which holds all the expansions perfectly, base game is in there too but I'll probably move that back to the box once I get my new shit.
I keep meaning to take pics of my storage but I'm lazy as fuck and people bitch if you don't resize photos.
He means the cards you complete dingusdoo.
>This idiot doesn't store all of his card contents in a Detolf
Seems impractical. How would you carry them around?
>Hoisted on your own petard.
What a nerd.
>Not living in super-sized Detolf
>Building a life size lantern hoard out of detolfs.
Now we're talking Kingdom Death style.
I don't get it.
Where in there do you murder things for their parts to make your stuff?
I’m in the middle of moving, and it’s taken me three days just to get my modeling/hobby collection packed into boxes and moved safely. I could go for a Detolf Hoard right about now.
But the closest IKEA is literally 2100 miles away overland ;_;
>Not murdering hobos for sewer denims.
>Ikea watcher comes to collect its missing cache of detolfs
You dun fucked up good son.
You don't move your hobby stuff, you trash everything and then you purchase it again.
You mean 'it gets trashed and then you rebuild it again'
There will be probably enough space in the gambler's chest for that.
These are pretty neat. Pain TTS' deckbuilder is so damn weird.
Your missing a cloth piece on the guy on the far right
The resin models are limited run because it's high costs to produce batches of resin models. It's a high frontal cost and there's always a risk of something being a flop(rather, a slower sell) so the limited runs are more for testing the waters.
Poots is slowly moving to plastics-only for minis that come with promo content, and in general promo content has been shifted towards unbalanced things requiring houserules and digression on hen and how to include them.
Believe it or not, there has been R&D going on to combat the scalping issue over the years. I remember when runs were as low as 100 units, and now we have a minimum of 500 and more frequently 1000 runs. Stricter restrictions on ordering applied as well.
Just because the kickstarter got 12 million doesn't mean he has a ton of extra money to throw around for risking excess copies of nongame models. That $12m is going into production and labor costs more than anything.
Y'all wanting to look for any excuse to blame poots instead of blaming the scalpers because "muh free market" or some shit.
I will disprove all of this because you're a sycophant loser.
The Resins can be produced in bigger runs than 500. Anyone that tells you a resin mold can't do 500 minis is retarded or chinese and that doesn't excuse the lack of recasts for stuff that had less than 500 units.
The resins are actually the cheapest to produce that's why he gets such a huge profit despite limited runs.
Your comment on plastics in meaningless.
>Believe it or not, there has been R&D going on to combat the scalping issue over the years. I remember when runs were as low as 100 units, and now we have a minimum of 500 and more frequently 1000 runs. Stricter restrictions on ordering applied as well.
Mostly lies. There's been no effort to stop scalping. Poots doesn't check if you use multiple accounts to ship to the same address so people can still get multiples very easily. Especially with the scalping markup since that pays for the extra shipping costs.
Yes now he does 1000 units.
Unfortunately there's now 10k+ people who own a box. Do the math genius.
>Just because the kickstarter got 12 million doesn't mean he has a ton of extra money to throw around for risking excess copies of nongame models. That $12m is going into production and labor costs more than anything.
Actually most of it goes to their rent because they insist on being based in an expensive as fuck city.
Poots is a dumbaa. Just deal with it.
I've been in on KD since day 1 and I can safely tell you that Poots is one of the worst businessmen alive. Period.
It makes things a lot easier to digest once you come to terms with the fact that he's retarded.
Do you feel better now? Sperging all out?
At the end of the day you don't know shit about the business or what is going on exactly with Poots good or bad unless you are working for him or know him in person.
We can all speculate while sitting in our houses arguing with other neckbeards in /kdm/
>Get lit up.
>D-do you feel better now ;_;
>N-no one can possibly know all this!
jfc take the L and hold it in your chest
>preordered on backerit
>card charged today
what does it mean
I'm really excited for the Gambler.
That you should expect it to ship in December
>Not Atnas
Buddeh, not only do we have to go on a magical quest to be able to fight him he's supposed to be on par if not harder than the ivory dragon.
>tfw people aren't getting the gambler box
Those poor souls.
How many stone face bases are in the box?
I know it has for the starting survivors, what about the monsters?
It comes with ten of them.
You can easily recast them with greenstuff by making press-molds out of Oyumaru.
>what about the monsters?
nope they get plain bases
>Missing it this badly
You obviously don't catan.
Do it, I'm genuinely interested
The game is pretty basic. It probably wouldn't have done nearly as well without all the buzz about the shitton of models and absurd scarcity.
I made oyomaru molds and cast a bunch of face bases in resin then broke them up to make bigger ones for the monsters.
That looks pretty slick.
Planning to tackle the GSK soon and damn, I am not sure if I'm confident enough to attempt NMM on that mother fucker.
guys help its been a week since my card was charged for shipping and i still don't have any shipping number reeeeeeeeeee
over 2 weeks before getting charged and blip, this is normal
Lion Knight's base is super good for this too if you want some screaming faces
What does the anonymous survivor miniature look like?
The second round of Wave 1 shipments hasn't gone out yet, somebody said in the last thread it was on the KD twitter.
If I had to guess I'd say "thicc."
Probably exactly like her art.
Like shit
It hasn't been started yet. She'll stand at least a head taller than most survivors, intended to be 7 feet tall. It's possible that there could be a different pose from the original semi-relaxed stance.
Can you actually describe what about the design you dislike about the design, or are you just going to bitterly post this in every thread?
So my group just got anally ravaged by the butch boy. What can we do to fight this dude? Is it even winnable the first fight?
Yes, absolutely. There's a few things you can do (spoilers for those who want to experience the fight raaaaw)
Bone darts are great against him, build a pair or two. They avoid a lot of his nasty reactions
Bring some bandages, he usually ends up killing people through bleed tokens
A rawhide armor set with a leather shield is your friend.
And if all else fails, just send 4 lambs to the slaughter. But seriously, he's quite beatable and nothing like the reaming you're going to get from the other nemesis.
Dash, Surge, and at least two full rawhide sets, with a bow and something that can damage him reliably.
Get good you scrub, use katars with lions set to pounce for gud damage.
Is that the genderbend belt on her tiddies?
The goes that the original male survivor got vestaphobia before they found the Strange Spot, so they can't wear chest armor. They rolled the high result on the event, so they got the stat buffs, which was fluffed as translating into the amazonian proportions.
The belt on her breasts is a clever design choice to avoid outright nudity.
Mostly done with my prologue survivors.
The point of a light box is not to cast a huge shadow on your models.
Also you could use a photo larger than a few inches.
>The Resins can be produced in bigger runs than 500. Anyone that tells you a resin mold can't do 500 minis is retarded or chinese and that doesn't excuse the lack of recasts for stuff that had less than 500 units.
Produced by hand by some french guy.
You are a fucking idiot.
>thinks producing resin minis is difficult
i have not received my box yet and i am still wondering if i should go with the really dark miniatures with directional light from lanterns. though i have never done anything like that before and i have no idea how to do directional light.
any mini artists you guys like to follow the work of?
Google "Origin source lighting tutorial"
Am I a bad person for buying their stuff from chinaman recasters?
>limits mini numbers and doesn't give a shit about scalpers.
No. Fuck em.
can somebody help me estimate the value of this?
i bought it on marktplaats for 100 bucks and i was wondering if i should sell the limited ones i get in the satan pledge to recoup some of it. since i dont really care about limited stuff.
to be honest i probably shouldnt have bought it but it was the first time i saw a kd:m offer in my countries second hand site.
also. how can i see the difference between resin and plastic. with gw i just look at the color but i can really see the difference between the limited ones and the regular ones. so i am not sure if its all resin or if i am blind.
if it's on a sprue, it's plastic.
Mm... I see that. Daddy gave you good advice
i thought the sprue was clipped apart. since you can still see some parts attached to a sprue.
but i geuss thats something different
There aren't many good KD artists, most of the elite painters work mainly with GW stuff and bigger figures and busts. As far as I have seen, a few that do or have done nice KD stuff are Bohun, Kat Martin, Ringil, Scott Hockley, Elizabeth Beckley (she's the KD studio painter apparently), Mark A. Brooks, Vardek, the guys at Craftworld Studio, Jessica Rich, Shoshie, the Brush Brothers... and I think that's all I can remember right now. Going to coolminiornot and filtering by brand and score will show you very nice works.
My tombstone has arrived. I'm really surprised it was so fast.
t. French again
who's that popful-looking high-cut leotard lady?
Can you see if it was shipped from Germany, and if so, from whom?
It came from the UK.
>we are at a point where Inselaffen are faster and more competent in delivery than we Krauts
Truly dark times we live in.
"Your estimated delivery date is Monday, 30 October 2017, as requested we will deliver your parcel between 06:00 and 22:00"
Fuck Yeah!!!
But how on earth am I supposed to be at home between 06:00 and 22:00, I have a job.
At least you're still better at delicatessen and depression.
Orders from UK started shipping last week, I guess that includes UK, Spain and France at least.
Take the day off.
Only if life was that simple
>be at home between 06:00 and 22:00, I have a job.
Do you work for 15 hours a day or what?
Then tell a neighbour to take the package for you or let a family member wait for it in your home.
On Mondays I usually work about 9-10 hours, I'm quitting this January.
Live alone and my neighbors are just on the "good morning" terms.
I live 5 minutes away form work, last delivery I got called and said he would be at my place around 13:00, I manage to go home early arrived 12:50. there was a note in my post box that he was there 12:45.
Had to wait 3 days to get that order (It was Friday) and I had to pick it up from them or pay extra delivery fee.
I'm trying to prevent that shenanigans again.
German post was never particularly reputable.
But trains were always on time.
Did you visit some kind of Bizzaro Germany?
Maybe you can call DPD and change the delivery address.
Any special shop? I am looking for bigger models like the King, but apart from BlackMarketMiniatures couldn't find them... Legion-Forge let's you "buy" stuff, but they never actually send an invoice... Aliexpress and Taobao shops I found pretty much only carry pinups..
I have bought from Orz Hobby in China and also from a recaster from eastern europe I don't remember the name, both good quality and cheap.