Shadespire general

New shadespire warbands up for pre order tomorrow (releasing next week)

How is Veeky Forums getting on with shadespire? It's been a big hit in my local independent gaming store. After multiple games I gotta say 4 player games are awesome, especially with the easily inspired Khorne warband.

Favourite teams? Tactics?

I think it looks and play cool. Nice quick game, hope there will be more narrative bone trown at us with it.

Make HE already...AoS minis dont suck so I want to start some fantasy army. My Mordheim Skavens need good counter weight.

Still can’t win a game as Khorne. It’s like conceptually I know what I need to do to win, but it just doesn’t happen.

I find it easier to win with them. I usually spend the first few rounds avoiding combat and instead focusing on objectives. Once i get some decent ploy cards and upgrades on garrek or saek I go balls deep on my opponent.

I made the mistake of playing Khorne aggressively, the advice of another user was to be patient rather than feed and attack after upgrading. Makes a big difference.

Models are painted and cards are prepared for tomorrow, where we'll have a first big trial run with several groups. Looking forward to it.
I'd wish they'd released the two extra warbands alongside the main game for varieties sake, but that's only for a small window, I guess.

DON'T play them like you'd think Khorne plays. Take your time, hang back, pick your targets and overwhelm isolated opponents.
Saek will be your best friend.

I did make that mistake at first. I have tried playing defensive, going for objectives, and getting the snowball going by sacrificing the 2 wound guys early. No luck.

I’m not giving up but it’s a little disheartening.

People at the flgs are already fucking around with custom warbands. At least two guys plan on fielding Freeguild (Greatswords and Free Company respectively), one wants Blightkings and one Kharadron.
Also discussed were Dispossessed, Ghouls and savage orcs.

I guess the skeleton looks okay.

Releasing the starter with Boringcast and Bloodbloods made that inevitable.
I get that they want ammo for the rolling release mill, but it seems like a mistake not to have other options at the start.
I haven't picked it up for that reason, and I'll probably leave it until I get an opportunity to pick up a core deck set without needing to drop eighty bucks on the big box.

Those photos make it look like the starter boxes come with decks.
I was told I would need to buy the original core box to get access to what I needed to play.
Which is true?

Aaaaand I just saw at the bottom of that page that it says you'll still need the core box, so presumably they are X-Winging the cards?

How is the game like? Is it fun to play?

Core box has generic cards.

It also has the game boards. Though it seems more will be available to buy shortly. I think in future you'll be able to just buy a board, some dice and a expansion. Seems like they're releasing factional dice too.

>I think in future you'll be able to just buy a board, some dice and a expansion.

I hope so.

The core box is actually not terribly priced, but since I have no desire to play either faction, and the rules don't seem to be particularly complex, it's a bit of a fuck in the ass to pay $60 for thirty cards and two bits of hexed cardboard.

I really dig it. I love how fast it plays. Can easily get half a dozen games in a game night instead of one AoS 2k Battle.
Just waiting for more factions so we can play with 4 Warbands without copies. Only did one 4Player game so far but it was great fun.

I'm getting those Orcs for WHF characters

Annoyed the feet are part of the base

What size are the hexes on the board? 1.5"? 1.75"? 2"?

I'm really intrigued by the rules but I don't really care at all for the Stormcast or Khorne models and not much more for the Skeletons or Orcs. If they announce some good looking Skaven, Lizardmen or Elf warbands I'd probably be all over it.

I'd love to see a seraphon warband. I hope it's something that they continue to support, and from the look of things it is

Some nurlge warband would be dope too. I've alreayd said they could just contaminate hexes or objectives to negate support rolls or something. Contaminate enough and bam inspired

That's the other thing I'm worried about, I'd hate to get into it only for it to get the six or so teams they detail in the booklet and then be left dead after a year.

so is this tight named immutable team members kind of game or is it more of bloodbowl league based member growth game?

GW marketing fucked up Shadespire. It's actually supposed to be Wahammer Underworlds: Shadespire because they're going to do more installments with different cities.

Is there no scan or pdf of the rulebook? I wanted to read it while I waited for my core set to arrive.

I'm OP, I'm not GW marketing just a player who only plays shadespire due to needing to buy tanks to finish my army. (Unable to buy tanks til at least feb due to needing to buy another car)

I do really like shadespire though.

Best Khorne hero? Using an inspired Garrek with suitable upgrades I was able to one hit stormcast last night. In a 3 player free for all game stormcast got wiped first.

Leaks for anyone who hasn't seen them

Mmm. Your warband consists of set named characters, no character growth or list building. The whole idea seems to be quick to just pick up and play, and it does accomplish this.


I can see it getting repetitive unless we at least get new boards or warbands soon beyond the two coming next week. After 8 or 9 games I'm already finding it a little repetitive. 3 or 4 player games do make it a lot more fun though.

>among the next 4 warbands will be another Boringcast and another fucking bloodblood
This makes me more angry than it should honestly. I understand that AoS is basically a Fantasy Marines product, but why another khorne warband. I even like khorne, but come on, there are 3 other chaos gods. And at least nurgle should nearly as well as khorne. I mean they tempt people to buy every warband anyway, so why force us to buy 2 warbands twice? Absolute dick move imho.
end of the rant.

More blog:
I bought my corebox yesterday and the flgs owner forgot to order the card sleeves of the first wave. He thought they'd be released with the skellis and orcs. But he told me that basically every flgs owner at the SPIEL in Essen he talked to, said that Shadespire is selling like real hot cakes. Makes me wonder if GW is just lucky or they are actually some kind of geniuses.

>even though I pre-ordered on day 1 copy hasn't arrived...

>Store manager called head office and apparently the orders have been lost by the delivery.

>Hopefully gonna get it Thursday Friday...

Fuck UPS

Still pre-ordering the 2 new warbands, wanna make a skelly exodia deck

Results from a tourney, someone posted in a fb group.
Also to quote the poster:
>Well played [name] who averaged over 10 Glory a game with Blood Reavers. Garrek with Grisley Trophies was the big money maker for [name] I hear.

>Releasing another Stormcasts and Khorne set before a Kharadron Overlords set
What the FUCK is wrong with GW?

Bad ideas. Why not replaced ranged stormcast with wood elves instead? Why not replace Khorne with a diferent chaos faction?

So, how many of you already have an assembled or even painted warband?

I got my core set yesterday, everything is assembled and about 40% painted overall. I'm really enjoying painted these guys as they are different to what I usually paint.

Still assembling. I'm stuck at deciding if I should sawp the SCE leaders head

Is there any mix and matching? Like can you take any 3 members of stormcast?

skaven are going to be part of wave 2 (the other four warbands).

So far I've won more games with khorne (with hunting easy objectives, and killing only when needed for a card), but stormcast are my fav despite of loosing for a few times.

is this like a mordheim kind of game?

No, it's x-wing meets AoS in a hex based arena

Just had my first three games with the finished warband. Lost 2-1 to the Khornates. Good times, though I really need to get better with my cards.
Fuck Saek.

Those helmets are a neat idea. Do you plan to cut off the ear thingies? They look a little high-tech.

>be patient
>avoid combat


Contrary to popular belief, Khorne is not always about frothing lunatics.

This is weak straggler killer Khorne.
Big bad mad Khorne is coming later.

Nah senpai preset warbands because they're balanced.

I see lollipop chainsaw bitch got reforged

Reminds me of this mini.

I liked the females old brown ponytail better, nice paintjob but her hair is an eyesore IMO. No offense.

Is that blutack?

How to not play like a pleb

wip slaanesh conversions.
any tips for non blurry photos with a phone camera?

- Take photos of single miniatures and paste them together afterwards.
- Tap the darkest part of the mini you want to photograph.
- Stay a bit further away if your camera is shitty.

Thanks ill try that.

I see Arnulf; who is the other guy?

Samefag. Just realized it's Karsus. Very nice work user.

Assuming the minis are supposed to be based as if they are actually in Shadespire why does Obryns base have the remains of a Stormcast Eternal statue? Why would they have statues of Stormcasts in Shadespire?

Also what do people think has happened to the missing Stormcasts in Shadespire? has Nagash somehow got hold of their souls? Will this actually have a pay off? Are interesting things finally happening?

Stormcast went in to find a cure for their memory degradation everytime they respawn; but then they got split up and lost. Pic related.



Maybe 2018. Rumour is that shadespire is just one of the "warhammer underworlds" settings, expect other settings with other warbands.

So who's preordering dem skellies and orcs? Gonna grab the orc dice because GREEN.

I'm grabbing both. Though really interested in Orcs.

Same here. After seeing the number of people that wann play guard I might go orcs myself. They seem like they could be pretty fun. But no ugly yellow armor haha

Anyone know the price of today's pre orders in Canadough?

Not 100% sure but quick conversions was like 30ish per warband and 10 for the dice. Still waiting for them to preorder on the west coast :(

Just pre-ordered skellies in the UK. They best come with a full deck, i want to be able to olay my khorne/stormcast without having to constantly deckbuild.

I head there was like 50 cards or something per deck. 30 for anyone and 20 specific to the warband

My local store should get skellies on wednesday so I'll find out more then and report back.

I've already settled on SCE for Shadespire, so I'm mostly interested in the 'ard Boys for AoS, since they got neat rules, but will probably grab both just for varieties sake.

>Slayers that will fight for anyone that pays them

Welcome to two years ago, user.

Anyone have a picture of Brightshield with bare abs yet? I've seen tons of shitposts about it and wanted to see how it looks before I try it.

I've successfully stayed out of this slow-mo car crash for seven or eight years, but everything I heard about Shade was good.
But if honour = money for Dwarfs now, I might have to bail again.

It's not all dwarfs, it's just one sect. And they still believe in the purity of a contract, never changing sides until the contract is over.
Normal dwarves are still totally autistic about grudges and debts and honour and the like.

>It's not all dwarfs, just teh dwarfs who were previously the most singleminded about grudges andhonour.

AoS is in fact a new setting. And there are four armies of Dwarves now.

Dispossessed Dwarves still have traditional Slayers.

So, what's their goal with this?

Why even do a rigid skirmish game? The market is flooded with that

Fyreslayers are their own thing. Don't stick to your old notions, they don't hold true.

Because they want a slice of the pie and can at least count on their name and the quality of their minis to draw some playerbase, regardless of how well the ruleset turns out to be (which, incidentally, is pretty good)?

>So, what's their goal with this?
To compete with X-wing.

Why isn't Garrek wearing any shoes?

Because he's HARDCORE
That's like asking why none of them wear armor, or how you can throw an axe on a chain effectively.

Debating getting orcs or stormcast. Both seem like their up my alley with heavy armor and hard attacks, but the orcs have one more dude, which is usually very useful.

I'd be able to suspend my disbelief at least a little if the chain was longer but it's comically short.

Thinking about converting mine to have a spear since it make more sense.

The orcs are much better models. I'd go with orcs.
But I also had a O&G army. So I may be biased.

Not sure about the market for skirmish games; but as a fairly new player who has only played 40k i will give my view on shadespire.

It's nice to be able to play games without myself or my opponent constantly checking my list or indexes for stats and special rules.

It's also very fast, I can play a game in 30 mins and I can just jump right into a game. I guess my favourite thing is how simple it is, it might sound a bit casual but it's just fun. It doesn't have the depth 40k or AoS has but it's nice easy relaxed fun.

Don't get me wrong, it doesn't replace the depth of list building or that nice feeling you get playing your army, but in terms of gameplay its a nice fun relaxed blast. 4 player games are great fun too.

Stormcast are good early game but bad endgame in my experience. They have some decent objectives (such as charge and kill an enemy to score) but their warband specific upgrades really suck in my opinion when compared to Khorne.

I jut want some fucking elves. Goddamnit. At least the skeletons are cool.

To cuck FFG for dropping their license and making their own Tabletop game.

>FFG for dropping their license
Actually it was GW autistic tantrum.
>Warhammer RPG sells like shit
>Star Wars RPG are third most popular systems
>Warhammer conquest, great game, but unpopular because of "no muh brilliant miniatures"
>Star Wars Destiny are 4th most popular card game

>and making their own Tabletop game.
Yeah that worked out great too. The models are boardgame level and more expensive than GW's shit.
Since the initial release they added exactly 0 new items to it.

>The models are boardgame level
They are better than most of GW stuff
>more expensive than GW's shit.
And you don;t need to buys shitton of boxes to start.

>They are better than most of GW stuff
That's a matter of opinion/taste. From a technical pov they are an inferior product though. I'm not even a GW fanboy defending them. GW is technically excellent, but they have shit designs these days. But the FFG plastic is clearly not as good.
>And you don;t need to buys shitton of boxes to start.
Did you really look at the game at all? It aims at a similar model count as GW's games.
The argument 'don't need much to start' could apply to AoS too. It's in fact of GW markets it.

Those new dice look really good. Looks like I have to go all in on Shadespire.

Looking forward to the new Bloodbound Warband. I really like Blood Warriors and a new Fleshhound is giving me hope for new plastic Khornedogs some time in the future. I mean they already have a model from the Khorne Lord. Just make 5 with slightly different poses and I'd buy 30 in a heartbeat.

>They are better than most of GW stuff

Rabid anti-GW faggotry at it's very worst.

FFG could sell literal shit with the Star Wars logo and it would sell like hotcakes. Not really an accomplishment. I have like 200€ worth of X-Wing but it died out where I live. It's an ok game but it's really only popular because of the license.

>they are an inferior product though
Yes, but unlike GW models X-wing at least have original design and aesthetics
>The argument 'don't need much to start' could apply to AoS too
Except few facts:
1) Just as 40k AoS designed for 2k pts games
2) Starters are less 500 pts