Veeky Forums BTFO
Veeky Forums BTFO
no idea do i read this rifgt to left left to right up down backwards middle to left then upright of what the fuck
At least read a GOOD fantasy manga like Dungeon Meshi.
Look at this, I don't need to read a wall of text to get the joke here.
Its a compilation niggers, also GS is good at what it does.
>At least read a GOOD fantasy manga
>Dungeon Meshi.
Pffft you fucking loser.
Is there any rape?
In goblin slayer? Yes, but it's for edgy shock value.
Berserk is better
>not liking Dungeon meshi
get the fuck out you pathetic mongrol
It's great fap material desu.
Nah how about you fuck off and kill yourself you faggot?
A scintillating discussion, this one.
As much as I hate Goblin Slayer, I do hope the guy does more stuff. He has some awesome designs and I love the concept of practical fantasy.
Stop trying to act hard by not liking Dungeon Meshi
Dude dungeon meshi is top tier
shit taste confirmed
Being a piece of anime tripe/monster rape fetish?
It's the one thing that makes the manga unlikeable.
Horrifying yet clearly intended for fap purpose rape.
I guess some like it because of it.
>Oh look another Goblin Slayer thread on Veeky Forums
/a/ must be really shitty with all these fucking refugees.
Nope, believe it or not, multiple think you're a faggot.
If Goblin Slayer wanted to actually be interesting - let alone maintain any pretense at being good - then by now, we would have encountered a good goblin, or at least something that seems like a good goblin.
A character like Goblin Slayer, with such artistically single-minded devotion to something, isn't interesting unless at some point their worldview is directly challenged. Likewise having goblins be always evil all the time is just an excuse to write for a mass murdering psychopath. He's the Punisher. That's it. And the Punisher is a worthless piece of trash who has killed or tried to kill people for littering and running red lights.
Goblin Slayer needs to be nearly killed but then saved by a goblin; or witness a goblin give its life to protect non-goblins; or even just go into a town to acquire supplies and encounter a goblin shopkeeper. Something to directly challenge his worldview.
Maybe then the comic will be interesting.
So you come to Veeky Forums, post some bullshit thread, and respond to people calling your bullshit with reaction pics? Real quality thread you made here m8.
>Going as far as IP changing to try to prove a point
Not that it matters, meshifags are all fags
I'm not the OP.
Well that reduces your shitposting faggotry by a small amount. Unless you're lying, very likely, in which case you're a double faggot.
Bruh? I'm a filthy casul who plays videogames on consoles and posts from a $200 laptop. I don't even know HOW to change my IP.
Maybe multiple people just think you're a faggot. Denial is good ego protection though, I get that.
>Veeky Forums BTFO
How is Veeky Forums BTFO? Are you just using the acronym without understanding what it's used for?
Wait wait wait... you think I IP-changed to prove a point... after you made your post? That wouldn't change my screenshot at all. I'd have to know beforehand you were planning on making that post.
I think multiple people just think you're a retarded faggot.
That's exactly what a faggot loser would say, which you are one.
>double faggot
No that would be you. At any rate the most important thing is,
Or you could be an autismal faggot like all meshifags. Really, your ilk is just the worst, do the world a favor and end your life.
>Thanks for the (you)'s you fucking cuck retards!
>No that would be you. At any rate the most important thing is,
Can't even finish the insult. So 30 posts in and all there is are 2 potential shitposters and Veeky Forums calling them shitposters.
is that way
Littering lowers the quality of life for the entire neighbourhood, and running red lights can easily lead to the deaths of innocent people, including women and children.
Punisher does nothing wrong yet again.
But it's directly stated that the Punisher has never killed an innocent by supernatural beings once or twice in the comics.
Ergo if there was some bullshit comic where he killed people for littering, those litterers must have also been rapists or something.
Punisher fucks YOU, user.
>Not even worthy of a full insult
Kind of btfo of yourself there, mate.
What's your problem with Dungeon Meshi? Is it just not manly enough for you, like your edgy murder-rape carnivals?
Inb4 Goblin Slayer turns out to be a woman.
no human is innocent. Dogs are the only true bearers of humanity
What is even the point of this thread? What intent did you have when making it?
The storytelling reads very disjointed and the setting is rather bland. Don't mistake me though, I dislike goblin slayer much more, meshi is at least not boring.
Or you were just an idiot that forgot to finish before your rage clenched sphincter squeezed too tight.
Just got here myself (check the poster count), and you're legitimately a faggot with terrible taste. What are you even doing on this board not liking Dungeon Meshi?
Without an asspull of mistaken identity by the author, it's not really possible since flashback memories have shown goblin slayer as a young lad.
>Just got here myself (check the poster count)
If you think that means anything, regardless of tastes you're actually mentally deficient.
You realize the 'double faggot' thing was reserved for OP if it was clear you were OP and were lying about it. Isolating that specifically just implies you really are OP, were triggered enough to respond, and dropped yet another macro because you just want to shitpost.
Either way, sage'd
You're really reaching there bru
And now you're covering your ass.
>storytelling reads very disjointed
What? It's literally a linear plot, what more do you want?
I'd also argue it's a unique and interesting setting, but interest is a matter of personal preference.
fkin lol you're either super paranoid or super dumb
>double faggot
simp retard
I know it's linear, I mean disjointed in that it's very stop and go, despite being a contiguous story. You can make a case that by chapter format that's acceptable but I don't consider than an excuse.
Yeah dude. Everyone else is just manipulating all evidence of them being multiple people to fuck with you. It can't just be that multiple people disagree with you and think you're an idiot.
Goblin slayer is not good
That's not the point, the point is trying to rely on Veeky Forums thread stats to prove something is retarded.
Didnt seem edgy or shocking desu. Ppl fought goblins and goblins did some raping.
What was edgy? That a monster race performed as a monster?
What was shocking? That ill prepared adventurers died or worse?
Seemed approriate. Grow some fucking balls you fucking cuck.
It's edgy because it's how the author created the goblin race in his setting to be, they don't have females apparently (so I've been told in threads before by regular readers) so have to reproduce by captured rape victims? An entire race like that, and one that is incredibly numerous? Apply some logic here.
If they raped just for their own pleasure that's one thing. But being some weird parasitic race which basically requires rape to continue existing? Come on now.
>That's not the point
It was my point.
New chapter when?
>Retards make retarded points.
Surprise of the centry
Actually, this presents some weird problems in the setting lore, too. If goblins need to rape to repopulate, why do they do things like stabbing women through the stomachs before doing it or using them as target practice? They rely wholly on another race for re-population, so they shouldn't be wasteful.
It's almost like the artist just likes drawing that stuff.
Exactly, it's very dumb and obviously for edgy shock value.
I think we both know the answer to that already.
Why are we still here. Just to suffer?
Is that supposed to be someone? They look really familiar?
best stern ritter
Berserk WAS better