>Playing 5e
>Playing fighter who adventures to prove himself to his childhood love's father and gain her hand in marriage
>Exchange letters with her and flesh out the relationship
>Character is smitten with her
>Finally have opportunity to return to village
>Walk inside her house and DM describes being fucked by 5 or 6 guys
>DM is in tears of laughter describing this saying he planned it from day 1
Why is this allowed?
Playing 5e
Have you tried not playing shit DMs on the internet?
Have you tried not playing DnD which is basically a containment RPG for shitters anyway?
OP find yourself a better DM
>"If ya can't beat 'em, join 'em."
What's the matter, can't roleplay disgust, shock, anger and maybe jealousy?
Its a game, sometimes shit stuff happens to your character. You just gotta role with it. Nothing to do with the DM - imagine its just the events that took place in your characters life - what would he do next? kill all 6 men and then the lover? drop trou and join in, starting a polygamous/swinger relationship?
Back away like homer into the hedge and pretend it never happened, as the love for the person is so strong it doesn't matter what they do, you'll still love them anyway?
sounds like a character defining and potentially character changing moment, I hope you made the most of it and didn't just sperg out at the DM for doing things you didn't expect or didn't approve of - that's kind of his job. A campaign without at least one "what the fuck?" moment aint much of campaign
I mean first, I'll take "things that never happened."
Second, Except the meme that D&D is a containment RPG. Cancer is everywhere. Except in Battletech.
Or the DM was just being a fucking dick, rather than trying to write a good story. Honestly, it's a much more likely explanation.
DM just projected his cuck fetish, that's pathetic but how did you not see it coming?
didn't you know the DM prior to the game?
>the DM was just being a fucking dick
All I hear is "the meta was just metagaming a metagaming meta"
I guess if you're in an environment where you question the DM at every turn you can just blame him for everything you don't like.
All my experiences with D&D are where the DM is no longer the DM but the story-generating machine and you never have to think about the mechanics of what a DM should or shouldn't do - I'm sure this isn't the norm though and we probably just have a great, balanced DM
Kill them. Kill her. Optionally kill DM. Leave game.
It's that the player expected a feelgood adventure story romp, in the style of Princess Bride etc., and the GM decided to shit on that. That's why talking about your expectations for the game beforehand is important.
Or the DM was just being a fucking dick.
pathetic if true
>kill dudes
>drag her thot ass to yer father
>demand sizable dowry to take the idiot slut off his hands
>continue life as planned
Or if this was a rape, like if the DM planned her rape and then laighed about it, tell absolutely everyone and make sure no one respects him ever again.
Don't play with shit DMs
Dumb bait poster.
why are you not playing gurps ?
>It's that the player expected a feelgood adventure story romp
We have no evidence of what kind of campaign they're playing - they could be playing lawful evil spider-liches who go around murdering children for all we know.
The expectations of the players shouldn't be too important - a good DM will fuck with them every now and then. As long as the players are playing the general game they agreed upon (like playing a spider-lich child abduction campaign) and not being forced to play an entirely different campaign its ok. Minor background things that aren't vital to the campaign, like a characters obsession / love with a random NPC are fine to be shat on by a DM on occasion in my opinion. A good player will use that situation to advance their character, get some development. A bad player will cry "wah wah bad DM is Bad and made my true love a slut ablooboo"
>Or the Meta was just metagaming a metagaming meta
I agree
>GURPS doesn't have shitty GMs because no one runs it
"I kill them all and piss on her corpse."
First, shit GM detected.
Second, if you plan to have a downer twist, AND you don't want to talk to the player before taking away his agency - do you still need to have the PC fucked by six guys? One was more than enough, and didn't even need to fuck the guy. Playing it like that is a clear sign of ThatGM.
Challenging player expectations is all good and fine, but even then it should be done in a manner that is consistent with the tone of the campaign. You can't insert a scene from Berserker into a Princess Bride game just to mess with your players, without leaving a sour taste in everyone's mouth.
I'm not sure if you're a shitposter or just retarded, either way, I'm glad I'll never play a game with you.
>do you still need to have the PC fucked by six guys
>shit GM detected
This isn't something I would do as a GM, I'm approaching this from a players point of view. Any situation like this should be a place for character development, not sperging at the DM about being a bad DM because bloo bloo my NPC love.
If your DM does these kinds of things, it should be no surprise to you (as hopefully you know the DM at least a little bit) and you should probably find a new DM if you can't deal with it or take it light-heartedly.
There are so many roleplay options around this kind of situation, I feel sorry for you that the only thing you can think of is "Shit GM Detected"
>epic monologe by NPC at high point of the campaign
I really hope this isn't how you roleplay
>consistent with the tone of the campaign
and we have no reference to what that is at this stage. If it was a raucous polygamy world, then our DM friend is right in line with the setting.
>Moving the goalposts this hard
If you had balls you'd bully the DM about his cuckoldry fetish until the first thing anybody thinks about when hearing his name is "oh, the cuck".
yeah stick with your DM who gets the love-of-your-life NPC fucked by 6 dudes my friend :^)
I would be far more subtle and would probably go for a "dear john" letter while on campaign. Heart is already broken, may not even decide to go back to the village. If the PC does he finds the love happy with her new bf,
on a swing somewhere laughing and cuddling
Oh but we do have a reference, the OP clearly wasn't expecting that to happen. That suggests that it wasn't a raucous polygamy world.
your DM is an asshole,never play with him again,and if you have to play whith him for some reason,collaborate as little as you can
This was my original post in this thread:
"sounds like a character defining and potentially character changing moment, I hope you made the most of it and didn't just sperg out at the DM for doing things you didn't expect or didn't approve of"
I'm just reiterating it
Was this when you realized your character was becoming pic related?
>I hope you made the most of it and didn't just sperg out at the DM for doing things you didn't expect or didn't approve of - that's kind of his job.
This one was painfully stupid, though. It’s a moron’s idea of a joke, concluding a story that never called for a punchline. I don’t know why you’d want to hang around someone like that at all. To make yourself feel smarter by comparison, maybe?
>Multiple people disagree with me
>They must all be OP
user pls.
Or that OP was living in a fantasy world within a fantasy world.
What if they were spider-liches murdering families and torturing entire villages - keeping them alive on stakes with health potions to please mephistopheles?
Then is having a random NPC fucked by 6 guys ok? It might just be part of the daily life of sigil
Perhaps to roleplay. Even just a little?
Or don't you guys usually roleplay when you play D&D?
I feel bad for you if thats the case and you just deal with legitimately shitty DMs all the time
I think multiple people in this thread are getting overprotective about an NPC in someone elses campaign. Sex happens in real life guys, you might have to deal with it. What better place to start that with roleplay?
I don't roleplay with people's who's idea of good roleplay situations is "LOL YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING WHILE I KEK YOU IN A GAME OF PRETEND!"
Because honestly, best case scenario, I'm going to call you a faggot and never play with you ever again. Going "IT WAS JUST A JOKE BRO, WHY DON'T YOU ROLEPLAY!?" doesn't make you any less of a faggot.
The way I see it there's three possibilities:
A) the GM didn't convey the setting tone properly to the players
B) the player was oblivious to what kind of setting he's playing in
C) the GM decided to pull a shitty stunt just to mess with the player
In two of those three cases the GM is at fault, so the odds are that he's a shit GM.
Child slavery and gang-rape happens in real life too. That doesn't mean I wana play a game of pretend about it, you fucking retard.
Goddamn, part of me knows you're baiting, but part of my gut also says you really ARE this retarded.
While the specifics here are fucking retarded, there is nothing wrong with things not going the PCs way, or that NPCs have their own lives they live.
>it's a "the op is a cuck" thread
Oh boy!
> there is nothing wrong with things not going the PCs way.
When the DM thinks it's a hilarious joke to do this to players on purpose with no context, warning signs, or interaction from the players. He's a shit DM.
Stop changing your arguments to try to save face on an anonymous board, it's tiresome, pathetic, and shits up the entire topic.
But that's what you want, huh? Here is another (you) I guess.
Nigga that was my first post in the thread.
>When the DM thinks it's a hilarious joke to do this to players on purpose with no context, warning signs, or interaction from the players. He's a shit DM.
I strongly disagree. Having a dramatic/comedic twist doesn't make someone a shitty DM. I get feeling hurt because things didn't turn out how you wanted them to, but that's life, sometimes things don't work out. It's also a game, and there's no reason to get so upset over it.
>Rocks fall, your character is dead, I'm the best DM ever!
Here is another you. I'm done after this one though, this is just sad now. Enjoy your "victory".
>marrying a girl who you just caught fucking six other dudes
What the fuck is wrong with you?
>Epic monologue by NPC at the end of campaign
>Not a sign of a shit GM
Also, let me reiterate too: it could be a character-defining moment without needing to go into dick move territory. Imagine for the PC to get there and discover his beloved is, and always was, married to another man. Bam! Drama, plot hooks, character development. "Hurr she cucks you with six niggers" is not.
She's just gaining experience, brah!
Am I supposed to complain after dicking two princesses, 53 prostitutes, a drider and a golem in my adventures?
We'll not mention the elf, he doesn't count because we were at sea.
While the player might savage this for some character development, the DM still handled it like shit.
Fucking with a love interest NPC is good fun, but laughing at your friends? That's not done, it's an easy way to stop being a DM and a friend.
He doesn't count anyway, because he was an elf.
Pledge to Nerull then and there and ruin his fun beheading her, presenting a war chant to the god of death and murder. Then kill the rest and fuck the corpses. Then kill the next innocent or innocuous NPC you meet that's obviously a mouthpiece, just to dick the DM's monologue.
Sometimes in life you just die of cancer, so there's nothing wrong with the GM smugly announcing that your character just randomly died of cancer. Right?
Obviously this. OP this is your chance, take it.
Normally, players can never really get a good reason to go bad, it would be a pretty good one.
Nerull is a pure boi anyway.
>Not having a table for % of developing cancer based on genetics, habits and environmental factors
>Not making players roll every day on said table
Step up your game, rollplayer.
>Why is this allowed?
Because this happens IRL, friend. There are more than enough women who pretend to be loving wives, but in the meantime fuck strangers in her husband's bed and feed them her husband's fancy wines and expensive cigars. Your character is lucky though, he lives in the middle ages so maybe he can drag her to a town square and have her tarred and feathered for being a whore. The IRL examples I could mention are fucked because even if they divorce, they lose half their past, present and future assets and income.
Anyway, this is a turningpoint for your character and even if it's a prank, you're gonna be a big boy and play it straight. How would your character react? Would he be a broken shell of himself? Would he shrug it off? Or would he grow to despise women forever? Perhaps it evolves into a complex where he becomes excessively cruel to female opponents, torturing them where he'd allow a male opponent to run home with his tail between his legs?
>this is what /r9k/ actually believes
IRL all kinds stuff that has no place in a game happens. Refer back to .
>Women never, ever cheat on their husbands
>No-fault divorce doesn't exist
Of course only /r9k/ believes this. That's why marriage rates are plummeting and divorce is at an all-time high, right?
>IRL all kinds stuff that has no place in a game happens.
Nigga, are you seriously arguing that inter-character drama, cheating and betrayal have no place in a TTRPG? Stop being such a white knight and accept that women can be shitty people.
>Refer back to .
Look bud, just because your character isn't allowed to randomly die to cancer (because he's the fucking protagonist) doesn't mean he can't have family members randomly die of disease. Especially if it happens in a way that provides ample opportunity for character development (the old mentor doesn't always have to be killed by the BBEG to start a coming-of-age arc, you know!)
>skin cancer
I think you're wasting your time, many people here just seem to be afraid of a concept of cheating itself. I wonder why.
Problem is the DM wasn't looking to tell a story of spurned love, he was clearly just setting up a twisted prank so he could laugh at his player for getting invested.
Why are you acting like the DM did this to make a good story?
Wouldn't you be a little more fulfilled having an improv partner who isn't a monkey flinging shit at you?
Kill the gangbangers, then the DMs favourite most self inserting NPC character
When he asks why just laugh and tell him you've planned it all game
>>Walk inside her house and DM describes being fucked by 5 or 6 guys
This is probably a made up story, but it would've been much more interesting if you would've found out that she's married and pregnant or something.
Best option.
>Why is this allowed?
I am pretty sure it isn't.
Which other rpg system would you use for a adventurer campaign?
Sounds like you've only had shit DMs my friend.
Yep, I think its more the sign of a shit person than a shit DM. If OP knew the person DM-ing, he wouldn't be surprised at all at what happened
Was your fighter a whiteboii? This is important information.
Become an Apostle.
Make fun of your GM for being into NTR
Now you have a new quest OP. You gotta track down and fuck all those guys.
Why would you allow it? That's the part of the game where you stand up, bash his head into the table/wall/chair, then walk out.
Yeah this sounds like you need to tell the GM to fuck off with his cuckold fetish shit desu
This is why rpgs are a tabletop game not ones meant for playing through forums or voice chat you fucking retard. Play games with your friends in real life and you won't need to worry about their cuck garbage and if they actually try then you and everyone else at the table can smack then and tell them not to be such a colossal faggot