Tell me about female orcs, Veeky Forums

Tell me about female orcs, Veeky Forums
Do they even exist?
If they do, how does their society treat them?
If they don't, how do orcs reproduce?

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>Do they even exist?
>If they do, how does their society treat them?
Like all gypsies treat their women.

I don't know of gypsy culture, so how is that?

They shout at them a lot until they learn to shout back and generally expect them to be the house generals as they grow older, because the men are always away spending time in prison or getting killed.

...Well at least that's how Eastern Balkan gypsies do it.

>Do they even exist?


>If they do, how does their society treat them?

Poorly. Standard nomad-style gender relations, which means the most affectionate relationships can be summed up as "Darling, you were well worth the nine goats."

The leader of the orcs is a female at this point, but she's facing rebellion from her own extended family, and has a bad case of penis envy. The party is doing missions for her now, but the first female Warmaster may soon fall to the forces of the patriarchy.

Okay so assuming we are talking about actual Orcs and not ORKS
Then I'd say having females is obvious.

When talking about how they are treated in society I think it's all a question of gender di-morphism: If female orcs are just male orcs with a vagina or even if they differ in all parameters BUT muscle mass and natural aggressiveness, there is not alot of reason to assume that they will be treated in anyway different then the males.

UNLESS; we are talking about an abnormal society like:
Tolkinien orcs are in perpetual war and frequently tear each other apart in moments of weakness being pregnant in there may be a nightmare even if it's half a year.

Now in MY orcs:
Society is run like a military base with only the adult orcs getting to have a hut of their own or any say in tribal matters.
Females weigh less but are as aggressive as males. They take lovers but often end up claiming the children for themselves (which creates it's own problem) as for tradition.
Due to that females are actually highly regarded since most orcs grow up with a mother as the main figure of authority.
Chiefs are male though....orcs are hard on tradition.

They don't. Orcs are assexual and necrogenic, that is, each orc corpse scabs its wounds and becomes a womb for a new litter. That's why you must dismember and burn dead orcs.

... Orcs aren't meant to be anything beyond a menace here. Hobgoblins fill the racial niche, although being archers and animal tamers.

Aren't female orcs uncofirmed in Tolkien's works?

They're mostly doing all the work around their family farms. Not because they're ordered to, but because the men spend all day in garages tinkering up weird gadgets when they should be reaping the wheat and feeding the livestock.

How do you explain THIS then?

is this a joke about this being a face only a mother could love?

Was his face melted in acid or something?

I was actually referring to this But you made it funnier.

Nah that's a pan-gypsy thing.

>orcs normally have mothers as their main figure of authority
>orcs are hard on tradition
How isn't the tradition a matriarchy where the figurehead is a mother-like figure that all orcs want to protect?

All orcs have both male and female reproductive organs. They all also look like big ugly dudes so it's not like anyone really cares besides deviant sickfucks.

If an orc looks female and/or pretty, it's probably a diseased elf.

They want to protect their moms but they aren't as great leaders in the battlefield as men. And being a heavy military society that means that their main leader is a man.

>Do they even exist?
of course not

orcs come out of mud or mushrooms

All female. Think She-Hulk with tusks. They kidnap males of other sapient species, take them back to their camps, and make gentle love to them. Once the child or children are born, males who are the father's species with some Orc (bigger, stronger, more rugged) traits go back home with the dads, while daughters who are all orcs stay with the mother in the tribe. Orcs will often go back and kidnap their same "husband" once every few years.

So normal women folk absolutely hate orcs. Like, willing to go full Nazi genocide on them. Men who are known to have an Orc "wife" are ostracized.

Yes, this is the exact same post.


That's sweet. Thanks user.

>UNLESS; we are talking about an abnormal society like:
>Tolkinien orcs are in perpetual war and frequently tear each other apart in moments of weakness being pregnant in there may be a nightmare even if it's half a year.

Tolkien is on record saying that there are female orcs in his fiction
He just never mention them at all because they're all at home while the males are on campaign and therefore not relevant to the story

They do, but they're totally unenchanted fat homebodies that complain to their mates for food. The gossip incessantly between grunts, and pop out more kids then they can take care of. They also have the wrath of terrible soccermoms when anyone tries to harm their children. Their relationships are vincidictive and often abusive. They're also more p'orc than orc.

Tolkien was uncomfortable confirming anything about Orcs, since their nature contradicted his Catholic faith either way. He needed them to be okay to kill and an enemy you don't need diplomacy with, he needed them to evoke the horrors of war and of the general life of the two World Wars, and he needed them to exist as long as Elves without being the creation of any good being and as a result it could only be a corruption since evil cannot truly create.

So he kept their origin story in his notes, along with just about everything else he couldn't make up his mind on. Which is almost everything.

When he died, he left the canon to his son Christopher since he trusted Christopher to do right by it. Chris was left with a massive amount of notes, drafts, and even parts only contained in letters he sent to friends and fellow authors/historians. A lot of them are illegible, or without indication which was early drafts and which were later.

Christopher finally published the origin of Orcs that Tolkien leaned the most towards, which is they were Elves which were deceived by Melkor into fleeing from the Valar's holy light and later corrupted over many generations in a similar manner to the way Gollum was corrupted, by sinful envy.

Some people don't take Christopher's version as fully canon, even though word of god from JRR states that everything Christopher does is canon. Chris, for his part, spent so long working on everything that he's only released a handful of "new" work and all of it is things JRR was working on, Christopher wrote nothing of his own for continuity.

>Tolkien was uncomfortable confirming anything about Orcs

He was perfectly comfortable writing to one Mrs. Munby:
>There must have been orc-women. But in stories that seldom if ever see the Orcs except as soldiers of armies in the service of the evil lords we naturally would not learn much about their lives. Not much was known

Female Orcs are for creating Half-Orcs of course.

He was free and open with all his ideas in post, not so much in actual published work. TS Elliot practically got LotR chapter by chapter before it was published.

Tsunderes are one of those memes that should have never existed,

Emotional immaturity is a real thing which exists, user.

I like how you do Orcs.

Similar to how I prefer them run but my female Orcs don't fight (nor are they allowed to) since Orcs are a warlike society and NEED more Orcs running around.
So the females spend all their time looking after hearth and kin.
They are slightly stronger than a male Human, on average, and only fight when defending their home or if the Clan desperately needs more warm bodies for the raid.

The Clan treats them well, though they are allowed little freedom, they are rarely harmed by their Clan and it's not uncommon for different Orc Clans and Tribes to come to blows for more females.
More females = more Orcs.

Orcwomen are confirmed as fuck.

Depends on the setting, obviously

That said, for me, orcs are actually incredibly egalitarian when it comes to sex, mainly due to having very short gestation periods and almost no sexual dimorphism. They're judged by strength and accomplishment, just like every other orc. They're only pregnant for a few months, generally during the summer, before they give birth and drop off their children into the clan's communal raising-pits. Any further undue attention beyond that point is considered deviant and unfair coddling of the child, and tends to get their spawn assaulted by their peers.

Huh, Tsundere is actually kind of cute on a girl who's SUPPOSED to be a horrible violent monster.

I guess it's all relative.

So ... basically ... Orcs (Goblins) are Dark Elves (Drow) ... in LOTR, at least ...

Info coming soon.

Orcs treat most everyone the same. Female orcs are going to be natural fighters and will have to be naturally tough/strong.

Just like the male orc, weakness will lead to death.

Someone's been on Cedargroves gallery

>"It's fine, i can get my own trophies"


>and for fuck sake, do NOT click on this you sick ass fucker, no don--

GW Orcs/Orks

>My Orcs
Yes, basically they're a very tribal "strong = best" so while females do initally have a disadvantage there are some prominanat female warchiefs
However there's a current split in the ideology where if taking the best of other races and breeding with them is good, or if staying pure and working on making orc race just better overall is right.

They exist, look like amazons and are almost as strong as males, but rarely participate in raids because they are needed more at home to breed more orcs. The pregnancy is short and the babies mature quickly, but for the most part the females stay at home and only fight outside it either out of necessity or if they really need to prove something. (This also conveniently means that female orc raiders tend to be the young and hot ones trying to earn their respect.)

He seems pretty sincere though

What is this from?

And it's a terrible thing that should be condemned, like furries

It's... a normal part of human development... unlike furries.......

It's like looking at the price of the ring and saying your wife was worth every penny, and I don't see what's wrong with that.

>Poorly. Standard nomad-style gender relations,
Are actually very utilitarian/egalitarian compared to pastoral cultures.

You should study more.

It's true you don't see many Orc-women. And in fact, they are so alike in voice and appearance, that they are often mistaken for Orc-men. And this in turn has given rise to the belief that there are no Orc-women, and that Orcs just spring out of holes in the ground!

I am hoping someone in this thread can help me. I am looking for a webcomic where the protagonist is a half orc woman who works as a weapons dealer for some asshole elves and has a bitchy mother. Black and white art. Anyone know the name?

In my setting orcs were the result of dragons practicing uplift on primative goblins, dragons had a couple of test builds that are all biologically compatible, resulting in some that are more amazon and some that are more like docile (if sapient) breeding sows and some that are futa

These have interbreed leading so some mixed variants

In typical orc society they're treated decently but there's very little social freedom for them. So this often enough leads to orc women going their own way, and sometimes forming bands or like-minded individuals to wander around, be orcy and look for husbands to steal.

>tl;dr either typical tribal women or amazons

>stutter typing
Fucking gross

Ew gay

Orcs girls are for taking human dick.

>Do they even exist?
>If they do, how does their society treat them?
They treat them the same as men, since they are, minus genitalia, birthing, etc., the same as men (since they are mechanically equivalent in 5e).

I'm somewhat disappointed there isn't a mechanical difference between men and women, but I suppose a -1 to Strength and Dexterity for women, and no penalty for men, wouldn't be very fun.

Sounds a bit dull but yeah




Dem Fantasy boyz is a weird lot I tellz ya...

No but I want to. Link?