
What are the orcs like in your setting, Veeky Forums? Pork? "Noble" savages? Blood-crazy arrow fodder? Cultural?

I like Middle-earth orcs and the noble savage Warcraft orcs. I absolutely despise "p'orcs."

Might as well post this here. Posted it elsewhere, but this thread might be more appropriate. Question pertains to a game setting I'm working on with a few friends.

We're considering including the orcs in the game, explicitly as a monster race. Not a player option in any way. They are (for complex setting reasons I won't bore people with) innately murderous, brutal and violent, utterly dedicated to destruction. Not some arbitrary moral classification of evil, but simply ending the life of everything that is not an orc that they can see, and going looking for more if they can't see any.

Would this annoy you or seem like a nice throwback, given how orcs these days are more and more often presented in a more nuanced manner and as player characters?

Koreans think Jamaicans are orcs?

Very friendly, just look scary. They are forced to live in the mountains.

I would think that you could have chosen a more interesting enemy, but for sure I would not be annoyed. Maybe you can save me a bit from the dissapointment by saying "I went for the Tolkien/Warhammer vibe". I can find your ideas boring or uninteresting but fags who cry about X race not being playable should be gassed

Tolkien is closer to our idea, the orcs being a race created by an omnicidal entity as a weapon to use as part of their efforts to destroy the world. They failed, but the remnants of their attempt are still a highly organized, brutally intelligent foe who keep popping up, building fortresses and armies and needing to be beaten back but never revealing the source of their reinforcements.

I like them as savages without the noble part.

I see no problem

They're a mix between Tolkien orcs and the subhuman troglodytes from "Worms of the Earth" by Robert E. Howard.

What's the Korean hansome squidward with ethnic features from around the world?

Pigmen orcs are my favorite kind of orc

Does anyone know why pig orcs are a thing? Is it because 'Orc' sounds similar to 'pork'?

That doesn't look like an Orc. That looks like a modern interpretation of Pigsy from Journey to the West.

P'orc were first in the oldest DnD. Tolkien version became more popular, though.

Basically Warhammer Orks.

I like my orcs as pig people
My elves as Bunny/deer people
My dwarfs as mole people
My halflings as hedgehog people
And my Humans as monkey people.

With disintcly different cultures and tensions between those races. There are basically as much bunny raiders as there are pig raiders, but getten beaten near death by orcs sounds way more baddass than having your ass handed to by a bunny. At least in human taverns.

>Does anyone know why pig orcs are a thing? Is it because 'Orc' sounds similar to 'pork'?

They came from 1st edition D&D (though could go back further) and other such inspired media during the time. Japan is so infatuated with them because their western fantasy takes way more inspiration from 80's 90's kind of early edition DnD and kind of just stayed that way with dog-kobolds, pig orcs, sword and sorcery.

Western culture, though, has been heavily influenced by things like warhammer, warcraft, and a direct access/awareness of tolkeins work, so P'orcs aren't really all that popular.

The word 'orc', though, historically has been mentioned twice: Once is a diminutive word for the demons in hell that followed the demon 'Orcus', they were described as smaller ogres that would eat/cannibalize sinners. There's also the old english word "orke", which is supposed to mean a small ogre or something.
In case you were at all curious.

My Orcs are photosynthetic but distinctly lack the ability to synthesize protein, which means the longer they go without a protein source the more savage they become until they become fully feral.

Chaos Warriors, but with five dark gods instead of four.
>War and Peace- Wisdom
>Death and Life- Endurance
>Blood and Wine- Charisma
>Night and Day- Intellect
>Stone and Bone- Strength/Dexterity

Don't have any orcs in my setting but there are darklings who fulfill thed same sort oof story niche.

They're coal-black pygmies who can't use technology beyond simple wooden spears and slings, and iron scares them. They are, however, almost supernaturally compelled to lust after gold, and affix gold to their bodies, even replacing their fang-like teeth with it. Darklings are quasi-sapient, capable of limited speech and organization, but their impulses to destroy, loot, and rape are dominant in their psyche.

ay yo das rasis

Because that's one of the earliest depictions of an orc. Something that was vaguely ape or pig like

Earliest D&D monster manuals had pig-looking orcs. Which wasn't what they were supposed to look like, the artist just read too much into the "porcine appearance" line and made them fullblown pigmen instead of just having flat noses and tusks. Future editions fixed it, but porcs caught up in some circles, particularly Japan and Veeky Forums contrarians. You can also see porcs in games like Might & Magic but it varies (HoMM 1 had weird inbetween orcs, 2 and 4 had fullblown pigmen and 3 had green Warhammer orcs)

All female. Think She-Hulk with tusks. They kidnap males of other sapient species, take them back to their camps, and make gentle love to them. Once the child or children are born, males who are the father's species with some Orc (bigger, stronger, more rugged) traits go back home with the dads, while daughters who are all orcs stay with the mother in the tribe. Orcs will often go back and kidnap their same "husband" once every few years.

So normal women folk absolutely hate orcs. Like, willing to go full Nazi genocide on them. Men who are known to have an Orc "wife" are ostracized.

I wish to enter your magical realm.

Tolkien version came first, too.

So what you are saying is that you are a furry.

It doesn't have any. But if It had some, I'd like them to be the silly japanese ones - for bullying.

Eh, i won't deny a monster girl fetish, but i surely won't defend it as "gender" or "livestyle".

Also it gives a little more difference than "small handy human" and "pretty androgyn human" while keeping a feeling of familiarity. Just keeping humans as humans feels kinda funny to me but to be honest, "monkey people" is just a normal human.

Totally disenchanted p'orcs. They grunt, they're a terrible but mundane force. they're not stupid.

Tolkien orcs with all the nuance (and literal playability) of a PC-race. Veeky Forums's aversion to a little moral complexity is pleb-tier.

>USA, Korea and USA again?
That pic makes no sense

OP is a shitposter.

>Japan is so infatuated with them because their western fantasy takes way more inspiration from 80's 90's kind of early edition DnD and kind of just stayed that way with dog-kobolds, pig orcs, sword and sorcery.
Anyone else find that fact kind of endearing? It's like a divergent evolution of the genre, that in some ways seems nostalgic, but on the other hand, has some things that feel fresh because they took the same ideas, and built their own on top.

I mean, all the rape sort of undercuts the charm a little.

I hope you mean kemonomimi, otherwise see

Orcs are to the rest of Elves like Russians are to the rest of humans.

Bastions of traditional patriarchal, Eruvian culture?

Yeah, furry.

Basically US/west fantasy tries to make something that appeals to making a world that feels like you can live in it yourself.

Korea, influenced mostly by the West takes their own spin that kinda misses the point.

Japan just makes straight up fapbait.

You can find weeb fantasy with not so much rape in it if you hunt for it.

Crude, but the last bastion holding again a murderous and maniacal oppressive regime?

But can you find one without fapbait? I mean no sexual dimorphism, no brown skinned girls scantily clad, no boob shots, no panty shots, now bath scenes.

Closest I have are genetically experimented super soldiers that ended up breeding true. They look kinda fugly, but not orc ugly, they are above average tough & strong, they have normal intelligence & etc. They do lack the ability to make a certain protein that humans normally make. This was supposed to be the military's built in "off switch" but since they could propagate the sub species & the war was over they were mostly accepted into society, & it was viewed as a dick move to keep it away from them. Now most of them just take a supplemental medication, like diabetics take insulin. Its not all that hard to find in nature & some can get it just by eating specific foods. In not a doctor so I haven't specified the protein. If any on /tg knows of one that would work I'm all ears

I hope this is a separate unrelated question, though using "but" to start it implies that it is in just an attempt to move goalposts to rationalize your views after receiving an unwanted reaction.

Here's the reaction you wanted. You can find paintings with of feces, they are rarer than paintings of scantly clad women. Similarly you can find anime without sexuality.

Then you should have no trouble finding one

Care to explain further? I don't despise the pigs myself but they are lowest on the ladder for me

Do your own research fool.

The last gasp of the defeated user.

You are delusional

Are you retarded? How hard is it to write "feces painting" into a search engine.

It depends on what I'm feeling at a given moment, but generally I prefer the way TES does it where they're gruff and warlike but still dynamic. The Tolkein version of orcs is a tad too shallow for me.

Wasn't the original poster. That was me.
My response is: "why would I go hunting?"

I'd be annoyed, because not only is it pretty boring and offers no real options of approach other than "kill any you see before they kill you", such a race would be unlikely to survive as they'd end up just driving all their sources of food to extinction

Explain ?

but also:

You tell me how easy it is to find it, then refuse to look for it yourself and prove me wrong. Not a point in your favor user. Poor show.

Frankly, a humanoid race being always CE and monster-class only is retarded. You can't just have the APPEARANCE of sufficient sophistication for society.
Them being nonplayable is fine though. You can restrict the factions available to players.

That is completely nonsensical from a biochemistry viewpoint - no lifeform doesn't synthesize proteins, because they are fundamental to the most basic cell functions, including DNA replication. Ingested proteins get broken down into amino acids and then reassembled, so that's different from vitamins. It'd be better if you didn't use any science terms whatsoever and kept to "they need a constant supply of meat or go feral".

They're just another race. Sure, they're savage, but so are the others. It's a tribal/stone age setting. They're one of the major races and they're well, mongols on dinosaurs. They're not good and of the three major races (human, centaur and orcs) they could be said to be the most brutal, but they're not inherently evil either. Their main "thing" is that they're good at fighting, so they use it.
They look like modern western orcs, so big, strong, very flat nose, some with green skin and some with human-like skin. And they've usually got a deinonychus between their legs, but it's also usually detachable.

>five dark gods
>and Peace
>and Life

I'm running a game with something just like this, and it's going well.

It's funny that pure evil slave capturing orcs is rare enough these days that my players found it refreshing compared to the noble savage tripe that is floating around.

They try to solve pretty much everything through noncombat means first, they were even more interested in trying diplomacy on the wolves, mostly because the wolves seemed reasonable.

Anyway, pic related for a great orc version.

What is that system?

R u retarded

Hackmaster 5E

Not to be confused with the parody version which is 4E.

Monsters and whether or not they have sapience (or some form of intelligence for that matter), or whether or not they constitute a species (got their own ecology and just aren't made from thin air).

All life can have behaviors carried over between species even intelligent ones (people and rats fight when cornered). But intelligent species can have culture, and not just monoculture.

To that end Orcs share a lot of traits, tribal organization, informal matriarchy, rule by might/respect , martial culture, and love of slaving.

But see, where the Orcs are will modify them a lot in how they express these behaviors. And even give them a cycle with it.

Raider Band -> Warrior Tribe -> Caravan Clan -> Mercenaries -> Janissaries.

And so on. Either have a race with some dynamic transitions or explain how they are stuck as murder hobo bait.

Orcs come in two strains in my settings

Industrialists obsessed with Inventing shit and using that shit in combat. Orcish Society is like an An-Cap nightmare for the most part as they will only tolerate being directed by a higher force if that force is either stronger than them or they wish to learn something. If Zharkov's and Chairman Morgan's factions had a baby, it would be the Orcs.

Unfortunately for the Orcs(and fortunately for the other races) a mysterious diastase reduced their population by3/4ths. In a desperate bid to save themselves they conducted a series of alchemical experiments on themselves. This resulted in the standard retarded barbarian Orcs most are familiar with.

Both strains of Orcs have the distinction of being one of the few races in the setting that can develop Psionic powers, but are incapable of using Arcane/Divine magic as their vocal cords physical can't pronounce the verbal components necessary.

Anyone else completely sick of elves?


Why do so many new IPs have to have fucking elves in them. honestly the most boring of the fantasy races by far

I'd be annoyed because why not just use zombies/tyranids/demons/insane non sentient robots at that point.


I'm not the guy with dark gods with peace or life in their portfolio

>What are the orcs like in your setting, Veeky Forums?


Orcs appear as men and women with the heads of boars/pigs, naturally speaking; they are a robust, adaptable, and physically comparable to humans in terms of strength, they come in white, black, red, brown, and a sort of dull-grey-blue. Orcs are omnivores and can eat really anything including grass and feces, but have an obvious preference for root vegetables, nuts, fruit, mushrooms, and meat. They are habitual cannibals and will eat other people and even their own dead- often ritually.
Orcish society is impulsive, but industrious: most orcs only ever do work they have aptitude and patience for (typically swineherding, masonry, blacksmithing, mechanics, warfare) while bullying women and submissive (usually physically inferior orcs) 'peons' to do whatever it is they don't want to do themselves, but don't trust slaves to do (such as farming, house work, tailoring, trading). To gain respect and status in orcish society is as simple as providing a unique service or fighting your way to the top and while murder isn't strictly 'forbidden' in their society; their is nothing, naturally, stopping other orcs from murdering, murders. From the outside orcish culture may seem brutal, dumb, and uncouth, but from within it is surprisingly genuine and can be quite complex.
Orcs put most of their faith in physical strength & machines, favoring martial classes (warriors, fighters, barbarians), but orcish rogues and thieves are common enough due to some developing extensive knowledge on poisons and underhanded tactics. Orcs have no real aptitude for magic, little respect for nature, but there are many warlocks among their kind and a few clerics who've submitted to a 'higher' power.

Orcish is the 2nd most commonly spoken language and the orcish accent is audibly Australian.
That's what I do with um'.

Quick doodle on how I green skins

I like them already.

I would imagine fat orcs would be pretty fucking scary considering how their society works.

Jap word for 10%


What do you mean? In my setting orcs are gluttons that eat almost anything, fat orcs make the majority of the warrior class(buff orcs are the elites) while skinnier orcs are used as cannon fodder(notice the bullseye on the low ranking orc's overalls). Pic related is pretty much how the average warrior looks like but normal sized

Because they're ubiquitous and low effort while pleasing general audiences who enjoy wanking to pretty people or want to be them.

Think of it this way.

>You're a developer or someone who has to sell your ideas to an out of touch executive that doesn't want to risk investing in unmarketable trash
>Do you make a new race from scratch that will be untested, unknown, and run the risk of no one even liking them after all that work?
>Or do you use a race that general audiences have known for a bit over half a century and whose name has been part of the English lexicon for longer?

Oh shit
>Elves are tall humans with pointy ears. They have many different cultual flavors between settings
>Dwarves are short humans, normal ears. They are always the same thing since Tolkien
>Humans are straight up humans
Elves win again

I wish I could round up all Pig Orc haters and gas them.

I do the same thing, except
>Halflings are mice
>Dwarves are moles
>Elves are squirrels
>Gnomes are hedgehogs
>Orcs are rats
>Humans are hares
>Goliaths are badgers

it hasn't been set in stone but right now I have two kinds of orcs, pig/tolkein orcs that most of the world has dealt with and warcraft/elder scroll orcs that live in not!russia/mongolia. while the pig/tolkien are generally nasty unless being hired for merc work, the not!russian/mongolian orcs are super obsessed with blood purity and create the best army in the world.


Orc Stain orcs are GOAT

I wish Stokoe had the time and money to finish

Just replace protein with amino acid and he's good to go, isn't he?

I hope you're saying that as a sign of admiration. If not, you need to reassess why you're here.

The only orcs are pig orcs. Big "orcs" are ogres. Tolkien "orcs" are goblins.

Boar orc are superior in every way possible.

>Just replace protein with amino acid and he's good to go, isn't he?

Then not eating enough meat wouldn't make them feral, it'd kill them.

>>Tolkien "orc" are goblins.

Are you fucking aware that Tolkien invented "orcs" as a fantasy humanoid race, and if any definition of orc could be considered more "true" than others, it is only his one?

"Orc" and "Goblin" are synonyms in Middle Earth, btw.

I am hoping someone in this thread can help me. I am looking for a webcomic where the protagonist is a half orc woman who works as a weapons dealer for some asshole elves and has a bitchy mother. Black and white art. Anyone know the name?

No, he "invented" taking an obscure word from Beowulf and applied it to goblins. But orcs had existed long before Tolkien popularised them. Romans had been using the Pictish word "orc" (which meant pig) to refer to the peoples that lived on the Orkney islands.

Not!Texan Orkz with heavy emphasis on respect and southern hospitality.

Obese gunslingers?

>No, he "invented" taking an obscure word from Beowulf and applied it to goblins
Not from Beowulf, but from old english language generally, and there it was generic word for any sort of devil or monstrosity, not specific, defined sort of creature. So yes, he invented orcs as separate creatures.

Whole rest of the post is one big [citation needed]

He specifically took it from Beowulf, the word "orcneas", because of the connotations of evil spirits. But, again, the word had already existed before Tolkien used it, and was in reference to pig-men of Orkney, so no he didn't invent orcs.

>Whole rest of the post is one big [citation needed]

If you're not entirely retarded, you can research it yourself.

That too. More kinda overweight, closer to strongfat ranchers with big self-made shotguns and greatsword-sized cavalry sabres.

You mean WHF ogres but the greenskin version ?

Do orcs just build muscle easily?
Are they constantly bulking?

Is just a reaction against cheap grey morality pretending to be complex that is so common today.