Will we ever get cards with half naked women on them again?
Will we ever get cards with half naked women on them again?
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Will OP ever stop sucking dicks?
We may never know.
No, you won't. We've taken them from you and there's nothing you can do about it. You will suffer our values as a price for participating in our culture, which is the main culture of the West and the English language.
Probably not.
Only sexy shirtfree males are allowed in NU-Magic.
You know the main audience of Magic is and always was Tumblr girls that don't play the game. Get educated shitlord.
I hope not. I dislike promiscuity.
Females in decent clothes are way better
Does Kiora “Lobster Tits” Atua not count?
No since she’s wearing like a leotard
They are the most important audience, because cardboard sniffing nerds would spend 20$ even if the card had a Mandingo raping a white femboi on it, as long as the stats were 7/6 trample, hexproof, can't be countered for 6.
That's what the comic industry thought. The comic industry is currently shitting itself on the floor and crying.
I do not care as long as the card art isn't shit.
If you want to see more beautiful vampires, just look up Zendikar/Battle for Zendikar vampires.
Comic books require you to buy certain staples to be competitive in tournament regardless of flavor?
Comic books had a core group of consumers, thought to be unalienable, who were alienated by political insertions.
Competitive players are a core group of consumers who are thought to be unalienable. "We can't alienate the core consumers no matter what we do." is provably wrong and has literally ruined strong industries.
lmaaaao maybe try getting your news from some place other than twitter about comic sales you retard. Guess what, DC still sells like shit every month compared to Marvel.
It's only Marvel that's being affected, and that's because they decided to go too far when appealing to "progressives" rather than being modest with their changes.
Not sure, but I think some of these are recent.
Probably. It seems like were pretty much at the high tide of SJW shittery. Those people flung too much shit and got the nation Trumped. Normies don't like her to g Trumped and wont put up with people who cause that kind of thing, especially not if those people go on to double down.
Their influence is going to fade in a lot of places because of this.
All of these are clothed like 4x more than the one in the OP image
>original commander
>6 years ago
Wrong way round, Hydra Cap is why Marvel has had such a massive hit recently, Marvel has even come out and said it was a bad idea for them to pander to the alt-right
Sorry, saw it in a product printed this year, but didn't realize it was an anthology.
This. Over the last few years MtG has entered a very... tumblr-friendly phase.
Funny, I heard that Marvel's CEO, or at least someone important there, claimed that their sales declined because their audience wasn't "progressive" enough, basically blaming their consumers for their decline rather than shit like "[Unsolicited opinions on Israel???]" driving their consumers away.
>Hydra Cap is pandering to the alt right
I mean you can tell by the art alone that it can’t possibly be a card drawn in the last 3-5 years because it’s not CG shit but you’re good
That was Wonder Woman (DC title)
Reading comprehension
Nope, it's from "Angela, Queen of Hel", a Marvel series.
I'm beginning to believe that you are a troll pretending to be stupid.
I suggest not replying.
The moment he claimed Marvel was outselling DC it was obvious. Marvel is selling so badly comic store owners are losing their shit.
>Hydra Cap is why Marvel has had such a massive hit recently, Marvel has even come out and said it was a bad idea for them to pander to the alt-right
This totall implies that Hydra Captain America is pandering to the Alt Right. What was the intended message?
Meanwhile on a vastly more popular and mainstream game
Considering Secret Empire is the second worst selling event comic in Marvel's history (and has had a noticeable negative effect on sales and confidence from both consumers and retailers), as well as the partnership with Northrop Grumman (fifth largest arms dealer/arms manufacturing company in the world); I think it's safe to say that Marvel may well be out of touch.
Subverting traditional American values by associating a character meant to embody them with Nazism, if I had to guess.
Have we got a card with a male and female character fighting after the Triumph of Ferocity shitfest?
But comic books were a low hanging fruit for feminists, and they suffered for it.
MTG is too complex to approach for them.
but Jesper Ejsing is one of the artists they still use quite frequently.
delete this
Art and story direction are not complex to approach at all, and the mechanical direction of the game has explicitly gone towards appealing to newer and less experienced players.
Nah, Nu-Wizards is full of liberal dykes who would rather gloat on about how they have 1% nigger in them so they should make another KANGZ block rather than actually do anything competent for the game or dare even improve it, let alone make old style art.
No, which is why I switched to weeb games again. Well, that and mtg becoming a boring midrange slugfest.
It's tricky because I like my cards to be not sexy, but pretty or beautiful. Sexy is almost always pretty, but pretty isn't always sexy. I'm not asking for cheesecake on every female card, but I do want things that are nice on the eyes. Shit like Tishana is not nice on the eyes in comparison to the more iconic females like Avacyn or Teysa 2.0. She looks like a fucking clown.
Some things slip through the cracks, like but aren't relevant or playable in any format.
Its a real problem since I can only jerk off to Magic cards.... for some reason.
They will go with whatever makes them the most money.
Right now they're attempting (and failing) to get a larger audience via the new art direction. If it doesn't succeed, and enough people complain IN PLACES THEY LOOK (hint - they don't browse Veeky Forums), or moreso sales start to dip, they will revert decisions.
Wizards will do whatever they can to make as much money as possible via Magic, because Magic is the only thing keeping Wizards from being gutted like a fish by Papa Hasbro. When they find out that the SJW crowd doesn't buy shit, only bitches and moans, they'll stop giving a rat's ass about them.
Is this implying that idea is wrong?
When the liberal sickness is excised.
No they are not. Comic books do what Marvel wants them to do. They never made any real money in the past few decades. Comic books have evolved into being commercials for the movies. There is a reason Marvel/DC made Thor female or OG Green Lantern gay - so people would write clickbaity pro- or anti- articles. They generate talk, which reminds people that superhero X exists, which keeps the characters relevant even when movies are just in production.
Losing 5k readers means nothing for Marvel's bottom dollar, if they get free advertising and a boost to their image (as liberal views are "in" right now, whether people like it or not).
doubtful. they will just keep forcing in shit that doesnt appeal to the player base, not testing cards and making boring sets, and then blame the player base for their own failure.
WOTC is a terrible company, that really sucks at running games. even MtG aside (which they have almost driven to the ground because of various issues multiple times in the past) ever other game they try to make fails (Dreamblade, Hecatomb, Duelmasters, Kaijudo, Maple Story, etc just off the top of my head) and they plain lie to the consumer.
The ONLY reason MtG is still going at all is that it has years of inertia, and even as a player I hope it slows down (or stops) and allows better card games to flourish (or at least take root).