What's your opinion on the Professor, ManaSource, CommandZone and the other Wizards of the Coast gang?
What's your opinion on the Professor, ManaSource, CommandZone and the other Wizards of the Coast gang?
As always, my personal recommendation is to avoid this. ONLY buy KMC if you're drafting.
I thought The Professor was cool as shit until he got "laid off" and started begging for money and then hid the $ amount he earns on Patreon.
The Professor is a shill and lives under WotCs boot.
I like Limited Resources and Marshall Sutcliffe.
I've gotten a bit tired of his style a tad lately, but the Professor is anything but a shill. He consistently criticises Wizards, even to the point of being outspoken at times despite being the loudest voice in the community and being the first thing new players find on Youtube in relation to MTG due to his tutorials and product reviews.
Yup, kind of getting on my gears too.
He's a weirdo but some useful information mixed in with a lot of bullshit no one cares about.
CommandZone Asian guys seem like fun dudes. I like their videos, they really seem to enjoy Commander and just do it out of love.
Don't know much about the others.
Why do people not like Gaby? Admittedly I've only seen her do draft streams with lsv, but she seems inoffensive enough. Aside from the chat/sub whoring shit that Twitch pretty much demands of streamers.
Misogyny ;)
Where in South America is she from?
Ecuador. It's cute to see her and lsv as a couple. I've watched lsv draft for a long time and hearing her take on some of his mannerisms is funny. I'm just curious as to how bad her other content must be for people to dislike her. I very much doubt it's sexism.
Would you like to see LSV and her do Spanish-language programming?
Gaby isn't the best per se but she is a million times better than maria/ rich combo
i actually prefer bartholdi and hagon.
spartz and scott-vargas aren't anywhere near as charismatic. i'd actually rather have those dudes from the geek fortress stream than spartz/scott-vargas.
>bartholdi and hagon
I don't believe you
I like prof most as he's not afraid to criticise wizards, but his endless patreon shilling is getting tiresome.
Command zone is alright, though I hate Josh as a player.
Manasource is probably the worst of the bunch because they keep sucking wizard's dick like tootsie roll pops
he started out great but became a dumbfuck SJW around the time gamergate popped up
TCC was great at the start when it was just him spelling out extremely helpful tips for newbies in an exaggeratedly clear and articulated manner. Then he decided that he's an "entertainer" now and started hiring shitty cosplayers, acting out cringe-inducing skits and generally wasting everybody's time when his specific strength used to be that he DIDN'T do any of that and stuck to the plain facts with the most minimalistic presentation. He also hosts some podcast with two women who I haven't been able to listen to longer than ten seconds to date before shutting them off. I still think his product reviews are fine, but he's definitely gone downhill.
>Why do people not like Gaby?
Seriously? She's a woman. I don't want to watch a woman do anything if she still has most of her clothes on, and that's a honest red-blooded answer. I'll admit that she's less annoying than most female streamers/casters though, probably because being of latin descent makes her less bitchy than north american chicks. Nevertheless, I never watch her stream unless LSV is in it, and then I only watch for LSV, and only if LSV hasn't done a solo stream lately.
They're a bunch of fuck-tarded, rainbow-capitalist corporate shills.
He shits on loads of Wizards products, hell the first thing I saw about the new holiday gift box was his incredibly negative review.
He's pretty good on product reviews, gives decent deck overviews for beginners (though I disagree with copters in Faeries) and has good critique about the game itself. Unfortunately he's big into cosplay skits too, which I don't like. Overall I consider him a good presenter and worth fifteen minutes a week to keep up with, I just apply judicious selectiveness, same as all my other entertainment.
The Command Zone lot have a bit of a cringey intro, but I tend to like their deck breakdowns and they're fun to listen to for new set reviews. The two main Asian guys (who I keep thinking are married for some reason) are fun and their guests and cross-projects tend to be good.
Not big into the ManaSource, Wedge isn't my favourite presenter and I tended to prefer Evan Irwin and Brad Nelson when they worked together.
Basically these guys are all fair to good, they can lack pizzazz but none of them are DesolatorMTG or UnsleevedMedia
i'd rather watch an ogress and a hobbit cluck back and forth about cardboard wizards than watch two wooden planks do actual nothing.
Meh. I like the Command Zone boys because of actual game play. Wedge has an annoying voice and shit content. I like seeing the prof in other videos but I haven't enjoyed his content too much lately.
Additional question?
Who is the most under rated mtg youtuber?
I vote magic man sam for his unique take on the artwork and the creative process behind what makes our favourite pieces of cardboard rectangles.
Also shout out to jumbo commander for fun deck ideas even if most of them aren't great.
Wait, is there something wrong with KMC? My KMC sleeves are still going strong after ten years.
Anyway, Professor's all right. I like watching some of his reviews, but his other videos bore me.
I really like MTGGoldfish's videos, but I'm sure that outs me as something or another.
They're okay, but lately you'll always get better returns with Dragon Shield or Eclipse.
The early batches were good when he did support them, but then something went to garbage with te company recently
Doubt that very much, not with the new Dragon Shield style. Old ones, sure.
I like watching Seth, probably known as SaffronOlive, build jank and try to force it to work. I actually got inspired to build a few decks, although a lot of them were from Much Abrew rather than SO builds. I can definitely see why people may not like him because of the way he talks, but it doesn't bother me.
Not sure if bait or /pol/
the best of the content creator for MTG though i wish he would return to his roots a little with product reviews and stop acting like he is the voice of the community
complete faggot and shill
earlier content is great but they have turned into shills for wotc
that all said people really need to pay more attention to SBMTG and jumbo commander. they are amazing content creators and are not total wotc dick sucking shills
Oh come on that's a bit much. The only female streamer I ever watch (any game) is Gaby cause she's actually tolerable and even the Twitch whoring is kept to a minimum. Bonus points if LSV is trolling her on stream.
Does anyone know the story of how they got together? I know LSV had his daughter and then it just seemed like the next thing I saw was him and Gaby being incredibly close all the time and I thought it was fishy but given LSV I didn't think much of it. Next thing I know is they are a couple.
His reviews for the most part are good. Recently it feels like UP has their hands in his pockets though. His non-review content is lackluster.
Fuck him
I'm not watching hour+ long podcasts.
itt people calling the guy that consistently criticises wizards products and says pokemon products are far superior is a wotc shill
>though I hate Josh as a player.
How so?
It's a joke, you humorless autist..
Not everything is "bait" to test your intelligence.
Poe's Law is very relevant in the [current year]. It's hard to tell whether some "journalist's" article making pretentious complaints about cultural appropriation or manspreading is actual SJW shit, or merely satire or a joke.
Though did say >and that's a honest red-blooded answer
Travis Woo did nothing wrong!
Rudy did a hell of a lot wrong, but I respect him.
Is there a reason peoplle hate Rudy outside of him scooping up booster boxes? Then again why do people like him? He seems like one of those scam artists that tell you how to get rich quick while raking in all the cash himself (patreon)
Seth is an annoying fag who spends have of his videos crying if he gets mana screwed or flooded. its the same shit each episode "Aww come on deck!" its cringey to watch.
He got these two into the lime light and now magic is getting cucked hard core, instead of sexy pirates, we are getting literal Grandmothers, I am glad the Conqueror Vampires are pretty cool at least.
I remember that. He seems to have distanced himself from them, because any video that was on TCC's channel with them is gone. So either they festered long enough to get their own channel, or they went over the line and Prof kicked them off. I personally hope for the latter, because I vividly remember seeing some clickbait title labeled something to the degree of "GROSS WOMEN play MTG ONLINE?" It's just unprofessional to the nth degree.
Two of the most uncool people I've seen. They are the type of nerd I hate the most - not funny, goofy, likes memes.
He fucking burned the shit out of them for the new Gift Packs.
I personally think he's a good info source for beginners, with him hammering on buying singles if you want to build your deck and teaching people about how to mulligan. He has les value for more advancd players, but that isn't his core audience anyway.
Judging MTG youtubers in general
Is obviously a miser and that's 10/10 for me about reviewers. Not really feeling his sense of humor but that's not why I watch his stuff.
Somehow they're always the last people to upload shit so I rarely ever watch them because it's just shit that The Professor, Rudy or Goldfish already talked about.
Generally worse than SCG and Goldfish, at least they show off hidden gems/fun jank respectively.
They're 100% cucks for hiding their meta analysis but at least they have a reliable prize history and deck database. Seth is annoying as fuck but the Saffronolive effect is a consistent source of cash.
>Rogue Deckbuilder
Whiney as fuck, only reason I even play his stuff as background noice is because he's usually whining about shit I would whine about myself.
Shilling shills, but for fuck's sake they're the only ones who treat this like an actual job and consistently try to sell you into the game by showing it at it's best.
>Channel Fireball
Starcity lite with people who somehow happen to be even less charismatic and even more shill-y
This is what happens when a sociopath becomes a thinkpiece-spouting attention whore. He clearly knows what he's doing and how to make money but you can't trust his shit because he's always playing Xanatos gambits with himself.
Absolute and total retard
Somehow even worse than Lion, I mean, Lion seem to be on the spectrum it's not his fault his mom didn't take folic acid while pregnant.
>Gaby Spartz
Look at my tits but don't talk about it pls, don't hit on me you silly guise
>Recently it feels like UP has their hands in his pockets though.
I thought so too at first but turns out UP has actually upped their game considerably this year, even the shitty art sleeves that used to peel off after a single shuffle are decent nowadays.
How is scooping boosters not enough of a reason to hate someone? He's just there to give a face to MtG investors, since the only people who like investors are investing in the game themselves.
He's glad masterpieces are gone, for instance, when all they do is drop the value of everything else in the set(the cards that actually matter)
He's very unapolagetic about his shit, and I respect him for that. Most other people in that do the same give bullshit excuses like wanting to make thing available to everyone, but he flat out says he's in it for the money and will flip everything for a profit.
I don't think someone being honest about scamming people makes it any more respectable.
>Buhuhuhu, he's making money out of something I enjoy, fucking scammer
Grow up.
I'm just saying someone like Rudy existing makes the game more expensive and less accessible. Why should you not dislike him for supporting actions that harm the game?
>I'm just saying someone your local real estate agent existing makes the property market more expensive and less accessible. Why should you not dislike him for supporting actions that harm the housing market?
>comparing completely different products
Key point here is they are both products, affected by supply and demand, don't reee about people taking advantage of market conditions you are probably unable or unwilling to do yourself.
Maybe it had something to do with how Prof's audience was a net for most types of players, including seemingly the people on this board that think it's okay to equate content they dislike with an excuse to treat people like shite. If you actually followed the timeline you'd probably know that, but what's research? Too hard for you right?
The fact you think these two have any more power over WotC than the literal loudest voice in Magic's fan community that has accomplished basically nothing is not only mind bogglingly stupid, but pretty indicative of some internalized biases. I'm a pretty right leaning guy, but people like you are the reason none of the right's arguments get heard from under "MUH SJW" alarmist bullshit.
Yknow...it would make sense if rudy was a sociopath. But sometimes his over the top reactions are pretty fun to watch and i sometimes like to know some things about how the economy of supply/demand works.
Desolator is an absolute case and a half but some of his videos are pretty good. I say he's best enjoyed when your doing something else or your falling asleep.
What ya'll think about my boy Unsleeved Media/MTG Headquarters?