What's the most offensive/political/racist/sexist/etc. a game/setting can get in your opinion before it becomes edgy/tryhard/provocative for provocation's sake and the like
What's the most offensive/political/racist/sexist/etc...
What do you even mean by this? Even the most racist settings can be fine, if they're played for fun by friends who aren't uncomfortable about it, even if the DM really is super racist, or anything else. Anything that is politicized with the intention to really make one think is shitty, especially if it's known that some people in the group wouldn't like it.
I'd say lukewarm borderline /pol/-tier is about as far as I'd go in a public gaming session. Now behind doors, with the players I've known for decades? Anything goes.
Why Girls of the Wilds? That is one tame fucking setting.
I would say the line is probably where that "reincarnated as a goblin" comic is, the main character decides to stop his tribe from raping women and instead give them aphrodisiacs until they give in and let themselves get fucked.
That is not how consent works in any way, and he uses it to build a rape harem.
>What's the most offensive/political/racist/sexist/etc. a game/setting can get in your opinion
latest edition of WoD
>before it becomes edgy/tryhard/provocative for provocation's sake and the like
actually, never mind
Pic for you
It's fine to be "offensive" if it's for the sake of believability. A plausible setting isn't going to have nearly as many women in combat and leadership roles as men, and it's okay for a setting based on medieval Europe to not have a lot of black people, but if you do this in the current year you'll have people screaming that you're literally Hitler.
I mean as long as it stays realistic.
For example the Japanese did indeed commit suicide and place massive importance on honor.
But if you make them all raging idiots that go "Ching Chong" then you've made it a mockery as opposed to a realism. That's the breaking point.
R rated action movie tier.
>A plausible setting isn't going to have nearly as many women in combat and leadership roles as men
And what if we make an interglacial setting about maternal cults and matriarchic shamanism?
Ever considered that option, you stupid "muh -4 STR" retard?
>but if you do this in the current year you'll have people screaming that you're literally Hitler.
Why idiots like you always project themselves as being opressed by general public, while said public either doesn't give a shit OR does give a shit - about the projection?
Which are usually over-the-top macho bullshit full of explosion and gore that just can't be taken serious.
>What's the most offensive/political/racist/sexist/etc. a game/setting can get in your opinion before it becomes edgy/tryhard/provocative for provocation's sake and the like
Depends on the writer.
You've taken that way wrong and I'm not even him. Having women in combat in a fantasy setting isn't wrong at all, there was even real life examples like en.m.wikipedia.org
But I gotta say that most women think the ability to stay home and be taken care of attractive. Men are a bit more expendable and enjoy taking care of the ladies. All real power comes from combat and if men are more placed into combat then more men gain power.
If anything women are getting the long straw.
Depends on current company.
>And what if we make an interglacial setting about maternal cults and matriarchic shamanism?
Did your women's studies professor tell you that was a real thing?
Don't go full Raggi and it should be alright.
I've seen people sperg out to the extreme on both ends.
>women seen doing anything physical? Even a farmer in a field or something? -4 str!
>not having perfect 50/50 representation in everything? even in traditionally male or female dominated professions? current year!
>having a racist at the table
I can kinda see why "muh bad GM/players" is a recurring trend here.
All humans are racist. Some are just more in denial about it than others.
>Ever considered that option, you stupid "muh -4 STR" retard?
you're kind of proving his point
What the average johnny finds edgy/tryhard/provacative/offensive/etc could be literally anything. Even something as simple as "the king's guard are all male".
>getting offended on behalf of other people
That outrage addiction isn't good for you, tumblr.
>being so racist that you think "lesser" races need you to protect their honor in a game
Goblin Slayer is where my line gets crossed. Putting an adventuring guild that only supports the bourgeoisie in that setting where the proletariat gets raped day after day by goblins makes no sense, it’s like a reverse Atlas Shrugged where individuals could make a difference but chose instead to tie themselves to the government for support instead while the government doesn’t even carry a military.
>DM says campaign isn't meant to be offensive
>Game is literally pokemon but with niggers and the women only serve the purpose of getting pc's dick wet (and are also pokemon)
Sure user, if that's what you need to tell yourself. Just dont' be at my gaming table. Or at my workplace, etc.
If you don't even bother to define your tired buzzwords, then I don't have to answer you, shithead.
Just admit your wrongthink, user.
Denial is an ugly thing.
I'm not offended: I don't want subhumans at my table.
And yes, a precise choice of words.
Fantasy doesn't need to be historical, you're just too retarded to imagine anything else.
That's not the case at all. They're literally at war with a demon army. And everyone who isn't at the front is a mercenary staying back for profit, and goblins aren't nearly as profitable as the hundreds of other monsters. GS could likely be saving a lot more lives if he fought bigger monsters, but he's insane with goblin hate, so he doesn't care that he's saving less lives.
Except Goblin Slayer never mentions either those terms or those concepts, you fucking commie. It's about those who got gud going on to fry bigger fish, while leaving goblins to scrubs who can barely tell their right from their left. Goblin Slayer himself is an exception because he's incredibly autismal about Goblins, to the point of slaughtering them without breaking a sweat while struggling with non-goblin enemies (to the point of having to use his ultimate "fuck you" weapon just to get rid of an orgre).
Keep your class warfare in your ass, where it belongs.
There is really no limit on it, it's mainly how it's done. You can have a game where you are a group of Totenkopf SS-men, defending auschwitz from the bolshviks while trying to kill every untermensh in the camp. I'd never play it, and i'd consider people who do on the wierd side, but it can be done. the only quastion is why would you do it, and if you have a good enough GM who can sell the concept.
Yeah, what kind of subhuman would have a problem with 12% of the population committing more than half of the crime?
Just an fyi.
Meta-thread shits have started using shit post tactics from other boards to cause shit flinging. They are using /pol/ and /v/ tactics on any board that it will stick and are planning to branch into Veeky Forums styles later. They are coordinating on /qa/ after meta threads got tossed there.
>you stupid "muh -4 STR" retard?
Y'know, there's a reason men and women compete in different athletic events.
>he thinks that fantasy is based on medieval europe
This meme needs to die. It's based on a memefied version of medieval europe that has next to nothing to do with reality
>And what if we make an interglacial setting about maternal cults and matriarchic shamanism?
>A plausible setting
We're talking about being realistic here, what you described isn't a thing if you're trying to be somewhat realistic.
>Why idiots like you always project themselves as being opressed by general public
Please refer to your post
Depends on how many vagina owners you have in your game. I prefer to keep the number lower than 1 for minimal drama.
The girl you posted would also be a lot more intimidating if she actually had some muscle on her rather than looking like a borderline anorexic model
You sound like someone that plays an elf of the opposite gender
I thought rich white people were much lower than 12%. Learn something new every day.
Because US male athletes would place behind female athletes from third world countries if they had to compete in the same competition?
Don't act dumb, He's clearly referring to people over 65.
if you've ever worked in an old people's home you have to basically not come in with anything you'd feel bad about losing because the wrinkly fuckers are worse than raccoons or adventurers when it comes to stealing anything they think they can sell on.
It can get as offensive/political/racist/sexist/etc. as it wants as long as it doesn't become edgy/tryhard/provocative for provocation's sake and the like. The question isn't, "how offensive is the setting," but "Why does this setting include features that might be construed as offensive?"
It also largely depends on the setting. Gay representation in Planescape feels a lot more natural to me than gender egalitarianism in Greyhawk. On the other hand, if you have a Greco-Roman setting, homosexuality feels natural, but not "gay representation": even though gay shit was tolerated and even encouraged in that cultural context, sexual orientation as concept has never existed until the advent of psychiatry -- the next time someone says that being gay used to be considered a mental illness, remind them that until it was considered a mental illness it wasn't considered a thing at all.
All this is coming from a gayfag, by the way.
Veeky Forums-politics
so on a scale from 1-10, how much would you take platos cock up your ass just to let him tell you about his philosphy
Calm down Anita Sarkeesian, not everything is racist or sexist.
Technically it's mostly black men who commit the most crime, so it would be more like 6% of the population committing over 50% of violent crime
>Rich white men
>most crime
Yeah, it's some white collar wall street guy named Keith Dillard that stole my car and robbed a CVS after doing a drive by.
Yeah, it's some white collar wall street guy named Keith Dillard that stole my car and robbed a CVS after doing a drive by.
No, but he did brake the economy
Everything is politics now. Don't cry /pol/, instead blame feminists. Third generation feminism can be summed up in one word: intersectionalism. What it means is, in the words of Anita Sarkeesian: everything is sexist, everything is racist, and you have to point that out. They have made "just" discussing comics, video games, chess or whatever impossible because everything needs to be analyzed through the lense of deconstructionalism, feminism and cultural marxism.
Keep in mind that the harder you criticize any opposition to this, the more you implicitly support the status quo. This is why so many "entitled gamers" are up in arms, and why traditional games have to choose between becoming as turtled up and defensive as the video games industry, or as cucked as the comic books industry.
user that's not what the word means
Hey, my group has made ongoing holocaust jokes with little prompting from my Nazi self. I hope to some time play a WWII game from the side of the good guys.
>Intersectionality holds that the classical conceptualizations of oppression within society, such as racism, sexism, homophobia, and religion-based bigotry, do not act independently of one another; instead, these forms of oppression interrelate, creating a system of oppression that reflects the "intersection" of multiple forms of discrimination.
In other words, any form of percieved oppression becomes a feminist problem. Considering that intersectionalism has no defined boundaries, that has the potential to make everything a feminist problem. Ever wondered why it took until the third generation of feminism for women to complain about a lack of strong female characters in books, even though books are older than even first generation feminism? Feminism is no longer a single viewpoint among many, it's has become an entirely predetermined political system.
>bawww things are changing
>it all them feminazis fault guis, sekret club defend me
yeah fuck off
The Khan and Black Panthers teaming up oust the Nazis in America.
If your game doesnt' stand those "analyses" it's shit anyway.
Everything is politics because faggots like you post about politics everywhere and faggots like the rest of us seem to have forgotten how to sage and report. It's that simple.
>No, but he did brake the economy
>implying it was not whitey who is blaming it on everyone else
That exactly what it means
>the "you just don't like change" fallacy
And yeah it is fucking feminist fault. Everything they touch goes to shit. I.E. Bioware, Marvel, Ubisoft, Ghostbusters, and the sales fucking prove it. Every Time someone complains about progressives infesting everything fucks like you make some bullshit "abloo bloo white man no leik change" post like that amounts to some arguement. People complain about feminism ruining everything because they fucking are and there is plenty of evidence to support it.
You're the one that needs to fuck off because it's clear you aren't from around these parts.
>If your game isn't progressive it's shit
neck yourself faggot
this guy is samefagging to make people think that there are more faggots like him on the board than there really are.
>implying it was not whitey who is blaming it on everyone else
Yeah, it's whitey who owns all international banks, corporations, media outlets...oh wait
Leftist fucks like you need to get off this site.
And what does Jamal who's robbing the CVS have to do with the Demetrius from the accounting department?
No. Your game can be motherfucking Dark Heresy. The problem is that if you can't deal with this criticism, your game has no strenght, or your group is triggered too easily.
>making fun of the country with the most olympic medals of all time
sure, animals like that Semenya tranny would maybe get a chance against a male athlete, but thats a different situation
Now that's an argument I can get behind.
>only lefties don't believe in Jewish conspiracies
Why is this site such shit?
shhhhh, dont let him know that he is a paranoid idiot who has no idea how the world works. It might make him quastion his ideals and leave the besment and we wouldent want more people able to think critically
Not the person you replied to, but it's a damn shame you haven't read the Dune books.
Calling him a lefty because of the "blame whitey bullshit". And the Jew being the one who control the banks isn't a conspiracy, it's an empirical fact. I'm bringing it up because he's going "blame whitey" but using progressive logic it's the jews who are this "privileged 1 %" A jewish conspiracy would be something like the jews made up the holocaust or did 9/11 or some other /pol/-shit.
>lol right wing basement dweller can't "quastion" his ideals. Some paranoid loser who can't (((think critically)))
>white men are responsible for all the world's woes. This is how the world works.
This is what leftist fucking do all the time. Just call people names and dress it up with some pseudo intellectual bullshit. Same basic response repeated ad nauseum.
Go back to plebbit you samefagging nigger
racism is a societal structure, a learned behaviour. humans dont immedietaly distrust each other because they look different moron.
>humans dont immedietaly distrust each other
Yet consistently more diverse societies have lower levels of trust. Surprising huh, that we tend to trust people more the more we have in common with them?
As a side note, you're telling me that it's the progressives who deplatform anyone who doesn't agree with them and have had their inane talking points debunked a thousand times over that "understand the world' and "don't need to question their ideals"
>The problem is that if you can't deal with this criticism, your game has no strenght, or your group is triggered too easily
What do you even mean by this? If you can't deal with progressive criticism you're game has no strength? How? The way you deal with this criticism is calling whoever is spouting that nonsense a moron. Their rhetoric is nonsense that's been heard a thousand time before. A game that capitulates to these "criticisms" is what doesn't have any strength.
>Group is triggered to easily
It's funny how feminist for the longest time got incredibly angry at anyone using that term and now if anyone complains about their bullshit they immediately jump to using it to deflect criticism. If someone started calling my game racist and sexist over inane shit, yeah people are going to be fucking pissed off with that person and not want to play with them
Except that's objectively fucking wrong you goddamn waste of human genetics. That theory is based Lysenkoism which was a pseudoscience perpetuated by some soviet scientist who got his job through nepotism. The basic premise is that humans can be influenced through culture. They had to adopt this theory because Darwinism was at conflict with communism because the soviets recognized that human nature was incompatible with marxist theory. So they tried that shit and shocker, it didn't work and lead to a famine in china (one of many). Humans evolved tribalism and in group preference because one of the most dangerous things to humans were humans from another tribe. It's a cultural universal. Racism isn't learned behavior it's an evolutionary trait and this post right here proves you're a moronic marxist get the fuck off this board.
>something like the jews made up the holocaust
Heavily exaggerated for the purposes of wartime propaganda and then just kept doing it, not "made up".
Where do the Hoteps fall in this?
>instead give them aphrodisiacs until they give in and let themselves get fucked
Hold on the first women he gives them poison so they can kill themselves. You're giving re:monster the benefit of the doubt, that shit is edgy as fuck. Whoever wrote that has a major case and a half of chuuni with a extra large side of otaku autism.
What are Hoteps?
Chocolate /pol/, look 'em up.
Thanks, Michel
I am but I'm not getting a direct answer. It is a black twitter thing?
>So they tried that shit and shocker, it didn't work and lead to a famine in china (one of many).
Tried what exactly? Right now it sounds like you're saying not being racist led to a Chinese famine, even thouh I'm pretty sure that is not what you meant.
Besides that, just because something is instiinctual does not immediately make it right or good. Wanting to shit and piss wherever you are is also the instinctual human behaviour, yet we potty train babies.
>chocolate /pol/
So just regular /pol/?
It's the "lack people are the ancient master race until whitey stole it all" people. So, more of the same, but with a different flavor, really.
Yes, it's a black Twitter thing, but it's also the term many radical black seperarists use to refer to themselves. They're where the We Wuz Kangz meme originated and some of their beliefs are pretty damned esoteric, but from what I've seen, it seems the vast majority of Hoteps and /pol/acks have a deep mutual respect for one another, which is a bit weird considering they believe each other's race and culture is inferior to their's. Their website has an article explaining it, and I think some of the reasoning is odd, but it's neat look into the phenomenon.
Pretty much. They're extreme right-wing traditionalists with ties to the Nation of Islam and Malcom X, their brand of autonomous and voluntarily segregated black nationalism isn't as popular as the 'fuck the police' BLM type in the African American community.
Nah, Regular /pol/ is white supremacists all the way down, even the black guys.
Hotep is black supremacists all the way down, even the white guys.
One is
>We wuz Aryans
The other is
>We wuz Gods.
>it seems the vast majority of Hoteps and /pol/acks have a deep mutual respect for one another, which is a bit weird considering they believe each other's race and culture is inferior to their's.
Ironically it boils down to both wanting to fuck off and leave the other alone. It's a weird, weird free market of ideas sort of scenario where both are fully aware that when the time came they'd be in competition with each other and are happy to just let the better man win.
Then inevitably enslave the women of the loser probably after the race war since, you know, that's life.
A lot of racists and nationalists would prefer if everyone fucked off back to their own nations/areas and stayed there, including themselves.
0. I would much rather hear Riemann's views on philosophy.
To play devils advocate user; is it really racist if you want them to have exactly what you have?
If the alt-right were going
>We want a white ethnostate but no one else can have a racially pure homeland, since we're planning to colonize you
That'd be an imbalanced situation
>Everyone gets a homeland, we're handing them out like we're fucking Oprah
Is treating every race/group equal.
It's horrific on the individual which is why I'm entirely against it since fuck that authoritarian shit, but it's nationalist, not racist.
I don't see what's wrong with nationalism.
You're going to put some people above others.
You might value further subsets even more, but
"people who pay taxes that benefit me" and "people who don't"
have a clear priority on who should benefit from the taxes I pay.
Anything on /d/ is about as far as reasonably tolerable.
Anything on Veeky Forums expanding on /d/ material is a no-go.
I'll elaborate, they lysenkoist theory and try to apply it to plants. In the same way that human behavior was totally influenced by culture they thought they could do the same thing with plants. They thought that by culturally influencing the plants they could cause them to grow in a certain way despite plant's behavior. This failed and lead to a famine. This theory was often applied to try and change human nature but also failed and lead to fucked up incentive systems in which lead to more famine.
>Besides that, just because something is instiinctual does not immediately make it right or good. Wanting to shit and piss wherever you are is also the instinctual human behaviour, yet we potty train babies
never claimed that it was right or good. Merely that it's the way things are. The claim was that Racism is learned and reinforced through culture. That is false. And your analogy is a false equivalency. Humans can be taught things. Like you can be taught how to use a computer, and you can be taught how to play the guitar, and you can be taught that poop goes in a toilet. That's merely information that is given to a human and they make decisions based on that.
That is different than trying to change the innate behavior of a human being. They tried doing this and it didn't work. Lysenkoism is not a scientific theory and was never proven, and was proven time and time again to not work. You cannot train away racism just like you can't train someone to find a person attractive, or to like a certain colour, or to want compensation for work. Your entire theory is based on horshit and demonstrated to not work. Go be a marxist fuck somewhere else.
>/d/ is tolerable
>trying to spin /d/ into something coherent is not
/d/ (usually) doesn't take things too far.
>The claim was that Racism is learned and reinforced through culture. That is false.
The instinct to discriminate is inherent, but the patterns 'racism' takes is in fact learned in a cultural system.
I don't get the big thing against nationalism either. I guess it's because the people at the top really, really want to push for globalism so they can make shoes for 20p a pair in Somalia then sell them for $200 a pop in America without any trouble or complaints.
In reality, nationalism is the single strongest anti-prejudice system in history, in terms of success.
Because there's two groups of people in it
>Those fuckers out there
>Us fuckers in here
And those fuckers out there can join us fuckers in here by proving they'd be a benefit then taking a citizen test.
No matter what race, religion, color, creed, it's just us cunts get these rights, every other cunt gets a lesser but not shabby set of rights.
>That theory is based Lysenkoism
I don't think you're as educated on what Lysenkoism actually was or the point of it, so much as a /pol/ derived version of it used to excuse being a racist fuck wit and scream 'Marxist' at anyone that disagrees with you on matters of race.
>I don't get the big thing against nationalism either.
WW1 and WW2 are pretty big reasons user, and the fact that it perpetuates a bullshit sense of history and culture based a narrow definition doesn't help
>Those fuckers out there
>Us fuckers in here
>except those other fuckers in here that aren't quite like the rest of us fuckers in here
>maybe we should do something about them
Issue is that civic nationalists aren't that many more than ethnonationalists and the latter is the group that always speaks out louder (and crazier) and gets shown way more by the media.