Competitive Modern General

This thread is for the discussion of the Modern MtG format.

More cantrips edition.

Thoughts on the meta?
Meme tech?

>Comprehensive Rules

>Current Modern Metagame


Other urls found in this thread:

first post for speculative unbans

>UR Wildfire
Looking good, keep up the good work. Have you tested with Keranos?
With Kommand and Abrade, it wouldn't surprise me, wotc has been printing tons of good answers lately for artifacts. I just wanna see something from affinity go so my deck gets hit by less incidental hate.

People have been saying the stoneforge unban is gonna happen for fucking years.
It ain't gonna happen.

Can I still play white weenie? Just a bunch of cheap efficient creatures that attack and win?

>collected company
>turn 4 or 3 due to bird
>instant speed win combo that doesn't go through the graveyard

How is this not banned yet? I thought wizards hates this kind of shit.

You could never play white weenie in modern

BBE is the most likely unban I feel.

Death and Taxes

Repostan for the new thread, now with better landbase! thinking of sideboard cards I could have to get more use out of my black plash, collective brutality maybe?

Storm, just switched over to opts dropping some lands and it feels way more consistent
Nothing, I usually get hated for storm
Meme tech?
Idk man looking for good card draw for this spirits deck and chart a course seems to be perfect. Dont think its a meme though

>chart a course
i am all in on that meme too. Especially in a token deck.

Oh and follow up, BBE is most likely unbanned honestly would just bump jund a tier and a half but is that a bad thing? My friend said splinter twin but im not buying it.

It's pretty consistent in a go wide strategy, what sort of token deck are you running? Anthems worth it in modern?

>new splinter twin with push
oohhh yes,just imagine the greatness, death's shadow would be so BTFO bolt would come back in meta.

I would really would like that. I'm hoping some rug deck would emerge.

I am not runnign any , i was just talking, i would love to meme something like a spirits tempo, between spell queller , mausoleum wanderer and of course lingering(maybe favourable winds for special meme status). I tried brewing it, but i couldn't find enough good spirits. Also if you play a high enough amount of 1 drops and multiple tokens generators, i believe honor is worthwile.

I know, he did explain a bit to me and I will say it wouldn't be so bad to throw in another tier deck to shake things up
Any input on my little shitlist? meant to be casual enough to have good games with my friends playing tribal and saffron meme decks buck decent enough to let me take a break from storm at FNM and not feel stupid.

way too many 3 drops, i am not sure i like the vial either, but it's always hard to argue against vial. I think you have too many spells and vial could be converted into something better, on the other hand i have no idea what would be better, you don't have enough removal to make the ground a safe place to attack, you obviously aim at chipping in the air and only killing the most dangerous stuff, geist doesn't fit. Not sure on that, but i think the lord should be cut, getting +1 on flyers is great, but you already have many 3drops, i don't really love him. See if you can add some 2 drops and cut what i told you, also see if you can make linger a 4 of, just too good to not run 4. If you don't lower the mana curve you definitely need to add some lands because 21 is not enough with all those 3 drops. These are jsut superficial ideas which came to someone lookign at the deck for a couple minutes, keep that in mind. But i think the deck could either go full tribal, lowering curve, cutting some spells and going more aggro, retaining the vial;
or you could lower curve , cut the driogskols and add removal and maybe a leak to make ti more tempo oriented; or you could maybe make it more controllish, cut lord again and leave the deck as high curve, but add removal and lands, maybe a serum visions or opt.
I think these are the best directions you could go into right now, but again just my impressions, consider what you want the deck to do.
Also most important thing, cut that obzedat please.

Hmm alright, any good aggro drops would throw in this? and ya obzedat is just a pipe dream i guess

Rate my spicy brew, should I get another thrumming stone? What would you guys change?

Pick either Thrumming stone or Aether vial. Not one or the other. Take Stone, and Nyxthos to ramp into it

Dat dragons claw tho, I dig it

Has anyone tried Relentless Rats in a Tron shell before?

This card is not Modern playable.

Because It loses to lightning bolt?

That sounds awful. If I were to build a Black Tron Deck I'd use it to ramp into Exsanguinate and Torment of Hailfire, not so I can cheat out Thruming Stone.

>trying to build around a jank card is going to be worse than playing the most efficient cards

why not both? I'd only run one or two copies due to cost?

nigger you still need BB to cast Rats, even if you cheat Stone out on turn 3, you won't be able to cast your rats for another two turns. Nykthos Ramp is much better.

>tutor urborg
>play altar of shadows

the card is Vintage playable, though.

Went to my first Modern tournament with that weird Eldrazi Hand Destruction deck from the Kobe Grand Prix and got 4th place. Also beat two Death's Shadow players all because of Lingering Souls.

I've seen a singleton Abrade as a sideboard and it seems really fuckin sweet as a slot if you're in the market for either creature removal or shatter

Example, U/R decks might want to sideboard a copy

Pic related, UW Emeria
Fast combos and maindeck Blood Moons
>Meta thoughts?
Fun and varied, but a little too uninteractive for my tastes. I realize that I am part of the problem here. I generally play Emeria at less competitive events because I get to interact more.
>Meme tech
Titanshift sideboard has a Hornet's Nest because jokes. Sometimes I will put in Sudden Shock if I think the affinity/company players will be out in force. Emeria has the Blasting Station/Fiend Hunter/Sun Titan combo, with Trophy Mage to fetch Blasting Stations as well as a 1-of Crucible of Worlds

Also, I love Death's Shadow. the card lends itself to some very interesting games and I hope it is never banned.

Also, post your decks

>Eldrazi Hand Destruction deck from the Kobe Grand Prix
Do you have a link?

Amulet Titan
Blood Moon decks
>thoughts on the meta
It's fine for the first time in a while
>meme tech
I'd like to sneak a Mortuary Mire in but I don't own one.

trying to reach APEX EUPHORIA by playing this deck and eating 6,000 calories worth of mcdolans in one sitting. can the ritual be completed without owning a pinstriped cloth trilby cap, cargo shorts or black duster jacket?

>Pic related, UW Emeria
You know you posted Titan Shift, right?

Pic related (and) UW emeria

I realize that part could be ambiguous but the rest of my post should make it clear that I have two modern decks.

Eldrazi and Taxes
I still hate tron no matter what I'm playing. Feels good to strip mine them though
>thoughts on the meta
feels good
>meme tech
been trying out Hostage Taker in some BUG shells, feels great to get a 3 for 1 late in the game. Really wish it was in any other colour combination but UB

I didn't think Lingering Souls could actually beat out Death's Shadow but there's nothing funnier than chump blocking a guy who put himself down to 6 life and making tons of 1/1 fliers.

Tron, Affinity
>Thoughts on the meta?
Healthy, at least at casual FNM level.
>Meme tech?
When I'm combing off with Knight/Retreat, I keep a fetch open so I can untap knight and grab this piece of shit.

>isn't even running a celestial colonnade
Holy shit user I hate you so much. This is objectively awful.

he's just running his own clock down. he conceded game 1!

Yeah because workshops is running rampant in modern.

it's elixir control. TIME is the win-con.

Brazillians are the fucking worst. They always lag, they always get salty as fuck, they don't speak proper fucking english, and they always play auto-pilot retard decks like Grixis Death's Shadow. I wish Woogerworks would fucking IP Ban those dirty monkeys.

I used to play a lot of Martyr Proc, when the meta was better suited for it, in competitive leagues on MTGO and I'd say I actually won the majority of my grindy match ups to my opponent timing out.

>wincon is Elixir of Immortality
>sideboard has 4 Stony Silence and no other wincons
I like it

i think this guy was playing madcap empyrion.

he slaughtered me twice. once for verdict and once for path (i sided out all the paths).

i never saw a relevant 'spell' out of the dude. just duresses. i cryptic bounced a steam vents to his hand and drew a card on his end step while he was on 7 and he threw an empyrian into the yard in discard step, which is the only reason i had any indication of what he was playing.
he had about a minute and a half of clock left compared to my 11 minutes when he conceded the match. lel.

>somebody noticed
i DO have jace -8 if it comes to that.

>still namefagging
sorry. i'm in the legacy general rn too.

You leave it on all the time anyway. The namefag circle jerk is the reason i stopped posting in the legacy threads

have you fuckers forgotten the VINTAGELEVEL power of MOTHERfucking

jesus, now we're REALLY brewing some shit.

11/10 would play in black tron even though it's arguably a 14 mana fatal push but at the same time is metal as all hell and would gladly take -20% points off the decks efficacy for the +1000% ballerpoints you get from running that card.

I have that deck and it's super fun and I'm surprised more people don't play it since it's "cheap" for a Modern deck. Like under $500.

I need to tweak the sideboard to my meta though but I'm busy buying Affinity pieces at the moment.

...I just realized how good Padeem + Spellskite is. Quality meme tech right there

I didn't even think of that, unfortunately it doesn't combo iirc :(( hexproof spellskoot redirection would be the dream.
Both are nice cards individually though

I'm no judge, but I'm pretty sure it would work and it'd make the spell fizzle immediately as it no longer has a legal target.
In any case I am brewing spicy memes with Padeem, Him plus Mycosynth Lattice makes my Johnny really fucking hard.

if spellskite isn't a legal target for the spell/ability you're redirecting to it then its ability will fizzle.

It's how infect can get one on an opposing spellskite, by casting a hexproof buff on it then pumping their guy.
Pajeet is still mvp

Drop Bitterblossom for Hidden Stockpile in BW Tokens. Yes or no?

We don't call it URG anymore?

Why not both??

It's been RUG for as long as I remember.

The last time I checked everyone went with the WUBRG order. Am I out of touch?

generally if a three color combination can make a word people will call it that. BUG, RUG

Bitterblossom is the only unproven card in the deck, everything else has either been playable since the beggining of the format or replaced an original (Ally of Zendikar for Knight Errant, Solemn Visitor for Lord of Innistrad, Victim of Night for Fatal Push).
Bitterblossom pushed out Raise the Alarm but is usually too slow, and Hidden Stockpile helps the deck in one of it's greatest weaknesses that is card filtering.

In multiples, Hidden Stockpile makes incredible value. I think Lingering Souls and Spectral Procession can cover the flying that you'd miss out from BB. Definitely worth trying out, but I'd run a bunch more fetches than normal to guarantee you get that first Revolt on.

Bitterblossom should not have gon outside Faeries. Maybe I'm just a bit salty that it got so expensive and my fairies are harder on my wallet.

>It's how infect can get one on an opposing spellskite, by casting a hexproof buff on it then pumping their guy.
What a meme. Gonna have to do that with stompy.

I need a 2 drop in red black that isn't bob and can act kinda like tarmogoyf except I'm not in Green because I'm on the bloodmoon plan.

What 2 drop can close the game the best? Already running Bitterblossom and Asylum Visitor, looking to upgrade from Gifted Aetherborn and Gatekeeper of Malakir.

Im considering Girmag Angler, but between K Command and Goblin Sark Dwellers I kinda need my yard

whoa bb

Is spoiler season in already?


I dunno, this was from a TCC video

Since he's probably in good terms with wotc that should mean more will follow soon but who knows

there are 15 different cards in your deck.. how in the hell is this game fun?

Maybe they're trying to beat leakers to the punch after the previous shitshow.
On a card related note, will this see play? I don't know how to fish and I thought that there would be no way they'd add green, but I don't know what to think anymore.

Haha, I was just pretending to be stupid and not realize that it's a reprint. Silvergil had a cmc of 1 in my mind so I thought it was a different card.

I have a bunch of wolves and I want to make a competitive deck with them. I just want to shit out wolves left and right.

What's the best way to do this?

What do you define as competitive? Because wolves aren't competitive at all.

I want to beat my opponents by overwhelming them with WOLVES and not getting wrecked by turn 3

Kargan dragonlord

Hi guys EDH guys coming over. I'd like to know if a monogreen stompy kindof thing can work in modern ? The slower place of non-cedh allow for some janky Big dudes but it seems to me modern is dominated by 3drops.

Any input, cards or direction is appreciated. The friend I wanna play modern with plays mostly control or draw -go strategy.

Well I hate to tell you this, but Wolves are a pretty shit tribe.
I can probably brew something decent enough to be playable, but it will in no way be even close to being T1 or 2 for that matter

Also which does Veeky Forums like better, Aether Vial or CoCo

I hate to tell you, but that will not happen. Wolves are just not good. There are better Gruul options to play with that just go face, you should look into that instead.

G stompy is solid for beginners and a t2 when you know what you're doing, but control will ruin your day. You want to play your drops at the appropriate turn and getting one countered really ruins your day.

This card looks bad

But it also looks oh so fun

Is there a way to go G/W or G/B and keep à stompy aspect but go search some resiliency(sp?)

>Does anyone have list for X deck preferably for less than what I make working at Wendy's flipping burgers for only an hour.
Nigger if you are poor just fucking play Xmage, If you need a deck list check out Mtgtop8. If you a fucking fag and don't like netdecking go browse for a few hours looking for cards that do things you want. Stop fucking asking Veeky Forums to make decks for you especially if you are a broke ass bitch.

Tfw I might be able to play the same tribe in 4 formats for real

Budget Modern is better than Top tier modern though.


Then just play kitchen table and add legacy and commander cards.

kys (?)

Kitchen magic is the worst you can do with a group of oldfags. Most of them still have their bullshit Affinity/Stroke of Genius shit from when they started out. Modern is good because of its banlist.

How do you even win

Blue Sun's Zenith for a billion