Preorder still going hot!
Phoenix'd thread: Scanon when edition
Preorder still going hot!
Phoenix'd thread: Scanon when edition
Will i ever get another chance to get the new expansions? I am regretting not getting a good portion of them now. I don't care about paying full retail, I just want the chance to get them
Check around Black Friday for the soonest, otherwise yeah but who knows when.
Eventually, yes. If you're lucky Poots will open the pledge manager again. If not, you'll have to wait for them to go on sale/retail.
Anyone working on a monster concept?
Toyed around with the idea of making a library knight at one point. Former guard of the Twilight Knight's repository of knowledge turned wandering swordsman, endlessly looking for new candidates to guard the now lost great library.
Worked on one called the "Ashen Wolf" for a while. Kind of liked where it was going but fighting against it was kinda rough due to some evasion manipulation it did.
Might revisit it eventually.
I would love to try to convert MonHun monsters into KDM monsters. But I don't have enough experience to do so.
You could have Deviljho living in the hunt deck, ready to turn your lion hunt into SUDDENLY, FUCKAN TREX OUTTA NOWHERE.
You could have Gore Magala with its decreasing blindness and Frenzy Virus. And the L3 being Shagaru Magala (which uses the Gore Advanced and Legendary cards, but no Basics)
Plesioth for AoE hipcheck memes.
Rathalos and Rathian for multimonster bullshit. Or maybe Seltas Queen in that spot, giant bug what eats its mates probably fits better.
Khezu so there's a flying electric penis.
And that's not going into other hunting games.
Anyone gotten to Gold Smoke Knight yet? I am super curious how people are faring.
>only at the first Butcher fight
I have ways to go before i get close to the Gold Smoke Knight
Nah user, bite the bullet and just fight him right now. What could possibly go wrong?
Perform Blacken and you tell me.
Can i get some clarification on how the King's man fight works?
1. Do the three battle pressure cards START at the top of the HL deck? (it would make sense, but it doesn't mention to do so during the setup unless setting up the HL counts as "A time when the HL deck is shuffled)
2. Lets say there are 5 HL cards in the discard (including 3 Battle pressure cards). When the King's hand starts his turn, do you only take the 3 battle pressure cards and put them on top of the deck, or do you take all of it (I would think its just the BP cards, but im just checking)
Some time ago someone here said that he was going to make moldes to copy the face bases using green stuff. How idiot proof is that? Does anyone have a guide on how to do it?
Make press molds (push heated putty onto surface you want to mould
And let cool), fill said moulds with green stuff.
That's it.
1. Yup, you do indeed shuffle the HL deck during the setup.
2. Only Battle Pressures go back at the start of each turn, wherever they may be.
If you somehow managed to put some Battle Pressures deeper into the HL deck (so that there are regular ones coming first), you'd dig them out at the start of turn and place them on top.
You indeed shuffle the HL deck at the set-up, so pressure on top again.
I suspect you're coming from some miniature game background since you're reading rules "this way." You have to learn new ways to interpret rules, as Kingdom Death is a confusing mixture of "rules function exactly as written" and haphazard use of mechanical keywords, and things function so differently from most tabletop games. Man, I had trouble figuring out the use of survival actions - never seen that wide "use any time" in a turn based game.
During the setup? They do NOT start at the top of the deck. It gives you a chance to get some hits in early, so that you're not pulling your hair out the entire fight.
You only put the Battle Pressure on top of the deck at the start of the Kingsman's turn and when his deck is shuffled. Typically, due to a trap, but there are other effects that force a shuffle. If you put the entire discard back into his deck, then you'd never have to worry about a trap.
I grant you, when I googled about these things, this seems to divide players in two camps how it goes. Well, for this there is the Rule of Death.
Though the more I think of it now, you could question if S cards have any bearing at all before the player phase begins.
(Topmost user checking stuff with a magnifying glass.)
>Page 65.
>The showdown is the battle between a monster and survivors.
>Creating the monster is part of showdown phase, but not showdown itself.
>S-cards have their effect for the duration of the showdown.
So looks like the cards do not start on top, exactly as you said. I go and fetch a bitter chalice somewhere.
i read that as in having them be active at the start
You create and shuffle HL deck in monster creation, which is part of showdown phase but not _the showdown_, which by definition is the battle.
S-cards have their effects active throughout showdown, not the phase in it's entirety.
When actual showdown, the battle, starts the HL deck has already been shuffled without King's Aura being active. And since survivors start, neither trigger condition for Battle Pressures have gone live - neither start of King's Man turn nor the shufflage of HL deck.
>Parcel Location: Barcelona
I don't feel comfy with this right now.
So is there a chance of this dropping in price within a considerable amount of time? I don't know if 300 ex shipping is worth it for me.
it will increase in price
Halloween sale when
>hime cut
>thick thighs
Final price is $400 and (possibly) free shipping to certain regions. So cost is only going up from here. $300 is the current sale price you get for pre-ordering it.
The absolute lowest I can see it going is $275 for a pre-order price AND sale.
This says "ship date December 2017". Is that correct? I was under the impression that I would have to wait three years to get anything for this game, so I haven't paid any attention to it.
I want to run a pnp setting in a KD-like setting (but where players are explorers in a new and strange land instead of confused survivors). Was thinking of using a modified version of Warhammer RPG 2nd. Do you guys think there's a more suited system or resources? Any suggestions?
No, it's just a joke, delivery is 2020 like it clearly says in the KS page.
Core game and upgrade sets have already started shipping(and they’ve already collected shipping). You really need to read your Kickstarter updates dumbass. Preorders will ship after backer orders are done.
>You really need to read your Kickstarter updates dumbass.
>I haven't paid any attention to it.
I don't have any Kickstarter updates to read because I haven't bought in to this or paid much attention to it, but if you read all of my whopping two sentences above then you would know that, dumbass.
>haven’t paid that much attention to it
Why do you care about the ship date then?
Showdown now has +1 Weapon Prof. as part of the victory rewards for hunts. Glossary says after a hunt and you wound the monster you get +1 WP. Do you get it automatically after a hunt now, only after you’ve wounded it, or you get one for the hunt plus one more for wounding with the right weapon?
Why is the lion just a lion?
Watch paws closely. It might give you the middle finger - something cats aren't able to do as efficiently.
Can we add this information to the OP? So we can minimize the amount of stupid people asking retarded questions.
Ok, a lion with barely-human hands. How is this in tune with the rest of the setting aesthetics and designs?
Are you such an idiot that you didn't even bother to read the Kickstarter faq?
Clearly said the game would ship in multiple waves from 2017 to 2020, with the core game being the first to ship with expansions coming later.
If everything is a giant dick monster then it loses impact
You could remodel it to be fucking someone as you fight it if you want
Enemy progression. First you start with the lion with creepy man hands and then you proceed to the lion with a creepy man dick passing through its creepy man vagina.
There's also the lion with three creepy man dicks, who will be released in a future expansion. Secret leaks from Poots' brain show that he eventually plans to use genetic engineering to create a living whack-a-mole machine, except instead of a machine there will be a lion and instead of moles there will be dicks.
Out of what I'm familiar with, OSR with custom classes might work well... Like, hack Lamentations of the Flame Princess to support the "Classes" of Kingdom Death (White Speaker, Savior, Survivor, Forsaker, Twilight Knight, and so on)
Design fits lore very nicely. Aesthetics, well, personally I'd like the figure to have more hints about it's degenerate origins as well.
SHARK teeth too.
Just got my shipping email. Domestic round 2 has started.
Honestly, any D&D before 3.5 will probably work. Combat was hella lethal back then, even for higher level characters.
It won't help.
Are you too, or are you just using the exact same tone?
>uhhhh how come you guys talk about getting your stuff in current year, I was told you idiots were waiting until 2020
>uhhhh how come this lion doesn’t have testicles for eyes and a nose vagina, I was told this game was like, super gross
Have some dignity when you post, man.
I'm not., also
>tone on a written sentence
>le epic I can tell who's posting based on how they type maymay
People like you should be gassed
I was supposed to get my box today.
They have 3 hours before they fail the deadline.
My tracking number hasn't updated since 26 Oct.
To be fair I never expected them to deliver it today.
What can I do to kill time?
Drink bleach. Haha, I'm just kidding.
Do it though.
Don't be silly. They're not delivering it to your house.
They're delivering it to the closest zoo with a lion.
You have to go kill that lion, while wearing nothing but a loincloth and using a rock, to claim your copy. Just like everyone else.
I think the biggest animal in my zoo is either a cow or a reindeer.
Can I have a fight with them?
Can I just drink coffee? I'm not a big fan of coffee.
Thank you. I'll scour the OSR threads.
Like I said, nearest zoo with a lion, not just nearest zoo. You'll have to find where that is. It might be a bit of a trip.
Good luck.
Well that sucks, guess I'm planing a trip to Denmark or London.
I don't know how it happened, but I somehow cut the lion's testicles. It isn't looking very happy.
Please advise. Please advise soon.
hime cut is shit
straight bangs are shit
you're shit
Sorry user, my conviction is cannibalism.
How long does it generally take to get a normal package shipped from their store? I bought some pin ups, is the KS shipping going to hold that up?
3 years
It depends on where you are, but usually they're sent out after a couple of days, travel-time will ofcourse depend on where it needs to go.
To the Netherlands it usually takes 2-3 weeks.
Hey hey hey buddy wait a second. You forgot to ask if there were any antelope. That's also a valid murder to obtain package option.
Im in the mitten
Reindeers look like antelopes, kinda.
From a certain angle.
I'd consider it more murder-y than an antelope. Reindeer can fuck you up p retty bad.
It depends were you live and how many orders they have to process. The last time I got something was:
18th ordered dectective
24th shipped
28th arrived NE Indiana
I think some of the delay was the detective being released on the 18th and selling out in 16 hours so they had a pile of shit to ship. Also they have a guy that handles the store and from what I've read he isn't involved in the KS.
No, antelopes are for the people who got the 1.5 Upgrade kit. They've already fought their lions, after all.
Yeah, they're not to be messed. Legend says that the very first reindeer was bred to be a steed for the terrifying Santa Claus, but went mad at his very sight and now wanders the Arctic, freezing all travelers in its wake.
It's also said that some degenerate Canadian settlements worship the first reindeer under the name Wendigo.
I'm of the opinion if they decide to skip lion and go for antelope that's okay. Its not their fault that they are stupid unprepared bastards. Well, my fault anyways.
What are you guys getting for the Halloween Sale?
Your ass
nothing because I'm a poor fag
Is he bringing the sleeves back?
Where the fuck is it
You are a man of taste and wealth and probably a very big penis.
Depends on what goes up. Hoping for Gorm+ DBK mostly, I'll get sunstalker and DK during the Black Friday sale most likely. Already have Twilight Detective and I'm going to see if any other cool stuff (like the halloween survivors) are up again this year.
I kind of doubt Poots will be selling more expansions before wave 2 is fulfilled. Backers will lose their minds if people were to get expansions before them
I actually wouldn't be surprised if they're up. For example there was another wave the of some of the expansions a few weeks ago I picked Spidicules up at the time (purely so I can run Abyssal Woods when that comes).
It would be preorders at best for expansion content.
I want Necromancer(class) clothed to return, since I missed it years ago and had to settle for the half-naked version released more recently.
which leads to a 404.
All the stuff in the shop now I already have except the resins, which I don't want because I fucking hate resin.
people's worst and best of current xpans?
worst: spidicules
best: sunstalker
You got baited by him, user. None of the sales have a special url.
I just wish that there were a definitive answer if the shop will have a Halloween item for sale. I'm getting tried of refreshing the shop tab on the phone every hour so I don't get fucked and miss out.
Can you order from the Australian Warehouse to the US? It says only $15 to ship.
Is it reliable?
>Spider bad
>SS good
You have shit taste and you should kill yourself.
Worst: Green Armor. it's very cool, but a full set is about as likely to show up as a perfect slayer. Tied with Lonely Tree
Best: Dung Beetle Knight. Fun fight, adds a lot to the campaign, affordable $$$ point, good rewards for the challenge... as far as expansions go that aren't about radically changing the whole game it's as good as it gets.
Can we add any expansions to our order yet? Just ordered base game, finally. Can I get some others?
Not at the moment. You either need to wait for them to show up on the shop (Halloween sale and/or black Friday sale), or hope that Poots puts them up for pre-order like the core game when the first wave of xpacks comes dancing by.
Expansions aren't up for pre order yet, my guess is they'd start with waves 2 and 4.
Hey guys, user from yesterday who got his copy. Can't find my fucking camera battery charger at the moment, but bear with me, I have another option before end of day. In the mean time here's Endure - sorry about phone quality.
Also happy spook day!
what are the changes to innovations, and specifically, to cooking? I've been out of the loop and don't want to page through the hundreds of updates on the kickstarter.
>tfw I didn't get the 1.5 upgrade because my 4 person group hate campaign style games and too busy sucking 40K dick
>tfw one of the lads and I actually kinda wanted to play it and are having a blast with a 2 player run
so far, considering this is his first run through and my first non solo (3rd altogether) ,we are doing ok. Also, how fucked are we if we don't get the lions eye before the butcher? we have been a bit unlucky with the drops ...
>7 survival minus luck
Jesus christ. I mean I get that avoiding severe is pretty good but damn, that's a lot.
Cooking is now an event you can engage in -you can spend the right resources (all of the recipes require at least 1 vermin resource) to cook meals that grant +10 survival and a permanent stat buff to a survivor, or remove all disorders.
never been in these threads before
you guys play at all on tabletop sim?
>Stack luck
>Get almanacs or whatever else
>Become mostly immortal
Seems pretty good.
Only the plebs. So that would be a good 80% of the people here.
Has anyone built the King's Man with the halberd leaning forward? I'm putting him together and thinking of doing that since it looks like the fit would be seamless enough, but I'd love to see pictures to compare.