Arabian character art thread

Go full 1001 here, I feel this setting is being somewhat left behind and it could be so cool. Be it turks, Janissaries, or fantasy stuff, post it here. I'll dump some of my own.

Feel free to discuss ideas as well







Not exactly arabian but cool nontheless






















I love old orientalist paintings.


what is happening here

>no crusades anime





when you nut but she still suckin

yep, thats a PC alright

>it doesn't matter that my inventory is full and that it slows me down
>weapons are worth money after all

















Last I got

What's the Byzantine(?) even doing? He's hiding behind his shield, but is using both hands to use his weapon? And that weapon is a stick with burning cloth attached to the end? How did he even get so close to that archer? Was he hiding behind a wall all this time just to surprise a Turkroch with a piece of burning cloth? Or is it a matchlock musket and is the retard holding it backwards (explaining the dumbfounded surprise on the archer's face)?




True djin fantasy













Anyone got wizards or a more masculine version of this?