Adventure guilds are stupid. Are warrior/monster hunter guilds also stupid?
Adventure guilds are stupid. Are warrior/monster hunter guilds also stupid?
Who says adventurer guilds are stupid? How can we answer the question?
What's wrong with monsters having their own guild?
Don't tell me you're a racist.
Neither are stupid if presented as mercenary companies or private ventures as opposed to modern sweeping, monolithic unions (and even then, such organizations can be neat if they have opposition or are presented antagonistically).
It makes sense for likeminded or similarly skilled parties to band together for protections, comraderie, economic gain, and status. Such organizations can be a good tool for GMs to allow lateral character progression and player management and gives the players access to easy questing and story avenues
Not OP, but I like to have both guilds and companies/ventures.
I have guild or equivalents for the different professions or classes. While companies and ventures represent the parties of adventurers, or even grouping of parties.
>having organizations
>not patrons
The loser is you user.
>Are warrior/monster hunter guilds also stupid?
>giant monsters are atracking a region
>guild only sends one hunter
>a complete newbie at that
>"better hope the Sea Deus doesn't show up tomorrow while this guy is still dying to Jagi"
I love monster hunter and don't mind the guild in game. But it exists as a glorified job board and makes no sense when you stop and think about it. The guild just stations one clerk in some poor town for one hunter. You could just be getting quests from the village chief and it would be the same thing.
My head canon in MH is that I'm doing research for the guild. I also only capture monsters unless impossible to do so to fit with my role playing.
Also I wrote a MH-esque campaign once and it never really got off the ground.
Iirc in Monhun the guild exists to keep normal people from going out and getting shrekked by the dinosaurs, as the monster hunters are basically a subrace of humans biomodded into weapons during the great war or whatever. So they restrict monster hunting to official guild members, and then restrict guild membership to these rediculous superhumans
When the is anything like that stated in the games? Monster Hunters are obviously super human, and there are ruins, but there's no real indication that I've seen that anything like that is the source of those
Without a doubt, OG is a fag
Stop posting this thread.
'Adventurer guilds" are only stupid if that's what you call them. Mercenary Company? Irregular Militia? Get creative. They can serve the same purpose but with different, more acceptable, trappings and methodology.
As for 'monster hunter guilds'? It's not a terrible idea. Specialized in-demand skill set. High risk industry. Several groups of freelance monster hunters banding together to pool resources/knowledge and gain a negotiating advantage over nobles and governments that would contract their services? That's how all other guilds got started.
theres lore hidden somewhere in the dev notes, it includes giant mecha and biological dragon weapons and stuff
basically its post apocalypse, and "dragons" now are degenerate weaklings and elder dragons are the only true dragons
Why are there these many threads about this one damn topic?
/a/ is upset that goblin slayer isn't widely well received on Veeky Forums and since mods have been deleting GS threads for the past few days are spamming here.
See this works but the games aren't about that unfortunately. >and then restrict guild membership to these rediculous superhumans
Wait if that's the case then why even bother with the guild at all.
If its a specific profession with a steady line of work, then it is conceivable that could you have a guild for people who practice that line of work.
If you have a region plagued by giant monsters, and you have a tradition of hunters who get paid to slay said monsters, then yes, you can make a guild around that.
Compare that with the classic "adventures", who are essentially just small groups of grave-robbing vagabonds that occasionally show up in your city in order to take on unscrupulous mercenary work under the table. It really doesn't make much sense to make a guild out of something like that.
Mercenary companies and Condottieri are specifically not guilds
Mage guilds make sense in that they probably control some trades (bookbinding, alchemy, etc). Thief guilds are a polite way to call a court of miracles. Fighter guilds are retarded.
Guilds are stupid because they are actually elitist, inefficient, territorial and most importantly exploitative with goal of monopolizing the field they are organized under. While most are technically honest some are literally questionably legal mafia level organizations.
Yes guilds are generally bad, in modern games they are technically treated as just "cool kids endorsement clubs" that give you everything so you could enjoy your adventuring and not to worry about basic life stuff like having a place to sleep or finding work.
I prefer to think of thieves guilds like The Mafia. They break the law, but they keep it restrained and contained, rarely prey directly on the poor, assist commoners and peasants, that sort of thing.
So it's just an issue of pedantry over terminology then?
Adventurer Guild's are only stupid if you're only vaguely defining their function beyond "party recruitment and quest board" and when you use them in settings that dont accomodate them.
Warrior guilds are kinda stupid but they make sense in the form of mercenary companies.
Monster Hunter guilds make sense provided the world has enough monsters to hunt.
A fighter guild is identical to a mercenary company.
>our guild is here to control the business of swinging a sword
I mean yeah mercenary companies are a thing and I imagine that some clever assholes might call their merc company the fighters' guild, but on the whole the concept of a guild like that is silly.
It doesn't mesh with the kinds of privileges guilds were entailed in systems that had guilds, and no pre-modern government is going to be all "yep, you can't swing a weapon unless your profession is fighter and you're in the guild"