I'm running a post apocalyptic game and need to fill out a chart of 28 mutations. Give me ideas.
Ex: third arm; you grow a 3rd arm
Going for a give and take kind of thing for most of them.
I'm running a post apocalyptic game and need to fill out a chart of 28 mutations. Give me ideas.
Ex: third arm; you grow a 3rd arm
Going for a give and take kind of thing for most of them.
Tapetum lucidum.
You now have extremely good night vision.
You also get migraines during the day because the human eyeball isn't supposed to do that. Also your eyes are cat-like reflective.
Congratulations, your eyes are weird, vaguely atavistic ones now. You can see in the dark pretty well, but bright-ass lights that would normally only make you squint make you recoil. Alternatively from the blinding, one could instead force the character or creature to fall prey to their baser instincts (mostly "kill" or "run").
You can perceive magnetic fields helping you to navigate and locate hidden things. Around modern appliances your sense can be overwhelmed by the sheer volume of electromagnetic noise.
Thin Skinned Brute
Your muscles enlarge to twice the size, making you significantly stronger, however, your skin doesn't follow, making you more vulnerable to blows.
The radiation in your blood makes you break out in a rash of large pustule tumors. They are impossible to hide but act as convinenent meatshields for your more sensetive spots. lose 2d10/1d6/ect fellowship/charisma/social/ect, but on critical hits, roll a toughness test to negate the crit
Acidic Belly
You now have the ability to accurately projectile vomit acid on your enemies, however at times you dribble acid onto the floor causing you to slip and hurt yourself. Also, you are now physically repulsive and people simply just don't want to be around your disfigured, and at times pungent presence.
Blue Skin
Blue Skin
Your skin grows at almost unnatural rate. Its thickness gives you some extra protection from elements and damage and minor wounds heal in mere hours. Negative side is that you need more food and if you don't grease and moisturize your skin on daily basis it becomes all flaky and itchy, giving you almost constant pain and ugly looks.
Dread voice
Due to a number of lacerations and mutations in your throat, your voice sounds naturaly deep and imposing.
Gained a bounus to intimidation and Comand tests using your voice. But suffer heavy pentaltys to all charm tests
What the hell did they do to that bull.
Aaah, that's loud!
You can now launch your voice at hypersonic levels, causing glass to shatter and your enemies to recoil in pain. However, you have lost the ability to communicate normally and are now mute.
The melanin in your skin grows into strangely shaped knobbly bulbs, this looks freakish and reduces your ability to interact with normal humans, but your resistance to radiation and light based attacks is raised incredibly.
Belgian Blue.
They are super muscular.
They are also prone to joint afflictions and have trouble giving birth. Also trouble feeding when calf because of deformed hyper muscular huge tongue.
But the meat is plentiful, lean and tasty.
Crab's Agility
You your movement speed increases significantly while crab walking. It takes 1 turn to get out of crab walking mode.
Looks like a Belgian Blue. They're pretty sick breed.
Fained simplicity.
Maybe it's a drag in your voice, maybe your just a little to clumbsy on your toes, or maybe you just look like a retard. People tend to think you're a lot dumber than you look, and are unlikely to suspect what you're really planing.
Gain bonuses for deception & suprise betrayals.
Hair of steel
Your bodyhair is unnaturally hard and spiky. Makes physical contact with your body painful experience. Serves as an additional armor, but putting on regular clothes is nigh impossible
Clicky Legs
Your legs make little clicks whenever you move faster than a stroll. They also look just a little insect-y.
Makes stealth a little tricky, but it scares off wild animals who think it’s a swarm of angry bugs. Plus you’re more fun at parties now.
Extra joints
You have additional elbows and knees on places there should be none. Makes mundane tasks such as walking and climbing much more complicated and sometimes requiring extra training to do confidently, but you can take positions and motions most van only dream of.
Gibbon's Strength
Your arms are very out of proportion, long, and buff. You are very talented at swinging from objects using your arms.
Your skin and hair has turned a stark white and eyes blood red. This has made you very prone to sunburn and being in direct sunlight for even 15 minutes is enough to burn you.
However your new eyes can perceive the infared spectrum, granting you the ability to perceive heat.
Mutant Savant
Your brains have undergone a change, that hinders your cognitive skills in general, but give you very high skiil in some areas, like photographic memory and ability to make out patterns in seemingly random data.
Unatural stamina
Your mutations push you even further beond! But at a high price. Your body doesn't know the meaning of rest, and suffers as a result.
When ever you'd take fatigue instead take 1d10-toughness damage
Overactive tastebuds
Your tongue has mutated to taste almost too well. Too bad delicious food has gone extinct. What's keft taste like either ash or vomit. Upside is you can detect poisons from food and whether there are people upstream from river water.
Gills and webbed fingers and toes
Needs to moisturize the body or it dries out and cracks appear
Your fingers fuse into two-pronged, hardened nail-claws, which can be used for close combat, but make manipulation of everyday objects much harder
You puke out your guts (literally) and lose the ability to eat, but discover that you can subsist on light. You begin starving in prolonged darkness.
Be a Crab
As your consciousness drifts away, your body repairs wounds at incredible rates with all but the most horrific of injuries being fully mended within 48 hours. Heartrate slows to a snail's pace and the afflicted looks to the untrained eye as if they are dead. After the body has healed itself, the mutated's heart rate returns to normal and sleeps for hours until they wake, deathly thirsty and ravenously hungry.
Plant Whispering.
Due to an unnatural plant lifeform growing from your spine, you can converse with all sorts of plants. Unfortunately, plants never shut the fuck up, and mostly bitch about too much water/sunlight, or how painful their injury is. The will also become enraged if you attempt to eat them.
Try the Dark Heresy corruption table and take what you like from it