What was the fate of medieval peasant children when an invading army would start looting a village in search of food and other valuables? Would they spare the children? What would happen to them if they killed their parents?
What was the fate of medieval peasant children when an invading army would start looting a village in search of food...
Probably caught up in the murder orgy as well and/or suffer at the soldiers first, then killed off. If it was a particularly organized raid, maybe some of them sold into slavery.
To anyone thinking of posting in this thread, be aware that it is just a repost of a shitpost.
Please move on and ignore this bait thread.
Depends on the invaders and the cultural upbringing
How is this even a question?
Aside from depends on the setting/nation/ranking officer
What would happen to them would be the same as what would happen to adults, all the horrible shit grown men want to do but can't in times of peace or while under the watchful eye of the law
Pic related would probably be raped repeatedly and left for dead or tied up and taken by whoever managed to capture and maintain their "ownership" of her as loot
Would their be a tax policy on loot?
If you're looking for historical consensus, go to Veeky Forums. As for taking the question to a place that's relevant to Veeky Forums, usually they'd be left behind in the village, where they'd messily bury their dead, likely all alone or accompanied by the other PCs if they're all survivors of this one raid as shared backstory. being sold into slavery is a common NPC backstory, though, and pretty damn tragic. Rape is usually not an element because most people don't want that in their games, and really, why would you?
>tfw your barbarian feudal orgy culture is the closest thing we'll ever have to a libertarian utopia
It seems lime a worthy topic if we can just carefully avoid sliding down those particular slippery slopes again.
So let's stress this We're Veeky Forums, not Veeky Forums. These questions should be addressed from the point of view of medieval-themed campaigns, not as some sort of history buff circlejerk. yeah, the world was shit for everyone, especially children who are easily the most consistently marginalized part of any community, but this kind of shit is also a common backstory tropes in Veeky Forums, and you don't see retards cracking up while screaming rape in between laughs there.
Slavery and rape.
An important note should be that sacking a village is not total.
Many villagers would have a chance at fleeing ahead of the band, in the local hills/hedges/woods/swamps/etc...
and a defense could be mounted by the able-bodied at the local meeting hall/mayor's house/temple/etc... that would either hold out as loot is hastily taken and the band moves on, or even negotiate a surrender.
often a village could rebuild as people returned from hiding, tribute and ransom was paid, and the next village over helped out.
so a warband was not often in the position were the raid happens Hollywood style and everything's on fire and all the adults are killed (unless of course it is a deliberate message of power and cruelty and/or it's actually your neighbors with whom you have a blood feud)
Still warriors and warlords might take boys to be squires and menservants, or girls as concubines or domestics, depending on how those cultures draw the line on adulthood. If the warband practices bride-stealing that might also come in effect.
Mostly though people want other warriors and nobles to ransom back or able-bodied adults to do hard work and specialized labor and generally show how awesome the warlord is via number of wives and thralls. If they're too young to become camp followers and apprentices then they might not be enslaved at all.
With the caveat that children are also sometimes straight-up adopted by a warrior, especially if their family is barren or recently lost a child, or if the children are on the younger side or lost their own family.
If the bible is to be believed, their heads are dashed upon the rocks.
The mountain
It's in the bible
>What was the fate of medieval peasant children when an invading army would start looting a village in search of food and other valuables?
Usually: Slavery or left to fend for self while army loots
When Mongols: murdered
When muslims: raped
Last thread not good enough OP?
the Mongols very clearly and very deliberately set to their massacres and genocides as a terror weapon for everybody else. Much like Alexander and Tyre or Rome and the crucifixions along the Appian Way. Not any less horrible but not something for an average village.
Also I'm unaware of anything making say El Cid engage in more rapine under his Muslim masters than in his Christian ones.
>and the crucifixions along the Appian Way
That was Crassus being a cunt. It actually severely damaged his reputation.
and unlike nearly every other culture ever, the Mongols practiced extermination campaigns by reflex, sometimes against surrendered cities just to keep everyone else on their toes. They would also occasionally organize the mass rape of a subjugated city's women just as a lesson to their menfolk.
Do not undersell Mongol cruelty.
>It actually severely damaged his reputation.
Crassus was an interesting bloke. Half of Rome hated him because he was the wealthiest man in the world at the time, but he lived a very austere life and was an apparently good father by even modern standards.
>Half of Rome hated him because he was the wealthiest man in the world at the time
That's not the only reason they hated him. He was a ruthless loan shark that exploited the poor infrastructure of Rome. The man burned down half the city pursuing a profit.
Whatever ones were fucking killed were usually sold into slavery / indentured servitude. It's pretty simple.
Well, that's a stupid question.
1) Forage parties were relatively efficient, and would take food from a town or village with a minimum of fuss. It wasn't a matter of conquest, but of getting the job done properly and keeping spiteful villagers from burning the harvest and leaving.
2) Forage parties rarely ran into people. Most farmers/peasants would get out of the way of an army.
3) Even in the event of a fight over food, only a few people would be killed to scare the rest of the locals off, whom would scatter and flee. Chasing down EVERYONE wasn't practical, or useful.
4) Killing or enslaving poor farmers wasn't a useful or practical way to spend your time.
>was an apparently good father by even modern standards
>had to see his own son executed by P*rthians
>was so broken by that, he couldn't even bring himself to surrender
Being Crassus is suffering
Most often, they were ground into a sort of nutritive paste which was used as animal feed. However, there are a number of known cases in which peasant children were rendered into glue on a large scale. Children are not very useful as raw material for the production of glue, and the process uses a lot of water, so the exact purpose of these glue-making operations remains obscure.
What is wrong with rape in your campaigns? You don't want your players to see you hard when they rape a kid?
Rape and slavery were the most probable cases. Rape and then death were plausible if the ravaging army was in a hurry.
Other extreme events could happen, I guess; from turning into soldier chow through cannibalism to getting adopted into their captor's culture.
Oh ya. I did fail to mention that didn't I. His method of negotiating was a big brutal fucking.
Children are loot. You take them and add them to your country's serfdom.
In real life they would be beaten, raped and/or killed, because that's what apes do, be them christian, muslim, mongol or whatever, they are all just apes.
Now, on the tabletop ... I don't remember any particular case. Say, what would happen if Elves took a human city, what would they do with the children, or if Dwarves took an Elven city?
>What was the fate of medieval peasant children when an invading army would start looting a village in search of food and other valuables? Would they spare the children? What would happen to them if they killed their parents?
None of these things. Prior to the reformation European armies avoided wars of extermination against one another.
Rape, and lots of it, especially if they're little qts like your picture.
Depends on who's coming for them. There was one incident during the first crusade where a town was sacked and a lot of the population, especially children were eaten, the children were described as staked and roasted over fire pits, after a total clusterfuck of a double siege on Antioch. The crusaders were really hungry at that point. The initial pilgrims crusade in the first crusade were reportedly particularly sadistic and targeted young and old equally.
Generally speaking, the only advantage being a child during village looting is that it's easy to hide, if you're caught you're likely as fucked as everyone else, modern morality is a recent thing. Looking at the nastier theatres of WW2, various places in Africa, cartel wars in places like Mexico and so on and so forth, you see the same level of restraint shown by medieval looters.
They are treated like kids Sometimes given candy even! They sometimes played pranks on the armies but the soldiers took it all in stride. Sometimes they were pranked back, but all in good jest!
Pain and misery. Death if the invaders were merciful
>and really, why would you?
Are you joking? I would because my group isn't full of manchildren that get so queasy at fictional sexual violation that they need to pretend it wouldn't occur in the setting. Rape isn't some special snowflake crime.
>Shit that never happend for 100, Alex.
I'm gonna be honest: Reading the comments on this thread made me cry. The situation which was similar to things I've experienced or other women in my industry experienced or friends have been through when they tried to talk about their sexual violence).
What made me cry (as stupid as it is) is the lack of empathy I saw here. This is a community where so many people are empathetic. We can try to talk through problems with goblins. We always advocate talking to the players at the table when there's a problem. Our hobby has been used to help kids with anxiety, grief and any number of social barriers.
But, as soon as someone mentions a problem with the hobby, with the founders, half the comments go on the offensive. Does she have enough proof? Is it really that bad to threaten to blackball someone from the industry because she unfriended you? Is it really inappropriate for a titan of the industry to hit on a much younger woman and if she doesn't shut it down immediately, isn't it her fault for leading him on?
This story, with different names and different details has happened again and again, tragically pretty much any time women try to break into a male dominated field. It happens whenever a woman has to make the calculated decision between protecting her career and trying to protect the next woman (or herself) and it happens when a "boys will be boys" attitude happens. It happens when the immediate reaction to her story is "it's her fault" or "it's not rape so why are we talking about it now?"
I know not everyone will agree with this post. It might make some of you uncomfortable or angry. I guess all that I ask is that you try empathy first. Maybe don't listen to me, but listen to women when they step out on a very awkward and vulnerable limb to talk about these issues. Please don't make me regret talking about the iceberg of pain, vulnerability, hostility, and abuse of power that women experience more regularly than we should have to.
I liked Veeky Forums better when it wasn't filled with both /pol/tards shitposting about identity politics and /pol/tards pretending to be libtards shitposting about identity politics.
>People can talk carelessly about fictional situations in a game/midevil europe which is a thing fo the past. How dare they
You can't claim any moral highground on that matter. Shit like this happend and still hapens in the shitholes in this world. But that doesn't mean that we can't have a thought experiment or random shitposting from time to time on an slowakian sockpuppet exchange forum.
We had this thread yesterday.
Same thing that happens in modern Africa
>Kill all the boys (no value, potential problem)
>Fuck all the girls
>Take them to be fucked when they hit puberty.
Remember when Obongo and his husband were holding up signs saying "Return our girts" about Boku haram kidnapping them? They locked the dorm doors and set fire to the buildings with the boys inside.
This is why men understand outsiders are a danger while women consider them potential mates. Having a womb makes you valuable.
Actually what mostly happens in africa is that village burning is how you recruit.
>Sorry we raped and murdered and looted your village, but hey if you join us you can do the same thing to the next village we come across
Works surprisingly well. Look up General Butt Naked (no really that was his name) and Liberian civil war.
Why are you replying to such blatant bait? Jesus Christ.
I want /pop/ toleave.
This is why we don't want women around.
Now he beez a revrum and shee-it
Basically this. The Mongol Horde equivalent of my setting basically did this:
>Okay, basically, you could fight us and lose a bunch of people, or...
>Give us your supplies, enough to keep us going but not too much, so you guys can survive to be raided again or called on as a resource
>Your able-bodied men now fight for us, unless they're a father to children or are essential to the community. We want to be able to come back for more recruits later.
>Your able-bodied women now work with the men we recruited or for the group as a whole, unless they're a mother to children or are essential to the community, same reasons given.
>Our leader is going to check the production rate of your village and then determine how much tribute we want you to give us when we get back, because we will be back.
>Now we have the supplies we need, more soldiers, and when we get back the soldiers we recruited will tell you how much you should want to be part of our group.
>Don't like these terms? Tough shit. It'll be much worse for you if we have to fight you.
only in retribution for when your little ones were dashed against the rocks. FUCK YOU BABYLON!
>Say, what would happen if Elves took a human city
death on a clinical and efficient level
>if Dwarves took an Elven city
Indentured servitude. 10 years of labor and you can walk pointy ears.
>Depends on who's coming for them. There was one incident during the first crusade where a town was sacked and a lot of the population, especially children were eaten, the children were described as staked and roasted over fire pits, after a total clusterfuck of a double siege on Antioch. The crusaders were really hungry at that point. The initial pilgrims crusade in the first crusade were reportedly particularly sadistic and targeted young and old equally.
also I heard that the french nobles would rape newly wed wives on their wedding night. Its true because the English said it was!
The parts about the Pilgrims Crusade has multiple sources, including the queen of constantinople at the time. The cannibalism after Antioch has fewer sources, but in light of what happaned at Antioch, it honestly doesn't seem unlikely that a small group broke off and did what the story claims, especially if you look at what else has happened throughout history.
Antioch got fucking desperate. The entirety of the First Crusade was a fucking balls to the wall clusterfuck, it had fucking PC plans written all over it from start to finish.
>General Butt Naked
>General Rambo
>General Rambo (Yes there were two)
>General Mosquito
>General Mosquito Spray
>Prince Yormie Johnson who literally ate the former president and is a senator today
>>Prince Yormie Johnson who literally ate the former president and is a senator today
What the fuck is wrong with people?
theyre people.
Pol memes about women being thots and muh demographics but the reality is you put people in this kind of situations theyre going to turn into savages no matter what their propensities.
Is there like some sort of critical condition where people will just decide to eat their former leaders or enemy not for the sake of nutrition but as a sign?
They did it in China and who knows how many other places too.
>"I ate the former leader. That makes me leader now."
How the hell does that thought process come about?
>but the reality is you put people in this kind of situations theyre going to turn into savages no matter what their propensities.
This. People act like their environment.
It's nurture, not nature.
>General Mosquito
>General Mosquito Spray
was this the ultimate military rivalry?
You can only eat things you have power over, eating someone is the ultimate form of power over them.
Washed him down with Budweiser too.
>The video showed Johnson sipping a Budweiser beer and being fanned by an assistant as his men cut off Doe's ear.[9]
these Wikipedia articles are fucking fascinating, this lore is great
this is from General Butt Naked's page:
>Blahyi is a member of the Sarpo tribe in Liberia.[2] He claims he was initiated as a tribal priest at age 11, and participated in his first human sacrifice. During the course of the three-day ritual that followed, Blahyi says that he had a vision in which he was told by the Devil that he would become a great warrior and that he should continue to practice human sacrifice and cannibalism to increase his power.[3]
The problem with the cannibalism claim is that it supposedly happened after the crusader took the city and got resupllied.
if the army is old Norse, they would be killed.
if not they would usually be ignored while the raiding continues, soldiers have better things to do then killing children or taking care of them while there is gold and women to be had.
>what would happen if Elves took a human city
Institution of a benevolent colonial tyranny, infinitely superior to the human government in every way and hated by the human locals for that exact reason.
Basically what happened when the British colonized India, look at that for a model.
When chinese: eaten
racist much?
Yes, and?
>Child rape isn't different from other crimes
And that's why I wouldn't have you in my games or play in your, user. Of course it's different. Other crimes have perpetrators and victims, but when children are involved they have no recourse. It's depredation. They can't even realistically cope with it in any way other than neurologically. It's fucked up and I don't want to see it in the fiction I partake in. Fuck off with your edgy "everything goes" attitude. It's not something you should lionize.
This is perfect tg bait OP
If you could somehow squeeze turning into a hot girl within it, you could make money
>you turn into a looted elf girl peasant slave, wat do?
One can also murder children, mutilate them and take actions that will lead to them starving to death. And it's all the same shit, all of this is bad, there is no Super-Crime. It's really simple, it must be that your lack of education doesn't allow you to understand that. Or maybe you are deliberately baiting, i can't see other reasons for this mindset.
It's okay to show bad things in the works of fiction and tell that they are bad and shouldn't be put up with.
Don't look at me. Read the history books.
>and other valuables
The children become part of the "other valuables" thing unless they manage to escape. Children of the age you posted are perfectly able to work and are in a prime time to learn new skills, they will be fine slaves.
Not exactly, but you probably have to bring part of your loot to your overlord as tribute (often the finest one). Or maybe it works in the opposite way, you and everyone else gives all the loot to the boss and then he distributes it among all those loyal to him (but keeping some loot for himself). This could be seen as a primitive form of proto-tax policy.
>If you're looking for historical consensus, go to Veeky Forums
Awful advice
What if I and my players want the campaign to be strictly and 100% accurate regarding this or other topics?
Cid didn't convert to islam while serving muslims and anyways his whole point is that he was overall a great guy, of course he didn't do any bad.
Except the Mongols did it more and more often. Yes we know that all conquerors do nasty shit. Mongols were still among the worst and did it deliberately. Kinda like the Assyrians.
>Kill all the boys (no value, potential problem)
Enjoy rival warlord 2, your rival, having more men the next time you meet. Boys are for war.
>unless the Khan's feefees were hurt, then we will ignore all that shit
No it's an assumed and untaxed portion of your income.
The other way around. Looting your enemy complements or takes the place of taxing your subjects, both to fill your own pockets, and to pay your fighting men by gifts or letting them loot directly.
The most probable thing is that their parents would take them away before the army arrives.
>Basically what happened when the British colonized India, look at that for a model.
The English weren't benevolent at all, they were brutal and exploited the fuck out of the natural resources and virtual slave labour.
They brought some cool stuff with them though and the previous moghuls were shit too so modern Indians consider it a mixed bag rather than an absolutely bad thing.
>Of course it's different.
Feel free to prove this anytime.
>It's fucked up and I don't want to see it in the fiction I partake in.
Child murder and genocide is more fucked up, but you don't seem to give a shit about that.
>Fuck off with your edgy "everything goes" attitude. It's not something you should lionize.
If you think that being against disallowing/removing things from fictional works is "edgy", you're mentally ill. Since they clearly didn't do a good job the first time around, please go back to your parents and ask them to teach you how to distinguish fiction from reality.
This is why giving women the right to vote was a mistake.
Women have no stake in the long term well being and security of their society nor do they recognize hostile outsider males as the threat they are.
Anecdotal, but I have had regular chats with a stalinist who thinks we should eat the rich people.
He thinks that it is an appropriate symbolical gesture.
is he mentally ill?
I do not know.
He might be operating on a level of meta irony I cannot grasp.
An invading army of 20 thousand is very slow and very noticeable. A raiding party of 100-200 is not. A warning ahead of time is not always possible.
The two are not mutually exclusive. An army is not a giant blob 100 or even 95% of the time. Scouts, hunters, and raiders working in concert with an army were pretty common, and this becomes more true the farther back in time one goes.
The villagers might have somewhere nearby to hide, or they might not. They might abandon their village entirely and head towards some friendly town or city, but that carries it's own risks and is potentially more fatal than just playing the odds and hoping your tiny village is ignored.
Rape and then death doesn't have to be in that order.
Children are too weak to work any good field, making them another mouth to feed
Since the age of 8, pretty much everyone in a village worked in some capacity or another.
Did you tap your X card? If not, why not?