Undead thread
Only things that are mostly dead allowed
Undead thread
Only things that are mostly dead allowed
Dead you say?
My hope
>things that are mostly dead
Are undead inherently evil/unholy? for example in pretty much every game they are weak to holy/light magic, but let's say a cleric died but was reanimated as a skeleton and wanted to carry on his priestly duties and spread the word of his generous god, would he still be weak to holy magic?
It really does depend on the setting and what an undead *is*. If it's a soul bound to a vessel, then no. If it's a negative energy creature, then no. If, like in my GM's campaign, normal undead are pretty much just bone golems with fairly weak artificial souls, then nah.
As for holy magic, it's either a standard Pokemon-type elemental weakness dealio or the gods have specifically tailored their magic to deal with undead for whatever reason (some ancient foe in the past, or they're just dicks and don't want anyone else creating souls)
Lets go with yes. The question actually inspired me to write the following.
The cleric is revived, and decides to leave the land he spent life in behind, so as to not terrify his loved ones with his monstrous state and let them think peaceful rest washed over him.
Saint Skeleton wanders through the wasteland to gather his thoughts and much time passes. After countless time passes Saint Skeleton discovers an injured youth unconscious in the wasteland. Acting without thought our hero channels holy light from his hands, burning pain snaps through his bones, and the youth is returned to consciousness. The pain draws a wailing scream from Saint Skeleton.
Waking from darkness the youth sees the skeleton rattling and releasing a horrific scream that makes the listeners very soul feel sick. Terrified by the wailing, and now fully awake, the youth screams and runs as quickly as possible towards the village.
Saint Skeleton remains shaking until the pain fades. Looking to his hands the bones are scorched up to the arm and the tips of the fingers have small cracks forming in them. Grief flows, as understanding of his fully unholy state washes over the saint's thoughts. If he makes greater use of his holy powers it would surely destroy his body and render what is left of him dust. Not being one to sulk or dwell in self-pity for long the lightly damaged skeleton turns his thoughts towards the possibility that a tomb from holy monasteries or a wise elder will be able to provide a solution to this macabre nightmare. The tracks from the healed child are still fresh and surely lead to a town of some sort, and so Saint Skeleton sets forward with hopes of finding an elder, or directions at the very least.
Part 1/X
The youth on arrival in town immediately begins to spread exaggerated stories of how she fell asleep while gathering water and woke just in time to escape the grasp of an undead fiend approaching her helpless body. Unfortunately for our hero, his healing was done so well that the girl woke in such good condition she never realized that she was ever unconscious or in a dire state. The town’s people knowing not to take lightly the threat of the undead alert the guards and the elders gather.
Saint Skeleton walks along the foot print path until a small town likely consisting of a few hundred people comes into sight, and posted around the perimeter of the town are various groups of guards. Looking down towards his cracked and scarred bones Saint Skeleton decides that to avoid terrifying yet more innocent people, or bringing on the wrath of solders, waiting until night and crafting a disguise will be the best course forward. Night comes and Saint Skeleton realizes that his night vision is greater than it has been in the past, which serves great use as he looks for an unguarded entrance to the town through which he can find a cloak to hide his ghastly being. After circling the town he finds his way in past a guard whom fell asleep at the east side entrance of the town. As quietly as his creaking bones allow Saint Skeleton searches through the trash of the locals so that he may find abandoned clothing, or blankets, or really any veil to hide under. After a few hours a tattered collection of mismatched rags are gathered to form a robe that would make a homeless vagabond look royal. With sun-up coming soon and the materials needed to eventually form a proper disguise Saint Skeleton crawls under a nearby home’s crawlspace and decides to wait until night returns. The comfort and joys of sleep and dreams sadly are no longer a part of Saint Skeleton’s “life” so he instead lies silently and listens folks.
Part 2/X
Most of the town people concerned themselves with their families, trades, and the occasional gossip, but one family had greater concerns, their son of seven was horribly sick. His flesh had legions the size of a grown man’s fist growing on it, his breath was short and painful, and he was nearly unable to move at all. None of the doctors or priests in the town could cure the boy or purge the evil that was causing the illness, and so all thought the boy was soon to be dead. Saint Skeleton however was unwilling to give up, and set himself to helping this child.
In the quite of night Saint Skeleton searched through the town’s unwanted items, and waste to find materials to repurpose any way he could, and he also spent a fair amount of time sneaking in and out of the libraries of various homes, occasionally taking a book with him to read during the day. He studied all books of medicine that could be found, and soon was better educated in the ways of medicine without magic than he was in his own holy magics ways of healing. Eventually he discovered a serum which he if produced would allow the boy’s life to be saved, but the materials needed were beyond what could be found in the trash and gutters of the town. Wrestling with his conscious Saint Skeleton decided that he would take only the tiniest of material from many different homes so that none would be majorly harmed or perhaps even notice his theft of ingredients to form the serum.
Part 3/X
Word limits are gay...
After gather all the ingredients and processing the medicine Saint Skeleton had completed the elixir needed to cure the boy. There was only one obstacle remaining in his path, the medicine needed to be administered four times a day for a full lunar cycle. If a skeleton was seen pouring medicine in the mouth of an injured boy it surely would be responded to poorly, and may put the medicine in danger let alone Saint Skeleton. Undeterred Saint Skeleton searched for the right person to give the elixir to so that the boy’s life might be saved.
One morning an aspiring cleric known for his curiosity and great potential awoke to find a strange vile and a note tied to it on his night stand. The note contained an impassioned plea that the elixir be given to the young boy on the other side of town soon to be dead, including detailed description of its formation, ingredients, and how to perform treatment using the elixir. Strangely the author of the note said that he or she was unable to administer the medicine due to “unfortunate social pressures” and left no signature. Examining the ingredients and process of creating the potion in greater detail, the cleric became quite convinced that the potion would in fact cure the boy if he gave it to him, and knowing time was short he left his home on a mission seemingly handed over to him from heaven itself.
Part 4/5
Time passed and during a soft autumn morning whilst reading Saint Skeleton heard the sound of the young boy playing. If he had tears to cry they would have been. The joy inside of him had nowhere to escape except through tightly hugging the book in his arms. Memories of the lives he had saved while living filled the skeleton’s memory, and he was now reminded that the beauties of his living work need not end simply because his holy gifts would shatter his bones.
Now every night Saint Skeleton travels and administers medicine, or leaves the books of doctors and clerics open to just the right page, with a bundle of ingredients. He has likely set foot in every town of each continent the world has to offer, quietly healing the sick, at no cost, except for the occasional piece of fabric to improve his now decedent black robe that hides him in the night.
Part 5/5
This is so sophomoric. Learn to actually write, cringelord.
Or maybe you could learn how to give constructive criticism.
If you are a fire elemental, water presumedly hurts. 'cuz you're made from fire.
If you are an Undead, made from negative energy (or powered by it), made from Unlife/Anti-life, then Life hurts.
If you're an Angel, a holy being, then unholy hurts; Demon, holy hurts.
This is out-of-my-ass how elements work, and there's earth/fire/water/air, holy/unholy and life/death.
The Undead are often depicted as weak to both Life and Holy damage, meaning they're Unliving and Unholy. Nothing's stopping you from making a Holy Unliving being, where Life hurts but you're holy. You can call them Risen Saints or something.
tl;dr no he'd be a holy undead if your setting allows such things
Elemental rock paper scissors. Nothing to be ashamed of.
Came here hoping to see him.
Chaos Posters, go home
I think Chaos would be more than happy to point out that Emps isn't dead. I mean trapped on the verge of death and only kept existing by feeding him the souls of a thousand psychics a day? Ha, that's just silly.
No, he's alive and well, thank you very much. And he needs those thousand psychics a day to tune his throne into his soap operas. The Horus Herecies used to be his favorite, but he's gotten pretty partial to As the Tau Turns.
i came here to say this