Is there a creature more aesthetic than a Unicorn?

Is there a creature more aesthetic than a Unicorn?

Other urls found in this thread:

Frostbite Spider.

Sphinx and Griffin aren't bad, but aren't as good.




Pegasus hijack


Snow Fairies


>not the goblin king

I’m laughing at all of you.

The elegant chocobo

You know there can really only be one answer.


The god of Aesthetics himself.

oh hai there

Depends on the setting.

The half naked babe's who usually ride them

Where them virgins at?

>be living god

Blaarglargh Han Solo's a robit Barglurhluur Unicorn Butthead

He didn't die, he merely shed his mortal form and ascended to his place among the swol.

>unicorn with a horse body

My inner Beaglefag is triggered everytime.

What's it supposed to be?

Why not both?

He lived the great life for a while though and gave hope to many people.
Like Jesus.

Not that user, but according to ancient mythology unicorns where always described as much more goat like. Including beards. This is why, even today, they still have cloven hooves. They also had solid black horns, which they used to royally fuck up dragons. They were fierce and bloodthirsty creatures. Think of how the hippopotamus is responsible for more deaths in Africa each year than crocodiles and sharks combined, even though it's an herbivore. This is where the whole virgin thing comes from. Because only someone who was truly pure of heart could tame the unicorn. And virginity/celibacy goes hand in hand with purity in ancient folklore.

How the fuck do you die in a sauna?

Is this a Veeky Forums meme. I feel there's a story.

Stayed in there too long and passed out from dehydration most likely. No one must've went looking for him.

You don't drink enough water I guess? I mean they get pretty hot.

Just another retarded roid head that got himself killed.

There was one Russian guy who died in the international sauna tournament back in 2010. He came second. The Finnish guy who actually won spent two months in a coma afterwards. They haven't held the tournament since.

A horse.

Please be in London

>tfw you will never fuck a unicorn

Feels bad.

I know that feel.


a skeleton!


This. The stench of virginity in this thread is positively /b/-tier. Fuck. "Aesthetic Creatures" Does OP have to spell it out? It was Halloween: Scary. Plastic. Monsters.

That's about right.

Works for me.

stat em

Agreed. Check em btw.

I think he had some kind of undiagnosed heart problem and had a stroke.

>tfw played a Final Fantasy game where my White Mage's deity was Phoenix
>asthetic as fuck churches with fire, radiant energy, and life as the primary domains

fucking a dickgirl in a sauna while doing no cardio

and having a heart disorder



what the fuck

Riods makes your organs grow bigger. So even if you stop using them your belly will still be blown up from the organs