They're not ready to unleash the raw power that is the Food and Provisions UA
Chase Sanchez
Will rolling for tit size be a separate UA?
Adam Wilson
No, because we all know that all female PCs have DD sized tits
Mason Cooper
Stop bad mouthing your superiors dumbasses
Colton Gutierrez
What are we, Pathfinder General now?
Besides, everyone knows those sizes are tied directly to Charisma score.
Carson King
Mike, you can stop posting this picture now.
Owen Rogers
>mike gets bootybothered because we guessed his UA Imagine my shock
Ethan Collins
So do you only have the one reaction image?
Hunter King
I've heard it might be something for Dark Sun, so food and provisions could fit into that.
Isaiah Hill
But I didn't guess food and provisions Can you at least pay attention to the thread, mike?
Luke Johnson
Can /5eg/ say anything good about adventurers league?
Colton Wood
It's a great containment field for people I wouldn't want to play with.
Robert Morales
Do you only have one braincell?
Gavin Murphy
no, the PHB +1 rule is utter shit, ESPECIALLY when it works against spells too
>oh you came across this spellbook with absorb elements >oh wait can't use it cause i'm a kenku/kobold/lizardfolk/firbolg/etc. and my +1 is volo's
honestly gay as all shit and it has already come up in that exact manner
John Robinson
Actually, you can get them from spellbooks, but with the phb+1 rule you just can't choose them on a level up
Xavier Morris
>UA: Sexual Fetishes
How would you feel?
Aiden Jackson
Benjamin Rivera
I would be happy - not because of the UA, but because I clearly woke up in the opposite world. You know, the Berenstein universe, not the shitty Berenstain one.
Daniel Johnson
Can someone explain how you're supposed to use smokebombs?
If I throw it in melee, it does nothing, blind attacking the blind? Who do I smokebombs in a ranged scenario?
Samuel Morris
What smokebombs are you talking about?
Kevin Hill
What would you say Strahd's Ideal/Bond/Flaw is?
Ideal: Turn Ireena, Capture van Richten, Find successor
Bond: Tatyana, Tome, ???
Flaw: (no idea, I don't think he's an arrogant, stuck-up lord. He's a charismatic and loving troubled soul. He doesn't like being stuck in Barovia for ever, either)
Noah Brown
>If I throw it in melee, it does nothing, blind attacking the blind?
It lets you leave... like you might want if you are a caster, ranged combatant, really hurt, etc.
Ethan White
Flaw: I'm a narcissistic sociopath uncapable of empathy and love
Grayson Lee
It's a concealment wall. You use it to cut the enemy ranged attackers off from the rest of the fight, giving you time to deal with the melee. Or you could just use it to give yourself a chance to hide or sneak past.
Jeremiah Roberts
Playing a Paladin, I'm wondering if I should multiclass into Warlock or Sorcerer. What would you suggest?
Andrew Moore
Sorry, Jeremy, I took that from here >The paragraphs on what he ate last wednesday My mistake. You know I'm not a clever man.
Liam Jones
breaks line of sight, throw it down in a hallway to force ranged enemies to close the distance or prevent spellcasters from targeting you. Also since you get advantage for attacking blind targets and disadvantage for being blind it equals out to normal attacks, so you can throw it down and safely duke it out melee style.
Isaac Butler
You know, with all the memes and jokes that have been made of it, I actually WANT a food and provisions UA now.
You must be new here. That's already been covered, albeit not by a UA.
The specific table you're looking for is on page 11, after the class sex traits.
Dylan Stewart
Caster you can't see them, best you could do would be to cast windgust because you can't hit what you can't see I'd say ranged would just be shooting at disadvantage
Adam Sullivan
>What would you suggest? Don't.
Was your grandpa dragon? Have you sold your soul to a devil?
Grayson Bell
>I'm wondering if I should multiclass into Warlock or Sorcerer When considering multiclassing, always ask yourself - what do I want to gain, how SOON will I get it and will my gains really outweight the losses? As a paladin, you really want your level 6 feature, extra attack and Improved Divine Smite. If you're a crown paladin, you really want spirit guardians. Will a ranged option or limited spellcasting/spell slots for smites be better for you than this?
Camden Foster
Why is this ruled differently from attacking an invisible target?
James Ramirez
The setting I'm playing has my character race tied to the sun god. I was thinking of going either Celestial Warlock, and have his patron be the sun god or maybe Phoenix Sorcerer and have it be due to his heritage.
Ryan Gutierrez
So what happens to a Wizard that looses their spellbook? I assume they have to start over from scratch but it seems punishing considering they gain spells on level ups
Grayson Nguyen
For example, for my land druid x dragon sorcerer 1 I am willing to set my spell progression back 1 level and give up archdruid for shield and 13+dex AC
Ayden Torres
Guys help I might have been extremely retarded until now Do you need to make an attack roll on burning hands ?
Jace Baker
read the spell.
probably keeping a back up but it would fuck the character.
he's nothing like that?
Angel Peterson
>He gave up Archdruid for Mage Armor
Jesus Christ
Kayden Nelson
Favored Soul sorcerer would work even better if you ask me.
Camden Russell
Nigga you can cast Barkskin
Oliver Brown
Chase Barnes
I think a Wraith would spend a turn making sure that a PC is dead, right? He wouldn't just keep them unstable at 0 HP, I mean. Especially since he can create a Specter from the body the turn right after.
Also, Life Drain says "the target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0". This means even if I down a character to 0, he still has to make Constitution saving throws against Life Drains?
Andrew Baker
Newish DM, I need a better way to do monsters. My group is still playing in roll20 because of cost/convenience and up until now I've been making monster tokens with all action macros, stats, etc. Only problem is this is super time consuming. Starting CoS and there's no way I'm making 60+ fully macro'd tokens for every possible enemy, so how do you guys do it? Thinking I'll make some blank, no stats, no macro tokens and then just keep a physical binder for every monster stat block in CoS.
Jayden Williams
>he's nothing like that?
Is this bait? >Hm, this chick doesn't love me. >Loves my brother though. >Must be because I'm so old. >I must become IMMORTAL! >What's the price? >Murdering my brother and drinking his blood? >Sure, done deal. >HEY, SERGEI >NOT SO HANDSOME WITHOUT YOUR THROAT, ARE YOU >Wait >Why is the chick running away >I'm immortal and eternally young now! >Come on, she MUST be in love with me no- >And she killed herself. >Eh, women. >Surely her reincarnation will love me, though. >And if not, I will turn her into a vampire spawn and make her love me! >Shit, she's dead again. >Okay, surely her NEXT reincarnation... >OH FOR FUCK'S SAKE >When will she learn already that I'm entitled to have her?
Strahd is a monster.
Evan Morgan
>he's nothing like that?
Different guy here. He's pretty explicitly like that.
He wanted a woman; she didn't like him because he was a self-obsessed violent asshole. So he killed her, and his brother, on their wedding night, because "what about MY feelings?????" And, naturally, he's convinced himself that he's a tragic victim in all of this.
He demands to be loved, but he doesn't care about anyone else except as possessions, so no one loves him. He's a monster. That's kinda the point.
Elijah Ross
Well, they can transcribe back the spell they have prepared. Sure, it will hurt them, but fighter loosing his magical sword and full plate will be gimped as well. But it is an interesting question.
Julian Clark
I said shield, fuckface, the 13+ ac is a dragon sorcerer passive
Ryder Nelson
PHB p. 114: Replacing the book
Basically, it's quick and cheap to make a copy, you should do that. If you lose all your copies, you can start a new one by writing down the spells you currently have prepared. You'll have to find scrolls/books to copy for all the ones you didn't have in memory, though.
It's a major bummer, like a fighter losing his magic sword and plate armor. Take steps to avoid it, but accept and deal with it if the DM shipwrecks you naked or something.
Kevin Hill
>he's nothing like that?
Strahd is such a massive cunt the multiverse decided it was worth the collateral damage of all the people in Barovia just to eternally punish him.
Robert Reyes
Nigga I need that concentration for other shit
Juan Nelson
I've playing an UAv2 of Circle of the Shephard, one of the strongest things in the entire game. That starts from the fact that Druids are possibly the best spellcaster in the game and thus one of the best classes in the game.
Here's an example at level 6, you cast conjure animals for 1/2 CR and summon 4 Apes. They get 2 extra hp per hit die, so they now have 25 hp. On the same turn, you bonus action to summon a bear spirit, granting all of your apes and most likely all of the party an additional 11 temporary hp. Those apes are standing at a 36 hp tall, with a +5 in athletics and advantage on strength checks (and strength saving throws) for good measure from the bear spirit, so you command the apes to grapple and restrain the bad guys. Typical hp at that level for PCs is 45 to 54.
The bad guys quickly lose all chance at competitive action economy, either spending time to deal with 4 chunks of 36 hp or trying to counteract being ape-piled. Meanwhile, the Druid is free to use the entire rest of his action economy with support with spells like Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Lesser Restoration, and Dispel Magic. These guys are very good competitors with Clerics.
In this example, I used Apes as they are one of the poorer animals to end up with. A pack of 8 charging Elk is comical in its effectiveness, but even just 8 Wolves at 26 hp each or 2 Dire Wolves at 58 each are terrifying.
Gavin Garcia
is it worth using 5e if I'm doing a non magic human only middle Eastern ali baba style game?
Jason Powell
>I think a Wraith would spend a turn making sure that a PC is dead, right?
Probably not if there are other people still fighting the wraith.
>This means even if I down a character to 0, he still has to make Constitution saving throws against Life Drains?
Yes, because he can still get his max reduced. Remember that you fail a death save every time you take damage while bleeding out.
Owen Evans
>collateral damage of all the people in Barovia I used this as a minor plot point in my CoS. What tipped over players from believing that the grandmaster knight guy is a misguided soul to a straight up villain is that he believed that all of people in Barovia are worth punishing too. Because their previous reincarnations didn't stop Strahd, or help Argynvost defeat him. In his mind, they brought Strahd solely upon themselves, so they have it coming.
Kevin Allen
Step 1: buy bag of holding Step 2: buy that magic glue I can't remember the name of Step 3: place spare spellbook in bag of holding and glue said bag of holding to your back with magic glue Step 4: ??? Step 5: profit
Easton James
since you can just wear armor as a druid I wouldn't give spell progression and just stick with studded leather + dex + shield.
perma-mage armor is a one whole AC bro.
Luke Reed
Dang, dude, I never go to all that trouble. I just put bookmarks in the Monster Manual and keep notes on initiative and hp totals during fights. Google an image for the token and play on.
Leo Peterson
What kinda shitty druid wears armor, any good druid is as naked as the day they were born
Aiden Gonzalez
>I've been making monster tokens with all action macros, stats, etc Are you crazy? Just make character sheets for monsters (50% of them are already in roll20 SRD, it's just drag and drop) and use those character sheets when convenient.
Jack Scott
No, there are 3/12 magical classes and even those have about half subclasses with magic.
Ryan Nguyen
Sure, it works for that. Other systems do, too.
5e is the first edition of D&D that I feel comfortable recommending for non-D&D purposes. You might want to gin up some class options other than fighter or rogue, though. Don't get me wrong, a full party of rogues can work great! But if there are only two classes, and every person who's more focused on skills than soldiering somehow knows sneak attack...
Jackson Sullivan
>Probably not if there are other people still fighting the wraith. "...wraith-a malevolent void trapped on the plane where it died. Almost nothing of the wraith's former existence is preserved; in this new form, it exists only to annihilate other life." -MM, p. 302
Camden Nelson
For the cost of a major magic item, this gives you very little extra security. Stealing a book from your bag is only slightly more difficult if the bag is stuck to you, rather than strapped to you.
Tattoos, man. That's how you do.
Jackson Walker
At that point you might as well just glue your book to your hand,
Isaiah Perez
I mean you can fill the bag with quippers and water and waterproof your book if you want even more security
David Perez
pretty simple. Create an empty sheet. Write up all the token macros for the sheet, ie. the >"%{selected|repeating_npcaction_$0_npc_action}". Save this empty sheet as a master copy. Now, duplicate it. Edit the sheet and name it the monster you are currently making, and load an image(ignore the token spot). Drag and drop the monster from the compendium onto the sheet- it'll auto-fill everything. Now go and toggle on the applicable macros for the Token, rename them if you'd like to be specific ie. "Action-1" into "Bite".
After you set up the master copy, the whole process takes maybe 90 seconds.
Now for the rest of time, you can just drag that monster off the journal tab and have it ready to go.
For monsters not available in the SRD, there used to be a way to import monsters with a script, but Wizards shut it down. There's probably still a way, but I don't know it off the top of my head. Just copy over stats, it doesn't take that much longer.
Jaxson Jenkins
Ohhh, ok. You made a controversial decision, which you wanted us to validate. We didn't give you the answer you wanted, so you're back to the argument you had with your group.
Your group was right to disagree with you. Wraiths are intelligent, and often serve as commanders in undead armies. They're not mindless, and they're not gonna ignore being stabbed and shot just to get another hit in on someone who's already down.
If, as DM, you rule that this particular wraith is suicidal and vindictive, then fine. But it's a decision you're making, not a normal part of the game. Own it.
Zachary Sanchez
Huh. To be honest I had never thought about the ethical aspects of summoning a creature to walk down an animal filled dungeon.
Alexander Jenkins
could you recommend a system better suited for my purposes?
Chase Gutierrez
Wizards and Sorcerers have to be naked(and get smaller hit die). Druids are part of the spellcaster master race with proficiency up in armor up to medium, next to Clerics.
Druids make it to the "top 3 best 5e classes" every time for a reason.
Nathaniel Taylor
Not really, magic is what makes 5e fun. Outside of that it's just bland Roll 20 mechanics
No genies or open sesame in your campaign?
Michael Mitchell
>Post stupid mechanics that are there only for the sake of balance Prepared spells is such a retarded concept it isn't even funny. It's only purpose is to unnaturally limit a Wizard's options. It doesn't even make since from a lore perspective.
Zachary Carter
>Remember that you fail a death save every time you take damage while bleeding out. Yeah, but since it's an auto-crit against unconscious, it's pretty much 2 failures on a hit.
I'm the guy that asked, I'm not this guy, although I kinda agree with him - but I'm not 100% sure yet, that's why I'm asking. I don't need a reason to kill them (I haven't yet), but I kinda think that since the Wraith has already 2 specters out that are going to take care of the other members, he has time to finish his first victim. Especially since it raises another specter the turn after that.
Camden Edwards
Back again? We haven't missed you.
Angel Cook
I am not the original poster, i am just faggot with MM and too much free time.
Ian Hill
>I have no argument so I just post a bait image and call it a day Grow up you are acting like a whiny pissbaby.
Ryan Cooper
It makes sense that a Wizard wouldn't have every spell memorized. I can see where really old or gifted Wizards may have more spells committed to memory, but you can't expect the norm to be all Wizards have photographic memory.
Logan Sullivan
I almost fell for the bait.
Matthew Mitchell
>Fuck, my shitty bait has failed me yet AGAIN! I'll just call him a pissbaby, that oughta provoke him.
Camden Hughes
Savage Worlds is a decent generic system, skewed towards pulpy action. Good if you want to be scaling minarets and having flashy swordfights against a dozen mooks.
Camden Sullivan
Hit Points. HP bloat, meatpoints/luck/evasion confusion,...
Cameron Rivera
>memorizing a few words and gestures requires photographic memory Jesus Christ how do people learn languages!??!?!?!?
Connor Cooper
Oh, huh. If he's got minions blocking off the rest of the party and isn't personally under threat, then taking the time to make another specter does make sense.
At this point, the real question is: how lethal do you want your game to be?
Brayden Young
You don't have to speak a language perfectly for it to work faggot
Anthony Mitchell
>casting a spell require just few words and waving your hand It doesn't. Unless you are sorcerer. In which case, it still does require something more, but it is something outside your immediate control
Ian Nguyen
Stop giving him (You)s.
Bentley Allen
Never, I will feed the trolls until the day I die
Blake Rivera
>DM creates a program that accurately keeps track of time through turns, rests, activity, etc. >Applying one long rest per 24 hours rule, etc. >suddenly 6-8 medium encounters a day, 2-3 short rests a day is a terrifyingly difficult pace to maintain
Jose Myers
How do you know it's just a few words? Spells might not all be as simple as a Harry Potter universe.
How about this, can you recall the Chemical equation for Photosynthesis you learned in Biology? It's fairly straightforward, but if you haven't used it in awhile you'd probably have to write it down. It's like that.
I'm gathering this is a common point if discussion so I'll leave it at that. Enjoy your (You)s.
That sounds like an interesting program, would he be willing to share it?
Alexander Hill
Yet most people do and it isn't photographic hard Uh yeah it does. Most spells require V, S and sometimes M. Not to mention most spells can be done in an action or sometimes even a reaction.
Samuel Long
Oh boy My favorite
Michael Nguyen
It can be done in an action. Plus your analogy doesn't work since any person could easily memorize that equation if they were a chemist just like any wizard should be able to memorize their spells.
Brody Wilson
I've never seen anyone actually use that pace. 6-8 encounters? None of them a real threat, just designed to bleed you of a few resources? Even if some of them are just traps, that sounds boring.
Every game I've run or been in has had fewer, more difficult encounters.