What sort of advances to modern medicine would a Primaris Apothecary or a Sister Hospitaller bring to our world if they...

What sort of advances to modern medicine would a Primaris Apothecary or a Sister Hospitaller bring to our world if they showed up?

Could they cure currently incurable diseases like HIV, Diabetes, etc? Perform surgeries that were impossible before . Teach highly advanced medical technological design (in addition to faith in the Emperor of course)

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I've got some bad news for you.

Is our modern medical technology really ahead of 40k or even 30k pre-heresy tech?

I don't know, but it wouldn't surprise me. A recurring theme in the Imperium is technological stagnation.

They're still ahead. They started regressing from a peak that's way, way more advanced than today.

If they can deal with Nurgle, they can deal with something easy like HIV.

They might, however, be beyond our ability to technologically engineer, and it's already a good deal beyond their ability to understand fully.

I great deal of their tech runs on the Warp, and the Space Marines themselves are themselves partially warp creations through their geneseed.

>Do you have some Absolvium? No? Maybe some Tears of the Emperor? Hmm, that's regrettable.
>I can't find the outlet to plug my auspex to your medicae suite.
>Sorry, I specialize in xeno-infestations and MIU implants, not in paleo viruses.
>What's an appendix?

Space Marines are so far removed from base humanity, they have trouble with base humanity. That's kinda funny.

>"What's an appendix?"
>"Oh, if you have any questions, just do this: Cortana, what's an appendix?"

>Imperium is technological stagnation

Only compared to highly advanced aliens. Compared to 2017 Earth, they have godlike technology. Librarians are giant psychics that shoot lightning out of their hands. They definitely would be worshipped today.

Huh, never realized how reasonable the carnifex was IRL

The Hospitaller is likely the more useful of the pair, as they do a lot more work outside of the battlefield on actual humans.

And there are chances that vestigial traits like the appendix will have completely disappeared in M41.

>stormbolter shoots what appears to be 105mm rockets on full auto.
By Vulkan.

>>plug my auspex to your medicae suite

Since when do auspexes need a "plug"? They don't. One apothecary has enough technology to beat an entire 2017 hospital.

>>What's an appendix?

Apothecaries turn humans into astartes. They know far more about human biology than we do. They are as far above doctors as doctors are above witch doctors howling at the Moon. One apothecary would revolutionize Earth's medical technology. Cybernetics would cure almost everything. Cripples, the blind, amputees would have cybernetics that are better than flesh and blood. Imagine rejuve treatments. Humans would live for centuries. At least the rich ones.

underrated post

>They are as far above doctors as doctors are above witch doctors howling at the Moon.
And if you dropped a modern doctor into a South American jungle with just the clothes on his back and asked him to cure an outbreak of bubonic plague, he'd know roughly what to do (Remove vermin, change bedding, minimize contact, FUKKEN ANTIBIOTICS), but he might well struggle to actually help without easy access to massive medical infrastructure. An Imperial medicae would be in a similar situation, and if he's not a senior medical specialist, he might not have actual grounding in medical theory so much as a rote flowchart to follow. One that doesn't place "Patient survival", much less comfort, that high on the priority list.

Well 40k humans are not humans. So I doubt they would know much.

To be fair Hospitaller, have science magic hacks regarding biology.
The fuckers could cure cancer by faith alone.
Assuming it works in modern humans

>Could they cure currently incurable diseases like HIV, Diabetes, etc?

they call it the Emperor's Peace

>if you dropped a modern doctor into a South American jungle

Not if. That happens all the time. There are dozens of NGOs that do exactly that. Guess what? It works.

>he might well struggle to actually help without easy access to massive medical

Well if it's a "struggle" then he might as well give up and watch TV. But seriously, you are playing the 'It's not easy' card. Nobody said it would be easy.

Additionally, what could a skilled Tech-Priest or Magos of the Mechanicum/AdMech, who are often skilled in cybernetic enhancement and biological alterations, bring to modern medicine?
Sure, they might not know the theory behind it, but they know how to implement their tech in practice.

>what could a skilled Tech-Priest or Magos of the Mechanicum/AdMech

One techpriest would take over the entire planet. He would hack every government, every military, every bank, every corporation, etc, etc. Imagine if Zuckerberg really could make an army of cyborgs to conquer the world.

You take a joke about a setting that runs on bullshit and rule of cool waaaaaaay too seriously, user.

user, I'm a nurse, and if you dropped all the personel of my hospital in the jungle, we'd be pretty fucked (what kind of plants do we use to make cures, that kind of thing).
Any specialist is MASSIVELY reliant on the system that supports him.
How's the Astartes gonna access the patient's medical history without compatible software? How is he gonna make juvenate treatments without plants from Xormblox IV?
He can probably perform heart surgery with crude tools, but that's hardly revolutionary.
Also see for the appendix

>Doctors in the Jungle RPG

Apothecaries are combat medics. Combat medics for augmented superhumans at that. They are going advance very little, if anything, because that's not their fucking job. Their job is patching wounds and extracting gene seed, not synthesizing cures and curing diseases beyond maybe identifying it in the field and administering a premade agent. They aren't going to know jack shit about anything that isn't getting a giant ubermensch with a fused ribcage and redundant heart combat ready.

God you're a fucking retard I bet you go over great at parties, learn to take a joke.

apothercaries oversee the SM transformation process, and probably provide day-to-day medical care to Astartes and serfs, though.

Right, they do. That's their explicit and most important job, though and it's doubtful they know any procedures beyond that. It's highly doubtful they provide medical care to Astartes and especially serfs, because why whould they? They have a highly important job with cultivating and maintaining gene seed, why use a Space Marine for it when a serf can do it? Hell, a serf may be able to do it better, because all he has to do is exactly that and study up on how to do this for Space Marines. It'd be a waste of ressources and time to teach an Apothecary all the shit a practicioner, a surgeon and all the other medicinal variants need to know for all the day to day shit.

his main "medical tool" is a bolt gun. id be suprised if he has more then his pistol and some bone saws

Time. Unlike the rest of us, Space Marines dont age.

The Emperor got stuff to work from the fall of the Dark Age of Technology. At least we don't have techno barbarians.

Literally my job in the army, and counting tent pegs.


>It's highly doubtful they provide medical care to Astartes and especially serfs, because why whould they?
They literally do. To the Astartes at least. Part of the Apocatherions job is overseeing the physical health of every marine in the Chapter. Which includes acting like a proper doctor, making sure the Space Marine augmentations are working correct, administering hormonal treatments to balance the extra organs etc.

Apochatherys are far more than just random grunt combat medics. These people are highly trained superhumans that write academic treatises on alien physiology (atleast during the Great Crusade) and similar.

In older fluff juvenat treatments were made from dead babies, which we have an abundance of.

>I'm a nurse, and if you dropped all the personel of my hospital in the jungle, we'd

You would advance the primitives by centuries, even without medicine resupply. Hunter gatherers don't even have the wheel.

>How's the Astartes gonna access the patient's medical history

He would point his auspex scanner and know more about the patient than all of his doctors combined.

>probably perform heart surgery with crude tools

No. He would use his highly advanced tools that he uses every day. Laser scalpers attached to robot arms make out tech look medieval.


>without plants from Xormblox IV?

Even without future medicine resupply, he will advance our medicine by centuries. Astartes are ageless superhumans. Even if it takes years, they will eventually reinvent everything.