Whelp, that beats me, I honestly ignored that there ever was a harry potter tcg
Owen Jackson
Actually, there was a dead/obscure CCG thread about a week ago that was great.
Oliver Martin
Playing MTG (standard) and love it. Used to play Yu-Gi-Oh! I miss Duel Masters though...the original...not Kaijudo!
Nolan Thompson
>ranma tcg noice
Matthew White
I really love Final Fantasy TCG and it annoys me that shit games like Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon are more popular than it. Even Vanguard is more popular.
Henry Evans
My game is so god damn dead that when I posted it, I ended up killing the thread.
Dylan Smith
Just goes to show how well cartoons will help sustain your card games.
James Adams
magi nations was suc a great game that the prices have not even gone down after 10 years
Aaron Ross
I like some of the mechanics in FF but it feels really clunky to me (I've only played a handful of games though, in its defence) and the mismatched artwork from the different games looks horrid and shows a lack of effort/devotion
Evan Lopez
Anybody remember the old LotR CCG? That was my (strawberry) jam back in the day.
Charles Rivera
There was a group of anons in the obscure tcg thread praising it endlessly bit I've never seen it before. How does it work?
Justin Wilson
How much randomness/chance do people like in their tcgs?
I still can't decide if I like the support system in pic related or not because often it can feel like a coin flip (however the flipside is that without it the games becomes very predictable and a lot less engaging imo)
Liam Thompson
>LOTR CCG It was kinda unusual for a CCG (esp then, when everything was MTG or impersonators), in that it was not a head to head battle and the players weren't even enemies. Basically, each player is one of the 5 wizards sent to ME to stop sauron / darkness. You'd spend the game traveling between different location cards, recruiting allied, forming a party of heroes, digging up magic items, and fighting various gribblies.
It's not actually stated which wizard you are until you "Reveal your identity" by playing a wizard from your deck. All the heroes inc wizards were unique so usually if someone beat you to the punch then they got to be gandalf and you didn't.
The dynamic was vaguely munchkin-esque in that you'd have "evil" cards in your hand (goblins, wolves, dragons, etc) that you could play on other players to slow them up, or go fight yourself to get items. Everything you could do played in to one of a couple strategies for gaining VP's, with whoever gathered the most for the coming battle winning the game. There was also an option to try and find the one ring and destroy it, which would short circuit the VP thing and auto-win the game.
Later they introduced the option to play a "mirror" of the main game by having the players be Nazgul competing for darklord street cred instead... with the alignments of all the other cards being correspondingly flipped.
Isaac Russell
That sounds really fantastic! I'll have to see if I can track down some cards.
Dylan Cook
^This^ that "sprite" and 3d artwork turned me off of the game, other than that I'm a pretty big FF fan but I just couldn't deal with the shitty portrayal of some of my favorite characters when they had the chance to actually make them look good.
Cameron Rivera
>Decipher D R O P P E D R O P P E D
Ethan Harris
>>What's your main TCGs Destiny (pic) >>How many have you played? Pretty new at this, maybe five total. Only the one with any serious intent. >>What do you wish came back? You know what? There was a good one I saw in an older TCG thread that I liked, where the deck was literally in a tiny, self-contained binder which looked like a spellbook, and you could flip through it at any time looking for your spell to cast. If that came back I'd be all over it. >>What do you wish had a game? I know X-Files had one, but I'd really like an X-COM card game. The board game is fine, but it's too cumbersome. Or maybe Delta Green, for the same flavour but without the baggage.
I can't enjoy a hobby as a consumer alone, I have to produce as well. When I got into craft beer, I started brewing. Music, joined a band. Card games, now I'm spending my weekends cutting up sheets of printed A4 paper and forcing my brother to endure my janky homemade nonsense. Has anyone tried their hand at creating a card game? How'd it go?
Nicholas Williams
I've been working on a game on and off for a few months. It's often janky and has changed a lot with each iteration but game design is a topic close to my heart and there's something about CCG/TCG/LCGs that I love so much. It's been fun.
Jaxson Foster
For me TCGs aren't just about the core game but also the collecting and trading. Having nice looking cards isn't essential and certainly not indicative of a game's quality (although when games use previously existing artwork it can feel like the whole game was rushed from inception to production) it's a factor in my willingness to spend money on the damn things.
Cipher isn't perfect by any stretch of the imagination but at least they had the decency of creating new artwork for the cards.
Colton Green
remind me to try home-brewing some brown ale at some point
David Mitchell
>Decipher >D R O P P E D lolwut? That game was made by ICE, clever dan.
Decipher made those derpy movie licensed LotR trading cards, that's something else entirely.
Grayson Hill
One of the spellbook games is Zatch bell. The weirdest thing about it was that you had to flip pages to earn resources, and damage was also resolved by flipping pages. If you got to the back page of your book, you lost.
It was really cool in that you stacked your deck in the book, had to choose to remove the current cards in your hand to gain resources, etc, but the main mechanics for combat and character specific stuff were awful.
Henry Lee
So how bout them Force of Will spoilers?
Jeremiah Gray
>>What's your main TCGs Probably Dragon Ball Z (original and PanZ). I collect a lot of things though. After DBZ, probably Magic. I occasionally pick up stuff for Pokemon, Yugioh, and the various dead games I play.
>>How many have you played? More than two dozen. I counted once but lost track.
>>What do you wish came back? Star Wars (Wizards of the Coast version). I love Star Wars, and in terms of "cards and dice," I enjoyed it more than Destiny.
>>What do you wish had a game? I'd love to see Outlaw Star in Weiss Schwarz.
Isaiah Allen
BTW thread, if you're working on a game, come see me in my discord, some people there would be happy to lend you a hand I've been meaning to do this more often, but I've been busy
Think of it this way man, by not having people play FF so much as yugioh and Pokemon, we don't have to worry about dumbshits getting into the game and ruining it and being smug assholes. One of the biggest reasons I love FF
>star wars I see weekly the guys at my shop playing the new Star Wars and they said that version is amazing and better balanced.
Josiah Hernandez
I'm not saying Destiny is not a good game, but that doesn't mean is automatically better. It might be better balanced, but I don't go super crazy/competitive with my decks so balance isn't an issue an issue for me. I just find the WotC version more fun, personally. I like their design concept better, probably because it skews closer to "card game" whereas Destiny is more of a "dice game," if that makes sense.
Sebastian Morris
I’d go broke collecting for a quality Super Mario CCG.
I haven’t gotten into a good card game since 2007, and I played Pokémon and Yugioh with all the other freshmen.
In 2010 when I graduated, my best friend and I knew that we’d prolly never see each other again and dusted off our old YGO decks for one last lunchtime game. There was actually a crowd of nerds spectating and it was awesome. I hope he’s doing okay...
Easton Collins
>I’d go broke collecting for a quality Super Mario CCG. I don't know if it's what you had in mind, but now that I think about, Paper Mario might make for a pretty cool card game.
Dylan Thompson
I had (think I still have) a few packs. first and last I bought, since no one else played it. Too bad, I had a fucking foil Harry Potter card. I suppose it was like getting the Urza of Mtg.
Ethan Moore
Yeah, it doesn't matter if it was good or not (I have no idea if it was, but let's be honest, they'd probably make the main character good), everyone wanted Harry because Harry. Either way, nice pull. I just have Hermione and Malfoy. I like them mechanically at least.
Oliver Jackson
>I just have Hermione and Malfoy. Weren't those the 2-player starter deck characters?
Colton Murphy
That’d work awesome too, since they did have cards to collect in SPM. I was thinking more of a traditional battle game, with a powerup system and/or castles to represent the player’s HP and a Princess that could be taken/saved as a secondary objective.
Ian Reed
Yes but they are still both very good
Leo Garcia
Alas, poor Hecatomb, some day I'll finish and pimp the storage for that custom deck gauntlet.
Cooper Myers
>Weren't those the 2-player starter deck characters? ... I don't have a LOT of the cards. I tend to dabble in a lot of games and only go in heavy for a few.
Lucas Campbell
Dylan Perry
>Destiny is more of a "dice game," This is 100% true. The entire game revolves around rolling, manipulating, and mitigating dice. There are almost no cards that do something on their own that don't rely on the dice in same way, either to trigger off of, or to act in unison with. Some hardcore card players I've met can't handle it, because there is a luck element involved and they get frustrated when their symbols don't come up, but they need to understand that it's a dice game, not a card game. And the path to victory isn't the great cards in your hand, it's using those cards to create the best dice pool (either by manipulating your dice, or by mitigating luck).
Owen Perry
>What's your main TCGs That's really hard to say. Right now i'm focusing on the L5R reboot, Star Wars Destiny, and developing some of my own stuff. Oh, and the new Ashes stuff has sorta reinvigorated my interest in the game.
>How many have you played? All of them. I purged my collection a few times, but I've had pretty much all of them, save for a lot of the anime stuff of recent.
>What do you wish came back? Too many games. A few older things could have really benefited from a full box release or mini LCG treatment
>What do you wish had a game? I'd love a game that thematically was based on Battle Angel. I just want scrappunk badassery. It's kinda the thing I'm working on, at least spiritually.
Luis Diaz
Hey /TCG/, what's your favorite mechanic in a game? I like decks that supply their own win condition. [Netrunner, LotR (ICE version), L5R sometimes].
Jaxon Cox
I like the intent of Doomtown, but in the meta people just play low/no control point decks.
Jayden Fisher
I fell in love with Extort from MtG. I know it's not great but I just love it SO much! That type of life steal just fits me perfectly.
After that, I really liked the leveling mechanic in the DBZ/DBGT series of games, particularly when it's not tied to anger. There was a Goku in DBZ and the DBGT mechanic where you could remove cards from your graveyard to advance a level. I thought that was super thematic and true to the source material. "You've beaten me down, so now I'm going to get ticked off/stop hiding my power/whatever and go Super Saiyan!"
Gavin Miller
>Paper Mario might make for a pretty cool card game If anything, I'd go back to the SNES Mario RPG for inspiration. That game buried the needle on the wackiness meter. You could write an entire starter set on the basis of one playthrough.
>Hey /TCG/, what's your favorite mechanic in a game? Well, lately I've been liking buildy/drafty mechanics more and more, but those tend to drag you more in the direction of pre-builts and LCG's. Draft events (particularly release day when nobody knows the cards yet) were always my favorite way to play MTG though too. I just like the way it removes the pay-to-win and meta-building aspects from games.
Inside games - probably secondary uses for cards when their main effect is dead. Discard-for-resources, things like that.
Owen Jenkins
Mtg wise I like most keywords. Dredge is very powerful and it makes graveyard combos alot easy. My favorite has to flashback and storm. Non mtg wise, I really liked the naruto cost system, i never had to worry about land screw, duel masters and wixoss have the best idea about mana. There's too many to list, I've played like half a dozen games.
Jose Campbell
Nolan Lewis
Duel Masters had an interesting idea, but I think the new Caster Chronicles may have an even better implementation of it. Although I'd have to play more Casters to be sure, and the game is practically DoA from what I can see. Obligatory "Wixoss is the best designed tcg I've played" comment.
Samuel Jones
I was thinking about picking up casters too, I like how it plays. All I want is English wixoss but that won't happen sadly.
Kevin Powell
>>What's your main TCGs Magic the Gathering
>>How many have you played? Warlord, Legend of the Five Rings, Magic the Gathering, Pokémon, Vs. System, Call of Cthulhu, and Universal Fighting System
>>What do you wish came back? Universal Fighting System used to have a decent player base. I want that back.
>>What do you wish had a game? No idea, never really thought of that before.
Samuel Green
Anybody looking to trade? I'm looking to unload alot of my stuff
Brandon Allen
>English wixoss but that won't happen Don't remind me.
Xavier Gonzalez
Maybe some day
Zachary Phillips
>Universal Fighting System used to have a decent player base. I want that back. Oh god yes. UFS was seriously the best. A bit imbalanced at times(But what system isn't?), and I absolutely loved the emphasis on "reads", being able to predict and counter your opponents strategy.
Is there any good client or method to play it online? I'd love to get a little discord group or something going.
Jaxon Moore
Trade cards online? I'm not really sure user. I do love ufs, wish they had more characters
Camden Johnson
Trading cards online was always sketchy, cause there's a lot of idiots out there.
If it's ok with you, I'll send mine in the mail tomorrow if you'll do the same. >"You have to send first because I'm more trustworthy" I don't really know tha- >"No! You have to. I'm the trustable one" Well, I think I'm- >"Nope, I am! My friend says so!" I don't know you're friend, so that means nothing to me. >"Well my rules say that you have to send first!" Everyone that makes rules has rules that say that. >"Yeah, but you agreed to my rules when you decided to trade with me." But so do theirs when you agreed to trade with them so... >"But mine are the only ones that matter, because I'm a special snowflake!"
Every. Freaking. Time. I honestly think it's better to just trade in person or buy online.
Isaiah Wood
Ehhh ive done some good trades on reddit. Getting tracking on it works everytime for me. He was asking for clients, I was talking about tradecards online, do you not know that one?
Asher Brown
I don't know that one, actually. I thought you maybe you had meant to reply to the guy talking about trading () or were talking about actual trading. My bad, sorry.
Nathan Rogers
Haha no worries user.
Nathan James
Sorry to those that joined and didn't get a membership. That's mybad. I was at work. If you come back and say hey, I'll be able to do it.
Parker Powell
I’ve done some trading on Facebook. It’s good, because their personal identity is tied to the trade, so if they screw you then you get to slander them personally. Plus people are more honest when their ego is on the line.
Ryan Howard
I'll have to take your word for it. I'm not really a social media person, and for the brief period I DID try Facebook, some of the people in the gamer groups were real jerks, to the point I wouldn't trust them for trading.
Tyler Nguyen
>Main TCGs Eternal, because seeing decent complexity in a digital game is nice. I still follow MtG but not as much. >How many have you played With any seriousness? 4. Generally? Probably around 10, with half of that being digital shit >What do you wish came back The FMA card game was pretty okay IIRC, but most of the dead stuff I tried deserved their deaths. >What do you wish had a game? I don't know of any property I care about that much, nor any with an owner I'd trust enough
Leo Howard
Anybody play Caster Chronicles? Made by the FoW people. Was curious as to how it plays.
Ayden Gray
FF is thriving in my area I'm happy to say. we get 10+ people at league night etc so regardless of the lack of coverage I can't really complain.
Got my opus 4 shit preordered, looking forward to prerelease.
Grayson Richardson
I play Faeria (online CCG/board game hybrid). It's fun and free. Everything you play has to go on a hexgrid so there's a layer of depth in maneuvering your creatures across the board to attack your opponent. The resource system is also really neat, with the main resource (Faeria) being given to each player at a rate of 3 per turn, plus whatever they can gather from four "wells" located on the board. This means there's no real curve like in Hearthstone or even MTG, and instead plays can be flexible and you can conserve your Faeria for later if need be. The land mechanic is also interesting, as it serves as the space in which you summon your creatures and move around. There are 4 special land types and "prairies" that you can create, with a choice of creating 1 special or 2 prairies (or drawing a card or adding 1 Faeria to your pool). Spells you cast can have constraints based off of controlling a certain number of special lands, like 2 forests, 2 lakes and 2 mountains, or just 3 of any special land. Land placement also affects where you can place creatures, as creatures that need a forest to be summoned must come into play on a forest. Overall, the game is fun, challenging, interactive, and provides good challenge. The only thing I don't like are the more RNG based cards (like add 2 random cards of one color to your hand) because they are really quite bullshit and lazy design. I wish the game had a physical version, as well.
Owen Morris
I'm just getting into force of will so I dunno what's good and what isn't yet, I'm loving the art so far, though.
Any advice on what/not to buy for starting off?
Juan Wright
Oh yeah the general groups are toxic af, but the trading groups are okay.
Eli Evans
Tyler Sullivan
We lost our players due to the big storm that was like 2 months ago, sucks so much. I miss playing
>Old Yugioh JP guy sees his daughter playing with his cards and took a picture of it >Decides to dedicate himself to her >Sells his 4 Blue-Eyes White Dragon in mint condition. >The catch: these were the ones handed during the Jump Festa 2000, limited to 1000 copies with a certificate. >The value of a mint copy is at the very least 600k JPY.
This guy is a hero.
Daniel Myers
Cute! I hope his daughter gets really good at the game
Jacob Thompson
Stick to New Frontiers, the Standard-equivalent format, for now. Since the game is still relatively young it's gone through a few significant rules and design changes, and it just so happens that the cutoff for New Frontiers right now lines up with the last major change.
I'd say start with Starter decks from Lapis and/or Reiya clusters ("Clusters" are like MtG blocks, and those are the Standard-legal clusters) with friends, and just branch out from there. Maybe look for an LGS that does drafts.
Gavin Martinez
Thanks for the info, user.
We picked up some Lapis starters today (all the guy had in store) and a bunch of lapis boosters (2nd and 4th set I think)
I got a bunch of red/blue resonators and things, is red/blue a viable thing to build? I got malefic ice as a starter so idk if there's anything I can do there, the only time I played magic was back in ravnica and I loved the red/blue colour combo and the way the izzet stuff looked so it'd be cool to do those colours again if it's reasonable.
Sebastian Perry
>Look at Yugioh for the first time since Dark Crisis >XYZ, pendulums, tuners, synchro, etc Is this even worth getting back into when I'm so behind and the power creep has clearly gotten away from me? I feel like if I play now I'll have to stop the game every other turn for the other guy to spoonfeed me.
Brandon Cooper
Well you have options, try devpro/yugiphpro or you could go the duel links rote, witch is just basic yugioh. The physical card game is garbage atm, power creep fucking tapes the game to death
John Lewis
>Raw Deal ended before you got tired of it >Yu Yu Hakusho tried to fix the "whoever goes first wins" by tripling item and technique bonuses in later sets instead of expanding on the shenanigans of Team Genkai >My grandma's lapdog pissed on my DBZ Tapkar black tokui-waza DBZ deck, just walked all the way across the house, walked past the entire floor of my room, squatted down and started pissing directly on my best cards
Daniel Foster
Yu yu hokusho worth picking up? I had so many friends who played that dbz game, I tryed it out but it wasent clicking withme
Jacob Gutierrez
I'm not sure. I tried Yu-Yu hokusho once but they only ever shipped one of the decks so I never managed to play it.
On the dbz game, do you mean it wasn't fun, or you just weren't getting the mechanics? I know several people who had trouble with the initial "learning curve" (due being so different than magic and the like) that wound up loving it once it made sense to them.
Jordan Harris
A bit of both, I tryed it like twice and it just wasent my thing. I think I'm going to try it again, my locals has a ton of dbz cards i just bought. It seems fun but it feels clunky at times, and deckbuilding seems so strange to me
Matthew Lopez
YYH has some nice-looking holographics and they make a nice souvenir if you like the show but the game is: >Based entirely (100%) on financial investment and just sticking the card with the high numbers in your deck >Each of your teammate cards only lasts a couple of turns so you don't have time to use the abilities that make them special >There are a lot of completely useless cards If you want to have a nice collection to look at, I recommend buying singles, and if you just like opening packs, you can buy a whole box of dark tournament for $8 from some sites. It's the second set and the game already flopped by then. I recommend this, since the sheer act of opening 24 packs for so cheap just to see if you get shiny can be therapeutic after a bad MtG haul.
Luke Perry
>the game is practically DoA I want to play, but no one else does. >I've been meaning to do this more often dead tcgs general was certainly overdue, doing Gods work user
Nolan Cooper
Is SW Destiny really that good? I've seen a couple of anons chat it up.
Jeremiah Wood
Yea I might just buy a bunch then, foils look good user
Cooper Martin
Yes user it really good. Buy a couple starters and try it out
Elijah Moore
I think I just might do that. I watched the tutorial video a while back and it seemed like a fun game to play with some kids at workIm a teacher, dont get any ideas
Gabriel Rivera
It's really easy to learn, perfect for kids. I think there's only 2 starters out right now, one light anddark side
Levi Rogers
Once you get the hang of it it goes pretty smoothly. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Now is a good time to get a lot of the stuff- it's pretty cheap online because sellers are trying to liquidate, I guess.
Logan Kelly
>If you want to have a nice collection to look at, I recommend buying singles, and if you just like opening packs, you can buy a whole box of dark tournament for $8 from some sites. . . . I recommend this, since the sheer act of opening 24 packs for so cheap just to see if you get shiny can be therapeutic Oooh, that actually sounds pretty good. I'll have to see if I can find some of those cheap ones. I remember opening a bunch of 80 cent Pokemon booster packs from Barnes & Noble as a kid, can confirm, is super fun/therapeuatic
Christian Davis
Ok sure, how do pic related work? Also whats,the deference between the dbz card game and the gt one?
Michael Lee
Also don't forget to try out duelingnexus for yugioh
And yes, I think it is, it's a lot of fun still. The only real issue I have with it now is the asshole teens who have only played this and nothing else.
Just don't be that guy.
Why thank you
Kayden Cruz
I've gotten my Caster Chronicles trial decks sleeved, and tried out a few games. I was actually thinking of doing a full thread to share thoughts on the game, but the short version is it feels overly derivative, with the strengths largely duplicated from other games, and with its own set of downsides to boot. It's not terrible by any means, but I definitely don't love it enough to go much further with it.
As someone who tried (in ygopro, so I didn't have to feel bad about reading every card), it's not worth it. Card effects have gotten so verbose it's a nightmare to keep track of what does what for each matchup, and yugiohs rubbish formatting just makes things worse.
Leo Campbell
When you're making your Main Personality stack, you have the paper cards and the high tech cards. You're free to mix and match the two types, different sagas, etc. The only catch are the ones that fold open (The Goten, Goku, Kid Trunks, Majin Babidi, and Majin Buu's in your picture). With those, if you use one, you have to use both the inside and outside. So for example, you couldn't use the level one fold-open Goku with a level 2 from a different set- it'd have to be both the Level 1 AND 2 from the fold-open.
Piccolo and Majin Dabura don't fold open. If memory serves, they're both level 2. You can use any level 1 in your stack with those, they work like just a regular card.
The Old Kai there isn't part of your deck, but your Sensei. Sensei's may or may not have an effect that you can use similar to your mastery. Old Kai there does not, but you'll notice that number on him (21) is kinda high, compared to other Senseis. Sensei's are used for Sensei deck and Sensei Deck only cards- which is DBZ's equivalent of a side deck. If a card says Sensei deck or Sensei Deck only (or if it's a Fusion card), it goes in the Sensei Deck. You can have a number up to the total on the card (21 for him).
If memory serves, you pick the cards you want to put in your deck and set them aside (let's say 3 for this example). Then you shuffle your deck and take off the top however many cards (in this case 3), and then shuffle the sensei cards in. Fan-run torunaments changed it to work more like your standard side decks.
The fusion cards can't added in like that. They sit there and function more like the Fusion cards/deck from Yugioh. You can play Gotenks Lv 1 by having a Lv 1 Goten and a Lv 1 Trunks on the field and using the card "Fusion Dance." Level 2 and 3 work the same but with Levels 2 and 3.
I'm going to double-check the Fusion turn tracking system before I tell you the wrong thing.
Josiah Phillips
While I'm trying to dig out the right rulebook for that, let me go over the DBZ/DBGT difference. DBGT is technically a different, but compatible game. You can play it as a standalone or mixed with DBZ. There was some minor cosmetic changes (such as trying to streamline the text of cards using icons and the like, characters having more power stages, etc.) but most of it plays the same. The big differences:
1. No anger. Your leveling mechanic is instead based on your discard pile. During your power up step, you can remove 10 cards to advance a level. 2. Increased Deck size. 50 to 85 card decks. There's no Namekian style in DBGT, so there's no larger deck size for a Namekian Tokui-Waza. 3. Backer Cards. The high-tech cards in DBGT were transparent, and might be missing one or more: their effect, their power ratng, and some of their power stage numbers. If you used one, you used it with a Backer card, a normal card that matched your character's name or tokui-waza that would also have power up stages and a power up rating in addition to it's effect. That card would basically go under your ht MP's and read it as one card. I can take a pick and post an example if that helps. 3. In the rejuvenate step, if you rejuvenate, so does the other player 4. You discard down to 2 cards instead of 1 at the end of the turn 5. No Most Power Personality Victory 7. Some ally changes- Allies power up by their own Power-up Rating; you and your opponent can use the same ally 8. During the power-up step, both sides power up instead of just the turn player 9. For your draw step, instead of drawing the top 3, you look at the top 6, rearrange however you like, and draw the top 3. 10. New physical attack table (with bigger numbers than the DBZ version)
When you mix and match, I think they usually use the DBGT rules. It's just a matter of deciding whether or not you're going to use the anger or removal leveling system.
Jason Jenkins
It’s a great game. The only issue is that you need two copies of each starter to get a legal deck, because FFG.
Best value for money right now is the ‘Two Player Game’ - buy two of those and you’ll have two full decks + extras. Just be aware that the Phasma card has been errata’d for balance, so the teams should be: two dice Rey and two dice Poe vs two dice Kylo and one die Phasma. Not two of each as the TPG implies.
You can also build a fun Villain deck by buying one TPG and one Villain Starter: eKylo(1)/Phasma/Trooper. Just be aware that by buying only one of each thing, you’re only going to have one copy of each card and your decks will have some reliability issues.
Joseph Lewis
Holy shit user, that clears up a shit ton. Also for deck building do colars matter? Also what is pic related? It has an attack table on the back. This game is sounding a lot better now
John Perry
I think I'm going to pick up a box along with that. I do like the game and yes I remember her getting errated
Ryan Rogers
Ok, here we go. For those two, if you have a Lv 1 Goten and a Lv 1 Kid Trunks in play, as well as the card that lets them fuse (Fusion Dance), you basically remove them from play to put in the Lv 1 Gotenks. Works the same way with Level 2 and Level 3 for each. It comes in at it's highest power stage.
You set your warrior sword (the anger tracker) to 0. At the beginning of each of your turns, you put the top card of your life deck under your sword. When you have 5 or more cards under it, your Gotenks de-fuses and Goten and Kid Trunks are put back into play at their highest power level. You then shuffle the cards under your sword back into your deck.
(Because of how ally level restrictions work in DBZ, it's a bit harder to make use of the Level 3 Gotenks, but I won't go into that unless you just want me to).
Leo Davis
For deck building colors DO matter. Basically, you can have three types of decks:
1. Decks that only have one color (and colorless cards) in it 2. Decks that have more than one color in it 3. Decks that have no colors in them
If you just have one color, or no colors, you can declare a "tokui-waza." That just means your Main Personality gets a +1 to their power-up rating, and you can use a Mastery card. Mastery cards tend to have pretty good effects, so it's generally encouraged to use one if you qualify. Some cards may also have different/additional effects if you have a tokui-waza or a mastery.
For decks with multiple colors, you don't get that benefit. That's balanced out by the fact that you get to pick and choose from multiple styles. It's also worth noting that some cards may have style restrictions, either on the card or built in. For example, you can only have one stlye (color) of drill in play. (There's a card called Goku's mixing drill if you decide you want to have, say, a Black and an Orange style drill in play at the same time)
The card in your image is like a little promotional insert. It's NOT a promo card, just their way of saying "hey guys, Uub is in the next set, but we won't tell you anything about him." The did the same thing with the androids. The attack table on the back is usable though. I *think* that must be the Fusion Saga attack table, which would be the last one they released for DBZ.
Jonathan Edwards
Colors do matter. When you start the game you can commit to a single style (a tokui-waza) and that does two things. Lets you start the game with a mastery card that stays active, and it also unlocks bonuses on certain cards.
The styles are thus. >Saiyan is primarily about staying powered up and drawing cards >Namekian is about longevity, you get more cards in your deck for a Namekian tokui-waza and most of the cards let you reshuffle cards you took as damage into your deck >Orange is for energy attacks that bypass weakening your opponent to damage their deck directly. There are alternative physical versions of this >Black is when you don't want to put up with BS, often dealing with discarding cards from your opponent's hand and getting rid of their passive cards in play >Red is about raising your anger so you can access the higher stages of your main personality >Blue is about keeping your opponent from gaining anger, which is just fine if you're like me and use Tien from saiyan saga
The power creep is off the charts, but since the whole game is already out, this isn't much of an issue. Despite being underpowered numerically, a lot of the old cards with solid effects are useful, like pic related. Because of the immortal status of some of those old cards, you have guaranteed deck variety.
Leo Baker
Holy shit. That makes a lot of sense. It's clicking alittle more. Power creep dosent bother me since I can buy alot of this cheap. Is there a max copy limit? Also how do allies work? I have a couple cards that say allies can take control of combat and yes what about gotenks 3?
Aiden Carter
I'm not sure about Saiyan and power ups, but I'd add that's definitely a very offensive style. Orange also has a lot of drill support. It and blue also tend to have cards for ally support. I'm with you on Black, it tends to be control heavy (though you can make some fun beatdown style decks using the Black Trunks Saga Mastery). Red is spot on. It's been a while, but I think Namekian had most of the styled dragon ball support but it's been a while since I played an Old-Z Namekian deck.