With the need for manpower greater than ever, the Guard Needs YOU!
A new regiment is being raised, What will they be and from where?
Using the 1d4 tables for generation: Start with a d10 for regiment classification.
With the need for manpower greater than ever, the Guard Needs YOU!
A new regiment is being raised, What will they be and from where?
Using the 1d4 tables for generation: Start with a d10 for regiment classification.
Rolled 8 (1d10)
7-8: Penal Legion
Quite a way to start. Need somethign to do with those prisoners.
Now, shall we take the Gangers/Convicts result or go ahead and roll the 1d100 for recruitment?
Redemption is nice.
Then let's get to making the homeworld.
Might we get a d100?
Rolled 21 (1d100)
1-25: Hive World
Roughly as expected, hive gangers and convicts working to repay the Imperium.
Now, another d100 for the terrain of that world?
Rolled 33 (1d100)
26-50: Desert
Penal World covered in Desert, somehow this feels familiar. Anyhow, what units are core to their tactics? That'll be another 1d100.
Rolled 41 (1d100)
It's also a Hive World. Be sure to thank your local Techpriest for his dutiful care of the holy Air Conditioner.
36-45: Light Infantry
Interesting, to let the convicts operate in more autonomous units with less command structure, but I suppose that's the purpose of the Comissar.
And then we have the regiment specialization, which will be a d10, please.
May the Omnissiah be praised, and the air be ever frigid.
Rolled 6 (1d10)
6: Close Combat
That sounds about right, Convicts going for close combat. We may yet have something functional.
Now, a d10 for their loyalty.
Rolled 4 (1d10)
4-5: Adherent
Not too disloyal, better than some regiments, especially given it's a penal one.
Have they any special equipment?(d100)
Rolled 24 (1d100)
always nice to get in on these early
We Jannisaries now
Rolled 17 (1d100)
if we take this as the next option, we get SPecial Lasguns as gear and For the Homeworld as creedo
11-20: War Trophies
21-30: Specialized Lasgun Pattern
Shall we decide which one? Do zeroes count as dubs?
voting for Shotlas, trophies too vague
Zeroes count as dubs, however I do question what kind of Lasguns a close combat focused legion would use. Laser Shotguns? Anyways, I personally feel War Trophies makes more sense, but if anyone's got a really good interpretation on Lasguns i'd be down for it.
>Shotlas - An illegal modification of a standard Lasgun popular amongst the techwrights and armour-mongers of the world of Footfall, the "Shotlas" is rigged to discharge more energy per shot, at the cost of beam coherence, with the weapon's shots swiftly losing power and becoming ineffective at longer ranges.
We'll assume this one then, it's dubs and it has more potential.
Now, A 1d100 for Regimental Creed?
Las Shotguns, or perhaps a LaserBluss. I'll give you that trophies make more sense, so we can work it in as well.
Krieg combat engineers use them. So fuck ya, grab them boomsticks lads!
Rolled 10 (1d100)
1-40: For the Homeworld
Plain and Simple, was hoping for Tribal Faiths but eh.
Now, Regimental Friends: another d100?
Rolled 35 (1d100)
Now we're getting crazy
31-35: Scholastica Psykana
A Penal Legion that likes it's psykers. Colour me concerned.
.....Regimental Enemies?(1d100)
Rolled 56 (1d100)
Get excited, because it's about to get weird.
52-68: Chaos Space Marines
Pskyer using Penal Legion specialized in Close Combat being sent to fight Chaos Space Marines.
Not worrying at all. Now, I do believe we are at the end of the tables, so what about a name and description of this here regiment?
In summary:
Penal Legion, From a Hive World covered in Desert, focused around Light Infantry with a focus on close combat, Adherent to the creed, Using their own lasgun pattern and taking war trophies to fight For the Homeworld, Close to the Scholastica Psykana and enemies of the Heretic Astartes.
What are they like?
I predict no problems with his outcome.
No. Problems. At all.
Prove this isn't a quest thread in disguise.
U wot m8
Thought so.
Get the fuck back to your containemnt board.
Absolute madmen, apparently. What, did the Guard just skim a bunch of crazy assholes off the top of a broken society, bundle 'em up with some psykers, and throw 'em at the traitors in the hopes that the vile mental brew of underhive culture and ignorance of their own inevitable fate would be enough to overwhelm fucking Traitor Marines?
The real reason is probably something more sane, but I can't fathom what.
Nah, see, these are more along the lines of worldbuilding threads and the like. Furthermore, if you feel this thread breaks the rules, why don't you report it to the mods and move on rather than shit it up?
Maybe they were recruited from a gang that found a way to produce Spook, which caused some psykers' powers to awaken, or they use that spook under Scholastica supervision to ambush people with Smite.
Might be that they're not really intended to win, just slow the enemy down while more valuable units get into position for the kill/run away as fast as they can.
There actually is a Janissary regiment.
Well fuck them
Sci-Fi Mamluks then
Or Sci-Fi Ghulman/Ghulam
OK, enough meming from me. Lets legit think. Why would the Pyskana be freinds with a penal legion? Why would a penal legion be allies with the Pyskana?
Here's what I figure
The Penal Legion are guards for the Pyskana Monastary. Because a pysker is an incredibly valuable commodity in the Imperium, especially one that are not Emperor Chow. The Pyskana trains them
Now, on the black ships, Sisters of Silence are the guards. Only they have the mental fortitude to withstand the misery of the ships, and their natural talent at blotting out pyschic powers don't hurt. But thats the black ships, what about Pyskana schools?
The Penal Legion are used as guards for the Pyskana and their military support. Criminals are used for 2 reason:
1. In order to ensure the security of their wards, the Penal Legionnaires all have a cortical bomb installed, as many often do. This way if they attempt to betray or sell the Pyskana, they don't even need mind bullets to make their heads expload
2. Vice Versa, being criminals, the Penal Legionnaires are assumed to be or are hardened enough to turn on and execute their young wards at an order or sign of daemonic possession.
The Pyskana probably have SoB guards as well, with the Penal Legion serving as an auxiliary force of irregulars and skirmishers. They are in essence, both prisoners of the other, with the Schola Pyskana holding life and death over the guardsmen, and the guardsmen are charged with ensuring the loyalty and security of the Pyskana. Watching over both of them will be trigger happy murder nuns with flame throwers, ready to kill either.
this relationship has benefits. Pysker support being an obvious one. The command and control and intelligence advantages alone would be worth it. Of course there's always a risk the pyskers start acting twitchy and a Sororitas orders you to crown poor lil Skippy Mind Bender with your shotgun. Such is life.
Let’s make some fluff for their homeworld.
I was thinking of maybe it can be called Luprecal, a legacy of the planet being found by the Luna Wolves during the Great Crusade. Thoughts about that?
Okay, I'll try some fluff for their homeworld.
The planet Capitis Dolor was discovered during the latest years of the Great Crusade before the Heresy. Occupying an area of realspace rather dangerous due to the frequent warpstorms that cuts its solar system from the rest of the galaxy (around once or twice every century, lasting around a decade or so until it goes back to normal). A horribly malnourished and empovered warworld, the only two remarcable things about it were the masive amounts of psychic reactive crystals deep within the mines and the quite considerable amount of psykers between its population. War between the bands was comon, usually lead by powerful psykers that fought until they explode out of sheer mental exhaustion. Due to its background, this planet was brought back to the Imperium by the Thousand Sons legion, who started to institute the first training schools for the warp-sensitive population. Of course, this relation with the soon-to-be traitor legion could bring ruin to the place, being massively bombarded into oblivion during the Heresy. After being reconquered by the loyalist forces, the planet became a refugee center, due to the amount of planets destroyed during the conflict: the place was quite desolated, but it has still inhabitable, so it was easy to just dump the population of dozens of planets into Capitis Dolor (whenever the warpstorms allowed it, of course). With a rapidly growing population, the percentage of psykers stayed the same througout the years, which makes schoolars think there's something in the planet that can turn people into psykers. Througout the years, the world became a massive hive world, accostumed to being cut off from realspace from time to time. Around 38k, multiple rebellions forced the nobilitas to start creating a special force to deal with the unrully popullation.
Part 1.
Part 2.
However, due to fights between the noble houses, the closest thing they manage to organize was a penal legion, that would house the most unstable of the criminal element. Which so happens to be psyker. The Astra Telepatica keeps a firm grasp of the planet, to keep the psychic population under controll and to check them in case that something smells too chaotic. The people that the Astra Telepathica considers too dangerous for regular training yet too powerful to become Emperor's lunch are sent to this penal legion. There's been several cases that indicate that innocent civilians have been "conscripted" nto this corps under false charges, to avoid letting these powefull people escape.
The planet has been atacked multiple times througout its history by the forces of Chaos, specifically those of Tzeench. Attracted by the massive number of psyckers the place has, multiple Dark Crusades were launched to bring this planet unto Chaos controll. In those instances, the penal Legion has been extremely useful to drive them off until reinforcements, as some sort of "suicide psyker bombers".
Is OP, back and glad to see the thread still up.
Effectively Auxilaries for the psykana to escort psykers to the black ships and guard the monastery. Cool idea, I don't think there's too many regiments that specialize in that. They're close to the Sororitas as well then?
Much as I like the Best Wolves, I think the Thousand Sons fit better. Or maybe Night Lords, so you have prisoners conquer a place and turn it into a prison.
Nice as well. So loads of psykers and prisoners put in a Penal legion, performing the duties described before, that use mind bullets/Pyromancy as well as maybe getting hit with spook and then charging at the enemy so they get hit with Perils.
For some reason I get a Persian/Arab Witch Hunter idea from these guys. Are those even a thing historically?
And as well, what of their specialized lasguns and their war trophies?
About the war trophies, I could see them using those psychic reactive crystals to that effect. Maybe they could be some sort of lucky charm for everyone on the planet. Or maybe, during a Chaos attack, a small platoon of psyker soldiers managed to hold out for months against a massive number of traitors and daemons on a church dedicated to the Emperor and ornamented with those psychic crystals. Thanks to the apmlifying powers of the crystals, they eventually drove them off, and thus were seen as blessed by the God-Emperor (not realising that those crystals also attract the warp
>The Penal Legion are guards for the Pyskana Monastary
>However, due to fights between the noble houses, the closest thing they manage to organize was a penal legion
Why not both? The noble houses created the Penal Legion, but after many problems trying to controll the unrully soldiers, the entire force was offered to the Astra Telepathica, both to gain their favour and to get rid of them.
I'm more of a fan of night lords being their big enemy than the thousand sons. Think about it, they're prisoners used to fighting against and alongside horrifying warp-controlling monsters, they're cut off from real-space for inordinate amounts of time, regularly enough for them to develop countermeasures but not enough for them to be bent over the dark gods' lap, and what did Curze have lots of? Horrifying visions. So do psykers. The night lords would try and take the psykers to use them as force multipliers and advisors in their armies, becaue psykers really are game changers in their unique brand of warfare. It becomes much easier to make grown men cry when you can see into their minds.
I really like the idea of penal guardsmen being used as the "watchful escort" of psyker auxiliaries. Possibly meaning that they're fielded in auxiliary sized detachments as well. Small regiments babysitting psykana units, rather than division sized regiments used in direct assault. Also explains the preference for shot-las weapons (for putting down rogue psykers) and "light infantry doctrine." Psykers would be constantly relocating around a battlefield, and these guys would be alongside them.
On the tabletop, I see them as something you'd model only a squad or two, rather than the theme of a whole force.
If I'm not mistaken, they shun chaos and the warp, would they really want to use psykers?
Might make an interesting Only War Regiment though.
The night lords are pragmatists when it comes to chaos, iron warriors(and possibly maybe alpha legion) are the only traitor legion that actively scorns the warp. Sure, mutation is looked down upon, but even the imperium makes exceptions on their no mutant policy for psykers. Psykers have potentially unlimited utility, so long as they don't overdo it all at once. Predicting the future is always useful, especially when you plan as much as the night lords and try to stay out of the open as they do.
Okay, so how would they find themselves specializing in Chaos marines?
due to all the warpstorms and psyker activity warbands, small black crusades, and even parts of larger ones assault the planet like waves hitting a shoreline. with no forge world close by and the only agri-world is multiple warp jumps away the residents have become very self-reliant. knowing that they stand little chance at hurting power armor with a lasgun and any fire power that could is so few and old that their worthless. those few with any know how and fewer tech priest ,that have closer ties to their people then the cult, have found ways to make due with what little tech they have. by taking old and/or broken lasguns they have jury-rigged them into a more compact frame that fires 6 shots at once instead of one. a direct hit may not puncture power armor, but 5 close up may which helps compensate for the guns horrid range. this combined with their gigantic egos, social status, and love of their homeworld makes it so the tempting whispers of the warp have but ill foot hold. that and the common tactic of many warbands to get up close only aids them.