>"Kill them all; let God sort them out."
Alignment-wise, what kind of god would this be?
"Kill them all; let God sort them out."
Other urls found in this thread:
Neutral evil, if he's passing off the work of judgment onto another god.
True Neutral or all 9 at once assuming you mean an all encompassing omnipogod.
Lawful if he's the one judging.
Alignments are stupid.
Lawful good
>worships a kike on a stick
what alignment would this knight be?
Depends who they are killing, the statement is merely a battlecry justification.
Although as an actual creed of a faith, probably the offspring of Saint Cuthbert and Evening Glory. Undead preserver of the good, and a very angry judge.
Neutral Evil to Chaotic Evil
>the god is just doing the sorting
Lawful Good, assuming the sorting is god
>the god approves of said wanton killing
Chaotic Evil
>The god is himself killing to move responsibility to another god
Turbo-Chaotic Evil
Fedorable Neutral
Blind and careless wrath is certainly chaotic, and generally evil.
Lawful Good, just like in real life.
Lawful Good at best, and Lawful Neutral at worst. Saracen scum just have to die.
Do you feel like an hero yet?
A man of God does not fear death, not even an hero.
But is god truly pleased with you are you just saying that because you wanted to feel like a hero.
Reminder that "let god sort them all" came from Simon de Montfort, an opportunist who saw the Albigensian crusade as an excuse to build himself a power base more prestigious than lord of a shitty village in the Parisian outskirts.
Evil through and through. Probably chaotic.
A man's business with God is his and his alone, heathen.
le desu vult XDXD ebin! have an upboat
So, a nihilistic paladin who seeks the destruction of all mortal life so their God could pass down their judgment upon all souls after the grave would be a Lawful Good concept?
He does have some clearly-defined rules when it comes to purging the heretics, tho.
That wasn't the pic I wanted.
I know you can't expect historical awareness from retarded memers but try harder next time.
It's a living.
But then you wouldn't be "Killing them all and letting God sort them out." You're doing the sorting yourself and sending them to God.
Ye boi.
That doesn't even answer anything.
>Doing anything other than not taking me seriously.
First mistake.
I mean considering its just a lazy and loot hungry general trying to save face with the actual christians.
Really depends on what he justifies with that phrase and how he carries out his intent.
Either way, he'd range across the Evil alignments.
Isnt everyone operating on the premise that this is a gygaxian fantasy filled with monsters,slavers and a few good people in between?
That explains everything.
No shit.
That doesn't explain anything.
I mean, the cross, the quote, the general theme.
Its more like a non-catholic looking down from his high horse judging from its own lack of experience.
It could very well be in the times of when it happened, a bystander looking at the general giving the order and going "What kinda god does that? I dun geddit."
>What kind of god
>implying Simon de Montfort is god
That's not what I meant you daft fuck, the man believes he's acting on the will of god so obviously the onlooker think "Aye, wouldn't wanna have a go with that un."
Chaotic OCD.
I can assure you the only will Montfort believed he was acting on was his desire to own one of France's provinces for himself.
Lawful good.
Preforming a lesser evil for a greater good.
But it's pretty retarded. Whatever the allignement, a god wouldn't tell another god does the judgment.
Now, for what a Simon (if he ever said that) NPC would be:
LE, no memes attached. Even LN would care for the individuals a tiny bit: consider that Cathars were actually prone to conversions, believe it or not.
I'd venture to say in DND LN would at the very worst do something like that to orcs and goblins, as in evil-prone races, but no LG.
I think that's just called the second coming.
According to Gygax that's lawful good
X Evil that thinks it's Lawful Good.
Indiscriminate Slaughter isn't a "lesser evil".
Chaotic fedora
That depends entirely on whether the act is in keeping with the god's teachings. In the case you're referencing, the gentleman making that declaration would be Lawful Evil. While I'm no fan of Cathars, wanton slaughter is generally outside of what is acceptable to YHWH. Yes, even taking the Old Testament into account, He provides MULTIPLE opportunities for targeted groups to repent or flee before they face judgment, and these were only in highly exceptional instances. There is NEVER a general command in favor of this sort of thing outside of the very, very specific context in which it happened.
Amalric was utterly out of line with this bit. It's to his credit that he offered them the chance to turn their heresiarchs over, but the simple fact is that massacring people, ESPECIALLY women and children, because they disagree with the Church is unacceptable. Had they been in open rebellion there would have been a case for war, but not for massacre.
The god of sorting apparently. Here's its holy symbol.
Lazy Weevil. God's a busy man, he didn't make us this smart to have us leave the boring shit to him.
Nice. I'd been looking for this.
Lawful Neutral so long as that is in observance with divine law.
But that tree is unsorted. Reminds me of coinsandscrolls.blogspot.com
Loyal Evil
Lawful Evil/ True Neutral
Does evil things, justifies himself with scripture, or God gives no fucks
Will we ever escape from that wretched thief's shadow?
>Fedorable Neutral
Holy shit user that is the best term I have heard in a long time.
Chaotic Evil: you are embracing your violent impulses without any self control.
All of them, either you worship a deity, or you're recycled or worse in D&D.
But the dude is evil, because unfortunately D&D's stance on evil is not caring about the lives of others in this kind of manner being a big contributor to this sort of thing. Which is dumb because of the risks involved when the Kill them all, let god sort em out quote is concerned, it's employed when risk of treachery comes into play.