Are tyranids cool now?
Are tyranids cool now?
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Cooler and more powerful than chaos confirmed.
They were always cool in my book
>the tyranids can't adapt against chao...
Good god no, only chicks and bazinga'ing nerds like tyranids.
Tyranids are so cool they were cool before they were cool
Guard player here, they look way cooler from the previews I've seen. I can't wait to fight them personally, it'll be nice going up against an army that feels on our level. I tone my list down a lot for local play and nids in particular would still have a hard time. It'll be cool facing nids and actually being afraid of them again.
Plus having the bugs actually have some variety in playstyle and builds will be nice. If your codex is half as well laid out as ours was I can't wait to see all the crazy ass builds you bugs come up with.
>tfw I play nids and the female players always come to me to compare paint schemes, talk about favorite painting techniques and play a few rounds.
you're really missing out.
>garbage army
>not even fun or conversion-rich like Orks
Lofty keks, sir OP.
>the shootiest hive is the daemon killers.
Dakka approved.
All the chicks play Tau where I live
Chaosfags on suicide watch, can’t wait for the fluff
>Hive Fleet Kronos: fights against Chaos and corruption
>Kronos, the Greek Titan and savior of humanity that created paradise on earth aka the Golden Age of Man.
They're making the Tyranids into the fucking good guys. HOLY SHIT GW WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING
Just like the Necrons.
Once again proving that Xenos were the good guys all along.
I read somewhere that Based Kronos surfs the warp rift. If true, chaosfags who frantically defended the daemons loss on shadowbrink with
>b-but that was only a minor warp rift, Tyranids would lose if near a major one!
eternally BTFO.
>it turns out the entire hivefleet diverted course directly into the Eye of Terror thinking it was the Astronomicon, devouring several worlds in its wake
They were always cool.
Better than the tau at any rate.
>inb4 Kronos transforms their war against Chaos from general hunger and infinite persistence to additional emotion....of hatred.
>Tyranids start to focus on Chaos factions and consider other anti Chaos factions as ignorable fauna.
>Grey Knights start to notice and through the power of heretical sueness try and successfuly negotiate the Kronos Queen for an alliance of convenience. Mostly for Carnifexes to ride and armor up.
What's happening with tyranids?
new Book
they were never not cool
even when they were goofy rubber monsters they were cool
>b-but Tyranids avoid warpstorms!
I fucking love it. Been thinking about nids for a while, will probably pull the trigger if Kronos continues to be cool
I'm considering starting 40k. Where would I start if I wanted to go 'nids?
The swarmlord, some warriors, lots of stealers and a backup swarmlord. In case the first one breaks.
Setting the stage for Grand Alliance: Xenos
The girls love them.
It's all /a/ where you live, beware.
But why
Maternal feelings?
Yes desu.
They are cool now.
So you even know basic greek mythology, user? Are you a britfag or amerifag? You disgust me.
Tyranids are cool. Tyranids players are the equivalent of that kid on the playground who says he's got an 'everything-proof force field' when you're playing guns.
Female faction leaders / Matriarchy in the form of Norn Queens
also tentacles
Shit would be so hype if Nids became random heroes of the universe
>space dinobugs dakkabrigade surf over the largest daemons infested hellhole of the galaxy with the simply the focused shadow of their own hungery and atered
>nids buffed to hell
>guard buffed to hell
gsc are loving this edition
>gsc get nerfed in codex somehow still making them objectively worse than either guard or nids
>People start using a GSC patrol detachment to get a guard and nid detachment as allies
hey they took that guys scheme for gorgon and made it official that's nice.
Jormungandr is a mess though
>leman russ tank and hw team plus script bubblewrap battalion detachment with genestealer broodlord nid battalion detachment for ultimate lulz
>Jormungandr is a mess though
if by 'mess' you mean 'awesome' then sure
>tyrnids hornets
I think he's pointing out how the yellow spread over the whole carapace
I'm more triggered by the absence of blue tongues
Looks like Gorgon is the classic bone and green from the 3e book
Big bumpy tyranid dick making slime covered sisters of battle orgasm.
> GSC - Supreme Command Detachment - 3 Magnuses
> IG - Supreme Command Detachment - 3 Primaris Psykers
> Tyranid - Vanguard Detachment - New Zoanthrope HQ and a million Zoanthropes
Gorgon is the Forgeworld Tyranid colour scheme
I have that image.
Nope, the Anphelion is colour-reversed
what is this fleet here?
Looks like an Ultramarine
Except no one said that. They said that Tyranids cannot adapt to Necrons and they still can't.
Tyranidfags are such cancer. The Daemon codex says that Hive Fleets avoid Warpstorms but sometimes splinter fleets accidentally enter Warpstorms.
The Valedor campaign book happened when a splinter fleet was of Kraken entered into the Warp when the Eldar open a Warp ridt in its way and then Slaanesh made it exit the Warp above an Eldar maiden world right in front of Leviathan.
Recently the majority of Hive Fleet Leviathan was dragged into the Warp. So Chaos have many Tyranids to weaponize.
What's a good colour scheme for my nids army? I'm trying to make them look like insects.
Currently I have
2x carnifex
I really Fucking wish we could get some insight on the hivemind. That is some Lovecraft level shit and it sounds awesome but GW never do anything with it or Tyranids in general
Tyranids are swarm of devouring monsters driven by nothing but hunger.
Must be some form of kinship they feel towards them.
Or penis guns.
I converted all my nids that were bigger than warriors.
the hivemind is just an extragalactic foodstamps psychic screeching network
Yes. They've been cool for awhile.
The hivemind probably sounds like more of this.
>So Chaos have many Tyranids to weaponize
Nids cant fall to chaos, they can be mutated by chaotic energy but they cant weaponise them as such, they even adapt to nurgles plagues and steal them
Is it just me or do these color palettes look uninspired? I know its GW but that much use of black is disturbing.
When I said weaponize I meant Chaos using the Hive Fleets trapped in the Warp as weapons by simply allowing them to exit the Warp above the planets of their enemies. This is what happened in Valedor. Slaanesh threw a splinter fleet at a maiden world and used the resulting conflict to reap the delicious Eldar souls.
That's interesting. It pretty much states outright that even the weapon components of the nids have a bit of their own personality and are capable of thinking of themselves as separate from the hive mind.
They were always cool - now they are also playable
Penis guns that ejaculate tentacle rape
Trust me, I'm a doctor
that's probably a specific look they're going for - just drown all the details of the model in black so the yellow highlights on stabby bits and the blue tongue stand out more (though the blue tongue kinda gets lost in the blackness).
If you wanted to do something like that, but wanted the model details to stand out more you'd either use dark grey at the edge of model features like the edges of carapace sections or on grooves, ridges or holes.
Another thing you could do is have red fleshy bits sort of poking out between sections of the model, or even do a michael bay TMNT thing and just draw on veins and shit onto the hardened exoskeletons.
Highlights, highlights, highlights! That's the secret to good model painting.
Purple and fleshy white/pink still the best color scheme, plus Golden sells iridescent paint that changes green to purple in the light. #2486
You seem to know your stuff, would a light colored wash on the black primary color be a good idea?
>color model black
>use a white wash to add a white-ish shine in all the details of the model
>paint the spiky bits/bones yellow with pure white highlights on the tips
>lime green tongue and eyes
What do you think?
>Refering to other races as (BLANK)things
>Repeating certain words/adding a synonym
>(ex yes-yes,dark-dark long-long young-eggs)
Literally just the faint hivemind being fed through a psyker interpreter. His own vocabulary likely influenced what was being said.
Yeah, it's really the imperium and the psyker that's the skaven, not the nids.
should work, might want to use some slight red/orange highlights and accents in the immediate vacinity of anywhere you're putting down green - it'll make the greens pop a little better.
That's a horribly inefficient firing mechanism. It's sounds stupid as well instead of cool/creepy.
The Hrud are the Skaven of 40k.
post it
According to reports, Hive Fleet Kronos attacked the Eye of Terror and ate Be'Lakor.
I bet you gw will just write all these fleets into some stupid stand still
>I bet you gw will just write all these fleets into the purpose of the fucking setting
>being a dumb and uncultured swine is rad, user ! Why don't you try being dumb, as well ? Dumb and uncultured like me, for exemple !
Mac fucking kill yourself.
My hivefleet of choice, already ! Now, if only this codex could leak a little faster, so that I could make my final army list... I only know that I want at least one quad-devourer wielding dakkarant, two tyrannofexes (hive and, as well as a maxed out unit of six Hive guards.
>focus on best biomorphs: living guns
>focus on fucking daemons
My wet dream senpai
Maybe iridescent green-blue ?
Get this sarcastic teenage girl shit out of here and be direct.
>hydra is blue.
what does it mean?
That was supposed to be a 'do you even'...moron. first user knows shit about greek mythology, knows shit about kronos, whose 'paradise' was put to shits by his sons zeus long before the first humans were around. Kronos was a lot but not a 'savior to humankind. He was most famous for cutting his dads cock off and earing his own children.
>long range
>and they move faster than regular nids
this is kinda OP, not guard tanks OP, but close.
I thought they were always cool
like years ago I heard the cool kids were SMs, IGs, Orks, and Nids.
Alpharius was a Genestealer all along.
>alpharius was just two rippers inside a powerarmor
the alpha legion has secretly been the first genestealer cult. Working all this time to destabilize the galaxy as a whole to make the invasion easier.
>hive fleet hydra gets bonus for outnumbering the enemy
>the alpha legion get two primarchs
there must be a ruse somewhere
That's Hive Fleet "I just had Ultramarine 1st Company for elevenses", user.