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What's the kind of player you really think would be fun to play Pathfinder with?
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Pathfinder General /pfg/
What's the kind of player you really think would be fun to play Pathfinder with?
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>What's the kind of player you really think would be fun to play Pathfinder with?
>What's the kind of player you really think would be fun to play Pathfinder with?
a meatspace friend whom you can bounce ideas off of, and also has a decent level of system mastery
Alright, /pfg/, how do we use this feat to its full effect?
Nobody from here.
>What's the kind of player you really think would be fun to play Pathfinder with?
People who only use /pfg/ to pirate material.
Strap bombs to your chest, get acrobatics to +70, have the party barbarian or equivalent massive damage dealer with a two-handed weapon hit you as hard as he can and become a guided goblin missile.
For the Primarch PRC from DSP:
How would this set of abilities for a Thunder Blade be?
Resonant -
1 - Deep in the primarch's subconscious a note is, for some it is harmonious, for others cacophonous. When generating a mind blade it may appear as a shimmering sheet of sonic ripples, vibrating metal tool with holes and chimes or other sonic implement. It gains the Thundering weapon enhancement.
4 - The vibrations echoing through the primarch's psyche grow louder, affecting the mindscape around him. His blade is accompanied by the din of combat or harmonious hymns when drawn. The bonus damage from Thundering is doubled and the DC to avoid being deafened is increased by his Wisdom modifier. The primarch may expend his psionic focus as a full round action to launch his mind blade as if he manifested the Energy Burst power as a psi-like ability (sonic damage only) with a reflex save for half damage.
7 - The primarch's intense connection to vibrations attunes him to the harmonic frequencies of reality around him. As a standard action he may expend psionic focus and manifest the Energy Wall psionic power as a psi-like ability (sonic damage only).
10 - The primarch has achieved perfect harmony with the universe, his psionic powers thrumming in tune with the orchestra of other minds. As a full round action, the primarch expends both his psychic strike and his psionic focus he manifests the spell Wail of the Banshee as a psi-like ability. The primarch uses his character level as his caster level.
What are the first, say 10, things you should do upon reaching a new city, especially if it's the capital of the kingdom?
starfinde rthread is dead and i dont care to make a new one. alot of people there were fags anyway. so like, why do so many people in paizo games hate math? and why do they get offended by the idea of comparing classes based on math?
>Find out where the shops are
>Find out where the taverns and inns are
>Know which neighborhoods are the most dangerous/seedy
>find out where the local Guardhouses and stations are
>determine what the local laws are concerning contraband and self-defense
>learn what the current civil unrest issues are
>acquaint yourself with the local bounty/most wanted board
>learn what the major local religions and political factions are
>know who the local leaders are andwhat they look like
>rent yourself a room at an inn ahead of time
>h-how dare /pfg/ have its own game culture
we aren't here outside of the autistic 2hu haters.
>Get a cup of damn good coffee.
>Get a slice of cherry pie.
>Find a clean place to stay, at a reasonable price.
>Figure out what the name of those big, majestic trees I saw on the way into town were.
>Meet with the captain of the local guards.
>Check for clues to my current quest.
>Warn the townsfolk of the dangers related to my current quest.
>Get a donut.
Because they're retarded, user. They're retarded as fuck and the developers are cucks.
People want to imagine that their decisions in a game of pretend are equal, which in my opinion they're right for wanting, but the issue arises in that you -can- mathematically compare many classes, which makes certain ways of playing pretend superior to others.
>Game culture
Nigger are you serious?
Since when is shitty roleplaying, awkward ERP, bad GMing, one-dimensional trope/anime cliche characters, flaky players, e-celeb wank, and all the drama/shitposting/garbage a culture?
You might want to keep an eye on your sodium intake there, broham.
>Since when [Entire Lenghty List of Elements] is enough to form an easily recognisable pattern
I'm not sure you grasp what culture even means and for whatever reason add evaluative account to it as something always positive, while it's fully neutral term that can describe all sort of things.
Including "bad" ones.
How can I get a high Perform (Dance) modifier with a CHA penalty?
in that thread someone thought that being able to shoot a monster 2 rounds in a row was unrealistic in a real game. i could barely believe what i was reading. it is best to just not arguwith them. something is just horrifically wrong with their minds.
I think there are some traits that allow you to replace Cha with Int or Wis, though I can't remember them right now.
Also, Possessed Shaman
>He unironically thinks being retarded is a culture
Let me guess, you're a few shades darker than most.
So I've recently been really wanting to try out Cecaelia but one thing irks me. Why do they only get two tentacle attacks?
Would you as a GM allow the ability to spend three feats to gain the full eight attacks like you would get as a Wildshaped Octopus?
Why are you posting some chick?
What are the potential uses for a Prehensile Tail?
Holding a wand or rod
You need to use at least some of the tentacles to "stand" on.
Loading a gun while TWFing.
I need it for a wisdom based character but this also works
go back to /pol/
Not if it's underwater.
I'd allow it. Three feats is a fucking lot to dump, might as well get something good out of it.
>Want to get back into tabletop after around 2-3 years
>Pathfinder especially since for better or worse it was always a favorite
>Only had minor experience even back then, a few oneshots and two campaigns, one I DM'd
>Have spent the last 3 weeks searching for a campaign open to novices because I don't trust myself
>Ratio of DMs to players on roll20 is so horrid that any campaign will get upwards of 15 applications the day it opens
>Can't even find one of those horribly dumb/edgy joke campaigns Veeky Forums always complains about
>I would gladly take even that
are there better places for finding a PF campaign, maybe something that isn't so short on DMs?
they explicitly stated they're trying to find novice friendly games
>New Players are Welcome No
>New Players are Welcome No
>New Players are Welcome No
>having to explain this all over fucking again
>Person purposely doesn't want to bog down other peoples games by being slow/rusty
>Just sneak into these ones anyways
to be fair those already have more than enough applications they'll be filled by now, but thank you for the suggestion, I'll try anyways.
Have you tried finding friends to play with, either online or in meatspace?
Did anyone catch the Ultimate Wilderness leaks that were posted on the Paizo site before it went down? I saw there are 8 new plant companions and 12 new vermin ones, 5 shifter archetypes and a new hunter archetype that gives you a plant companion.
one internet friend who used to DM, person who got me into pathfinder. But he only runs entirely railroad campaigns and will get very aggressive if you dont pick up on the hints to progress the campaign, I dont think any of his games ever made it past two sessions because he gets too upset and shuts it down.
I'm slowly working some friends into learning it though, so, if nothing else I guess I'll can my dreams of playing and DM another myself
Also meatspace isn't even real to me, 30~ miles from town in bumfuck nowhere.
>30~ miles from town in bumfuck nowhere.
I can sympathize. Where you at homie?
Colorado, taking care of families ranch
And, on topic question, since I've been out of paizos wild ride for a few years, what would be best to read up on all the stuff I've missed?
Texas for me. Sorry mate
I suggest going to ArchiveofNethys, checking th Sources section and looking at the books you missed based on date. You can then click them, and it'll list the mechanical options that were provided in those book that you can look at
Anyone interested on giving me some feedback on this minihomebrew?
The first three are pretty meh, but the rest are decent. I think its usually better to gloss over the physical locations of these features unless you're going to spend a lot of time in that city.
I think a lot of the storm windy "muh flavor" people migrated to SF or at least frequent SF gen more. Also a lot of people think Starfinder somehow fixed the problems in PF and where desperate to have people by into the hype.
Yes. Starfinder.
I don't like using Vancian Spells in place of Psi-Like abilities. Since you know, it's not a Psi-Like ability anymore.
What does this mean?
Me neither, I was just trying to follow the format of the other paths plus I wasn't sure what else to give it for a capstone.
That if you're trying to replicate a 40k Space Marine Starfinder might be better for you.
I'm not, I just used that picture to grab attention since the class is named primarch. Its just an alternate choice for a class from DSP.
Literally go browse the Gamefinder thread
If that's the case for the capstone consider giving them a Class DC ability a few times a day that's so fucking loud that they'll need a Reality Revision/Something similar to restore their hearing and take a shiton of damage.
OR their sword can convert all their mind blades damage into sonic damage and can use a ranged attack vital strike style as a ranged sonic attack!
I keep it open, always
Wanna make a Half-Orc Monster Tactician utilizing Amplified Rage. What're some good picks to take from Expanded Summon Monster? I know badgers and dire badgers/weasels would be good picks, considering they have blood rage.
Okay Veeky Forums, how would one build a regular, reasonable sort of sword and boarder in SoM without getting tied into a bunch of effects, maneuvers and overly cinematic powers?
It is a class DC ability that causes a shit ton of damage to nearby people. Also they by virtue of entering the class have the ability to convert all mind blade damage to sonic damage and do ranged versions of it, and vital strike is just rolling damage twice? Thank you for the feedback, I'm just not sure what I can use from it.
Depends on what you wanna do
Sword+Board Tank? Sentinel has you covered. Pick Shield, Guardian, and Berserk talents so you become nigh unkillable.
Mixed-combat, Sword+Board Basher? Really most any class has you covered, though if you just wanna be generic, take your pick of Blooded Knight Cavalier, Coiled Blade Fighter, Conscript, or the expert-progression combination Paladin. Shield + Dual Wield sphere enables the shield bashing + sword slashing style.
Buckler + Rapier kinda sword/board has minimal investment in the Shield sphere, then picks Fencing/Dueling (depending on if you want bleed damage or feints).
>then picks Fencing/Dueling (depending on if you want bleed damage or feints)
>not taking both
what are you, casul?
I'm assuming a low-level start in which you may not have that many talents. Fencing + Dueling really only seem to synergize via the Hand Slash Exploit talent and your choice of any of the Disarm talents, and the Draw Cut talent of the Dueling Sphere and any of the Fencing talents that proc specifically on a feint.
I don't see much synergy with them, user.
I like the parries from dueling, but not the bleed or disarm stuff. Getting some shield bonus is good, maybe a bash but not really interested in doing that much, would really like to do more with a sword like pommel bashes and stabbing, maybe a mordhau option if you want to get rather fancy.
Forget casual, I'll go back to basic if that's what it takes.
There's also the synergistic tripping options. Trip attempt on an exploit, and an AoO when they fall prone.
Oh hell I forgot about those.
Fencing Sphere + Ankle Strike then Dueling Sphere + ...And Stay Down! is also a synergistic combination.
I think my favorite synergy is between Dual Wielding + Scoundrel Sphere, though. DW (Tricky Combo) in conjunction with Scoundrel (Mug) turns into a Steal/Dirty Trick then two off-hand attacks
Sorry, I'm not super familiar with Soul Knives. Most of my experience with the Psionic classes have been with actual manifesters.
>It is a class DC ability that causes a shit ton of damage to nearby people
Fuck, so with the new content I think they can do THIS out of the gate too.
Thats okay, I'm grateful for the feedback. What do you mean with the new content they can do this out of the gate too though?
I mean with the soul knife content out. What with the new blade skills that hand out AoE abilities. May just be a Psy Arm thing though.
So I've brought this up like two or 3 times in the past week but just did some talking to my DM concerning my character to confirm some things for my character
So I'll be playing a Gnoll Cleric in a evil seafaring campaign in 3.5
I'll be 2 levels Gnoll and 4 levels cleric. My DM was gracious enough to remove the level adjustment and with the practiced spellcaster feat I will still act as a 6th level cleric. So I'm gonna be playing the swoll gnoll cleric of Rolterra so I'm taking the travel and time domains cause haste, fly, dimension door and other shit are all useful. Of course being evil I plan on using animate dead cause it's a single cast and my undead will be permanent until destroyed so I don't plan on using summon undead as much. Now the DM is also gracious enough to give us one free 18, and we get stat increases at every 2 levels. So my gnoll cleric is sitting at a comfy 24 STR normally. Of course I can buff that up to be bigger but I was wondering if I should go with power attack and focus on melee or still taking the first 2 or 3 turns to buff everyone. I'm also debating if I should use persistent metamagic for 24 hour haste or divine power so I'm at 30 STR and 6 bab for those extra attacks.
What do you guys think? I know this is a pathfinder thread but I was hoping I could get some extra opinions
Aren't Gnolls only an LA+1 race, a rather meh one at that. Not criticizing your race choice god knows I've chosen shite races for what I play sometimes but how are you taking two levels on Gnoll?
You'd want to find a 3.5 thread for that question, friend. Pathfinder doesn't play with Level Adjustments for monster races, so we can't give an informed opinion on your build.
What's your favorite 9th level spell? Don't worry about whether you'll ever actually get to a high enough level to use them, I just want to know which one you think is coolest. Me? Clashing Rocks. My friend thinks it's the lamest 9th level spell but how could ripping two mini-mountains out of the ground and slamming them together against some poor fool be lame?
They have a level adjust 1 yah, but they also have 2 racial hit dice so you need to take 2 monster levels. That being said DM waived the level adjust so I just have the 2 racial monster hit dice
I know I know but there are no 3.5 threads so this seemed like the best place to ask
Well, early-combat buffs are always useful. Haste is an excellent effect, so getting it to last a long time is always going to be useful-by the sound of it, you're going to have ridiculous stats anyway.
Yah my stats are pretty nice before I even buff. I still need to choose my 3rd feat, which I'm looking at power attack cause I'm probably gonna be good at hitting things and I also need to choose what weapons I want to use
What part?
is white haired witch worth giving up hexes for?
It's not my favorite but Summon Froghemoth is a hilarious spell
Froghemoths are an old monster they took from D&D, right? Were they always just big frog monsters? Paizo's notes on them suggests they're from some alien world.
Oh yea, they do have a bunch of aoe skills. I don't know that they are very good skills though.
Ah, summon froghemoth. Brings me back to the time when the party druid summoned one, was cut off from the actual fight and just jumped into a pit of lava because froghemoths can't do acrobatics.
It's a giant frog though right? Can it not jump?
Are Drow good for anything?
-con sucks, their SR is small and arguably detrimental to being buffed in combat, they don't seem to have any remarkable favored class options or synergy with classes.
Their noble feat chain that eventually gives at will deeper darkness is interesting but is there any reliable way to get see in darkness?
Yeah, that'll work fine. War domain might have been helpful for getting a Martial weapon, but it's not exactly a deal-breaker. I don't believe gnolls receive any kind of racial proficiencies, so your two-handed choices are limited to quarterstaves, spears, and longspears, or you could just two-hand a one-handed weapon.
Not at all. 20ft movement, no climb speed, no bonus on acrobatics and no dex to speak of. It's about as good at acrobatics as it is in wizardry.
That seems like an oversight but only adds to the hilarity of the spell.
> detrimental to being buffed in combat
You can voluntarily lower SR outside of cases where you're using a barbarian rage ability.
I'm not sure what such a thing in character is represents honestly.
They always were giant frog monstrosities and yes, just like in the old adventure where they first appeared, they are supposedly from another planet, but the difference is that in PF their origin is a mystery while in old DnD they straight up say that they came down with a spaceship.
So do you think a Numerian wizard might import one for study? What a tragedy it would be for everyone if it escaped confinement...
I think that the Numerian wizards have their hands full with rampaging scorpion robots and other classic DnD monsters-who-nobody-knew-was-from-DnD-and-Space making hives in their territory while having to send assassins across the planet to hunt down people who dare have read a book about their tech.
I'd pay to watch a froghemoth and a giant robo-scorpion fight.
>text only
So due to a series of RNG-spawned events I seem to have in my sessions a serial Ooze master that's taking oozes of varying strengths and types and is dropping them in on places to wreak havoc before letting them get taken down. If this was your character what would be their motivation, class, and goal for doing so?
And that is entirely possible in Iron Gods if you:
A: Have a druid in the party who is somehow level 17 by the start of the last book.
B: Get the attention of the first enemy of the last book and run for hundreds of miles, hoping to find a froghemoth somewhere along your little Benny Hill chase scene.
C: Do a similar chase as with choice B, but in the 4th book and at a shorter distance and not doing the optional area of the 4th book before doing this.
What ethnicity has the women with the hottest bods?
Make a room in roll20. Plop down the monsters and then roll dice till one dies.
That being said, I don't think it's unreasonable one would. There's a Wizard in Iron Gods obsessed with gas and swarms of creatures that act as one unit. A Wizard being interested in Biology isn't unreasonable