Was Slaanesh murder-fucked into existence in Warhammer Fantasy, or only in 40k?
Warhammer Fantasy never goes into the origns of the gods
Given that Slaanesh will be Malal'ed out of 40k in the next few years, it's not a question worth worrying about.
But Slaanesh is pretty cool
Keep dreaming, fag.
They had the chance to drop Slaanesh a few years ago and they didn't. Given that Slaanesh has gotten a SC box, I'm inclined that they're not planning on axing them anytime soon
>being in this much denial
You sound just like fantasyfags right before the End Times hit. I laugh at your complacency.
They're not though. They tested the waters of that in AoS, and there was enough backlash that slaanesh is going to stay. They even got a start collecting box for fuck's sake
Slaanesh are one of the most popular sets in the whole game, ain't going nowhere.
>implying Fantasy didn't go through this exact same shit
Just remember, when the 40k End Times hits, I'll be laughing at people like you.
Why do people hate slaanesh so much?
Likely just cynical and think GW want to tone/water down on the more risqué aspects of Warhammer to broaden the appeal. It's honestly not that far-fetched for them and tied in with Slaneesh going in to hiding in AoS but as the story and model releases progress it's becoming much less likely.
Slaanesh isn't even gone in Sigmar, just captured, there's three whole Slaanesh subfactions, one following the Everchosen out of the promise of rescuing their god, one trying to find a way to rescue Slaanesh themselves, and one following a named Keeper of Secrets who is trying to take their old masters place as the new god of excess.
Inaccurate. Slaanesh is just "Missing" after Malekith, Tyrion, Teclis and Alarielle kicked all the elf souls he ate during the end times out of him.
And there's MULTIPLE pretenders who are trying to be the new slaanesh
I was under the impression Slaanesh was captured, and I only heard about the one pretender.
Only one's been named. But there's multiple. And you're not wrong for thinking that, since all we know is, "Slaanesh got fat from eating all (And I do mean all) the elf souls after the end times, and then Malekith and the other elf gods went to kick the shit out of him so he'd puke them all back up" after that it's unclear
Oh yeah, Malekith, Tyrion, Teclis and Alarielle are gods now. Though that last one's kinda obvious
I do know Khorne misses Slaanesh, which amuses me.
While removal of Slaanesh is unlikely, recall that many miniatures that were both newly released and popular like the Tomb Kings Sphinxes did not survive squatting.
Someone explained this whole thing ages ago.
They did what comics do and had a character "Go missing"
If people don't care. They die off. If people do care (Which they did) they stay alive
They're a bunch of greater chaos spirits that got in after the warpgate collapse.
I-it's not like I miss you or anything b-baka...