What's Veeky Forums consensus on this video of Kreia? Is the creator right? or is he Wrong?
What's Veeky Forums consensus on this video of Kreia? Is the creator right? or is he Wrong?
He's wrong on all accounts.
Why do you keep making these shitty threads?
You're just going to sperg out about the simplistic morals of the star wars universe.
It doesn't matter because "gray jedi" shit is just for edge lords who want to use force lightning without being "evil" and don't actually account for actual philosophical ideas. And even if it did, nobody actually gives a shit except people who pretend they go gray for a reason besides what I listed.
Not an argument
He's reading too much. Kreia is wrong and the Jedi are right
Not going to click on that, but just how many times do we need to regurgitate a video game's argument about morality in star wars on the traditional games board anyway?
I like grey jedi because they seem to dress far more inconspicuously. The point of the robe is to blend in the the populace, yet the uniform ochre jedi robes and the fucking Sith drow-tier robes complete ruin that quality.
So to clarify, when you say "Grey Jedi" you mean Jedi that literally wear the color grey?
Nah, look at Jolee, despite living in a literal swamp hut, his getup sort of resembles the Czerka Corp employees he had to deal with. Ashoka wears leathers that aren't out of place for Togruta, or a Twi'lek for that matter. And all the fan art of greys that aren't ultra edgy usually give them armor plating that wouldn't look out of place for a low-tier bounty hunter.
For comparison
She's a great character.
And I think the video raises good points, even if he dose talk too dam much.
this, may the sperging commence
fair point, but as a counter
>Jolee Bindo
Veeky Forums will sperg anywats
Video bullshit. Disliked. Keep your headcanon to yourself.
What would be the point? Kreia is wrong in the lore
Veeky Forums fails to understand that just because she was evil as fuck doesn't mean she was wrong.
Face it, even though her motives were guided by her personal feelings and she was a fucking hypocrite, her overall philosophy isn't wrong in the slightest, especially if you distance it from her personage.
Kreia is just Chris Avellone realising he doesn't want to write a Star Wars story.
>le "star wars has to be black and white no depth no ambiguity in it REEEEEEEEEEE" meme
I get genuinely annoyed by people who shout and scream about how Star Wars is supposed to be cut and dry and freak out whenever anyone even suggests adding or exploring moral depth.
The way the Force works kinda cuts out any opportunity for a stable middle ground morality wise.
Good because Star Wars is boring otherwise
The way the Force permeates everything in Star Wars kinda make her goals inapplicable.
>Kreia is Avellone's mouthpiece
She lies constantly
She's the main antagonist
Unlocking all her dialogue is a pain in the ass
Following her advice results in a less optimized character and in a worse ending
She's a fucking bitch
Give Avellone some credit, just because she is the main source of exposition in Kotor doesn't mean she represents his viewpoints. The man knows how to write a character that doesn't make you want to strangle him when he wants.
Kreia is just an evil stepmother as a mentor character.
The whole point of the Force is that the middle ground isn't stable, its compromised hypocrisy. The Dark Side is not opposite and equal to a 'light side', its an imbalance in the Force caused by negative emotion and cruelty. There is no real 'light side', the light side is balance, there is no real 'dark side', the dark side is imbalance.
Kreia isn't even really a gray jedi. She's just a Sith who can't stand other Sith. If anything, she's a gung-ho darkside user who thinks she's smarter than every other darkside user ever. In other words, a donut steel OC.
The sequel films begs to differ
The only reason Jedi don't use lighting is that shocking someone to death is both inefficient and fucked up.
This. There is no light and dark. There is The Force and it's dark usage.
Gray Jedi is fine if they mean someone who is basically good but doesn’t agree with the order’s decrees. Jolee is s good example of this, despite what he’d like you to think.
A bad example would be taking video game segregation of plot and gameplay at face value, like using lighting in kotor or Jedi Knight while still being good.
The whole point of lightning is that you are literally hating someone to death with the force. You don’t get to use it and say you’re a good guy.
Incidentally, Kreia is not a gray Jedi. She’s a Sith. Saying be otherwise would be like claiming Sheev is a gray Jedi because he was only using self defence against Mace Windu
>Saying be otherwise would be like claiming Sheev is a gray Jedi because he was only using self defence against Mace Windu
I mean the Jedi did try to commit treason
>she's a gung-ho darkside user who thinks she's smarter than every other darkside user ever
Isn't that the very definition of a Sith?
Yes. But if you actually said something like that to Kreia, she'd announce that she's a labelkin and you have triggered her.
What the fuck are you on about
Labeling people I presume.
>her overall philosophy isn't wrong in the slightest
Her philosophy is fundamentally wrong because it's based on a faulty understanding of the Force.
But they're shit
Only for the narrow-minded
Yet canon
Even if she is right(she's not), star wars is a black and white story with no depth nor ambiguity
Honestly, I never fucking understood what's so bad about being a Darksider.
Dark Side is all about emotions, about being personal, about being passionate, about being someone who genuinely loves the things he does.
Light Side is all about reason, restraint, all about being impersonal and aloof.
It's the whole "duty vs. desire" dichotomy all over again. One isn't healthy without the other.
Absolute Law is no better than Absolute Chaos. YHWH's folly of restrictive hierarchy and rules for the sake of rules is no better than the absolute anarchy of demons and their "might makes right" outlook.
And just the same, Light Side is no better than the Dark Side. The jedi claim that they are trying to "bring the balance to the Force" by... eradicating the Dark Side? Like, fucking what.
It's not even druidic mentality of aggressive neutrality, it's just fucking plain delusional lies, just as deluded as the siths, to be fucking honest.
Light Side and Dark Side must coexist together, going through the endless cycle of ebb and flow, dawn and dusk, death and rebirth.
There was this interesting saying, something along the lines "good times breed weak people, weak people create hard times".
Well, if you rephrase it a bit, it fits perfectly.
Champions of the Dark bring the Dark times.
The Dark times breed champions of the Light.
Champions of the Light bring the Light times.
The Light times breed champions of Light.
Dark side is self destructive,tho. Have you seen how those Sith lords look like?
Because Jedi are already emotionally unstable, especially apprentices, because they have no fucking idea how to raise children. So those who join the dark side are either really high-tier masters seeking forbidden knowledge, or edgy teenagers going through puberty and rebelling against the Jedi order.
Using the dark side is like using crack and heroin and meth all at once. It's addictive and harmful and feels great, but it's a self-destructive thing. The dark side isn't evil in and of itself, but it is cruel and bestial and pitiless, and the way it twists those who use it lends toward them becoming evil.
Using the dark side is forcing your own will over the Force, in doing so upsetting the nature of the Force, twisting it to your own desires.
Using the "light side" is being in communion with nature and Life, you're working in symbiosis with it - as Obi-Wan said it guides you but also obeys your commands.
Light and Dark are not equals in Star Wars mythos. The prequels themselves actually show that that's not the case. Just the actions of two Sith (not even counting the other various dark side cults that barely do anything worth mentioning) brought on war and genocide and suffering on a galactic scale - two Sith whose activities broke the balance of the Force.
And it's not the dark side that needs to be eliminated - that's impossible, you literally can no more do that than you can eliminate Life itself. It's the Sith who were to be destroyed, and when they do get destroyed, balance is restored. That's the result of Palpatine's death at Endor.
Now in canon Snoke has come out of hiding and whatever he and his acolytes are up to has disrupted balance again.
In Legends, you could argue that the Chosen One actually failed, as Palpatine kept coming back for over a decade after Endor, and the Sith never truly went away either, with several Sith organizations rising up decades later.