Could you be so kind and post some of your favorite sci-fi/cyberpunk weapons?(melee too)
I need some reference for roleplaying session\world(own setting), I'll bump with some I find acceptable
Could you be so kind and post some of your favorite sci-fi/cyberpunk weapons?(melee too)
I need some reference for roleplaying session\world(own setting), I'll bump with some I find acceptable
Other urls found in this thread:
cool ty
have lost of revolvers (these both too) so less revolvers please
Veist foundry in D2 is pretty neat, I just wish there were kinectic versions of their guns
confusing to understand but not bad
Anything made by TsKIB SOO is cyberpunk.
>12ga revolver
>79% barrel to OAL ratio
>6ga (23mm) shotgun with a repurposed AA gun barrel
>.50 cal select fire assault rifle.
>Sniper variant
Silent revolver makes literally no sound when fired
>Folding barrel sniper rifle
Forgot my image.
These exist, by the way. The top two are TKB-408. The bottom one I guess is the same weapon chambered for 5.56 or similar.
Running out of slavshit so here's a spaghetti cannon.
>Borrowing guns from E.Y.E
Sure man, but you missed the best one: HS 010
I have lots of gun noises from eye
100 bullets uzi is cool but only with aim implant
>100 bullets uzi is cool but only with aim implant
Aim implant? Really? Come on man, just bring more magazines.
Later in game it becomes less effective because of range, I'm sorry cyber gangster
Shadowrun has tech that allows for people to act quicker than a gun can put a new bullet in the chamber.
They also have a gun with several pre-loaded chambers to get around this
mini bow
>Later in game it becomes less effective because of range
You clearly didnt bring enough bullets.
im trying to make more dark themed universe, eyeish mixing with lots of other like blame\bladerunner\systemshock\akira\gits\ some doom\wasteland etc
Generic security/police weapon for a violent city
it kills deus ex in one mag with aim implant man
And why that when all I need is inventory fulled of 444 bullets
As much as Im fan of ump I never seen good futuristic redesign of it
Mercenary or SWAT generic weapon
Raider weapon
Well yeah, sure, but it just doesnt have the same joyful feeling as 50 rounds a second with no regard for collateral damage.
Have some explosive gyrojet smartgun while we're on the subject.
It's not the 444. It's the 444K.
It's also the best damn revolver ever. The thing hits harder than an actual literal truck I think
Yeah I kinda get what you mean but because of its caliber its really hard on higher difficulties, while BEAR()KILLER 444K
one-shots everything and they fly hilariously
Funnily enough, I always felt like the normal 222 Revolver or whatever it was called felt like the weakest of the guns. it just sounds like a pea shooter.
444K is holy though. Best damn weapon in that game
And also the s6000 I posted above has 100 bullets in a mag and hits pretty hard my favorite almost equally to bearkiller
I could describe universe if that would interest you and help find suiting guns.
in short
And its far future so im trying to get more experimental
Is that evangelion ost playing on background in first video
Whoever drew this has never touched a firearm in his life.
its future I aint gonna explain shit
>nothing revolves
any borderlands hyperion weapons
>everything revolves
I dug Jakobs weapons for that reason
and please dont go all /k/ I just been there
If something's name is a description of a specific action, you'd better make sure it does that thing.
There's also the part where it inexplicably has two barrels and a single trigger (I guess it fires two shots with each pull? Better hope your enemies can't hide and count to three.) and neither of the barrels actually lines up with any of the chambers. Actually, as far as I can tell, it doesn't even have a chamber, just a magazine that doesn't feed into anything. And God knows how that hammer is supposed to work. There's nothing in the middle there for it to strike.
little robots move bullets and hits their back when its time to shoot
Nobody's mentioned the HCAR yet, huh
>incoming /k/ommandos triggered at a modified WWII BAR
also slightly off topic but pic related
is good sourcebook full of cool guns and I don't even play D20 modern I just salivate over the cool guns
>triggered at a modified WWII BAR
the HCAR by Ohio Ordinance is literally a WWII-era BAR with fancy shit glued to it dood
I forgot for a minute that /k/ommandos are turned on by butchered pieces of history hence all the mosin build threads
>The front sight post is mounted to the detachable suppressor.
>drum release
It's pretty cool otherwise.
>i n t e g r a t e d
This looks not bad
this thread needs more wood
>literally getting butthurt over garbage rods
How can one human contain this much autism?
>watch as a euro tries his hardest to be angry about something he doesn't understand
So Ohio Ordinance takes a Title II firearm and, presumably through the sacrifice of liberal souls, somehow converts these receivers into semi-auto firearms for sale to the general market with all sorts of rails and cerakote... and why would they do this, exactly? An $80,000+ firearm converted into one that retails for $5,000, I'm not sure you understand how money works.
It isn't though. There is a literal suppressor release button placed in a convenient area on it, making me assume they are meant to be disposable.