The BBEG is a psychopathic mama's boy

>the BBEG is a psychopathic mama's boy

Anyone else love this villain archetype?

It is definitely a rarer one in my experience

>Evil mother/son duo villain couple
>In all senses of the word

It's always pretty great.

so like some kinda macbeth shit?

Wasn't that the plot of American Horror Story: Freakshow?

Eh, lacks personal drive. A large part of what makes a villain threatening is personal drive. The warlord wants to conquer a large empire, the concubine wants to put her son on the throne, the duke wants to become king, the king desires more wealth even through corruption, etc.

>The son strives to be like his evil father whom himself was pretty great
>The mother wants to support her son of course, and more and more is reminded of her late husband by him, in more ways than one

You tread a thin line, sir >greentext

It's pretty good, easy to make fun of the son with.

That's Shaka Zulu there right?

Well that was just one case I saw from a game, but there's lots of examples of mother/son combos in both literature and real life.


Shaka is one of my favorite historical figures. In some ways he was more foreign to his own people than the Europeans were. His bio is worth a read.




It's so dead that there is no longer any horse to beat

>Wasn't that one of the most overused cliches in storytelling
Here, ftfy

Yes, but I also like it when the mother is the villain ;_;

Are there some examples of evil child/good mother?

The king in Dragonheart I guess.

>Elaborate tragic backstory
>Designs new weapons which should have been obvious but weren't used due to an absurd contrivance
>Invents new tactics, which should have been obvious but weren't used due to another absurd contrivance
>Wins all of the time
>Dies at the end

Bad fantasy novel protagonist in real life.

Are you somehow trying to tell me Joffrey is a bad villain?


>implying Nero and his mother arent a great example of psychopaths who deserved each other

Pic definitely related.



Doctor Destiny/Madam Xanadu


In general, yes, but I have an irrational hatred of Shaka Zulu dating back to the dawn of Sid Meier's Civilization II. Which actually might play more into it being a good trope, if you think about it.


Jesus Christ, Nero was a literal neckbeard. It all makes sense now.

Literally sephiroth.

maybe we discover that the true BBEG was the man's mom all along and that he is just trying to be a good boy for his mother dearest.

It can work quite well

>The BBEG is a self-cheerleader

I love Death Guard in this iteration so much.

There are so many ways I want to play, all of them different.

>Focus on MSU Marines and Plaguebursts as a gunline
>Focus on fast moving daemons, bloat drones, daemon princes, mortarion and heralds for buffs etc
>Focus on poxwalkers and Typhus
>Focus on Terminators

I like it all!

Nurgle is a papa not a mama, but other then that it works I suppose.

Wtf you talking about.

>Psycho hopes his Mom will love him just like she loved his father.

Pretty strong drive. I would say. Thats where it stems from. Why do you think most Mama's boy psycho don't have a Dad kicking around.....

No one ever said you couldn't worship a Nurgle daemon PRINCESS instead of old Papa.