Now, I don't really like my DM too much after hearing this, because essentially he caught them and let it slide. I don't think he's a good dad, and I think his daughter sluts around for more specific reasons than sex is fun.
Anyway, his wife doesn't know, and can never find out, so he's been letting her go to Jerry's basement suite and get pounded by this fuckin' Chris-Chan tier lunatic. It keeps him calm, says the DM, and Jerry's parents are loaded and he apparently "really cares about her."
I like to think I'm like Jim from the Office and I'd just look at the camera or whatever, but I actually just hung up, bought a fuckton of liquor and kind of just...stared at the wall drinking.
See the DM is less comfortable with it because he thought the daughter would stop....after awhile? Like she had a thing where she'd get highschool boyfriends, and then stop dating after a month. Now it's been two months and they're pretty serious. They even hang out and shit. And he like, picks her up after dates/fuck sessions. Jerry's a good player at this point, but he starts to get this kind of a smug look.
I eventually gave him the advice that regardless of whether he consents or not, what's going on is illegal and I didn't want anything more to do with it. I left the game that week. Nobody knew why, they all thought something was going on. Not wrong.
A few months of quality gaming passes according to my friend. Fantastic. Jerry starts to show little erratic tics again here and there.
Most of them tell me he's being super creepy around the daughter, hugs that last too long.
I tell them not to overthink it, chuckle and stop asking.
DM calls me a four months later.
His fucking daughter is pregnant. He asks me what I'm going to do. I don't even know what to say at this point, I just hang up the phone and go back to sleep.