D&D seems like a good way to meet other beta friendless loser friends. Any tips on how to get into it?
>I'm a fucking beta friendless loser
Other urls found in this thread:
Quit believing that society has a little box for you to fit in, and go find some people locally or online and play some kickass board games.
Like women, (You) don't.
Go to your LGS and ask around about gaming groups, or check out the group finder thread here or Roll20.
>meet other beta friendless loser friends
As soon as you make friends with them, aren't they then not friendless?
I've only ever played DnD with friends. I think you're thinking of online games
Fuck off, frogposter.
Adevnturer's League and Roll20 are your two options.
Fuck off, redditor.
Your better off going to Veeky Forums to getting ripped and becoming gay. We are all pretty happy being beta frendless losers here.
I was actually a friendless loser weirdo autist and terribly unsocial. Playing d&d helped me talk more and now I'm much better.
thanks gary gygax o7
Sorry D&D is now exclusively played by attractive, successful , cool, hipster men and their girlfriends.
I'd suggest becoming part of the furry community for your needs.
>dumb frogposter thinks he needs to make friends with people who are Just Like Him
That's not how this works. Go hang out with some normies who have social lives that you can crash & meet plenty at. People are surprisingly easy to get on with & - so long as you're all out of puberty - they can be surprisingly tolerant of your raging betacity too
Like 's fpbp, D&D isn't some haven for social outcasts - it's a game. If you think you'll enjoy the game then go ahead & get into it (LGS>online imo but some others in here have given sites). You might even make some friends through it. But just don't use it as some way to find 'your people'
My university had a facebook group where people advertised their roleplaying games. I got into one, we played normally for a while. Over the years gradually started doing non-rpg social activities, and eventually noticed that we had graduated to being real friends instead of just unwittingly using rpgs as a vehicle for social interaction.
Before that, I have been introduced to rpg groups by my brother, and at a different time by an fwb.
Like me? We also post here amd there is nothing you sad sacks can do about it. I enjoy dungeon world with some craft beers on the side.
Fuck off, /pol/! Take your toad garbage elsewhere, you fucks!
>Pepe is /pol/
Is this bait?
>I enjoy dungeon world with some craft beers on the side
A man of patrician tastes. I commend you kind le gentlesir.
>Tmw Pepe is too much.
I thought this was the site that begat him.
>you fucks
It is.
Go to local game store ask for help.
Hard to advise with so little information on where you live to go on.
If you live in a village or small town. It's probably unlikely you'll get public groups outside of your nearest city. The easiest place to find out is at your friendly local game store. If you have a hobby store that does 40k, Magic etc nearby they can probably help you out.
If not an alternative is your nearest university. Check around their clubs and see if they have anything suitable. Someone somewhere will be playing RPGs near you it's very likely.
Anything nearby that might be your first lead?
Join terrible roll20 game. Suffer. Repeat until you have few people you can tolerate on contact list.
>mfw 80% of words coming out of my mouth are during online games, 15% are swears and incoherent mumbling to the screen.
If i can do it, so do you.
Does this board look like /b/, /r9k/ or /pol/ to you?
I honestly don't get why a frog is the thing to tick you off. Sounding like a damn territorial Redditor.
he said site you fucking newfag pissant. Christ, I haven't used that perjorative in 5 years but seriously if you're upset seeing Pepe you really shouldn't be on Veeky Forums at all.
Go to your local friendless loser guy spot (flgs)
read this, and then read other book like this
DnD is normie as fuck now
>Any tips on how to get into it?
Have friends to play with