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Well someone's salty.
This is what happens when you people take too long making a new thread.
How does a bastard orphan sunnuva a whore and a scotsman, dropped in the middle of a forgotten spot in an Italian village without a roof for sleeping under, grow up to be a deadly demon hunter?
Glad we recognize Red's drama whoring.
... Yknow, if you'd put THAT in the OP along with everything else? It mighta given the thread title some context.
Why don't we have more MtG jumps? (Also on an aside how many lands is to many lands?)
HSUA is cool and all but their version of Anderson is probably the worst part of it. Van Winkle was shit too but at least hers was a bit part.
Isn't it obvious? He was a Jumper all along.
I though that the bit at the end was interesting with the whole "I forgive you".
Anderson in the abridged is still a bit more psychopathic then the original however.
Haven't jumped it yet on the rebooted OAA chain, but I'll give ya the build from Wren's chain.
>Jump 39 - Metal Gear Solid
Age: 395-years-old
Era: 2009 (Rolled 8)
Location: Ark-Base, South Pacific Ocean. (Rolled 8 + Scenario)
Background: Drop-In
-Survival Viewer! (Free)
-Jumping Spider
-BEES!!! - Flock of Crows
-Psychic (Specialization: Telepathy)
The Shop:
-The Box x4 (All Free)
-What Was That Noise? (Free)
-Soldiers Without Borders x4 (100 CP)
--Eshe: Sandline International; Compound Bow
--Lucina: Executive Outcomes; Barrett XM109
--Corin: Executive Outcomes; Ruger Gold Label Shotgun
--Mir: Ĺ akali; Stun Knife
-IDroid + Codec (Import Pip-Boy 3000)
-The One-Hundred CP Man + Implanted Solid Eye
-The Phantom Pain (+0)
-Scenario - FOB
Because you haven't made them yet.
On a more serious note, I think THA still has Khans of Tarkyr/Tarkir/Tarker?
Not sure if anyone has heard from Merchant in a while on that guild-based plane either.
And I know some dude named either Metal_Parts or Metal_Pants has Phyrexia and... oh my god I'm shit with MtG, some kinda world with artificing and painting golems and a lot of bronze gold and chrome shite.
By watching Boondock Saints, a lot.
Whatever happened with that guy who was making an MtG Phyrexia jump?
Got chased off.
>Because you haven't made them yet.
I don't think an individual who played MtG for a grand total of a month is really the best person to make a MtG jump.
He has really really great moments, and really really terrible moments.
The whole bit in the latest episode from him confronting Dracula, to his death was fan-fucking-tastic.
As was the tiny bit with Maxwell.
Van Winkle needs to burn in hell. She was just terrible.
Very small update. Added an race/species Atlantean option and an Atlantis location that's basically just lore for people unfamiliar with the series.
There's also a note that explains how Atlantean healing works post-jump.
I'm kind of disappointed we didn't get more Monster of God Abridged Anderson. That part where he's speaking with the dual voice while forming the cross with his bayonets is really cool, and then it just quickly has Alucard get taken out before he talks to God.
And even though I thought that part was decent (especially the "Fuck you, you're omniscient you already know!" part), I would have preferred more MoG Anderson.
Personally I think it worked. MoG Anderson absolutely fucked Alucard, in one blow. Which backs up how much sheer power God has, he is omnipotent after all. Everything after that is God letting things happen.
It works within the context of the existing story, whether or not you like God as a truly omnipotent being is up to personal taste.
What was bad about his portrayal? I ask since I haven't read original Hellsing yet.
Eh, fair enough. It just seems kind of anticlimactic, you know?
They go a little heavy on the humor to the point it's a detriment to the character, at least in my personal opinion.
I perfectly understand your feelings, I just think it works in-context. If they didn't frame God as actually Omniscient and Omnipotent it wouldn't have worked.
It's kind of boring as hell...
Jump 6ish - Metal Gear Solid - 1000 CP
25 Years Old [Rolld 8, 5]
2009, Big Shell
Drop-In [Free]
Survival Viewer! [Free]
Global Operations - Russian [Free]
Signature Weapon [Free]
Water Gun [Free]
Stun Knife [Free]
Naked Camo [Free]
Civilian Clothes [Free]
The Box x4 [Free]
What was that noise? [Free]
ARSENAL Gear [1400]
War Has Changed [+100]
The Phantom Pain x2 - Right Leg and Arm [+300]
...but it's what I'm happy with. I still need to actually write the jumps before this but I don't see the actual build changing, so I can't tell you exactly what I plan on doing.
Outside of installing my AI waifu on ARSENAL and engaging in meme wars with the Patriots, anyway.
Wait when did Metal Gear Solid get updated?
Posting for the new thread- Some jumps that I'm not looking forward to:
>Celtic Mythology
>Dies Irae
>Dragon Ball Super
>Dragon Ball: XenoVerse
>Exalted: the Fair Folk
>Granblue Fantasy
>Kingdom Come update
>Marvel Cosmic
>Re: Creators
>Saint Seiya Episode G
>UQ Holder
So I take it that human companions do not gain the stipend of 400 cp to purchase powers, items, etc depending on their background?
Glad to hear you're looking forward to Generic Kaiju and MK9&10!
What's the status on that Star Trek update? Battlefront?
Again: Nobody. Cares.
>Generic Kaiju
Eh, somewhat. The latter more than the former. Generic jumps are usually cancer, but I'll wait to see how you handle it.
Your response would seem to indicate otherwise.
What happens if you put the True Name Shackles on yourself?
Can you import the same item for Crown of Control and Crown of Flame?
Pol jump was a joke user
I'm sure the others will be, as well.
Mid-october, new version is on the drive.
Also just updated Red Faction last thread
I just looked what was changed?
If you keep posting that you might actually remind me to finish researching Captain Marvel so I can finish the update. Thanks.
I'll try and get it out (or MK9&10 if I finish it earlier) for Jesus Birthday.
I don't know; I'm waiting for the Ultimate Edition.
Jumpchan appears, calls you a baka, and magics them off. You could take them off in that case.
buncha minor tweaks, main things are free item imports and reduced price on all metal gears
Fair enough; what are some generic Jumps that you enjoy?
In MGS the Signature Weapon freebie sounds like it is meant to give you a free weapon but it just describes how cp insurance works for the weapons in the jump. Is this intentional?
Who has your jumper had relations with sexual or otherwise that aren't companions?
Please don't respond to the shit poster
What exactly constitutes "created" for the purposes of Crown of Control? Based on the Golden Army itself and the mention of "robots", I assume you don't need to hand-craft/manually direct the entire creation process, but how far does it extend? Like, if someone created golems based on some of my theories, I doubt that would count and probably not patents either, but what about something like my own factories mass-producing them?
Will there be a power or perk for altering your size Jet Jaguar style? It'd be cool to go from human sized to bigger then Godzilla, and every size in-between. Partly because I think rapidly going from person-sized to kaiju ala Baby Bower and Ursula is a great for final bosses and partly because I want to simulate that 'monster rapidly grows bigger as it consumes more food and ages' thing in future jumps.
For the most part, yes, the main thing is free background experience with the weapon.
also finally started including changelogs in all jumps, check the end of the document for details
>tfw no Harvey Birdman jump
We join the KKK?
Going to Mars and killing commies, hell yeah!
Could Soldiers without Borders be used to get new companions?
At the risk of sounding cliche, Sword and Sorcery. But also Generic Universal Monsters and Generic Investigation. I'd also argue Lost Valley of the Dinosaurs is close enough to "Generic Lost World Exploration" to count. Most of them are fairly well-balanced and fluffed, but LVD is compelling in a way that most other jumps can't manage.
You'll need Sons of the Patriots for any canon characters, of course, but yeah, that's fine
Red planet pun, not actually communists
Actually now that I am thinking how exactly does the copywrite around Captain Marvel work?
...ASL, my fellow dimensional travelers?
A group called Red Faction, fighting for the rights of workers, against a megacorporation more concerned with making profit than with the well-being of their employees, and which sports a particularly communist-looking symbol?
I fucked Barthomeloi Lorelei in Fate. Screwed a lot of random heroes, gods, generally whoever is around and worth my time. I heldhands with the Chousin.
well its possible, the only explicit platform they have across the series is anti-colonialism
Yeah, someone producing based on your designs wouldn't count. Essentially, if they were created by or for you, the Crown counts.
Sword and Sorcery, Generic Universal Monsters, and Lost Valley of the Dinosaurs are all high quality, I agree. Generic Investigation I can't seem to find though. What are the traits that you feel make a good Generic Jump, aside from balance/fluff?
Awesome, that's going to be great then.
What Power source does Captain Marvel use? Magical? Spiritual? Or both?
Considering that the Metal Gear Rex's Nuke only has a blast radius of 300 meters isn't it a bit much that it is one of the most expensive metal gears and we still only get one shot? That is a tiny blast by nuclear standards.
They do actually, but only if you spend cp on the import.
I've lost all desire to work on any jumps. Someone please send hope/motivation/incentive.
It is undetectable though and can leave the UN wondering who set it off
The relatively small nukes used in WWII have the complete obliteration of everything range at 1.6 KM with the blast extending all the way out to around 5km.
Was this really you?
>They do actually, but only if you spend cp on the import.
Ah thank you for the response and cool, that's helpful.
The Davy Crockett is similarly undetectable and roughly the same size. Not nearly as good range as the Rex but still the same level of stealth and destruction.
Actually is being a planet and eating fleets a valid solution to alien invasion problems?
Fuck If I Know/Shapeshifter/Konosuba
Does the Safe Room update in size if you acquire a larger alt-form?
There any rules or guidelines for Sub-Companions / Companions-of-Companions when it comes to jump-making?
Wanking helps.
Typically companions can't have companions. Though there are similar options in group companions, which are exactly what they sound like.
It's not a thing and if you have any sense, you won't make it a thing.
Not until Valeria makes it a thing, at least.
Most people can't do it. But if you talk to the jumpmaker named Valeria, she might consider it, and then it'll become mainstream if she decides it's worth putting in a jump.
Companions can't take companions. Don't make it a thing.
Some jumps have it. One Digimon jump and the supernatural update have them.
Can Gadgeteer interact with supernatural energies from outside of the jump? Also, for Blood Like Sand, do your nerves need to stay intact for you to use your body?
>It can also be hidden from normal sight; still there, but only seen by those with the means to pierce illusions.
Is that an ability you can activate, or is it an option you can choose upon purchase?
How large is the Hidden City?
Since I got you here. Does being turned to stone by Trigon count as death? (Basically asking if we need to do anything during that part or if Raven has got it covered)
Wait derp ignore that.
At least try to make your shitposting consistent you stupid fucker. Val actually hates Companions of Companions and in a few cases has made rulings that are actually really inconvenient and kinda dumb because they of that.
Potentially. And I don't think Kroenen shows much of a reaction to pain, so I'm going to go with no.
It's an ability you can activate.
It's a big city.
For me?
More seriously, can you give like a comparison or guideline or something? Or comfortable population?
Alright, thanks senpai.
Just pick something that seems reasonable for a city built into a large cave that spans several miles.
No problem.
>Wake up
>See all this salt
>Think that some new jump might have been posted
>Timmy is just being salty for no reason again
Fuck you. Don't toy with people's hopes like that
Well, there weeere a few updates posted, if that counts.
Alright, that works I guess. Thanks.
For the Goblin Forge, do you have to actively feed it resources, or can you just keep them somewhere nearby?
No problem.
You have to actively feed it resources.
Speaking of new Jumps being posted; is everyone okay with me uploading Freddy vs Jason vs Ash to the drive?
>Speaking of new Jumps being posted; is everyone okay with me uploading Freddy vs Jason vs Ash to the drive?
Go ahead!