We're talking about a hypothetical extreme ancap society, correct?
The education wouldn't be of crap quality, since the people who would be able to afford it would pay for the education. Most charter or private schools receive either some, or a large amount of their income from the Government, via grants, or subsidies, so the corporation who did have the funds available to start a private school, would be able to control the market.
If you all of a sudden got rid of Government, as most non-profit charity gets a large amount of it's funding from the government, via grants, then there would be a lot of hungry people starving.
People in the working or middle class who have a job, would have decreased job security, because now you have thousands of hungry poor people after that job who would do it for less pay, causing increased unemployment along as decreased wages as there's always going to be a starving person willing to do the same job for less than the previous person.
On top of that, as people are accepting lower and lower raises, and more and more people are becoming employed as employers can hire people for less pay, with increased hours, then both the poor, and the shrinking middle class stops buying things. Ending agricultural subsidies raises the cost of food, making people more desperate.
The poor starts starving, the middle class stops buying things, the price of everything raises, people stop buying electronics, the price of electronics rise, people cut down on buying food, the price of food rises. In order to have a stable economy, then you need people to be able to buy things.
There would be educated people, there would just be an incentive to make sure that there are uneducated people and protect the status quo, as the people who run and own the corporations would still be sending their family to receive education, and having them work for them.