What part of the world that's not usually the setting for RPGs would you like to play in?
What part of the world that's not usually the setting for RPGs would you like to play in?
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medieval europe
I would play the SHIT out of a setting based on indigenous Australian folklore and creation myths. Shit's crazy, yo.
t. Bruce
dreamtime pls go
A frozen Siberian tundra filled with deer-herders
Medieval Russia/Eastern Europe. When you get European influences in fantasy, it's typically Anglo or Frankish stuff with the Celts and Vikings playing the secondary role. I don't know much about Eastern Europe though, which is a shame because I have a lot of roots there. There's kind of a dark beauty to that region's history which is woefully underutilized.
I should do some more research on it. A game set in Not!Estonia might be kinda cool.
Antarctic. There are so many possible scenarios set in here. Resource wars, Lovecraftian alien horrors, regular alien horrors, secret Nazi bases, alternative history, pre-history
That's a spooky hole behind that sorcerer
>dare you enter my enchanted crevasse?
>Hey, hero, do you want some magical items? I have many wondrous trinkets back in my cave.
>Medieval Russia/Eastern Europe
Sounds cool to me.
Would love Aztec/Mayan/Inca shit.
Scandinavia except focusing on a domestic campaign rather than raiding filthy Christians.
Would love to go troll slaying and coming home to the mead hall for a feast.
Equipment list would just be a stick
Do you get to the cloud district very often?
Sorry, should have included that it be a good setting of the above and attached to a good game
honestly I love scandanavian lore, I'd play the hell out of that game if it was made.
I just had to give you some shit because i had to
Napoleonic or 18th/early 19th century Fantasy.
Kardashev Type II civilization.
This is an underrated post. A medieval european setting that's in any way actually accurate is essentially never done.
>Kardashev Type II civilization.
>No Kardashev Type III
A world of halflings...and one man.
so basically Gulliver's travels
Or Alfie.
An anime setting with busty brown elves and cute catgirls who may or may not be male. Despite all the complaints about it, I've never seen it actually played straight (or even played ironically for that matter).
I created the setting based in australia I've always wanted to play but no friends to play it with.
It's sort of like mordheim meets stalker but without spooky shit. Players would take the role of "Bush Rangers" working for different factions to recover parts, salvage machines or find medical/technical etc documents.
If Bin Chickens aren't a major enemy then you need to rethink your setting
It's based around perth/Swan river area.
So yeah there will be a lot of bin chickens and black ducks.
18th/19th century Mexico and California. Dashing Zorro-esque Spanish Gentlemen Duelists. Vamanos amigos!
Southern Europe or Southeast Asia
South Europe is always ancient Grome or generic pseudo-Mexico + Italy
Southeast Asia basically doesn't exist, even Polynesia gets more attention
And Inner Asia is always just a source of horse worshipping not!mongols for heroes to fight
>Southeast Asia basically doesn't exist, even Polynesia gets more attention
Scarlet Heroes comes to mind. OSR fantasy setting based on Southeast Asian culture, mythology and folklore.
>tfw not living in a world filled with shortstack sluts and you're the only tall guy
Only the first part and less extinguishing Palace's fires with Gulliver's piss.
I'd be interested to hear more user, go on.
ice age eastern USA (or europe, i guess since it wasn't anything like the middle ages)
Sounds like heaven
Actual Renaissance Europe, not the weird mash-up of high medieval and renaissance you always see.
Also actually well done late medieval would be nice, too.
Actually, anything between say 1500 and 1850 would be greatly appreciated.
You clearly know more about it than I do, what would a good late medieval look like?
And we will never be in it.
America during leviathan
An hindu/sub asia style fantasy. I see some stuff for it in books but it is never played.
'Late Medieval' settings aren't even that rare: Game of Thrones or The Witcher, as big examples.
For me, my gripe is that settings are often inconsistent. It's not so much that i have a problem with conscious picking and choosing but with the mixing born of ignorance/disinterest.
(To give an example from another kind of setting, the mixing of Asian cultures in Avatar the last Airbender is good, but i bet you can think of settings where the author doesn't know/care about the difference between Mongols, Japanese and Thai)
Anyway, it's just this lazy mixing, and often it's just that you get this high-medieval aesthetic mixed in with Renaissance ideas. I'd just preffer something more coherent.
Realized I don't actually know: what kind of renaissance ideas get stuffed into late medieval? I would like to make sure I'm not doing that in my own worldbuilding.
not user, but zweihander for sure were renaissance
definitely. Anarctic is so dope.
One of the best campaigns ive ever run was a 1 shot where the players were an exploration team in glacial caves that, due to global warming, were accessible for the first time since the ice caps have existed. It was a while ago, but i think the classes were biologist, geologist, anthropologist, and security. And of course the team had a dog.
Complicated clockworks and ships too ahead of their time, typically.
This might be of interest so you guys: kickstarter.com
Kinda like stand still stay silent
I get autistic about the clockworks but will have to do more reading about the ships.
That looks like a good read even if I don't use some of it, thanks user.
>not Austria
The Witcher does use some elements of the culture and follk lore
Very, very few.
From my understanding, the renaissance was localized in a few places and that other parts of europe continued to be medieval long after it ended.
You looked at the system they're making for it?
What kind of resources exactly
Huge cities. Strong kings. Big armies. Huge standing armies (this one is actually post-renaissance but well). Witch-hunts. Rampant witch-burning. A lot of torture devices (those not made-up anyway). Inquisition. Religious strife. Ships that are too advance. Rapiers. Greatswords. Full plate...
Women were more oppressed during the renaissance than during the middle ages. Part of it was a backlash caused by them taking jobs traditionally performed by men due the lack of working hands in the aftermath of the Black Plague. This was reinforced by whole "Eve convinced Adam to commit the original sin" in the bible.
Well, full plate entered the scene during the Late Medieval. That said, most full plate armors are post-medieval.
Hard to expand much on this since again I don't know a whole lot about East Europe culture, history, or mythology other than it became a refuge for my Jewish ancestors for a time
I've done a bit of brushing up but I probably need some books, so I'll dump some details for a possible setting.
>We'll call the region Rakvere, because that sounds pretty cool
>Pagan Slavic-inspired pantheon but post-Christian medieval technology
>Vikings to the west, Germans to the south, and Kurgens/Huns/Mongols to the east provide basis for races other than baseline humans.
>magic based on ritual and pacts instead of Vancian crap
>Monsters ranging from winter warlocks, forest hags, ogres, and stuff I'll probably lift from mythology once I brush up on it
>dark forests, sweeping plains, small storybook style villages, quiet hills and mountains
>maybe I'll base the political scene around a young, small-scale empire in the early stages of expanding its borders.
Just some ideas.
Iron age Finland.
Same here
I read an issue of Hellblazer a while back where he goes to the Dreamtime and it was bananas.
Anything prehistoric.
I kinda like the idea of just going crazy with the kind of shit that could go down. I'm talking cities swallowed by the sea, great civilizations and savagery clashing due to various evolutionary stages of various races. Good shit.
Celtic Ireland, a land filled with druids, farm spirits, spiteful faeries, and some of the most badass figures in mythology totally not cribbed from the Germanic tribes
>read Xianxia novels
>most of them reads like a tabletop RPG
>no tabletop of them
Gunpowder Empires; Ottomans, Safarids, & Mughals circa 1400-1700s. Turco-Mongol influence on a predominately Arab/Persian society, united by religion in theory but in practice the great empires spend as much time & effort fighting against each other as against foreign enemies (barbaric westerners, etc.) This is well past the Islamic Golden Age, but these empires are still at the height of their powers. You get a lot of really weird folklore out of this time period.
Krakatoa or Polynesia/Melanesia/Micronesia in general.
> one of the most culturally and naturally diverse areas on the planet, not including the similarly diverse north (China), west (India), or South (Australia)
> on the Ring of Fire for frequent volcanoes and earthquakes
> tons of jungles and mountains for hidden cults/tombs/cities
> a unique pantheon of gods that is rarely discussed
> multiple time periods with interesting social/economic/political developments that influenced the rest of the world (first "global" disaster with Krakatoa, the bridge between India and China/Japan, Dutch colonialism, etc)
If I ever get around to DM'ing, my initial "plot hook" will be the eruption of a similarly-sized volcano and the consequences that surround that (a community of people gone deaf from the eruption, pseudo-Dutch colonists dealing with revolt, superstitious natives and their fear of foreigners, maybe even stereotypical "elemental gods" to justify it all, etc).
And petrol, don't forget the petrol
Thanks user, this is good stuff to consider.
>mixes Mesopotamian civs up with Inca
Pre-indo-european Europe.
Glaciers stretching across the horizon, lands now covered by the sea. The endless salt flats of the Mediterranean. Etruscan orgies in nuraghe castles towering over the primeval forest filled with elk whose antlers stretch 20 feet long. Bone flutes. Matriarchal fertility cults.
Golden century Spain.
No New World, just the Iberian.
Larry Niven was well ahead of you
No one wrote down any pre-christian folklore at the time it was dominating, and now the most we can have is witcher-tier stuff
>I don't know a whole lot about East Europe culture, history, or mythology
The problem with mythology is that nobody does, it's dead, lost and forgotten and thaat's a shame. Sure, there are some salvaged bits, but it's nowhere near as comprehensive as, say, Greek or Nordic mythology. And large parts of those salvaged bits are from some much later writers trying to remind people of old myths but ultimately putting a lot of their own elements into them
Do you have any good sources on Polynesian mythology user? I've been meaning to look into it for some time now.
Ancient Greek myths.
Just looked into SSSS and year kinda similar but bush, desert, swamp, and no magic/monsters.
I'd like to try a nomadic-steppe campaign, circa the World Wars, but I've yet to find a system that would be decent for it.
Tibet from Vajra Enterprises takes place during the 1950's and focuses on the Chinese invasion of Tibet (naturally), but you can, in fact, play a steppe nomad with WWII weapons trying to defend their livelihood.
Thanks. I'll look into it.
Holy shit that's so cool. Was pre indo Europe really like this? Sounds like the Hyborean
Arabia and Persia has some interesting history that gets very little detailing in fantasy settings.
Central Asia. Steppe Nomads slap in the middle several very different civilizations and influenced by all of them.
Aztec or Incan
American Indian
You know what I meant.
As others said, anythting from the Indo to Bali is criminally underutilized. It boogles the mind - I can understand why Africa is, but India and Indonesia?
In general Ancient Greece is surprisngly scarcely used and it is the origin of half fantasy we think of nowdays in some way. The funniest thing is that arguably up to Roman conquest it was relatively "heroic", a few men could make the difference and the city-states were an eternal dance of war sheaningans.
Middle East. Hell, basically any year from 3000 BC, seriously. The most absurd thing is that if anything we get some Egypt, which was the most stable region and thus more boring. Don't get me wrong, shit's cool, but.
>not in their myths, tough. THAT shit is simply insane and everyone worldbuilding should dig into them.
Heian and Asuka era shit. A bizzare case of superior, "pacifist" culture in an ocean of primitives. Even the elevens don't use it enough and go full muh sengoku jidai.
Polynesia and the pacific islanders, all the idea of colonizing new islands
>actually I'm thinking about doing a game with multiple settings about something like that
Surprinsingly enough, most "modern" wars and military settings, in RPGs.
Also, merchantilism, books and higher culture not just from the Church.
Sub Sahara Africa has some cool potential. I love me some Nyambe and Spears of the Dawn.
Also count me in for Indian subcontinent and south Asia.
Tribe 8 also does a bit of neo-indigenous American stuff mixed with Lovecraftan and post apocalyptic stuff. Like clan of the cave bear meets Mad Max.
And Epoch has a mix of Conan style sword and sorcery in a pseudo Pre Columbian setting.