Which do you prefer for your snowflake?
Other hybrid character concepts welcome HEALING NECROMANCERS NEED NOT APPLY
Which do you prefer for your snowflake?
Other hybrid character concepts welcome HEALING NECROMANCERS NEED NOT APPLY
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Paladin Necromancer
>Which do you prefer for your snowflake?
Bard necromancer?
spellthief, baby. Use magic to be even sneakier than normal, and sneak attack with fireballs.
Gunmage if the guns are old fashioned and used more as the casting tool than as a weapon (Albus from castlevania), swordmage for most other cases.
Gunmages are decent if Gm spends some time balancing them. I'm gming a Gothic fantasy campaign and I do have one of those. I let him have special bullets, that he needs to prepare them beforehand. And he opted for slower ritualistic magic instead or combat oriented one.
Spellswords can be done in interesting way
But this requires a lot of effort from player side. Best one I had was limited to casting spells centered on top of his sword.
(to hit someone with magic missile he needed to stab his target with sword and launch them.
It was fun when he cast a fireball. Without fire resistant gear)
Bard-paladin would be interesting. Imagine a paladin that always makes excuses, and uses loopholes to do typical bard shenanigans.
Rogue paladin begs for a inquisition background. Stalking heretics incognito, basically a detective-paladin.
Sorcerer-monk is basically an avatar.
Sorcerer-wizard if homebrewed can be damn interesting. Learned spells with instinctive chaotic on spot changes. Turn fireball into a Phoenix and instead of exploding just move it around. Cast lightning and make it turn to one side. Basically a weird, on-spot changes to spells.
Druid-berserker is obvious - basically a noble savage.
Monk-thief and you get a ninja or Wuxia.
Hunter-sorcerer/mage is cool. Shooting magic from his bow, homing arrows, having shots travel a specific path. Controlling arrows remotely.
Priest-warlock would be fun. Mad priest tempted by both elder abomination and his God.
Love me some gish.
I'm playing an explorer-wizard in a warhammer fantasy 2e game who uses an enchanted rifle and it rustles the GM's jimmies to absolutely no end. I've never seen someone so against wizards using guns in my whole life. When I try to point out that Gandalf and most other wizards used swords and it's only logical that wizards would keep up with the times and use guns, he spergs out even harder. What argument can I make to convince him that wizards with guns in a renaissance/age of exploration style setting aren't that weird or out of place?
Using gun makes perfect sense. Why would you waste spells when simple bullet does the job.
Save spells for emergencies, and why use swords in a world with guns? Especially if you are a backrange fighter.
Plus as a mage you could enchant bullets, having bigger spell pool available to you.
Gun-alchemist, sword-mage
Pistolier Cleric/monk
so you're a coward I see? a buffoon?
flesh is flesh its all connected.
Spirit-binder ritualist.
shadow-kin navigator
>not playing a healing necromancer
Hydrosophist and Necromancy have great synergy tho.
desu i feel like Necromancy should have been Blood Magic or something instead since it only has one raise dead skill and it's not even good.
Both. Their children will be gunblademages.
Gun mage with a revolver, uses spells to enhance the gun to gun more than the gun has ever gunned.
Why are those two boys holding hands?
I have never seen anything else quite like the Touch Ranger in vidya or tabletop. Guild Wars is a fantastic game.
This, this is a player of culture
What about Mystic Archers, bruv?
WildStar is a sci-fi fantasy (emphasis on sci-fi) setting with space travel and high tech weaponry alongside mysticism and other conventional fantasy aspects. One of the main playable classes is the Spellslinger, a gunner wielding pistols akimbo who had acrobatics and could fire shots normally, but they were also mages and able to cast spells (channeling the six primal elements) via their guns. They used runes to focus, control and augment their power, and they had a connection to a nebulous parallel dimension called the Void that lets them do tricks like blink across the field or even temporarily hide inside it to evade notice.
I liked them for what they are, and not just because I played one myself.
For a snowflake?
My first class is Sword. My second class is also Sword.
Sword/Sword hybrid. All of the strengths of swords, balanced with the versilitility of swords.
That's called a fighter.
No. If I wanted a Fighter, I would have made a fighter. I made a Sword.
There's a difference.
Unironically depends on the setting
I will take both and add a bow in there as well.
Suck shit no funs who say you can't have bows and guns and swords in the same setting.
Fuck yeah Sabriel
Lirael is better
>Gunmage or Swordmage
Fuck you for making me remember Final Fantasy Unlimited.
Rogue/illusionist is probably my favorite thematically, but there's rarely much reason to actually do it since there's often something that comes really close like arcane tricksters, beguilers, or really bards in general
His first class is mage. His second class is archer. All he does is throw swords
explain what I'm looking at because I have no experience of this game.
everyone knows that mechanistcavalier is best.
Shit, that really is what they are. Nifty.
Its a very unique, multifaceted synergy. In Guild Wars you're basically gestalts, but with a preference towards your main (first) class. The Touch Ranger combines Ranger (not a caster, bows/traps/pet) and Necromancer (caster, does blood/minion/debuff stuff).
It uses two duplicate skills (the skills in slots 2 and 3) that steal health from a target in "touch" range. Normally both skills are pretty expensive and spammable, so you run out of energy (blue bar) quickly. However, Ranger has a main-class-specific attribute line that reduces the energy cost of Ranger skills, weapon skills, and touch skills, regardless of source. This cuts the energy cost of the two vampiric skills in half. Then instead of a bow as your weapon, you use a staff for the extra maximum energy. In addition, you use another skill that sacrifices your own health to grant you energy (skill 1 with the gold border). This creates a loop where you can steal health to convert to energy to allow you to steal more health. Lifesteal is an important damage type because it ignores armor and a lot of defensive spells. The rest of the skills are purely for defense. You're basically taking a non-caster and making them into a very specific, thematic caster. It also cannot work as a Necromancer/Ranger. You'll run out of energy too quickly even with the larger pool. It has to be Ranger/Necromancer.
Its basically like a Cleric that can cast maximized Inflict X Wound spells at will, and heals itself for the damage. Except, it has the fluff and features of Ranger and Necromancer, not Cleric. I've never seen anything like it in fantasy.
Polearmmage. Cast your spells on your turn, make attacks of opportunity on the enemies'.
It has two, Bloated Corpse and Bonewidow.
Bonewidow is deece, soaks a bunch of damage and can teleport onto enemy casters.
Is there a stealth knight?
>In plate
Penmage, mightier than the swordmage.
it's basically a modern surgeon, taking parts and organs from the dead and using them to heal the living.
I like swords.
What about watergunmage?
Only correct answer is gungun my gun shoots guns
>Which do you prefer for your snowflake?
I don't actually like hybrid classes, I think hybridized classes make individual classes less special, important, and dangerously meld them together making them pointless or poopy. Keep in mind that I don't, not, 'appreciate' them, but I just don't personally want them in my neighborhood: lowering property values, not recycling, etc..
I DO though appreciate a little "natural spill over": Warlocks and Clerics having similar, but very differently sourced abilities. Druids and Warlocks having more in common than they thought, with rot, diseases, etc.. Paladins and Berserkers finding solidarity in their passion.
If you can animate a corpse, but can't heal a living body you're a sloppy Necromancer.
Hack. FRAUD. You should turn in your robe and skulls.
Take it apart, put it back together again, repeat.
Flesh is flesh, meat is meat, if you can't control life, you can't control death, knowing the fundamentals is important.
Swordmage. I really liked the Elric saga.
Swordmage, every chance I get.
Too bad my group either avoids healers like the plague, leaving me to do it, or the campaigns end in spectacular suicide pacts involving pissing off every organization that doesn't support our natural murderhobo tendencies or unleashing all manner of unspeakable horrors in our quest for more shiny stuff. The only real difference is whether or not I'm able to patch up, stitch together, or resurrect everyone else in the party.
That's not too bad, is it? I mean, a cleric or paladin is basically a swordmage that can heal.
human fighter
>Not Wizard Monk
I wanted a comfy isekai with a gameworld that made sense.
I got a first year course on government and administration.
Still comfy tho.
i choose both
Alchemist moonshiner; if I can't cure what ails ya, I can at least get ya too drunk to notice. Pity that colonial-era not-American game never got off the ground.
my penis demands it
>D&D 5e
Barbarian-Druid: Using Wildshape to become a bear and also being a bear barbarian. I become maximum bear and rip through people while raging then get to be dad-bear with heals/support spells.
Alchemist (Gunsmith)/Rogue (Inquisitive): Have access to several smith/tinker tools along with several kits like alchemy, herbalism, healing, etc. With my massive boomstick I blow people away and using my detective skills/kits I solve crimes and help with raids. I'm currently playing a D&D police procedural set in Waterdeep. It's pretty much a mix of The Raid, Miami Vice, and Criminal Minds.
Envoy-Mystic (Healer/Weydan): Started off as a joke character but I made a black gospel preacher of Weydan (god of freedom/anti-slavery). Played him as a traveling preacher who was against Azltan slavery and helped those in need with his prayers. He never carried a pistol but instead carried several pocket bibles of Weydan spiritualism that he would attack people with using Telekinetic Projectile and flinging them into their face. After battle he'd use mending to repair the books and pocket them unless someone wanted to convert and he'd give them one. Pic related.
Gunmages can be awesome.
I like both trying to kill each other in back alleys and on abandoned industrial estates while arguing about philosophy all to control the fate of the world.