Warhammer 40000 General /40kg/

>Previous OP was a faggot edition

>Tyranid Stratagems

>Daily Duncan

>GW FAQ (1.1):
>FW FAQ (1.1):

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in properly converted pdf & epub, fully bookmarked and linked with in-line errata annotations

>Other Megas
>Old Black Library Mega

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Thanks Chart-user!)

>Craftworld Eldar codex(thank you user)

Other urls found in this thread:


First for culexus the best waifu

I have no mouth and i must scream

fourth for New Nid codex!

Question time, which baneblade variant would be the best for dealing with the new nids?

Dakka version with space for more dakka

Why is 40k being targeted by so many feminists and nu-males?
Is it because they know it's a haven for natsocs and they want to try and ruin our leasure activities out of spite?

Old new and that gw drone has no idea what he is talking about.
Greyfax-boobplate lol.

>females are going to start coming to gamestores and start talking about their feminist ideas

I doubt it but I wouldn't be surprised.

Anybody have any recommendations for some Adeptus Mechanicus/Skitarii fiction?

>Is it because they know it's a haven for natsocs and they want to try and ruin our leasure activities out of spite?
You're as bad as they are. Trying to make the hobby about yourselves.

You ship politics like they ship race and gender.

I heard Pirests of Mars series was good.
Well not so suprising considering it is being written by Graham MC Neil, one of the very few writers who understand the setting they are writing about. Unlike ADaddyIssuesB

>Is it because they know it's a haven for natsocs and they want to try and ruin our leasure activities out of spite?

I aint a national socialist but I'm just kinda mad about the way they're messing with the lore my dude, I aint about no nazi stuff.
Also I have very little reason to believe that Warhammer 40k is some sort of haven for nazi idealism, thats highly suspect and baitful to say so.

The imperium isn't about nazi stuff, it just kind of outwardly looks like a bunch of scattered media and historical references and the nazi-ish parts stand out. Imperium is more about hyper-masculine ideals.

He didnt mean that dingus. He tried to say natsocs are in our hobby.
And sjws are attacking because of that. hich i dotn agree because sjws dont need to make up a reason to attack anything pure and beautiful to make it corrupt.


The fuck is that?

I realize I worded that quite poorly, I was trying to say that I am in fact mad about sjw types invading and messing with lore, sorry for the poor wording.
But I still dont see a whole load of natsocs in the hobby, leastways not where im at.

based on 7th edition, what chapter tactics do you expect for dark angels and blood angels on this edition?

>tfw you will never be a cyborg with spider legs techpriest waifu

Why even live?

I wonder if tech priests are devout enough to fornicate with machines

Most tries to keep their power level low, unlike the sjws or even worse ,horse fuckers.

>Is it because they know it's a haven for natsocs
Aww poor nazi snowflake wants a tabletop game to be his safe space? You realise how ridiculous you sound? And I fucking fell for it: 5/10

>fornicate with machines

That is called masturbation user

Everyone I do not like is a Nazi/SJW
I hate this time line.

It's called pleasing the machine-spirit

I'm not sure if the machine spirit would be pleased with what I do to it...

This is what will happen to Neo-nazis if hitler came back.
>Take him away from here


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That's an eversor......

Can I get some advice on this list?

I was testing it with a warboss instead of a Big Mek before and found my Mek Gunz would get too damaged in the first turn and I basically had just 1 or 2 shooting phases with them.

I absolutely love using the weirdboy to teleport 30 shoota boyz behind an enemy, shooting all my shots then charging. I'm thinking of changing one more squad into shoota because of that.

I also want to run a few games with the Big Mek first and see how he does before I tinker with the idea of having a second weirdboy.


Unit preview is up. Thornback fexes are always WS3+, so that's one option for Crushing. Zoanthropes still suck arse.

>humanity is ~50% women
>GW puts a handful of females into imperial model range & artwork
>this somehow equals nu-males & feminists "ruining" 40k
kys gamergate fags, go jerk off to cuckold porn then neck yourself

It amazes me the amount of slavs & other eastern euros who larp this shit. It's like they don't realise Hitler would've annihilated them all for racial purity & lebensraum as soon as he had the resources to do so after the war.

I only ask two things:
1.don't break the lore
2.plastic sisters when

First post, Fail post... Actually maybe not, since Eversor is truly the best.

What "lore" is getting messed with by adding more women into the models & artwork?

The "lore" already includes an entire religious army made up of women, already includes female inquisitors & inquisitor acolytes, female ship captains/admirals, females in multiple xenos factions like a high level tau warrior & a phoenix lord.

How does "lore" get messed with by females joining the hobby? Shit like this is why I've abandoned being part of the "gaming" community, because it's fucking embarrassing to be associated with a fanbase that jerks itself into a fury anytime a woman dare speak her mind, or complain about lack of representation, or get blamed for an entire game being bad, or get twittered at by anime handles telling her they hope she gets raped & dies.

It's fucking pathetic.

I wanna start nids, how are tyranid warriors and the swarmlord? They look cool as hell

If you ended up here, heres the proper noncancer general

Already made Vossies half-female. Only a matter of time before Marines will follow. Then it's time for preferred pronouns. Enjoy the future you chose.

Point and laugh.

Unless you're at a super waacy gaming store or can't handle losing then do what you want because you think it's cool.

For horde armies like Orks & Nids, just have fun playing fluffy, knocking heads & swaming the enemy. Worry less about winning.




I do


gee whiz, is that a strawman or a titan?
I aint got problems with female characters, the sisters are rad as heck and pure and it dont matter whos asking to die for the emperor they'll be obliged by the guard; but I've seen folks say "lore, what is it good for, absolutely nothing" and that all sorts of things need to be shoehorned into a pre-existing universe for the sake of people feeling included, because apparently you need to see your skin tone (blind to the fact that paint exists) and facial features in order to play a tabletop wargame.

Wow in Craftworld codex world Eldar is used only one time in quote.
Is this typo or easter egg?

>The "lore" already includes an entire religious army made up of women, already includes female inquisitors & inquisitor acolytes, female ship captains/admirals, females in multiple xenos factions like a high level tau warrior & a phoenix lord.

So... Where's the problem? Where's the lack of representation? You have all this, but it's not enough. What more do you want? You complain and you complain, because that's all you're good at. You'll never be satisfied and if people don't bow to you needs, they're bad people.

No, fuck you, you have everything you've wanted, yet you're not happy. You'll never be happy. There's always something more you want. You don't care about anything other than getting what you want.

This thread is a dumpster fire and I helped light it, this might be my worst shame as a human being; will the Emperor ever let me back into his light for this betrayal?

Is 40kg dead?

>the lore already includes women
>the lore will be ruined if you include more
>if you want more women then I'm going to make a slippery slope argument that says you want female marines and lets me argue you're going to ruin the lore

t's here, mods just haven't gotten around to deleting this one

Where the FUCK are the female Orkz!!!!!

>the lore already includes women
>so I'm going to demand you to include more
>if you don't, you're bad, bad man

it's a land mine?


Because 40k is grimdark as hell; Nobody wants to read a story where a female regiment is defeated and tortured by a Emperor's Children warband. We can barely accept that happening to men.

So, that leaves us with either removing the grimdark, or just ignoring that ever happening.

She's disguised as an Eversor you bakas...r-right?


>humanity is ~50% women
I know it's bait but I fucking hate this argument.

Sure half the population is female but maybe like 0.001% even knows what Warhammer is and like 0.00000001% has any interest in playing it.

Sticking tits on a marine isn't going to make 3.5 billion women suddenly start playing 40k.

I do have a small penis but that's not why i'm mad today.

>being happy to see more women in a canon that already has women in it is a demand
>being happy to see more women being written about or modelled means you're an sjw hellbent on ruining the hobby
nice straw-woman you've built there.

my penis isn't small, it's just hidden behind a fat layer

>its fucking nothing

Christ, what a waste of an article.

>nobody asked for this
>it just happened on its own
>can't prove otherwise

It's not like GW are going to retcon the fluff to have female primarchs & female marines (if GW really thought "female marines" would suddenly get women into the hobby they could do that by creating new plastic sisters & giving them the ultramarine treatment).

I don't think it's an "argument" as much as it's established in the canon that woman participate fully in the canon (across human & non-human factions), so the idea that adding more visible women into the canon and/or hobbying (ie, models) can "ruin" things is invalid.

A long time GW writer and developer is doing an AMA on Reddit at 8PM GMT, how about rather than whinging on here you ask him about representation and the motives behind it

>In addition to causing mortal wounds to nearby models when it charges, this beast hits on a 3+

The wording is muggy enough that it makes me think they're just talking about the charge bonus.

Also that Lictor blurb is pathetic. "They don't suffer from IB!" They never should have. Did they get anything else? They would have mentioned it if they had, so no, they didn't, meaning Lictors are still glorified homing beacons at best, and an absolute joke at the worst.

But thats what the people who want more women reptesented want. They want female marines. Thats why they keep going on about representation despite there being an entire army comprised if women, female guard in the fluff and easily converted in the games and female space elves models.

The poster child faction is all men and they can't deal with that.

obvious failed find replace.

Culexus assassins can't disguise themselves as anything. Their horrifying autism aura is impossible to mask, even when using the etherium to be completely invisible.

A callidus might be able to, but the lack of cybernetic enhancements and combat drugs would give them away to the discerning fanboy.

You mean the same guy who thinks it's not his job to write good rules?

>plastic sisters

At least GW would make them ugly so the feminists wouldn't get angry.

>inb4 "What's wrong with representation?"

they just added an entirely new type of marine, if they wanted to make female marines they could have done so. it's not going to happen, female marines are a meme, and you're getting trolled if you seriously believe that's what "SJWs" are"demanding" and something that GW will actually do.

feel free to ask about that too

I doubt they'll ever be ugly.. they'll just make some BBW versions with handheld autocannons & shit.

So do you make your dakkafex BS3+ or do you give it an acid maw?

How is this even a question?, you run screening units and forget about the maw

This thread is stupid, and you should feel stupid.Other one is fins autist

>BBW versions with handheld autocannons & shit.
GW pls do this.

Want to start a 'Nid swarm army.
Should I use:
Genestealers or


haha srsly.

Inevitably once you cave to one demand you will cave to every one of the infinite demands the left can think up, sooner or later. So never cave to even the most reasonable-sounding under any circumstances whatsoever.

>Want to start fruit baking, should i use apples, oranges or bananas
Diffrent roles my friend, the awnser is you use all 3

Everything but hormagaunts.

I've wanted sister TEQs for years, so I'm fine with this

I cant wait to paint Sister Brunhild and her woman-portable immolation flamer

"IG are fucking ruined. I'd sell my army for Eldar but nobody is going to buy all these conscripts now"
>overheard at my FLGS
Stay salty, fucker.


Ive wanted to do for the longest time a blob chaos space marine army. Ive wanted to buy burning of prospero, and get the 30 MK3 marines and make blobs out of them. How good would 3 squads of 10 csm on foot be? How about 3 squads of 20 csm on foot be? How would I buff them and such? I figure i can sell the Custodes and Sisters of Silence as I fucking hate them and it wouldnt be too expensive

It's a shame there's no way of using conscripts as regular guardsmen.

didnt mean to quote

Balanced lists are no fun.
Spamming a single gimmicky unit is the way to play.

>this entire post
Oh wow, wow. You are just just so fucking stupid on multiple levels. First of all, no one cares about wanting female marines. If it's about the primarchs, blame the entire genesis on ADB who obviously have father-son baggage.

Also bitching about female representation coming in is fucking asinine. Let's assume that female marines are coming in. What's the damn big deal? It doesn't affect the rules. It just add more model options.
>but muh fluff
Fuck your fluff. It's shit. It's a parody with too much gravitas to be funny and too ridiculous to be taken seriously.


Post ending 5 decides my next Army
No Guard/Deldar/Orks as I got those guys already