>We want the 40k audience
We want the 40k audience
Other urls found in this thread:
That cinematic Sylvannas is still so ugly
>some pics of fantasy shit so generic thats it might as well be a blank space
is this meant to mean something?
has something killed 40k or what?
If only there was a fantasy version of 40k. We could call it Warhammer Fantasy or something similar.
What is that from?
>implying they're not exactly the same fucking settings anyway
c a t w h i s k e r e y e b r o w s
I'm not saying this isn't a good scene, but it doesn't work as a WoW trailer at all, the weakest so far imo. It is shit compared to Cataclysm or Wrath.
I thought they have legion to kill and then space demon in another world.
Warcraft has always been a straight up Warhammer...homage. This is not a shock.
>Legion is completely defeated because Illidumbass locks himself away with Sargeras to play cards for the rest of eternity
>Factions both now possess multiple world and/or population obliterating powerful weapons each
>Instead of using them on each other they decide to sortie out in the most generic way possible
>Everyone is discussing how it's similar to 40k
Point me towards the actual WoW discussion thread
Dunno man, it feels like the wow xpac i've been waiting for since Wrath.
sure the horde-alliance war was long overdue, but after fighting interdimensional gods and earthly avatars of destruction, going back to petty faction feuds seems out of place imo.
Like what the fuck were you expecting on Veeky Forums?
Maybe something about lore and stuff, things unrelated to gameplay?
You realize there's a Warcraft lore general on Veeky Forums once in a while, right?
>stupid looking factions in huge pauldrons beat each other to death with ridiculous weapons
>at the end one guy starts shining and everyone's back alive to repeat the cycle
looks more like AoS to me than 40k. Though lately AoS and WoW have been difficult to tell apart anyway.
looks like complete pleb tier desu
and it's still better than AoS
>it's another GW fans insist that GW owns the entirety of fantasy and science fiction episode
Ive never played any blizzard stuff so maybe im wrong but is everything they do the most cheap kiddie boring trash or what?
To be fair the warcraft setting is actually warhammer with the name changed at the last minute. I dont mean figuratively, thats actually how it was created. Look it up.
>To be fair the warcraft setting is actually warhammer with the name changed at the last minute. I dont mean figuratively, thats actually how it was created. Look it up.
No it wasn't. They considered making a Warhammer game but they had a bad experience with licensed games and wanted creative control, so they made Warcraft instead. No question Warcraft 'borrowed' heavily from Warhammer but it was never literally a Warhammer game with the name changed.
Blizzard in general have always been vocal about their influences and Games Workshop is most definitely a huge influence on Star/Warcraft, probably not the only one but the main for sure. This isnt a surprise or novelty.
The truth is apparently somewhere between the two - Blizzard had already started work on a RTS and approached GW about using their IP for the aesthetics. Either GW told them to fuck off or wanted too much creative control (legends vary) so Blizz went it alone.
i honestly feel bad for the horde since they have to pretend to support silvanas or whatever and pretend shes not a worthless cunt
anduin looked cool in armor but is still too much of a twinkboi and im still worried they are going to make him a faggot for the bbdc
Both companies are full of pricks, so I tend to believe the somewhere between the two story.
This, desu. WoW had reached such levels of retarded capeshit between Legion and Warlords, that going back to Orcs versus Humans feels hilariously contrived.
>Legion is completely defeated because Illidumbass locks himself away with Sargeras to play cards for the rest of eternity
No, it literally was a warhammer game with the name changed, they were in development assuming they would get the licence because of how things were going with GW and then didn't and it went to mindscape instead. They weren't in a position to just waste their work so they continued with the rebranded knock off.
>getting rid of the monsters who want to genocide you and destroy your world just doesnt make sense guys!
Yeah, Games Workshop did it.
>No, it literally was a warhammer game with the name changed
Can you prove it?
Of all of the expansions, I dread watching Legion's ending cinematic the most. After the retardation of Lmao Argus, I can only imagine how absolutely retarded Legion will end. It's outdone itself in shittiness from everything from lore to gameplay, the capstone'll probably be a work of pure perfect stupidity.
It's most just the stupidity of the cycle. Damn near every expansion ends with the whole, "The Horde and Alliance must work together to defeat the existential evil!" And then starts right back with the faction war restarting for no reason right in the next expansion. And then you have the really shitty ones like Cata which have an all-powerful super dragon raping the world to death and half of the zones just ignoring Deathwing for the sake of Orcs v Humans, Chapter 10,005.
Why are they fighting?
>inb4 wrong question
>company in long running back and forth with GW, sending proof of concept builds of their warhammer rts for review
>get cucked by mindscape
>then release the finished version of those builds with the word "hammer" changed to "craft" and everything is exactly as it was before otherwise
Can you prove it wasn't a licenced side scrolling shooter based on the aliens franchise with the name changed at the last minute?
You mongo.
I can't wait to see Legion's ending cinematic just to get it over with. I can't believe I waited T W E N T Y Y E A R S to see what happened with Turalyon and Alleria just for this shit, but if it means being done with the trainwreck that Illidan, the Burning Legion, the Titans and the Army of Light have turned out to be then fine, I'll accept Legion as worth it. Just as long as it truly does wipe all of this shit off the table for good and I can forget it ever happened.
Come on, man, we just had a thread a few days ago about whether the movie Event Horizon was inspired by 40k or not, and it turned into a spergy religious debate. Give us some credit where it's fucking due.
>he thinks blizzard wont keep the trainwreck going as long as they can
But you won't ever leave behind the Titans, because the confirmed Final Boss of the Warcraft setting are the Void Lords, and awakening the World-Spirit of Azeroth and the legacy of the Titans will be with us until then.
And also I dont blame them for going with what mindscape had judging by the respective final products.
>he thinks Activision will be making better WoW expansions than Cata, Warlords, and Legion
This is only the beginning, my friend. It only gets shittier and cringier from here. Welcome to the World... of Retcons.
Im all for faction wars but if they were going for this anyway then why kill Garrosh? Why not just keep him as Warchief and have the Alliance push his warmongering back and humbling him instead of writing him to corrupt himself and die? It was all so unnecessary and even more so now.
Even though I'm as big a Hordefag as they come I was massively disappointed with Turalyon. Finding out after all this time he's a Space Marine chapter master fighting some retarded forever war between Vorlons and space demons was so disappointing.
As contrived and weird as it is, I'm grateful the game is scaling itself down. I might actually come back for this xpac.
>company in long running back and forth with GW, sending proof of concept builds of their warhammer rts for review
Again, can you prove this "Warhammer RTS" was actually in development at any stage? I can find things which say they were interested in making a Warhammer game, nothing that says they actually started making it.
It's a very good cinematic, but to me the expansion just seems so generic. Like something is just missing to make it feel like a real expansion.
What things can you find suggesting that they were only "interested" in making a warhammer game rather than already negotiating with GW? Is it someone from Blizzard trying to diffuse the suggestion that Warcraft was rip off by any chance? Yeah great source you have there.
>Patrick Wyatt, the Producer on Warcraft, explains in a lengthy "making of" feature that some at Blizzard had wanted to make a Warhammer game, but things just didn't work out. "[Blizzard co-founder] Allen Adham hoped to obtain a license to the Warhammer universe to try to increase sales by brand recognition", Wyatt says. "Warhammer was a huge inspiration for the art-style of Warcraft, but a combination of factors, including a lack of traction on business terms and a fervent desire on the part of virtually everyone else on the development team (myself included) to control our own universe nixed any potential for a deal. We had already had terrible experiences working with DC Comics on "Death and Return of Superman" and "Justice League Task Force", and wanted no similar issues for our new game."
From >kotaku but it's a direct quote of a Blizzard guy. Nothing suggests they went ahead making a Warhammer game, which would be retarded considering they didn't have the license and most of the team didn't want it.
>Is it someone from Blizzard trying to diffuse the suggestion that Warcraft was rip off by any chance? Yeah great source you have there.
Well, post your source and we can compare. You do have a source don't you user?
Do you think its unusual for a dev to make a buils of a game to show the licence holder when they are competing against other companies? Also bear in mind this was the early 90s video games werent some monster financial powerhouse with huge dev teams yet. Nothing that Blizzard guy says refutes what I said, infact it even implies what I said when he refers to "lack of traction on business terms" ie. they were already hashing it out. My source is Priestly talked about it at the pre launch event for Dark Omen at the NEC, now go cry about it if you care so much.
Blizz ran out of ideas again
to win the war
The REAL truth is that the Blizz team back in the day let their devs work on pet projects.
A guy named Patrick Wyatt worked for Silicon & Synapse, the original name for Blizzard. He was playing Dune 1 and Dune 2, which were the first video games with RTS elements, and he wanted to strip the RPG aspect for a pure resource and military management game. He LOVED Warhammer Fantasy, so he was creating it to be exactly that.
He got into contact with GW and they were receptive towards the idea of licensing it so he then showed it to his boss. Silicon & Synapse loved it, but they had just been burned badly in a licensing deal with DC Comics so they told Wyatt he could do with the game as he liked but only if it was a Silicon & Synapse IP. When the company was bought out and became Blizzard, Patrick was assigned a team of industry VIPs including Ron Millar, Sam Didier, Stu Rose, Bob Fitch, Jesse McReynolds, Mike Morhaime, and Mickey Nielsen.
Allen Adham tried to revive the idea of it being licensed Warhammer, but once again it was shot down.
So Warcraft is a spiritual successor to the Dune games for MSDOS, was inspired by Warhammer but was never going to be it.
Pic unrelated.
Horde vs Alliance expansion.
Took them... how many expansions to come up with that idea? Unless they are keeping quite that this is the final one.
On second thought: THIS ISN'T VG, GO THERE.
>This doesn't even fit into the WoW RPG unless they publish an expansion on a dead game.
We have 24/7 TES threads.
At least Warcraft had 4 tabletop games.
Cata was literally a Horde vs Alliance expansion. So 3 expansions, and the first one that was just pure dogshit from both a fluff and gameplay point of view.
The Horde retreated during a battle, stranding the Alliance and leading to the death of their king so Janna and Greymane have convinced Anduin to go on a holy war to reclaim Kul'Tiras and avenge Genn's son and people who Sylvanus killed
>all Warcraft is a massive capeshitfest money making MMO with abysmal gameplay and horrendous plot, story, and characters
>Warhammer is floundering about after the shitpile that was Dawn of War 3, and is now being put through CA's usual bullshit of taking a great idea and shoving out some half decent excuse for a TW game, all three of which are raving shitburgers with broken mechanics and near nonexistent strategy elements
It's a race to see which of these franchises can ruin themselves the fastest and hardest. I'm seriously considering Mordheim to be the best Warhammer game made, and that is fucking saying something. God, what happened to these two franchises?
>the entire war could be avoided if the Horde just went "sorry guys we got our shit completely wrecked and our leader died".
The whole thing is Vol's fault for putting a fucking warmongering vampire in charge.
I'm still not sure how Sylvanas can keep the horde following her.
It was also pretty nice to see the Allience siege undercity in the cinematic. Do we know if undercity falls in the game?
Best faction
Horde burned down teldrassil.
I don't play WoW anymore but god damn I love the Alliance!
Mordheim? Its Final Liberation.
>Liking the boring faction of generic anime protagonists
The lok'tar train has no brakes.
Wow, the cgi is real nice but the script is so fucking cringe.
Remember how sick the wc3 cinematics were?
My problem with the horde is that all their good characters are pushed to the background in favor of shitty ones. Like Thrall, Sylvanas and garrosh are fucking unlike able for different reasons. I thought with Zol being in charge it was better, but god damn.
Horde is dindus.
Dwarves and Trolls are the best vanilla races though for story.
Orcs and forsaken are dindus would be more accurate. Particularly orcs, seeing how they like to say the internment camps were inhumane and bitch over being hated by humans elves and dwarves despite the fact that the first thing they did upon entering zeroth was attempt to genocide fucking everything. Forsaken and blood elves have better excuses because their plight is the result of some shithead. Forsaken leadership have used all goodwill from that excuse though. Fuck them.
Forsaken lost their excuse during Wrath, and especially at the end.
Blood Elves at least don’t literally enjoy and brag about being evil like a 90’s Disney villain. They’re fuckups, but aren’t treated like they aren’t.
Orcs have an identity where 70% of the race are cunts, and the remaining 30% are guilty by association. Remember how the Frostwolves told Garrosh to suck a cock. However, you only see this on Horde playthroughs and the players are technically pieces of shit who do literally whatever they feel like.
Orcs started out pretty good when they were a bunch of rugged survivalists scratching out a home in a world they were stranded in. You can argue Thrall's orcs earned some good will because they made it clear they weren't interested in raiding and destroying human lands anymore. And when the Alliance rejected this, they said "okay" and fucked off to the other side of the world. Of course they antagonized the Night Elves pretty quickly, but frankly that's like the one race with even less of a moral leg to stand on.
The problem now is Blizz doesn't seem to know how they want their orcs to act anymore. Which is how you get the dindu thing going. They should either be unapologetic bad guys or go back to being purely motivated by survivalism. Personally, I prefer the former.
>Titan Tier
Tauren, Trolls
>Great Tier
Orcs, Pre-Cata Forsaken
>Good Tier
Dwarves, Draenei
>Meh Tier
Humans, Pandas, Night Elves, Blood Elves
>Could Have Been Good Tier
>Shit Tier
Gnomes, Goblins
Also why the fuck can't the Horde have Tuskarr as a playable race?
>Also why the fuck can't the Horde have Tuskarr as a playable race?
Horde can't have all the best races, got to stop somewhere.
Thralls orcs were ok but that mainly came down to thrall, ogrim and the frostwolves not being assholes and the horde being centralized enough for them to control. Let them spread out and to no surprise the orcs revert to being cunts. Of course a good deal of that is blizzard being unsure whether they want noble savages or dickasses. Which just makes the conflicting themes come across as apologist.
It's made even worse when WoD essentially confirmed the orcs in general are easily suggestible and will go along with basically anyone. Except the Frostwolves, who are the only orc clan in history made up of free thinkers.
Granted, I guess that was always the point and why the Legion was so interested in them. But damn does it get old. Saurfang should just purge all the idiots already.
Holy Sigmar, bless this ravaged body!
I don't know who got fucked harder with the story in Legion. Horde lost their one cool leader after he did nothing while Warchief, had one of their two remaining decent leaders completely cut out from the zone he was supposed to be in and is now back to being a whole different kind of Dindu Nuffin, and had to rally behind Sylvanas of all people. On the other hand, The Alliance got their zone dedicated to their hero but it ended up being boring, halfassed, cringy and all around awful, got hit with the biggest let down of a reunion that's been stewing since 1996 in Turalyon, had their most prevalent faith in the light be BTFO just to turn another one of their shitcanned ex-heroes into such a big Dindu Mary Jesus that Thrall himself is forever stuck in his shadow and are now stuck somehow still aligned with Jaina the Bitch Queen.
I don't think this ended up being a satisfying affair for anyone involved and I think both sides should be happy enough to be done with this shit.
DESU, if they had a miniature game ala 40k, I would sadly go in.
If they wanted that they could buy Games Workshop and all of it's IP for pocket change.
Honestly, I'd say Horde got it worse. Vol'jin becoming warchief felt like it was Blizz telling Horde players the faction was back on track to what people always liked about it.
Instead he does nothing and dies in the most pointless way possible. All so the spotlight can switch to Sylvanas. Sylvanas, who is the kind of character I am absolutely fucking sick of seeing in genre fiction.
Turalyon was a joke. But at least the story expanded more on Genn and Anduin, who both proved rather interesting.
>Genn and Anduin are crutching each other over the deaths of one's son and the other's father.
I like this turn.
It seems petty to us, but put yourself in their shoes.
You're a young Stormwind soldier, and you're facing down an orc. This isn't a faceless grunt to you, none of these are. You KNOW these orcs. Their faces have haunted your nightmares since the day they murdered your parents in cold blood. Your family were farmers. You were one of five children, the youngest. Only you survived. The orphanage in Lordaeron burned down when you were a teenager. Those same zombies that did it are just behind the orcs, nocking arrows to shoot you down.
You will never know peace of mind until every last one is dead.
That sounded better in my head.
I don't remember Sylvanas looking so ugly.
When I heard that Vol'jin was being made warchief, I was so excited I almost started playing again. Then Warlords of Draenor was announced, and I was...pretty meh about it. Decided I'd sit it out for a bit longer.
Then Legion was announced, and it looked kickass, and Vol'jin was still warchief! I was hype as fuck to get back in the game...and then it was leaked that Vol'jin died and was replaced by Sylvanas.
Fucking hell, what a waste.
Vol'jin's death makes his ascension to Warchief honestly feel kinda patronizing. It's like Blizz was assmad the fans hated Garrosh so they said "fine, here's the guy you all won't shut up about instead". Then they kill him off for fake drama and prop up their new favorite character.
Now, I'm probably being a little unfair to Blizzard on this. I feel most of their writers want what the fans want. But Kossak certainly fucking doesn't.
fans loved garrosh you idiot. hes a perfect leader for the horde and a perfect enemy for the alliance
>Fans loved Garrosh
were you even playing in Cataclysm? I still remember threads on the bnet forums called "List of characters that would make a better leader for the Horde than Garrosh". Nobody liked Garrosh.
It's a shame because he should have been cool. But they just turned him full honorless and evil in Mists so they could write him out of the story. it's a god damn shame.
>bnet forums
literally who gives a shit? people like you are why its impossible for companies to make good games or movies anymore, you dont understand the vocal minority and how to ignore them
I don't know anyone who actually liked Garrosh, the only people defending him seems to be the small minority you're talking about.
>tfw 110% Alliancefag
>even I'm assmad for the Horde that Garrosh got fucked over so hard
He really was great for both sides. Even if he was pants-on-head retarded at times.
>damn jaina looks like THAT?!
>something happens in world of gaycraft video game
>/v/ faggots not content with being able to discuss their VIDEO GAME shit on /v/ or Veeky Forums must come to Veeky Forums to spew their shit only the worst autists on the board care about
>those spiny finger gauntlets
you're an idiot.
Back decades ago before Disney pissed all over everything, the Star Wars EU was built on the idea that as soon as the Big Bad is defeated...everything falls to shit. The one think keeping everyone from murdering each other over old grudges, territorial disputes, and petty insults is gone, which means now everyone has time to focus on the stuff they set aside and a reasonable chance at getting what they want.
Alliance vs Horde is exactly what I would expect at this point because the thing that's going to kill them all is gone, and now they can get back to the business of making things better for themselves at the expense of the other guys.
Warcraft universe was a good setting circa Frozen Throne/early WoW but Blizzard has completely butchered it, and the cracks were showing by Frozen Throne with stupid shit like the Foresaken and Pitlords in Taverns
It's a shame we'll never have Warhammer Fantasy games on this scale or popularity
That'd be great! Necrons could be regular skeletons, the Empire could be all renaissance, maybe Chaos could be barbarians even.