Are scars positive marks on an adventurer/mercenary's resume that point to veterancy, or are they negative marks that suggest ineptitude at not getting hit and no access to healing magic?
Are scars positive marks on an adventurer/mercenary's resume that point to veterancy...
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I think Scars are like Wine. Age really helps determine if your Terri-bad, or simply just a badass who had a bad toss of the dice.
The story behind them also helps define them. Scars- if people don't think your just a little bitch, all have a story as to *Why* it happened. A good story makes that awkward scar near unmentionables into something to be revered.
It's about how you wear them.
An old adventurer is a badass regardless of how they look. Beware any old men in professions where one typically dies you. They are either a force to be reckoned with or a cheaty bastard, and you wpuld do well not to piss off either one.
A young guy with a lot of scars is no joke either. Yeah, he got hit a bunch. But none of those killed him, did they? As long as he won those fights, how much he won them by doesnt matter.
A young guy with no scars might just be all bark and no bite, though. He probably hasnt been tried and tested.
Don't worry, man. Chicks love scars.
A scar means you've made a mistake.
Scars mean you didn't learn from that mistake.
Positive, it's wildly unlikely that someone who fights for a living will avoid taking hits entirely, the trick is getting hit in ways that won't kill you.
If you're an experienced mercenary with no scars it either means you're a once-in-a-lifetime prodigy who can't be touched in battle, or a coward who avoids danger.
Scar can be interesting, I've seen people who played characters who were physically abused children turned seething murderers. Cowards who fled in battle and caught an arrow in the back. Badass battle scarred warlords who fought at the front lines in 3 wars. It all depends on the story behind them, even scars that mark ineptitude can be good roleplaying tools.
just because you got healing magic, doesn't mean you won't get scars.
Mostly an aesthetic choice. One of my characters used to make sure all his wounds would be patched up through magic to leave no scars (or would reopen himself and then apply his own healing magic) for the sake of his appearance, short of one near his left eye to remind himself to not be too reckless.
It was a character trait of him preferring to appear beautiful to others, to the point where he trained in sewing to stitch any tears in his clothes while not making them look ugly.
Reminder that Orcs have the best healing magic. It just doesn't care much leaving you scars all over the place, including news ones that shouldn't be there in the first place.
How do you feel about scars on women?
>short of one near his left eye to remind himself to not be too reckless.
I mostly attempt to check if they're real
With my dick
Spoiled goods.
There will always be a special place in my heart for certain someone partially made of bacon.
Look, he got it during training and his class didn't get healing magic until fourth level. Plus, the image I liked the most had that scar there, small but large enough to be noticeable on the token, so I fluffed it up.
A warrior with scars is lucky and durable
A wizard with scars is lucky and an idiot
shits hot yo
>A wizard with scars is lucky and an idiot
What if it is ritual scars?
The story
>The tale of the aggressive succubus
When in reality
>Accidentally pissed on a bear
So what you're saying is that it could go either way in both cases of the latter example?
>A scar means you've made a mistake.
I generally agree with this user, though it can also mean they're tough enough to survive the mistake.
Actually played a character who had something like that but inverted.
>flirted with the wrong not!drow lady
>says he slept in a wolf's den
>A scar means you've made a mistake
>Looks down at appendectomy scar
What mistake did I make, user?
Getting appendicitis
Fucking retarded. Unavoidable things happen, there will always be something better than you, and the first encounter you would have with something hostile like a mugger would wipe the floor with your carcass. Did a person make a mistake if a drunk driver side swiped them at 80 miles an hour killing them on the highway? You're fucking soft like all humans, you have no grasp on reality because you're a fat nerd who sits in their basement with zero real world experience. Its embarrassing when a 10 year old doesn't know shit happens, you're just a sad fucking case, however old you are. If you have no actual scars this far in life you would not survive in the little worlds you play out your fantasy in.
Depends on the adventurer.
Tons of scars on a pit-fighter means he has tons of experience fighting dangerous and deadly enemies in close combat and survived every time.
No scars on an archer with really good aim means people weren't able to close the distance before he took them out.
Either way, a battle scar is proof that you've had some experience fighting and lived to tell the tale.
If you have a nasty scar from a critter but aren't dead it's probably a good bet that you killed it instead of it killing you.
How bought you leave a scar that's easier to see?
Marred non-dominant wrist, or something?
If your life revolved around life threatening danger, and you have scars, that means things have tried to kill you possibly several times, and have failed to do so. You're either and incredible escape artist, a tough sunovabitch, or really lucky.
If anything they mean you have good stories to tell.
A few scars say that you have been in battle before, a lot of scars say that you never learned to dodge
Or an archer
My paladin's eyes have been marked by magical chemical warfare
I fluff it so rapid healing is messy and larger wounds almost always scar. (Also tried keeping track of major wounds in combat that would leave marks but that became a hassle quickly.)
Cute, would bully by holding onto her ankle.
Ciri is cute.
>Beware any old men in professions where one typically dies young
I have a company of mercenaries in my setting made up of veteran old men from a warrior society looking for wealth, prestige, women, and a good death. They keep their contracts to any city or prince limited to two years, but the contract is considered void and null if there is a period peace more than six months. The Captain of the company, who has to have been with the company for at least a year, is elected by all members over the age of sixty who have been with the company for at least five years. One must be at least 45 to join the company, and the contract of employment with the company lasts until death, or you can buy yourself out after five years of service.
They are actually cheaper to hire than most other companies, but demand a large portion of the spoils to compensate this. They excel in the taking of cities and other fortifications. When unemployed for a time after a defeat, they sacked a random city and sent the heads of the defenders out to other cities with advertisements attached.
god damn it, i will never escape that game
You made the mistake of being born
>The story behind them also helps define them.
This. Sort of. I use scars to add some anecdotes to my character
Rate my scars
>A crevice runs through his face. One brow is buckled, leaving a hairless rent that goes up into his hairline. The eye is useless and blind, a dirty red white. The slash continues to his nose, a chunk of it missing, and down to carve a cleft in his lip. Several teeth are missing. The bones in his cheek and brow did not seem to set well and now curl down slightly. His face is constantly scrunched, eyes watery, and skin a pale clammy color. From what expression you can still see in his good eye it is a look of constant low intensity pain.
>Three holes decorate one shoulder, old arrow wounds since healed. The scars form three puckered marks.
>His left leg is misshapen, twisted at an odd angel where the bones did not heal correctly. The foot now pigeon toed sharply.
>His left hand is missing. A network of pasty scarred flesh goes from his stump of a forearm up to his elbow. Strapped over the stump is a crude wooden hand, bronze caps adorning his finger tips.
>A scar travels from the top of his right shoulder to his groin, pasty white, and shows a distinctly pale against red skin when he exerts himself
>On his neck two thin lines show attempts to slit his throat, both times too shallow to kill him
>The hand he still has is covered in small scars from training, the worst being one on his palm where a hunk of flesh was cut away
>His abdomen has a deep scar where he took a serrated knife to the belly and forced to pull it out himself
The guy has lived a hard life.
Dude’s not scarred, he’s ruined
>muh lyfe exprns
Having an appendix.
>a coward who avoids danger.
user, he covered that.
That was a joke
In my games healing magics still leave scars.
"The armor came off in pieces as the mercenary deliberately opened each clasp. The flexible yet sturdy scales were attached in angled overlapping sheets. Underneath was a thick grey fabric coat, punctured in places and spotted with drying blood from the previous engagement. As he took off the coat for the surgeon's inspection Aefen noted the pale white scars scattered across his frame, and between them new wounds waited in que to become yet another pale mark of his skin"
They show that something or someone got real up close and personal trying to kill you and you won.
You would really like the Black Company books by Glen Cook.
Not that user, but I've always been into more down to earth stories about common soldiers rather than the big fancy heroes.
Are they like that?
>'tis but a scratch
Mai waifu
Sir, you have good taste.
>As my Sorcerer used to say, scars on a woman are beautiful landmarks on a map of their body, and each should be paid it's due in your travels to your destination.
I was talking real life somebody.
Bacon is like second worst Katawa.
Scars are good. It means they're either experienced enough to learn from or stupid enough to be brave. If it's both, then you probably have a protagonist.
>twist: they scarred themselves on purpose to attract positive attention
Good shit.
>A scar means you've made a mistake.
There are no warriors without scars, my pampered millenial. Only the ones who never try don't make mistakes.
>There are no warriors without scars
There are people who made it through wars without getting injured, you know. Also, who gets injured on purpose?
>Only the ones who never try don't make mistakes.
You have a funny way of agreeing with the statement.
Scars, huh
step 1
be attractive
Shit, man, just stop. He's had too much, just let him die
>There are people who made it through wars without getting injured, you know
Those lads are just an outlier, some of them lucky, some of them cowardly. There are people who got shot and injured multiple times and returned to fight.
>You have a funny way of agreeing with the statement.
Nope, it's for the second part.
>Scars mean you didn't learn from that mistake.
You'll have more than enough scars if you keep doing something dangerous, new things new challenges. Unless you learn to stop and quit like a pussy.
Tl;dr you've made a crappy pretentious post and now you'll pay us with (You)s
While looks cool, I have to wonder how she got into those type poses in the first place.
Does she just hop around on 1 foot?
In fact many of those poses look pretty useless considering she doesn't have another leg to put the weight on afterwards to follow through with the motion. i,e, what is she going to do in the top left? She's already motioning foward but her back leg is the only thing providing support.
Mate, he's maimed not scarred.
Dude has chunks of himself missing.
He's hard as nails but I'd never call him a scarred veteran but a maimed revenant.
There's a multitude of reasons you could get through a war without scars.
Knowing how not to get hit and not to put yourself in stupid situations is one of them.
Despite what movies shoe, the majority of wars aren't fought in an even sort of way, most battles are fought when you already know you can win, or you have no other choice but to do something really risky and stupid. The large majority of your soldiers will most likely never be injured in actual combat unless you're losing.
If you're an adventurer/merc, I don't think you should dwell on it. If your employer cares about such minutae bullshit working with them would be a pain in the ass anyway.
If you're an employer, again, look at more informative marks of success or failure. Ask around about the merc, ask the mercenary where this scar is from, put some test of strength.
I've yet to see an otherwise attractive female character marred like Scars seems to be texture changes only for females.
>you've made a crappy pretentious post
And you took it hook, line and sinker, because even the idea it existed irritated you. Couldn't just ignore an obvious bait.
I think the most useful thing about them is that when people start trying to analyze and judge you for having or not having them, you know you can devalue their opinion.
You noticed all those things but not how huge the sword is compared to the scrawny little girl?
(You)s have no smell after all
Just assume she's at least somewhat psychic or magical in some way, throws herself around along with her sword and just either lacks the ability or control to do much more with it.
It also explains throwing massive swords around in swordfights. You're not a warrior, you're a telekinetic with extremely limited range who watched too much anime.
that's clearly crossover with gatsu - that let's her swing around the huge chunk of metal with ease
people always first notice that her socks are in pairs
Its fantasy user, large swords are just a cool stylistic choice. While ridiculous in real life, for something like this its fine. And if they wanted to go and say MAGIC it'd be fine, but the sword clearly has weight, and she clearly cannot use the other leg as shown from the poses or something like the other leg, so that is a far more pressing issue.
I run a female character who had scars so heavy they took her in-system attractiveness score from a 10/10 to a 2/10, which I would interpret to mean a gnarled face, chunks missing from ears, nose, lips, etc. and an inability to naturally form most expressions in a recognizable way. Though I feel like the other players never quite got how bad it was meant to be since I never really had any art to describe her nor did I go too in-depth with any descriptions. it apparently never stopped other people from having the hots for her. In fact one of them mentioned they always pictured her as looking like pic related
That was before she got her scars healed against her will and she's back to being a 10.
For the most part. The Company are all just mortal soldiers, though there are 2 lower class wizards among them. The Company tends to get in over their heads, then stab their way out of trouble.
And they aren't the good guys. They get hired by the World Conquering Tyrant in the first few chapters of the first book.
Man, I need to watch Bacanno! Again.
I've always wanted to make an NPC based on this image
I'm going to be playing a fire shaman who is covered in burns. Way I think of it it is a way for her to remember that power is dangerous and should be used carefully to avoid unnecessary damage
>scars are to remember not to be stupid
I always hate this line of reasoning.
After awhile it becomes an afterthought which you don't even think about. The fact you almost fucking just died is enough to remember not to be fucking stupid.
>Looks at botched surgery scar
Ah yes, my mistake.
Wizard has acid burn scars on his back because a slime monster jumped on his back and he had to make Strength checks to throw it off.
That's better, but when you compare it to RL women that got disfigured with acid, there's still a world between the two.
>he didn't investigate surgeons beforehand
Big, big mistake, user.
Don't do surgery on yourself.
Sometimes you gotta do what needs to be done.
What games even do scars well?
D20 certainly doesn't.
I know Savage Worlds is particularly good about it.
Is it really?
dope ends on the seti
I really varies.
For instance, even the most novice disciples of my character have extreme scarring from their training.
See, it's one of those systems where you get better at a thing the more you do it. So, naturally, my character got mauled by giant monsters repeatedly until he could practically no-sell them. So, naturally again, his pupils are thrown to the wolves to fight as best as they can, he steps in when they have lost, and then fixes them all up.
Though, they're beating the wolves these days, so I have to move them up to bandits or something.
I really dont get it, even with her burns shes still a 7/10 or higher easily
> purple prose
That's because she's 2d. Scarred arms and torso won't take too much of woman's charm, but it really ruins the face.