>GM or Player
>Time Availability
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
>Additional Information
Game Finder Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>GM or Player
GM & 2 Players
SotDL: Shadow of the Demon Lord
>Time Availability
We were hoping to run our first game tonight, at roughly 5PM PDT. But will be running future games on Saturday at 7:30PM PDT.
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
>Additional Information
We're going to be running the first session tonight, character creation is quick if you want to hop in. Or feel free to spectate to discern interest.
It's an easy to pick-up system, very streamlined. New players are very welcome. Please hit us up.
Im interested
>GM or Player
DnD3.5/5 or Pathfinder
>Time Availability
Prefer weekends, but any weekday evening should be fine. My timezone is GMT+1
>Text or Voice
either is fine with me
>Contact Information
>Additional Information
I'm a new player
>GM or Player
GM and Player
GURPS as Player, most anything as GM
>Time Availability
Evenings EST, and all day Monday and Tuesday
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
Vedran#2220 on Discord
>Additional Information
I really want to play a GURPS game, especially 1 on 1(though I definitely won't sneeze at a group). My usual group of players doesn't like the system, and it's one of my all time favorites, so I'd really like to be able to play it. If things go well, and we hit it off, I'm happy to run something myself as well, not limited to GURPS.
>GM or Player
I'd love to play Kamigakari or Ryuutama. Aside from those two systems, I know M&M3e, Call of Cthulhu 7e, and Savage Worlds.
>Time Availability
GMT+1. I'm free all day on saturdays, and evenings in the weekdays (with the exception of Wednesday).
>Text or Voice
Text preferred, but I'm fine with voice too.
>Contact Information
>Additional Information
>GM or Player
I'm a player in need of a GM.
Exalted 3e. Or 2nd ed. Whichever you think is cooler.
>Time Availability
I'll make it work.
>Text or Voice
I want to roleplay and stuff over voice, but chat works as well.
>Contact Information
Matar1#7142 Discord
>Additional Information
I really want to play a Solar or a badass good guy who's a mix between Jesus from the bible and Kamina from Tengen Toppa.
Really kinda looking for a game where I can experience cool stuff from the Exalted universe and fight some gods :D
>GM or Player
>Time Availability
All Weekends basically
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
>Additional Information
New to Pathfinder but I had quite some experience playing Vampire and Exalted, I also GM'd some games.
I wouldn't mind being a GM if I don't find anyone to GM though.
Hi Everyone
I am going to MC an Apocalypse World 2nd Edition game set to start maybe 2 weekends from now.
I think it's just the right style of RPG for online games
We'll play over Discord, where you can use the voice chat, or just text if you really don't want to use voice.
The game time will probably be on the weekends but the time isn't set yet.
Already have one definite player and one maybe, looking for 4 players total, Gunlugger playbook is already claimed but the others are wide open. As far as setting I will leave it completely based on player input so enthusiasm is appreciated.
Send me a discord PM @ Mylakovich#6142 so we can discuss.
>Thread full of entitled playerfags seeking a specific game instead of accepting whatever a GM God graciously throws their way
Run a game, don't shit up somebody else's game because you can't be arsed to read a book and drag every situation to a crawl because you need help doing basic actions in combat.
try not to project your own autistic incompetence onto others
>entitled GM "god" thinks all players are doormats for him to use as human toys because he's willing to buy a bunch of extra books
Go write a book faggot
Try learning the rules of the game before joining.
I've had 5 respondents so far but based on availability I think there will be some unfilled slots,
We've are narrowing it down to Sat evening or Sunday afternoon.
So last chance bump if you've been wanting to play Apocalypse World on those days.
Thanks all.
which one of those posts implied they didn't read the rules? like, actually read them and tell me you didn't project your own incompetence onto them
you are incompetent
Why on earth would anyone want to stoop to players from the Game Finder Thread? Like not running a game is better option that dealing with the various social and mental issues of the people in here.
You just gotta be able to pick up on red flags and select players carefully
>System Preferred
want to try Shadowrun or Mutants and Masterminds
>Times Available (with timezone!)
GMT Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday morning, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday night
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Roll20, discord, skype available
>Additional Notes
Only text available, no mic to use but i'm fine listening to other people talk
Discord is Conflict1914#0314, if you want to contact me
i'm a Player, apologies for not clarifying
Serious question, where else am I supposed to find groups?
Roll20 LFG if you're really desperate. Reddit, maybe. Asking your friends.
I find that Veeky Forums gamefinders and roll20 produce about the same, awful level of player.
>GM or Player
Pathfinder or 5e, willing to learn other things.
>Time Availability
Weekends. PST.
>Text or Voice
Text for roleplay. I'm fine with voice for OOC stuff.
>Contact Information
>Additional Information
>Thinking the autists here are at anywhere near the level of shit as Roll20 or Reddit.
>Being this objectively retarded
Can confirm, Gamefinder's garbage but it's the best garbage around.
Game: The West Mansion
System: Pathfinder
Day/Time: Varies
Info: The village of Hommlet, bound by law demons since the passing of the Triskellion Family, seeked help from adventurers near and far in search of the demons' deeds for profit. The adventurers found the demons to be extorting the village, and decided to put and end to their ways.
Soon after, the wizard Balthazar seeked the help of the adventurers to clear the War Pigs from Pilgrim's Landing in the Plane of Air to save the city from their control.
Now a new threat arises, and the adventurers cannot do it on their own, so we ask of you, as a fellow adventurer, for aid.
Message me for an invite on discord
- Gort The Mighty#7613
My whole problem is that they aren't around, even when they say they will be. Gamefinder thread players flake even worse than Roll20 players.
Trying to find players online is a crapshoot, but it'd help if people put in a bit of effort, y'know?
That's why you stick to oneshots.
Everyone flaked before the first session. After trying to start a campaign repeatedly, I had a group that lasted part of a session before all but one ghosted me midway.