Warhammer 40k general /40kg/

Great WAAAAGH edition.

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IG fags are the worst
Prove me wrong

First for Tyranids.

First for holding the line

Nidfags are worse.

>have been shit for 4 editions
Kill yourself

This guy actually looks stylish.

People who sell their armies because it is just slightly behind the power curve exist.


Nidfags don't have a massive superiority complex

magnusfags unite and feel with me

>The Emperor doesn't love men but he loves mankind

This is from Dark Imperium. Why does it mean?

>Eldar player upset about Tyranids codex and complaining about Eldar not being super buffed
>Gets laughed at by everyone including the WH FB page

nice, epic, liked

Yes, they do. They try to ignore the fact that the fluff specifically says that their faction is lesser than a certain faction.

The "guard"fags of which you speak are just WAACfags who jump from army to army in search of the perfect list. You are looking at the army being played, not the player playing you, playa.

Character is one thing, although they tend to pick up a lot more in their dedicated novels, but there's a shit ton of variety. Hereteks of all stripes, younger enginseers like Tayber, Ordo Reductor like Decima who just want to watch the world burn, the Biologis and their nonsense, the administrators, the Secutors like Dahan, radicals like Cawl and Kotov, the modern Skitarii as opposed to the Titanicus-style tribals....

On the surface there's as much variation as the Ecclesiarchy have, as well as the "not sure if just zealous but effective cargo cult or actual technopathy" thing, but dig down a bit and you'll find more doctrinal variations and different outlooks than any modern religion has managed to rack up even before getting into the older lore.

last week's threads where nids vs chaos autism proven otherwise.
Black Library is shit?

Fellow IG players what are your favorite tanks and artillery this edition and why is it Hellhounds and bassilisks?

>When you want to be Carnac, but fail at it

But I am Carnac.

Whats good support for Thunderhammer Terminators in a stormraven?

Malal is fucking shit and doesn't exist

t. Word Bearer


Anyone got a pdf of the new White Dwarf?

It means that he's a fedora wearing misanthrope who only believes in humanity's manifest destiny.

I think Carnac need to use tripcode so we can identify true Carnac from fake ones.

you guys kicked us out, we can feel now

Half the fun is identifying the real one.

I... I can't.

>When you are Carnac, but fail at being yourself
Nids can fuck Chaos. Sorry.

That’s what Carnac would say.

Ur mom is fucking shit and doesn't exist

t. Son of Malice

Naming everyone who like chaos as Carnac is no fun it's cancer.
>you like chaos you are carnac
>chaos>nids? fuck off carnac
>chaos? hi carnac

You have to be pretty cancerous to like chaos in the first place

Its finally happening!

Found blood on my toilet paper.

Nurgle pls don't kill me. I bought all your Death Guard stuff!

So you are nidfag now Carnac?

Stop putting things up your butt

Liar - Sons of Malice are silent.


Who the fuck is Carnac and why does /40kg/ talk about him 24/7 ?

Being a nidfag is antithetical to Carnac

Who is worse:

>IG fags
>Tyranid fags
>Chaos fags
>Eldar fags
>Tau fags
>Whichever faction was OP before you started playing fags
>The next powerful faction that isn't vanilla SM fags

Hard Mode: Accept that you are just butthurt about losing.

first for 10 dakka flyrants
I cant hear you dying over my 240 S6 shots a turn

So anons, in a list with 3 whirlwinds, 3 Predators, and 2 Ironclad dreadnoughts, is it more with it have two tech marines to carry healing, two Leiutennats to make sure my Predators are wounding, or one of each?

Silent in battle.

Does Magnus scare you /40kg/?

Those are just hemorrhoids. Stop eating too much and too greasy. Eat bananas as desert, and lots of oranges too. It helps a lot.

Our most famous, most autistic shitposter, who shitposts so much, so autistically, and so relentlessly he's automatically associated with anyone who thinks:
>Chaos is the bestest most strongest evar
>Black library is the bestest most kewlest evar
>Be'lakor is the bestest most evilest demon evar
>Nids are the most boring waaah they can't be stronger than muh Chaos
etc. etc.

When will GW learn that 4+ to-hit on melee monster is utter fucking shit unless the monster has like 8+ attacks

Those LoW keep getting bigger

Chaos god of autism and patron of /40kg/

Shut up, Carnac.

What's the best army for smaller games and how do you equip yourself for them, anons? Sometimes tight points constraints lead to some fun listbuilding, I do like Kill Team and small games but nobody ever wants to play them.

Personally I've found my Admech to be surprisingly brutal at 500pts skirmishes, since we can basically play Mechzilla.
Forge World Stygies VIII - 3 FA detachment (4CP)

Enginseer, Rainment of the Technomartyr, Monitor Malevolus (52)
5 Rangers, 2 Arquebi, Omnispex (97)
Dragoon, Serpenta (74)
Dragoon, Serpenta (74)
Dragoon, Lance (68)
Onager Dunecrawler, Icarus Array, Cognis Heavy Stubber (135)

Rainment gives me a 2+ Warlord as well as buffing the decent overwatch from the Rangers and Onager, Dragoons are good skirmishers and the list is pretty tough. Can't decide on Warlord Trait, but MM is reasonable for rerolling that one Servo Arm punch and pulling another CP from somewhere could be huge this small.

But...but all that is objectively true.

Lets not forget blind adoration of zero quality characters such as Harmless the Spineless and Khayon.

I don't hate on anyone who likes their army, I only hate on people who hate on other armies.

If you like Space Marines, that's cool. If you like Chaos, that's cool. If you even like T'au, that's fine.

If you're one of those sperglord raging shitbabies who is like REEEEEEEE FUCK ALL PLAYERS OF X FACTION I HATE THEM THEY DONT BELONG IN 40K BECAUSE I SAID SO REEEEEEEEEEE you are the fucking cancer, it's that simple.


It's still shit with 8+ attacks because that's like 4 hits. You can get the same results with a single Genestealer or two.

Melee monsters need shit like 4d6 attacks with 2 damage that overflows.

I'm butthurt not having played a single game in 10+ years.

... at least, the new Nid dex will force me to finish converting and painting my miniatures. Maybe.

>no true guardsman


ulthwe or mymeara

Okay they fuck up Slaanesh? But then what? With how long their gestation periods are their is no way in hell they are going to return to their former glory. I guess they just become the ultimate Special Snowflake faction that managed to destroy a chaos god and are now just flopping around doing nothing.

Who else here is supremely triggered that DG got replicating zombies before nids got mind slaves back?
I just want Nid zombies ;_;

>no TSons

Sad. Well, at least Chaos Daemons are there.


>Next 2 codexes
>Blood Angels is one of them
My boner has never been stronger

Nobody remembers cortex leeches nowadays

Well that was unexpected.

Guess there's going to be a long delay on the next Primarchs.

They'll probably show up in campaign books instead of Codexes in the future.

I use double flamer Chimeras with Bullgryn and Lemans.

With Chaos Daemons as the first one after.

oh well, maybe i'll get my codex in February.
t. salty necron


>>when your opponent deploys massed S6 flying monstrous creatures and you solemnly load you and your 8000 friends' lasguns while whispering "It's not 7th edition anymore."

This is perfect i was planning on starting a Daemons army after i finished my Blood Angels

>rumorfags saying TSs this year BTFO
>TSs not the 9th codex
I just want some powers and a fun relic, don't even need much love in the codex

>Blood angels/Gaypoets/Daemons
Sisters first codex 2018, my proverbial ass !

T b h I dont get why people hate on other armies. People shouldnt feel intimidated by others by calling them WAACfags. If you like an army, just play it. Dont listen to the bandwagoning crowd.

Thousand Sons BTFO.

You. I like you.

And everything was as it should be.

dude, you're being a dick with that list. You cant just bring a t7 3+ vehicle and 18 wounds of t6 4+ -2 to hit vehicles to a 500 point game.
no shit nobody can kill it.
It's almost as bad as if someone brought Magnus to a 500 point game.

>They'll probably show up in campaign books instead of Codexes in the future.
This honestly makes sense as a business strategy. Magnus was in WoM, Guilliman in Gathering Storm, Mortarion in DG which was basically an expansion to CSM.

See, if they released Lion in the Dark Angels Codex, everyone was getting his rules in one book. But if they release the DA Codex first, then a Warzone supplement with Lions rules, you sell 2 books to every DA player ever, because everyone wants their Primarch.


Taudex when? Wanna use my crisis suits again :(

Don't have to. You've already done it for me by showing that people who hate Guardfags are infinitely worse than Guardfags themselves.

how do I paint my necrons to look like this guy

You've been told repeatedly you guys are one of the lowest priority.

This is good news for you. An early TS Codex means it would have been just rules for your current stuff. A later TS Codex means it will probably come with new units to expand it to be equal in size to the Death Guard.

the Lion and the Angel aren't getting models at this point in time. Nice, though my local DA player will be happy, hopefully better rules will be in the codex, he is a bit salty over the index rules.

And you have shown me that people who hate people who hate guardfags are the worst.

Who the fuck ever thought anyone posted that seriously.

Lol. Nobody buys hardcopies of the rules anymore, and them going maximum jew just makes piracy all the more palatable.

>Have a decent sized DA force just waiting to be finished
Nice, just the last bit of motivation I needed


Which CSM infantry is more worth it?

Scientifically proven, in fact

Eh, we're probably not getting new models regardless of how late in we come, user. Maybe some more fantasy Tzaangor compatibility, but we already just got new models from WoM and shouldn't expect much. I just want some fun little rules and not much else.

You've shown me that people who copy me are way worse than me.

You've shown me that people whom I copy are way worse than me.

I bring the swarmlord and some gaunts to 500 point games