/swg/ - roger roger edition

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Post about FFG, d6, Saga/d20, X-wing, Lego, Armada and anything else Star Wars Related

Legion announcement

Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing and Star Wars: Armada Miniatures Games

Fantasy Flight Games’ Star Wars RPG System (EotE/AoR/FaD)

Shipfag's Starship Combat Fixes for EotE/AoR/FaD
Other Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars Tabletop (Imperial Assault, Star Wars: Destiny and the Star Wars LCG)
Fantasy Flight Games Dice App (Works with X-Wing, Armada, the Star Wars RPG system and Imperial Assault)

Older Star Wars Tabletop (d6, d20/Saga, etc.)

Reference Materials & Misc. Resources

All Canon Novels and Comics (via /co/)

Just What IS Canon Anyways?

The Clone Wars Viewing Guide
Shipfag's hangar

Heroes of the Aturi Cluster, co-op X-Wing campaign

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and since I forgot the thread prompt:

Tell me about the droids in your games

there are none because FFG refuses to put clone wars era into the miniatures games

Thoughts on the Kimogila? It actually looks fair and balanced.

I'm surprised that they gave so little new info in the article and left so much unspoiled though.

I'm waiting for Scrambler missiles to be revealed, and the dial on that thing (since we know the elite generic will be 24 points)

I like the core mechanic of the ship but now I just want B-wings to get it too

I just want to run b-wings again. I miss the days when my meta wasn't so cutthroat.

Yeah, the Kimo is alright. I think it's kind of a more nuanced flavor of Heavy Fighter. It doesn't have quite the same flex as the B, but Bs are overpriced for what they can do so I think it balances out a little. It'll depend a lot on the exact price of PS5, I think.

At the very least, the lower cost and still having BR might make them better (because cheaper and have access to generic astros) low-cost torp/missile shooters than Scurrgs. And like lots of ships they'll be great in Epic because target rich environment, though the ability is wasted vs Huge ships.

>Bs are overpriced

Sorry, as an old-timer I find this statement to be fairly hilarious and kind of sad. 4BZ used to be the list that you really didn't want to fight at certain points in the meta's history, and people went on about how B-wings were much too undercosted for what they did.

Kimogila itself looks alright. Free TLs on the PS7 looks handy. Enforcer title looks solid. They based literally everything about the ship on the bullseye mechanic. Quite sad we didn't get a preview of the missiles, they're what I was most looking forward to.

I wonder what the next ship we get with the bullseye firing arc will be. Honestly if there was some way of changing cardboard they'd be great on X-wings.

Bs probably were efficiently costed compared to like, X-Wings and stuff, and I think the Generic is actually probably only like one point overcosted for the system slot, but if you look at BSP to Ten even with a cool ability that's just WAY too much push up. Of course, this was the same wave as Major Rhymer.

The game gets closer and closer I think to a reasonable pricing, though some people (read: older players) are often really angsty if anything actually learns a costing lesson. The Bs drawbacks hurt it, and the changing flow of the game means it's not always a benchmark to efficiency anymore.

That said, I don't think the Kimogila is a scum B-Wing, I think it's more like maybe what ARCs or SFs do, but instead of more coverage, it has a zone of even smaller coverage which hits more, because fuck you large based ships without 0 AGI.

B's aren't overpriced, they have one of the highest jousting-efficiency ratios in the game, after only the Lambda and TIE Fighter. They got crept out by turrets and bombs, as they never have to engage you to win.

Bs might actually be good again? 4 B's with Linked Batteries and 4 points to play with, or 3 B's and 28 points to play with.

With the recent bomb nerfs, we just need TLT to get toned down and 4B's is a serious list once more.

As I said in B-wing uniques are definitely overpriced. Not even an uncancelled crit should be worth nine more points in cost for +6 PS and an EPT. As evidenced by the PS8 Torani very aggressively priced at 27 and people still wondering if gilas are worth it. Also, I don't think jousting efficiency takes the ability to keep on target with maneuvers into account, The fact that Lambdas and Bs are hard to turn around hurts their ability to actually use efficiency, turrets are only part of that.

But yeah, with Linked being the same cost as FCS but able to use it's effect immediately and Plasma Torp jumpmasters not out there making those shields almost a hinderance, Bs are in a decent place. Still got not much hull to worry about Kylo, but if you ran all Bs that might split your problems up. But we don't really know what the popular lists are right now besides maybe a couple which aren't hurt by the nerfs.

Speaking of 4BZ, the equivalent of that for Kimogila's appears to be 4 w/ LRS and Sunny Bounder.

4KS. The Ultra HD version of 4BZ.

In my game we have:

An ancient Rakatan security droid that was reactivated by our party's witch doctor. Absolutely ruthless and unwilling to compromise with anyone. Has shot his own teammates more than once, and carries about 59 guns.

An astromech that owes the party a lifedebt for saving him and avenging his friend, is constantly pestering the party to let him graft weapons onto himself. The only person he likes is the wookiee mechanic, who is always too high to notice.

A protocol droid made from salvaged B1 parts and random junk from around the ship. Designed to be the captain of the ship, he was defeated in the election by the witch doctor. Now he sits and sulks around the ship, despite being a skilled combatant.

Yeah, the named B's are overpriced, but Blues and Daggers(to a lesser extent) are very good.

And if the Kimogila has no 3-hard on its dial, the B can beat it in a straight fight, especially with Linked Batteries and the ability to throw an Opspec or some intels (maybe 4 baffles?) in there.

Post-Endor worldbuilding campaign using canon only as guidelines, inspired by 1920s China. One party of movers and shakers, one of redshirts.

One family of droids is humanoid, sort of an assassin droid chassis built to wear modified Stormtrooper gear. The original version was a combat medic, but later ones are built to supplement starship crews.

The medic was ripped off from an old Imperial project. One idea was that the droid’s language was based on soldiers speaking to better work with Stormtroopers. The project wa abruptly terminate after a prototype told Darth Vader to get his filthy goddamn coat out of its medbay, you goddamn moron.

The other big class is embedded starfighter brains. The Commonwealth’s main starfighter is effectively an Avenger with no hyperdrive and while it can’t take a full astromech it can take a droid brain wired into the ship.

The brain does do damage control and manages shields, but it also eases the pilot’s workload by constantly working sensors and acting as an autopilot.

Note that none of these droids actually fight.

Oh, and there’s a heavy damage control droid based on the Zero-G armor, basically an optionally manned damage control mech. It is lightly armed but again, the weapon is only used by a pilot.

I'd actually like to see some scrums with M12s and B-wings, actually. Lot of older players are complaining about the B-wing's apparent being lost in the dust but I really think they're different platforms. The Kimogila gets its punch up from basically reverse mods (bullseye prevents a primary target from typical modding, though specialty shit like Reinforce or Poe beat it) and maybe the opportune pop of Glitterstim. Bs rely on steady mods. On the other hand, the Kimogila can take LRS and probably slow-roll to get TLs on, and it has a 4K and the slight PS advantage. If you use Cybernetics, you can also do red moves and still take actions, and apparently it has 1 and 2 turns. And even if the 3 banks were red, 1 point turns them green with unhinged.

It will be really interesting to see how they actually play vs math projections. Both are probably smoked by the x4 wookie magic carpet ride, though.

eah, quad and triple wookiee need to go the fuck away.

Triple is particularly frustrating, as it hard-counters so much shit.

For those not in the know reading this, the attached list is Triple Wookiee- Potentially just 3 generics if you want as well.

Honestly, what the fuck has a good matchup against triple wookiee? Constant consistent damage, a shitload of health, good final salvo, and 3 ships that are effectively turrets, stress control out the wazoo, crit resistance, damage spreading....

Fuck. This is what's going to plague the Mandalore Open, isn't it.

I actually almost got my DM to allow me to play a half-insane, fast-talking Droideka who was half-reprogrammed to fight for the Rebels and was obsessed with constantly getting bigger and bigger blasters in lieu of the arms he got torn off, but iirc, if I played him, I'd be nearly useless until I leveled up for a while (something like having zero shield and zero mobility made me a sitting duck + lack of rolling).

R5-D9, party convinced him to run away with them. Turns out the droid's owner never took care of him so he's got some serious glitches. After they destroyed some security droids, R5 welded one of their arms onto it's self (Not in a functioning way). This caused the togruta mechanic to fall in love with it and the quarren smuggler to assume it is a sociopath

>This caused the togruta mechanic to fall in love with it
Oh no it's stupid, that's adorable

Well, Cybernetics actually helps this a little. You get 1 turn of red moves and actions and if you're already fucked with stress one more doesn't hurt.

That said, primary problem is anti-token measures don't fuck with Reinforce yet. Jam and Bullseye do nothing. This list looks like it'll crumple to stress, but I don't know what a better stressor than this list looks like. Double stress Y and pick the one apart? Connor Nets to deny actions? SABINE WITH THERMALS?

My agency hurts just looking at that list.

The fact that it can soak an entire munitions alpha of 3 modded+Chips munitions and still have 3 health left on one ship and full on the other 2 is a sad day. Hell, they fire back 5.5 damage into a Scurrg for the next round.

So many fucking things went wrong with the design of that ship.

Not to mention in Epic the things are even fucking worse to deal with, at least once they have support ships to make their offense better.

The only solution I'm seeing is Ion weapons, Tractors, and TLT.

Maybe a pair of Onyx Squadron Escorts with ICT at 26? And 48 points for Super-Kylencer?

My current party found a rather rusty but finctional medica droid in an old Republic base from the Clone Wars

They decided to keep it, and plan to teach it to become a useful crew member

Hrm, keep trying to want to use the Gunboat to solve this problem. Flexibility of SLAM can keep you out of R2 and maybe get you into the Reinforce blind-spot. At first I thought of the cannon title and Flechette, but that's 1 stress only. You could try something with Ion then, but that's not compatible with the title, probably too much work.

And the Auzituck has a little too much beef for Flechette Torps right off the bat, and you can't, say, chips and ASLAM, which would be pretty important to SLAM and reload or SLAM and TL repeatedly. But you might mix some things in there.

Well, defenders are right-out. In order to safely K-turn behind one, you would need to either be range 2(take 4 damage and 3 stress on average) or range 1 (fucking die on average)

Stress control that requires looking at these guys is likely going to be a bad idea- these dudes can and will eat a Y-wing alive.

Control Brobots maybe? A gunboat with Expertise, Aslam, Ion Torps, and Title is 34 and ends the game against these guys if ion torps didn't require you to spend the lock, and it still just outright misses 13% of the time (see- too fucking often)

And I guess there is no way to joust these things to death? Full crackswarm gets fucked by the control as far as I can tell.

What about 2 Harpoon missile carrying Gunboats with Aslam, Title, Expertise, and either a third one or a 34 point Vader for crits? PS4 for being able to fuck them over with repositioning SLAMs, and pour Harpoons into them until they die, use the splash damage to take shirtcuts at killing the other two so when you start to whittle down on the 2nd and 3rd, they are already going to be at low HP.

Well yeah the named Bs have always been overcosted. Keyan is the only one who's close, and he saw some play when he came out.


Doesn't sound horrible, but never going to buy the 4 kilos to actually run it.

>we just need TLT to get toned down

Nah, I like there being one turret that's actually worth it, considering the rest of the slot is very close to trash tier. It allows more into the game than it takes away.

>playing a CIS pilot battle droid gone smuggler
>take something like 80 XP worth of Pilot advances at chargen
>another player doesn't declare his Addiciton drugs so my ship gets impounded by the Corporate Sector first session

Other than that, going good. Can't wait to actually do some flying.

TLT keeps out pretty much every arc-based generic jouster. Nerfs to it, Wookiees, and chips would make the game much better.

wait, you didn't raise stats and just went straight to abilities?

Droids get 175 XP to start with instead of just 100.

>TLT keeps out pretty much every arc-based generic jouster.

And nothing of value was lost. If I never have to watch another 4BZ vs 4BZ game again I'll die a happy man. And I do think you overestimate the pressure TLTs put on generics, and the other angle is that many people aren't buying four of of new ships often times.

Use cancer to kill cancer.

Onyx Squadron Escort + TLT = 25 pts. x4 for 100 points.

Out PS the generics to maybe BR in out of arcs, throw dice.

So I got a question for those of you who play the rpg on roll20, is there any way to make a macro that will cleanly output an ability into the chatlog? (eg I want to have the chat show if I use an active ability)

Guys, how do I make a campaign which reconciles my love of adventurer archaeologist force users who craft magic swords by seeking legendary crystals and my love of highly customized, high impact starfighters fighting ace custom starfighters?

Run a solo game revolving around an ExplorCorps Jedi who managed to escape Order 66 because they were too busy digging up old tombs to be near the battlefield.

Smuggling with a HWK-290?

Is that Leia and a Y-Wing?

...I want to see art of her attacking the Death Star.

No, it's not.

Yes it is. Are you blind?

>R2-D2 in the background
>meeting Yoda

It's clearly Leia taking Luke's place, and I want to know EVERYTHING about this potential AU. Leia as a Y-Wing ace is fucking amazing.

I miss Keyan Farlander, he's easily my favourite ship to fly with, but he's stuck in a B-Wing. Running him with Linked Batteries, Adv. Sensors and Stay on Target is fun, but he can't really arc dodge what he NEEDS to arc dodge because he's stuck at PS7, and there's no good way around that that doesn't mean losing flexibility on his gimmick.
Since the best ways of gaining stress for advantages are SoT and PTL, so replacing them with VI and trying to take advantage of your crappy dial just makes you even more predictable.

I do miss his old PTL+Lando (crew) build back when double Evades were useful. A nearby Jan Ors meant he reliably had double evades EVERY turn. Shit was actually useful.

Which brings me onto what I'd really want an errata for in X-Wing: Evade tokens.

They need a buff somehow. Either make them so I can use more than one when defending, or make them able to defend damage you don't roll dice for. Like obstacles, Autos and bombs.

For the user asking about the undercover ISB agent story.
I've found it
(actually quite interesting thread all around)

Third In the Class:
The Tale of Nona Starjumper

"Third in the class? That piggish... it's only because of my gender! Does anyone think the Emperor really cares about my biology? I'm human, aren't I? And I'm the best pilot out of twenty-four!"
Nona pulled off her gloves and hurled them onto her bunk. Her roommate glanced up briefly before shrinking down behind a hardcopy of the Imperial Standard Munitions text.
Females were a rarity in the Empire’s war machine. Every other pilot in her class slept in the communal bunkroom three levels down, but the two young women roomed in what had once been a suite for visiting junior staffers.
The dark-haired girl watched Nona shrug off her flight suit and march into the fresher. *Glad I’m just a bombcheck,* she thought.

The next day, Nona sat in the small auditorium listening to her “instructor” sputter to the end of his droning lecture.
“…So we can see how the Coriolis effect can be used to our advantage in solid projectile combat. I’m afraid that’s all the time we have for today. If anyone has questions, See-Atesixoh can answer them in the simulation room.”
*That’s a laugh*, she thought. *Everyone knows Thosston just reads the droid’s notes verbatim.*
“Oh, Pilot Starjumper, would you please stay after for a moment? I want to discuss your performance in class.”

Nona felt a knot swell up in her stomach when she saw some her classmates pointedly glance at her. No doubt they’re imagining all the things I must be doing to keep my grades up, she thought bitterly as she walked down to the portly man.
He made a show of searching for something until everyone else had filed out of the room, then exclaimed “Ah, how forgetful of me. It’s in my office. Follow me, pilot.”
Once inside, he keyed the door shut and awkwardly tried to embrace her. Nona backed away with a restrained shove before she fully processed what was happening. Suddenly, she felt his warm presence next to her again.
“Oh, Nona…Nona,” he rasped, “I’ve had such a hard time teaching since you arrived. I think you owe me something for all that distraction.” He pinned her between himself and the desk.
“Sir!” she nearly shouted, avoiding the temptation to dislodge him forcibly with her knee, “COMPNOR forbids this kind of interaction between unmarried personnel!”
“To hell with COMPNOR!” he grunted as he pawed at the seam of her flight suit.
“Really, Thosston, to hell with COMPNOR? Is that how you feel about the people in charge of your safety?”
Her instructor froze at the sound of this new and somehow chilling voice.
“Agent Cass,” he said as he let go and turned around, wiping a sweaty hand over his hairline. “It’s nice to see you back.”

After that strange encounter, her instructor had seemed almost afraid of her. He made it a point to never come near her, and once he stopped calling on her in class, she stopped volunteering. In the halls he would furtively look around at other personnel whenever they would pass.
A few months later, a man in a crisp black Imperial Intelligence uniform appeared at the door to her room.

“Sir, my uncle was stationed on the superlaser,” intentionally using that word instead of the more common, but politically unwise Death Star. “When the Rebels killed him and everyone aboard, I took a lift to the closest COMPNOR office and joined the Sub-Adult Group.”
“And how did your parents react to this decision?” the man in the black uniform asked her.
“They approved of it, sir. My father was a legal for the Justice of our sector.”
“You say was.”
“He was murdered, sir. Rebels planted a bomb inside a droid that was intended to kill visiting officers.”
“And when was that?” her interviewer (or interrogator, as it seemed to be going) asked, knowing full well how and when her father was killed. He had every scrap of data on her at his fingertips.
“Last year, sir.”
“Mm-hmm,” the man said noncommittally.
He sat for a second, studying the young woman. “I understand that you are unhappy with the way your superior officers treat you.”
“I wouldn’t say that, sir…”
“Oh, I think you would,” he said, interrupting her. “Remember, pilot, we know everything about you. We know that you wish to serve the Empire, but that you are dissatisfied with what you consider a lack of flexibility on the part of those above you. Would you say that this is an accurate description of how you feel?”

Nona grew pale as the man across from her mercilessly laid out what could, with a few choice words from someone in his position, turn into treason charges. Technically, she was already in trouble - her forced fraternisation with her tactical instructor.
“Don’t look so upset, pilot. As it happens, there are some in the Empire that agree with your stance. Myself, for example.”
Nona had no response, so he continued.
“This war has reached a turning point, even if the Rebels don’t realise it. Their forces will soon be decimated, and the Empire will regain total control of the galaxy. When that happens, the Rebellion will go underground and become almost impossible to smoke out, no matter how many squadrons and platoons we use. That is why we need to become more flexible.
“While an obvious Imperial presence is unsuitable, the coming weeks will be a period of some chaos for Rebel-held areas. Lone agents, acting in a civilian capacity, can infiltrate organisations with Rebel sympathies. What do you think about this idea, pilot?”
Nona didn’t know what to say. *A…secret agent?* she thought. *For Imperial Intelligence? What do I know about spying?*
“You look a little confused. Let me clarify what this would entail. You would be transported to the Outer Rim, where you would pass yourself off as an illegal and be introduced to a Rebel-sympathising group by another undercover operative already in place.
“You would then act in a piloting capacity and maintain that appearance until your handler contacted you again. As I said, it will not be long before the galaxy undergoes a period of great change.”

Well, it had been a period of great change, Nona thought as she felt the engines’ landing cycle vibrate through the metal bench. Six weeks after she had become “Nona Starjumper, illegal spacer”, the Rebellion had destroyed the second Death Star over an uncolonised moon in a system she had never heard of.
Ever since the Battle of Endor, as the newsnets were calling it, the Rebels had begun operating openly. They had gone so far as to proclaim themselves the New Republic and the rightful rulers of the galaxy. That a group of terrorists could have so much support! If only the humans out here had the same perspective as those from the Core, she mused as the bulky transport touched down.
Nona unclipped her restraint and headed for the ramp. Once outside in the bright sunlight, her nose was assaulted by the stench of a hundred unwashed alien species. The thought of their incompatible DNA sickened her. Think like an illegal.
It might not be that hard - the more she thought about her mission, the more likely it seemed that the whole thing could have been nothing but a smokescreen to get her out of the Navy. The Imperial Intel agent might have been telling her the complete truth, or this might have all been an elaborate plan to stop a female from advancing. For all she knew, the man who introduced her to these people had abandoned her for Coruscant.
Either way, it seemed likely that her handlers had not foreseen the fracturing that would follow the death of Emperor Palpatine.

So how do I be a force-user during rebellion era without being a snowflakey piece of mary sue shit

Just don't be a snowflakey piece of mary sue shit. Let other party members shine as often as possible.

>you were always very lucky, no way this is any of that bullshit
>you come from a tribe where force users are trained as shamans (if you want a grimdark version: stormtroopers killed everyone because of that, only a few survived)
>you're more than 20 yo so you know about the Force and the Empire cracking the Jedi order
>you're an inquisitor in training


>high bounty on force users
>let's juggle shots with TK
dead in 3,

I suppose the kids got switched at birth.
Imagine sassy prince Luke from Alderaan.

Is it weird that a galaxy far far away has salt and pepper?

So a less buff Isolder without the queen bitch of a mother?

No, salt and pepper are two of the core elements of existence.

Salt is a very basic compound.

Hyperpepper became popular as a spice under Hutt rule, and even in the countless years since the rise of Republic hegemony, it remains a common (and lucrative) seasoning.

>very basic
But NaCl is only mildly alkaline in an aqueous solution.


Are there any good gameplay podcasts of Star Wars tabletop games? I want something to listen to at work.


TLT's do put immense pressure on generics- They can 1-round a B-wing, and they never have to fully engage. Something like slapping on an Attack:TL requirement would make it fine, just so you can't use TLT to spam anymore.

What do you mean "Gameplay podcast?"

People talking about the RPG's? or just X-wing/IA/Armada podcasts?

No one runs 4 TLTs anymore. Seriously, point to where they've done well in major tournaments I'm curious. And when they did 4BZ was considered a reasonable counter because they could easily kill one Y-wing and damage another, in exchange for probably though not always losing a B-wing. Like seriously, do you know matchups at all? Y-wings can't outrun Bs anyway. The TIE/ag is even worse on the survivability front, though initiative matters then with both having BR.

The ships that are now taking them are closer to the points category of PWTs than 25 point ships. And frankly I like my HWKs not being hot garbage.

I honestly think a chunk of the reason you don't see swarms anymore is because new players are given no real reason to go out and buy all those ships. It's why OL is everywhere, you can run him right out of the box.

Honestly though there's always something that's going to be on the bottom that makes people complain. When TLT came out it was the fact that generics were getting pushed out completely. So they made a mass generic list that can beat PWT + Ace. Which then caused people to bitch about turrets. Seriously if TLT carriers are holding you down try Soontir again, or Kylo when he comes out. Or just learn to fly and get into your opponents head, that's where the game is really won.

Shit don't do that, they would have actually fucked when they met.

I mean as in a podcast of people playing a game, aka critical role.


By giving all the players starfighters, of course. The game mentions that most freighters have points that starfighters can latch onto so they can get drug through hyperspace.

Leia occasionally used a Y wing in the old Marvel series. I don't think she ever fought but it was basically how she got around without Han or Luke giving her a ride.

Interesting. I think that's a straight swap, since she has Anakin's lightsaber, but I bet her being a Y-Wing pilot is from the comics like you mentioned.

It's been done before in Infinities

Though in that particular AU, Leia is delivered to Dagboah by Han and Chewie using the Falcon. Something similar happened in the ANH version when Luke's X-Wing was crippled.

I like this one better desu

The Y-Wing one, not the Infinities version

>Guys, how do I make a campaign which reconciles my love of adventurer archaeologist force users who craft magic swords by seeking legendary crystals and my love of highly customized, high impact starfighters fighting ace custom starfighters?

user, you might want to sit down for this, because I'm about to blow your mind.

Crimson Skies...in Star Wars.

Would they make scary strong kids? Are force genetics canon?

How well would I be able to expect to do with the following list-

Omega Squadron Specialist (Lightweight Frame, Special-ops Training, Fire Control System, Pattern Analyzer, Wingman) - 33

Omega Squadron Specialist (Lightweight Frame, Special-ops Training, Fire Control System, Pattern Analyzer, Wingman) - 33

Omega Squadron Specialist (Lightweight Frame, Special-ops Training, Fire Control System, Pattern Analyzer, Wingman) - 33


3 TIE/FO at PS 5 with standard that can do red moves and still have actions forever (effectively all green and white dial).

Or is this build just being silly? Should I swap one to 0-point-EPT vader, Targeting Soontir, Expertise Kestal, or Inquisitor?

I want it to work user, I really do.


>about to get #rekt by the Empire's greatest Blue on Blue situation ever

Tarkin a shit desu

Yes. Cloning is even in Legends. The inbreeding may muck things up a bit but the jedi knights were literally called knights so they probably had looser standards for it.

Assuming things didn't go horribly wrong, Alaric Skywalker would be a hilarious overpowered force user, yes

>Alaric Skywalker

Is that a char custom?

What if he flew to the other side of the planet?

Stoked to get some TIE Hunters into my hotac campaign,

He would have had no reason to. He would have been cleaning up whatever Rebel air support was left when the Death Star fired, and by then it would be too late.

Actually, wouldn't have Tarkin gotten into some shit for doing that? I can't imagine that the Emperor would much care for his archives being blown up even if he doesn't give a shit about the Imperial military personnel Tarkin just killed. Add into it him blowing up Alderaan and galvanizing the galaxy into rebellion, I expect Tarkin would have been taking a long walk off a short balcony as soon as the Emperor could recall him back to Coruscant.

Battletexh joke about another brother-sister kid, ignore it

Technically it was Krennec who gave the order to fire, and thus Krennec's ass on the line. Tarkin was only there as an observer.

>ordering the Death Star to fire at Scariff


> tfw you come in last place in a x-wing tournament

how do you become a better imperial pilot?

Git gud.

What were you flying? What do you feel like didn't go your way?

What's /swg/ up to tonight?

Either way it's a cute idea for an alternate timeline, what does each of them keep and what do they lose/gain?

It'd be funny if Luke squandered his pilot skills on becoming Alderaan's greatest sailing champ or something, he'd probably be more of a populist politico really laying on the message of doing what's right. I can imagine that the Rebellion leaders don't really believe in his abilities want to keep him very much in a figurehead/propaganda role which he keeps compromising by trying to help too hard. He has a circlet he refuses to take off. His arc is about proving his worth but also learning to respect you're own limits and obligations.

I think Leia very much keeps her stubbornness, she doesn't slack off like Luke does and takes all her duties very seriously but also considers being politically educated a civic duty and plans to leave and join the Rebellion/Civil Service as soon as she can make arrangements to see her Aunt and Uncle are taken care of. He biggest challenge with the Force would being trying to fit it into a neat logical hole every time. Who's her turret gunner in the Y-Wing?

Can't decide how naive he'd still be if at all but re-imagining the prison bock scene with suave Luke is wonderful, "You're far too lovely to be a stormtrooper."

>just ordered Guns for Hire

any good shit I can do with this fancy new vaksai shit

ryad, vessery, backdraft. usually i can get my rocks where i want them and usually end up where i want to go but i cant seem to put out the damage

Oh my... I want that.

>Who's her turret gunner in the Y-Wing?

Biggs until he tragically dies in the Trench Run and she switches to the one-seat Ion-fixed forward model.

The Y-wings at Yavin were A4s so no gunner or turret. The top-mounted ions were fixed at the forward-facing position.

I really wish I was crafty enough to make terrain

I've got some cool ideas but none of the requisite skill

I just realized this has a pretty good matchup against any sort of stress control.

It might be a not-joke? Would probably benefit from a 34 point ace in there though.

What rules are you giving them? Just me, but I would have gone with identical paint jobs sans-one-or-two. I did this scheme on all 3 of my Strikers.

The list is the 3 of them escorting a shuttle with an ISB agent and Trioculus