Haven't seen a Gor thread on Veeky Forums in a few years.
Can we have a Gor thread?
Haven't seen a Gor thread on Veeky Forums in a few years.
Can we have a Gor thread?
I hope not.
Nailed it.
And don't even get me started on Gor roleplay on Second Life.
You will be roleplayed user.
You will be roleplayed muchly.
Lets get this shit stain sailing.
How would your party fare on Planet Gor?
We're currently playing Dark Heresy, so probably pretty well all things considered.
>We're currently playing Dark Heresy, so probably pretty well all things considered.
What happens when the all-powerful aliens that run the planet confiscate all your tech
Has anyone here played Tales of Gor? How is it?
ill play with your tail and pretend we're on Gor, bayb
Thae above is 100% of all SL ERP.
That sounds like the words of someone who does not believe in the power of the God Emperor or Mankind. There's a word for that. What was it again? Oh, right. Time to stomp some xenos bugs.
On the plus side, once the party's done with the place, it would probably be an overall improvement to the current state of Gor. One WOULD wonder how the fuck the Emperor missed the planet, though, if it's where the setting claims it to be. More likely than not it would be on some no-name planet in some backwater system, counter an Agriworld. Either that or the Warp's currents were particularly dickish that time and sent people back in time.
Werewolf: The Forsaken
>Elodoth Storm Lord
>Rahu Blood Talon
>Rahu Ghost Wolf
>Irraka Iron Master
>Ithaeur Bone Shadow
>Runnerswift Changeling
Would absolutely wreck Gor like motherfuckers.
huh, never thought I'd see the day when /hc/ crossposted
not sure how I feel.
Would their magic work off earth?
Truly, I believe the user will be roleplayed.
Always cracks me up.
I mean...we’re playing Conan, so we’d fit right in except for all the raping.
I don't know anything about Gor, but if is any indication...
...I don't know. I still feel like even after having read the plight of the Houseplants of Gor, I nevertheless don't know much about Gor.
Basically, think of it as the Magical Realm of That Guy, if That Guy is super into BDSM except he really has no idea what it is except for "women do what I say because I said it" and he's an autist who has to literally describe every position the slave is displayed in with fancy names. And because it's supposed to be a fantasy game, he rips off all the visuals of conan with the plot of john carter and bids you enter.
I mean, it might not have been that bad, but every book apparently reads exactly like Houseplants of Gor. At which point any idea that might have been okay or cool gets so run into the ground you'll be wishing for kobolds.
All of us are male except one and we all hate her. So obviously she becomes the healslut, only she is a rogue so no healing.
Neck yourself
Not often that I can truly agree that the Imperium taking over a place might be an improvement. This is one of those times I can be 100% on board with it.
Probably a lot of murder. Our tank is wearing Heracles' cloak and became lord of all werewolves because he exploded thier second in Command for running away from combat, but is a lovible farmhand who always wanted to be a big city paladin.
The very moment he realized that rape was going on, he'd fucking start swinging on not stop until he was or everyone else was dead.
>Playing TOS-era Star Trek Adventures
>Establish that the Prime Directive doesn't apply to Gor for various reasons
>Contact the Priest-Kings and make an impassioned speech about how humans require freedom to thrive
>When that doesn't work, start phasering every alien power source on the planet
>Tell the Goreans their religion was a lie, and teach them about making love as equals with practical demonstrations
>Warp away and assume everything will work out
It's actually worst than that. The author claims it's just magical realm, but it reads like clumsy propaganda for the idea that women are meant to be sex slaves.
One of the early books has a city state that experimented with gender equality. They ended up being a brutally misandristic matriarchy where love was outlawed. The book describes this as if it were an inevitable consequence of failing to maintain male dominance.
I've done one better.
There's a little bit of Gor in our campaign. There's a slave trading empire that follows a fallen evil god known as the Overlord. They use a combination of magically trained nobility with charm spells and addictive drugs which weaken willpower to basically produce large amounts of mentally pliant slaves.
Besides making money on the slaves, they also make money on the drugs.
It went some strange places.
Why not just play Conan with an emphasis on slave girls? Is that anything you actually want from Gor as a setting that wouldn't be covered by that?
So true to life in other words. :^)
I don't know anything about Gor. How would an overprotective gnoll gladiator, an elf child street urchin, and his well-meaning but debt-ridden hedge wizard travelling companion fare?
Depends on their genders.
It's kinda sad when a shitty hentai anime rip off does a better job at telling a story than the books it ripped off.
Not that Gor sets the bar very high.
Well, for the kind of people that would play in Gor, I would guess all the autistic rules and descriptions for the slave girls are pretty important.
Although I'm not quite sure what kind of people would play in Gor outside of weird sex parties.
My day has been made. It had been made muchly.
SauceNao says Minerva no Kenshi.
Wow, a Star Trek game sounds like it fucking sucks.
Also known as Fencer of Minerva
Systematically overthrown in under a week for, quote 'Being fucking assholes, I mean jesus christ, get real'
Is this accurate? Specifically the
and starting sentences with
If so, holy crap.
I decided not to be lazy, googled gor+muchly, and got...
>Too, of course, the brand and the slave collar, with their profound meanings, on a number of levels, muchly enhance the beauty of a woman.
...wow. Never mind the publishing, it's hard to imagine someone even sitting down and seriously writing this badly.
>Not gay nazi bikers of Gor
>tfw nobody there to take care of my masterly needs.
Haha, yeah, such an absurd idea, right? Ahahaha...
>it's hard to imagine someone even sitting down and seriously writing this badly.
And then that writing spawned an entire series of books, a couple of movies, and a weird subculture.
A broken clock can be right twice a day.
To be fair, it's not like Gor is in any way exceptional in this. It's basically like those trashy romance novels, only with a slightly different demographic. Although judging by their community, there is some overlap in those demographics.
I've found that people who use this idiom generally have sub 100 IQs
'cause Conan actually isn't rapey. At least the early stuff that I've read.
I snuck this into a game once as counter-culture theater produced by dryads.
Can't say it's an impressive accomplishment. Look at /co/'s greatest shame, that got all that and a whole board dedicated to it in a fraction of the time.
Wait what? I thought this was a shitty TTRPG. You're telling me there's multiple movies and a literary saga on top of that?
The TTRPG is only the newest addition to this tire fire. It's been getting published since 1966.
The Gor novel series has been ongoing since the 70s, I believe. The first two got adapted into movies (the second one got the MST3K treatment in episode 519 youtube.com
Incidentally, I think Outlaw of Gor is the book is talking about with the female ruler.
Currently playing a lvl 6 Kitsune Bard and I know next to nothing about Gor so.... I dunno. Killed for being a furry?
Finally, a thread about Gorns
Is that the one where all the stats for women are halved - except Charisma which is doubled?
I went to a Gor RP site to take a look around in Second Life.
It's amazing that the slave girls get anything done with all the bowing, sitting, kneeling, and polite mannerisms they have to do anytime a male wanders by. The worst part? The woprst part is that a lot of the male players actually think this is how women actually work as opposed to female submissives getting off on being forced into regimented positions.
They honestly think that if they explain to you that as a female you will enjoy life better as a slave to men you will fall to your knees and worship them as the male gods they think they are. In real fucking life they try and act like this, I shit you not.
where can I get this TTRPG rules.... for research purposes.
Daily reminder that John Norman made an actual sex manual where he specifically says that Gor is neither safe nor sane.
Goreans have always been the laughing stock of the BDSM community
Yes, they're something of a whipping boy
That joke would work better if they actually did whip boys
I guess you're just a slave to tradition
I'm just bound to make puns I guess
Show some restraint
I like the giant eagles.
Considering there's supplements for playing this stuff in spaaaaaaace? Sure.
But I'm a glutton for punishment
>News about second life hits my local gaming magazine
>Decide to check it out
>Have been into RPG's since BG2 came with a basic adventure five years prior
>Browse "RPG" worlds
>Stumble upon a beautifully made desert oasis world
>"Gor Roleplay"
>Whatever, I'll pick it up
>Style character as a wandering stranger to this area
>Dude in rather regal attire comes up to me, followed by two Leia-like slave girls
>Asks me if I could hold on to them while he deals with some business in a nearby store
>Agree, what could be the damage
>He leaves, girls start acting all coy
>Still not knowing what this "Gor" is all about start asking them how they came to be enslaved
>"Enslaved, what is that?"
>Explain slavery in the broadest terms
>They kindly explain that this is not slavery, but the way women should be dealt with
>Notice they only speak out loud when directly adressed with a question
>Inquire about that
>Women only speak when spoken to, for chatting women bring sadness to their masters
>Not going to get involved with the local customs, keep my opinion respectfully hidden
>Dude returns
>Invites me to tea and hookah
>Agree, I mean what could go wrong
>Start enjoying this as the women behave like house servants, injecting their own RP mostly by describing what they are doing around us
>Dude and I start talking about the world, where he's from, how he came to be in posession of these women
>Three real life hours later
>Dude pings me OOC and thanks me for this great experience
>I confusedly ask him what was so special about it
>He says normally all this world offers is erp
>Didn't know
>Actually had a great time
>build a Neverwinter Nights shard with him and the two "girls" later
>I actually spent years in a variant world of Gor where Sex was a thing, but never dominated the discussion due to SL
Pretty good as long as we keep the giant robots.
Without them, it'd be a bit more arduous.
>One of the early books has a city state that experimented with gender equality. They ended up being a brutally misandristic matriarchy where love was outlawed. The book describes this as if it were an inevitable consequence of failing to maintain male dominance.
I mean, real life does kinda bear that out as being true...
Sounds like a fun time.
This is usually what happens when people get over their prejudices.
You guys are fucking idiots. I cannot even begin to list all the things you just fucked up and how thing probably went to hell.
That's the Starfleet way!
>transman of gor
I'm guessing that was something else long ago, not I can only imagine it as the adventures of a transsexual in gor...and I don't see any way it goes well.
These BDSM puns are making me gag
That's Starfleet
>Blaze in
>Fuck everything up
>Warp out
>Never check up on it ever again
The entirety of Star Trek 2 Wrath of Khan could have been avoided if some years prior Kirk had dropped an automated monitoring satellite in orbit of the planet he just marooned a bunch of pre-warp super soldiers and a member of his own crew on. But fuck that, that requires some manner of responsibility.
I got you user, just don't hold me accountable for what happens afterwards.
I'm playing a biologos heretek soo something between an eldar haemonculus and a techpriest.
Our party would likely conquer it like we did the last two planets.. lots for rape-slaves for our slaaneshi champion i guess.
requesting pdf if anyone will own up to having it
All dudes. I guess they'd come out okay.
Just dled the new rpg of gor from the share thread. Any questions?
just had a look through it: oh dear.
>James Desborough
That explains a lot.
What do you consider /co/'s greatest shame?
I thought it was kind of obvious that he was referring to MLP
I don't even think of them as part of /co/ anymore.
They are much closer to other boards.
I read these as a kid not realizing this is not an appropriate worldview. Took me awhile to be properly indoctrinated by the swj left into rightthink.
>le SJW boogeyman
>not being a sexist asshole is totally indoctrination guis!
yeah fuck off with the cheap bait
Responding at all already means you fell for the bait.
>Daily reminder that John Norman made an actual sex manual where he specifically says that Gor is neither safe nor sane.
Well good for him.
Though 50 shades kinda showed that women are more into it than you'd expect
There's a difference between "I jerk off to this" and "this is how the world should actually be organized in real life."
True. I jerk it to literal planet sized tits but acknowledge there are several flaws in the scenario.