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Ultimate Wilderness Disappointment Edition:
What part of the UW leak has you most disappointed?
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Pathfinder General /pfg/
Ultimate Wilderness Disappointment Edition:
What part of the UW leak has you most disappointed?
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Well, what have we seen so far, just the Shifter?
There's really so much to be let down by, it's hard to choose.
Is there anything that gets around elemental immunities? They're so common it seems weird they haven't released anything other than the winter witch PrC
Maneuvers from the Elemental Flux discipline from PoW:E.
Page 4, you mongoloid.
Doesn't kineticist have something for that? PoW has one or two ways iirc, and I know there was something from paizo that treats immunity as Resist 30 or something.
>What part of the UW leak has you most disappointed?
It doesn't matter, you autist.
Everything about the Shifter, but I knew that even before the leak because of course it just had to be a martial druid thing.
IT DOESN'T MATTER (you autist)
>book is a disappointment
>snowball reprint is a nerf
>archetypes and features are all apparently awful
I'm gonna need relearn how to edit images to get an anime girl appropriate for how I feel right now
>snowball nerf
We all know martials tend to be shit in pathfinder. You can be shit and still have fun. Not every campaign need be geared for a party of tier 1 9th level casters. The general flavor of the shifter class is pretty good, and the main class focuses on a niche in fantasy that isn't directly covered by another class. Other classes may have builds where the roles overlap, but nothing so direct. It's not a great class and pathfinder will never be a truly balanced game, especially towards martials. But it should still be a fun class.
reeee stormwind reeeeee fallacy reeeee
>The general flavor of the shifter class is pretty good, and the main class focuses on a niche in fantasy that isn't directly covered by another class.
It really isn't. It's too fucking diluted for people who want a druid and too Druidic for people who just want to tear shit up and turn into a monster.
>he general flavor of the shifter class is pretty good, and the main class focuses on a niche in fantasy that isn't directly covered by another class
Probably more than taht
Sphere Shfiter
Psychic Warrior
Wild Soul Soul knife.
The class is directly inferior to playing a Ranger. Fuck, if you bring 3pp into the mix, the class is directly inferior to playing a Monk with the Transformation Feat Chain. At least the Monk had unique features.
>snowball reprint is a nerf
Except for the fact that the class is completely redundant and you can already get the same fluff, mechanics, and results by playing a Hunter.
>un. Not every campaign need be geared for a party of tier 1 9th level casters.
Apparently you never pay attention. The point is to make the game geared towards the T4-3 classes, such as Bards, Inquisitors, Hunters, UC Monks, etc.
You're strawman is poorly built, please fuck off
As is yours. Fuck off
What the fuck is there to even nerf with snowball?
It should have been a Ranger archetype, plain and simple.
It's an odd shapeshifter melee focused class. Shapeshifting was definitely dominated by the druid, and probably still is to a large degree, but none of the other classes so far have a major focus on shapechanging as their main class feature from the get go. Not even druids. Even if their early shapechanges aren't as much shapeshifting as cosmetic changes and small stat buffs. The natural attacks is also kind of an interesting and flavorful feature. It's not my favorite class by any means, but it's something new.
>Stagger on hit is gone
>has to deal with SR now
Eldritch Archer Maguses, user.
"It should have been a X archetype" is a good way to describe most of Paizo's class design starting with the ACG
All of its features are garbage, though. Like, the Agathiel Vigilante manages to do it better, and that one's garbage.
>but none of the other classes so far have a major focus on shapechanging as their main class feature from the get go.
Agathiel Vigilante. Hunter. Also, the Animal Focus-based archetypes. Also, there's like a million some odd different ways to grab natural attacks on just about every class
You're retarded
Oh and of course Aegis and Synth Summoner
>but none of the other classes so far have a major focus on shapechanging as their main class feature from the get go
Ranger with the fighting style
Synth Summoner
>. The natural attacks is also kind of an interesting and flavorful feature.
Something several classes also get that are also transformations. It's not a new thing by far, my dude.
Add it to the list of pre-errata stuff to beg for. Right up there with the jingasa and the shirt.
I'll definitely admit it's mechanically a very meh clase.
Also the base class is a bit generic, but base classes tend to be the generic representation of their namesake, with archetypes filling in the more niche representations. I really like the oozemorph though. Mechanically it sucks. But in the right group I can see playing it would be a ton of fun.
> It's too fucking diluted for people who want a druid and too Druidic for people who just want to tear shit up and turn into a monster.
This, so very much. I don't want even a hint of druidic bullshit on my "monster out and wreck face" class, but because druids got wildshape, they dominate all 1pp considerations for shapeshifters.
I don't even play with Vancian magic in the first place so I don't really give a fuck now that I think about it.
Only hope is for Occultist/Hunter archetypes. Everything else is trash.
>Also the base class is a bit generic, but base classes tend to be the generic representation of their namesake, with archetypes filling in the more niche representations.
I counter with Inquisitor. It has a unique fluff, strong mechanics, and tends to be as flavorful as even the archetypes for it
Inquisitor fluff makes no fucking sense whatsoever. At least in terms of what distinguishes them from a cleric or war-priest.
Also character options should strive fluff wise to be as generic as possible imo, but that's just me.
Hey, can someone remind me what's the Cleric archetype that doesn't have any gods? It's from a book that came out not too long ago, it's like you lost your old god but started getting powers from some Lovecraftian shit or something?
Im still mad at
Could be so good but you know what race doesnt get a bonus to wisdom? You know what race gets a -2 to wisdom?
It's not like you're using spells with saves as an inquisitor anyway.
>Inquisitor fluff makes no fucking sense whatsoever. At least in terms of what distinguishes them from a cleric or war-priest.
You're the Church's Black-ops agent. The guy who's in charge of hunting down heretics and dissenters from withing the fold. Essentially you're the Witch Hunter/Mozgus
>Could be so good but you know what race doesnt get a bonus to wisdom? You know what race gets a -2 to wisdom?
The inquisitor is a bit of an exception to the rule, but it is still the generic representation of what an "inquisitor" is. Although to be honest, the sort of exoticism I think of when I think of the inquisitor probably comes from the fact it's a subject that really isn't talked about in fantasy that often. I wouldn't mind seeing more of it.
what the fuck does this have to do with the point of the previous post you were referring to?
It's really not good, even if you had the bonus to Wisdom.
Flaming isn't even close to being as good as Bane, No ifs, ands, or buts, about it.
What makes a class "flavorful" in the first place?
Oh, user, you're never going to forget that scar, are you?
Alchemist, Gunslinger, Occultist, Bloodrager, Oracle, Mesmerist
I can houserule away the hurt, but some pain never goes away
Some overly emotional attachment to the name of the class or archetype, usually.
It's really a matter of opinion. My feelings are that it's a good class so long as it better fulfils a style of play that would feel choppy if it were otherwise filled by an archetype.
Might as well post some spells that the wizard gets that makes them better shapeshifters then the Shitter. Why couldn't he get class abilities that mimic these spells? Why couldn't he get class abilities that mimic all the "change into x" spells?
How do we fix full casters?
So... if saying good things about the shifter is going to get you to post spells. What do I need to do to get you to post the whole wizard spell list? XD
We need a JUST edit of the Shifter.
Her eyes already look red and puffy, maybe that's why. She knew she was born to represent a cucked class.
Use SoP.
So game breaking.
In a moment. It's not very long.
Remove them.
So what Creature type hasn't been covered for shapechanging spells now?
I'm down. Lets make it a project.
Anything else you want to see?
Brawler Archetypes?
Any chance at the Occultist/Hunter archetypes
Is the familiar stuff all reprints? Or is there anything new with familiars.
I need me those animal companion archetypes, my man.
Yeah sure in a moment.
Yeah it's alot of reprints of familiar and animal companion stuff with some new stuff sprinkled in but at least it's all in one place now.
They're nothing new but I'll get them for you.
If you get a chance I'd love to see the new familiar stuff. No need to do any reprints.
The Leshy PC race!!!!
Occultist first.
There's like 20 pages of just familiars user...
In a moment.
Second page.
don't feel pressured to put out all of them, if you can just pick out the obviously new stuff that'd be nice
Damn. Is there any way to do a consolidated list of new familiar archetypes and familiars (without the familiars stats) without you having to break your back?
Hunter stuff now.
I'm sorry user, I'm not familar enough with familiars to tell what's new and what isn't.
>Terrain Stride has no listed duration
>It's permanent
>It might even bypass the Same Source no-stacking rule because it's not a fixed bonus to speed, you're actually increasing your speeds
New candidate for FASTEST MAN ALIVE?
It's totally cool. Any way you could do the new mundane equipment?
OH yeah sure. There's a table of them. You're in the queue.
Hunter archetypes 1 btw. forgot to add it last post.
I'll take a look.
Huh, Geomancer is actually pretty cool. and Naturalist's ability to preemptively add bonuses to skill rolls is pretty good
LOL they're already shitting on the Shitter class on the product page.
anyone have the shifter leaks?
>Shifting Companion
Alright, a built in waifu!
Check the thread before this one.
I forgot the image. I'm a dummy.
Yeah previous thread, look for file name Shitter1
Here's a list of familiars.
I want to shit on Forester because "lmao favored terrain" but after seeing Shifter and so much else in this book, it almost looks... Decent? Like, it gets actual ALL DAY hunter aspect. In the same book they both fuck it up and fuck it up.
You're awesome.
>Scarab Stalker was actually buffed on one or two focuses
huh. Now I'm kinda happy
>ravenous tumbleweed
Tell me more.
Damn. The worst part is that some of these familiars are actually really interesting. XD
>Jerboa gives initiative
Muad'dib's Jihad grows!
Jerboas have been a thing in pathfinder since familiar folio.
He who controls the spice, controls the universe!
Vine Leshay Racial traits
Vine Leshy Racial Traits
+2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, –2 Intelligence:
Leshy: Vine leshys are plants with the leshy subtype but lack the immunities to mind-affecting effects, paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep, and stunning that the plant type usually grants, and they lack the immunity to electricity and sonic that the leshy subtype usually grants.
Slow Speed: Vine leshys have a base speed of 20 feet.
Darkvision: Vine leshys can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
Low-Light Vision: Vine leshys can see twice as far as humans under conditions of dim light.
Pass without Trace: Vine leshys have pass without trace as a constant spell-like ability (caster level 2nd).
Change Shape: Vine leshys can transform into vines, with results similar to tree shape. In this form, the leshy appears as a particularly healthy Small vine. The leshy can assume plant form or revert to its true form as a swift action.
Plantspeech: Vine leshys can speak with vines as if subject to a continual speak with plants spell.
Verdant Burst: When slain, a vine leshy explodes in a burst of fertile energies. All plant creatures within 30 feet of the slain leshy regain hit 1d8 points, and vines quickly infest the area. If the terrain can support vines, the undergrowth is dense enough to make the region into diffcult terrain for 24 hours, after which the plant life diminishes to a normal level; otherwise, this plant life has no signifcant effect on movement and withers and dies within an hour.
Unassuming Foliage: Vine leshys gain a +4 racial bonus on Stealth checks in forests.
Climber: Vine leshys gain a +2 racial bonus on Climb checks.
Languages: Vine leshys begin play speaking Common and Sylvan. Vine leshys with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Aquan, Auran, Aklo, Elven, Gnome, Goblin, Terran, or Undercommon.
Oddly enough the animal companion and familiars are the best part of the book. I'm not posting feats. They're garbage.
Please let there exist new familiar archetypes. *crosses fingers and toes*
I'll get right on it.