Are there any cute orcs/half-orcs in your current campaign?
Are there any cute orcs/half-orcs in your current campaign?
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There are always cute orcs in my campaign.
No half-orcs though because I always have humanoid races breed true. Cuts down on the proliferation of hybrids if each child can only belong to one or the other parent's race.
I'm the cute half-orc in my game
Pic very related
Veeky Forums what's the best type of Orc for a setting? Green humans, POrcs, or Tolkien Orcs.
Depends on the tone of the game.
Green humans for silly/comfy stuff
Tolkien for gritty games
P'orcs if it's ERP and that's your thing, but the other two are still generally better
All of them existing and united to kill all non-orcs.
She's pretty noice.
I like a mix of Tolkien orcs and green humans, myself.
Their culture should be harsh and brutal but still complex
One of the two games I'm running has ERP stuff, sometimes. So yes, there can be some very cute orcs.
Yeah, he's a looker
My setting has cute female orcs, and a subterranean world where one of the dominant races are the even cuter results of drow males running away with their female orc lovers and producing a hybrid species.
No. Not by human standards. Orcs have almost no sexual dimorphism- males and females look almost identical. This is in part because orc infants can consume meat from birth, and orc women barely lactate.
The most handsome orcs are the largest and strongest. Either gender.
Pic related- two orc men and an orc female.
A handsome orc warlord currently serving my PCs, for example.
Female Orcs are for making half orcs with.
Do female goblins, who are also for making half-goblins with, work best when they are shortstack orcs, or when they have a different angle of inherent sexiness?
>Pork for ERP
Not including the new and popular hulk orcs. Pic related not being hulky enough or brutal looking enough.
Cute is perspective speaking. I think the rough and rugged look of a brutal woman is rather attractive, but I wouldn't say cute.
Orcs have a war based culture and must be physically perfect in all regards, combat is an art be executed with practiced perfection.
They're out there somewhere, though the party hasn't encountered them. Or half-orcs, for that matter.
They did help ship a dwarf NPC named Eldeth and an orc NPC named Ront, though.
>Lazy assed googled image of goblin looking shit orcs from lotr.
Pushing the LOTR orcs this hard... Those aren't orcs. They are big lame goblins.
That's a green elf with tusks.
That's a green elf with tusks.
They all devolve into green elves with tusks anyway so it doesn't matter.
Your mom is a green elf with tusks.
See, look, I can shitpost too.
It honestly does look more like an elf than an orc.
>they are (or were) squat, broad, flat-nosed, sallow-skinned, with wide mouths and slant eyes; in fact degraded and repulsive versions of the (to Europeans) least lovely Mongol-types.[
- The skull is fairly delicate and squat or broad.
- The skin is green but other than that it looks healthy. It looks very smooth and not dry, warty or cracked.
- The jaw could be wider
- The eyes aren't Chinese.
>Elves have muscle
>Elves have pointed angular faces Vs beefy sculpted faces.
>Elves have every color of the rainbow, wood, white, dark, grape.
>Orcs are lean green mean fighting machines.
>Thinking Orc and elf culture even compair.
>Middle earth.
Lord of the rings isn't that good really. And their orcs are just the worst and lamest.
Wow such muscle and beefy faces. Like I said "green elves with tusks."
It's okay not to like orcs user. But if you don't want to put orcs in your campaigns or masturbate to them then don't call green elves with tusks orcs.
The best orcs resemble Warhammer orcs, or at least Warcraft. I might call them cute, but I don't think most people would.
Maby a more slim and tammed female orc. But even then she would be a killer.
Im not calling all the pics posted in this thread orcs.
You need to stop trying to force your lame ass LOTR goblins on people. No one likes them.
I have no strong attachment to LOTR orcs in particular but just have a special hatred for green elves with tusks.
Even Japanese Porcs are okay and interesting. Because Japanese Porcs aren't dressed up in pink dresses and dicked.
Do you find grey skinned humans with black eyes, white hair, tusks and a propensity for being swole as shit with pot bellies tacked on cute?
Depends. Are they green elves with tusks?
>muscular people with round stomachs
>no mention of pointy ears
No? Stop eating entire containers of salt.
I understand elf can be any color and flavor under the sun, but not everything is an elf.
If these were not green or gray and did not have tusks they would be elves.
Post more green elves with tusks please
Nope, all my orcs are pOrcs and worship Orcus, so they all have horrific festering wounds on thier bodies as tribute. Since they are pOrcs, female orcs have 4 ugly pig breasts on thier lower bellies instead of cute perky people breasts.
They're monster is what I'm getting at.
>If you change their physically body, recolor them, cut off their race features, make them more elf like, ect
>Then they would be elves......
Get out of this thread.
Exactly what other racial features differ them from elves other than green skin and tusks?
Body mass and skull shape, jawlines, hight.
Different ears. And the whole set of teeth not just tusk.
Go into a dwarf thread and call them short elves. You daft cunt.
And the nose, eyes, feet, hair, face, face shape, arm length, lore, culture, and more.
Someone post some cute half orc girls for me. And not the salty elf fag.
Most of the orcs in this thread are actually elves.
That's different. Dwarves legitimately are short elves. Regular elves are Ljosalfar and Dwarves are Dokkalfar or Svartalfar. It would be entirely appropriate and reasonable to call them short elves and consistent with their unique mythological storytelling function.
To go on:
Orcs tend to have a storytelling function of symbolizing destruction, chaos, imperfection and ugliness.
Elves also have a storytelling function of symbolizing chaos as well. But they can also symbolize a sort of unearthly perfection or grace.
Dwarves aren't themselves beautiful but they are craftsmen and miners. They aren't beautiful themselves but create beauty and bring up jewels from the deep.
Dwarves share a fundamental symbolism with elves that orcs don't. And therefore it is inappropriate to make orcs look elves but to make dwarves look similar to elves would be okay.
That's just Miss Martian dressed up as Marvin the Martian... It is neither a orc nor a green elf with tusks.
Orcs are basically green wood elves with tusks.
Wood elves hug trees...
Orcs fight, sometimes for fun. And burn trees.
Kys. I'm done.
Being this big of an elf fag. Not seeing elves are just arrogant twats.
Your a raw super elf fag. An a retard.
While some orcs in this thread certainly display a certain grace of form that would commonly be associated with elves, I would certainly argue that many more do not, or have features that are sufficiently distinct from stereotypical elves.
And cut this shit out, you can't speak so objectively about the differences between elves, orcs and dwarves when there are so many interpretations it becomes a subjective field of ones own preferences, ideals and ideas.
Your the type of dumb ass that thinks African and German, and Asian are all just different colored humans...
I don't understand how "green elves with tusks" guy missed the point that this is a thread for cute orc girls, but just to satisfy him I went through the effort to dig up this picture of sufficiently orcy orc women.
Hopefully he will leave us in peace now
>Orcs fight, sometimes for fun.
Fair folk are chaotic and unpredictable user. It is perfectly in keeping with their flavor that they start fights for fun.
>And burn trees.
Probably not shamanistic noble savage orcs.
What do you mean by "elf fag"? I don't actually personally have a strong preference for elves. I just have a strong appreciation for the use of a archetypes as effective storytelling tools. Sure. You can put a coat of makeup on your orcs and make them look like elves but then you make it more difficult to use them to symbolize the forces of destruction and chaos.
I'm fine with alternate takes on orcs but I dislike takes that remove their effectiveness as storytelling tools. Orcs can look like anything as long as they look like frightening forces of corruption, chaos and destruction. Not green elves with tusks.
Eww. They all look like they were drawn really orcwardly...
Alternative takes of orcs however include the possibility of taking them away from their traditional roots, in terms of appearance, culture or indeed storytelling purpose. If someone wants to use an alternative version of orcs with the storytelling purpose of being an oppressed savage people, would you insist that they change literally everything about them including their name for defiling the 'traditional orc role'?
>corrupted elves
>still have elven features like a head, two arms, two legs, etc.
But why do you want to tell a story about oppressed savage peoples anyway? Because you don't want people to judge from appearances. So then why make orcs look like green elves with tusks? That is self-defeating and the height of hypocrisy.
None of these orcs are bug-eyed, chinless, or lisping about their fursonas. There is no elf here.
How the fuck is my pic a green elf. Besides the fact that I've never seen a Elf drawn with a jawline thicker than a toothpick his ears are too short and he has facial hair. The last one being a big no-no in a ton of fantasy settings involving elves.
Well if you're going to go off Tolkein's elves...
Gana ignor the elf fag and post orc wafius like the thread was mad for.
I like to keep my orcs brutal and cunning spiritual and physically, but I do love cute orcs.
Yeah actually he's reasonable and I shouldn't have included him.
Those don't look like green elves with tusks so good job.
two. twin brother and sister paladins (fluffed as samurai).
There is a book called "Orcs". It is a great book with awesome orcs. The story has a huge plot with wizzard bullshit, but if you can get past that I recamend it. Best orcs in that book.
The map is not the territory. That creature is hardly a mythical symbol of destruction, chaos and corruption. An orc you want to dick is not an orc.
If your gana push traditional orcs then fuck off with your elf orc fight. Go full traditional and make orcs a fae creature. Meaning more elf like.
Or you can let the new age of Warhammer Orks take it's influence and make our orcs "Noble" muscle warriors
There is a kinda sexy image set with this one. Find your own sauce.
Ogres are fae as well user.
You the one pushing for traditional and very specific and very personal perspective arcs
I think your a dumbass.
Let me explain myself more fully.
For many years people made stories about evil spirits and monsters.
Then Tolkien formalized and popularized one such type of story in his books as orcs.
But then people started writing stories where the protagonist or the player was the orc.
And the concept become fapbait because very shallow people couldn't bring themselves to have empathy for characters that were ugly.
And I honestly find that incredibly disgusting and hypocritical. People want to play the orc character without the ugly bit. A like phenomena today is that there are a lot of people who want to play at being geeks without the bad bits. When people want to play fapbait orcs it is ultimately missing the point.
One. She is quite powerful. She will bear me many children
Well the DM did make sexual dimorphism a thing with regular orcs being females and goblins being the males.
>See orc thread
>Let's check it out
Oh humanlets, you guys truly are the most persistent of all the races. Ok so what's up this time? Want to fuck orc women? Is it because all your females are getting fucked by other creatures?
I've seen pics of this before but I don't know the source. Care to fill me in user?
Mr. Elf why do all the orcs look like elves? Is it because they have been systematically raping them?
>Coming from an elf.
Your women and your men are getting fucked by all the other races. Even goblins and furries.
Elves don't rape. And if you think an orc looks like an elf you should go to an ophthalmologist. Or maybe that's just natural human eyesight, I wouldn't know
On your slanty eyed human stories, might be. This is Fantasy Reality faggot
He was clearly saying your weak elf race was being raped because elves are weak and to busy being arrogant cunts to learn how to not suck. Try using your weak wimp arms and many building some body frame and fix your ruined shithole.
KYS. No discussion with this level of autism.
Cant name a single fantasy reality where elves are anything more than rape bait. Your race is worse than a joke.
What's the point of being Veeky Forums if you're a manlet tho?
>No discussion
Because you have no argument boy
Nah, that's just on weebshit. I'm on touch with some yokais, they told me those humans drawing those things are one of the saddest images to behold
This elf looks more orcish than some some of the orcs in this thread.
>people post handsome green humans with tusks
A group of orcs who forcibly GREEN'D a kingdom's royalty. Many generations later of a shifted stance on beauty based on their adopted (mostly) human subjects, and they're still pretty orcish but they also range from looking pretty decent to conventionally very attractive. Full orcs, they all are.
No wonder elves live in ruin. Look at what they did to this thread. I think this is their best attempt.
Yo, if we elves are doing a better job at other race's roles, now that's not our problem is it? They should try harder
Contributing to thread by the way
>Unbased silly shit talk.
It's not a conversation if the elf is jerking himself and I'm talking to a wall.
Get your weeb shit back into >
I'm not jerking myself tho, just shitting on you guys
This thread filled with a whole lot of muckin about. Wherez da fighten'
Cannot resist!
>maybe tonight, I can be your orc.
>or green elf with tusks for that one fag.
>The stand there violently rubbing his small clit cock.
Come on guys let's shit talk about how great I am and how you suck based on nothing!!!
>The elf then dose an upside-down squat so his ass is above his own head while pointed at the other person.
Lol you suck so bad because I said you do, remember that thing about you I made up or that time my kindom was in ruin? God I'm so fucking perfect. Haha your about to get rekt!! Listen to my shit talk!
>The elf then shits at the other person, but his shit doesn't have enough force, the elf instead shits all over himself.
Haha! God your race smells bad! Do you even know what a senpai Chan? Look how much you Wana be like me. Man us elf folk are the best. Your race is such trash.
I get you feel smart but your just being a proud dumbass.
No joke. KYS.
I’m sorry your headcannon of Orcs isn’t the most popular headcannon.
Orcs are:
>Green or Gray
>Pointed Ears
Everything else is just your headcannon.
There's one half-orc guy that really wants to prove himself to his elven fiance's family.
The thing is he doesn't need to, as they already like him, but he just feels he does.
Post more Skyrim orcs.
I'm not a waifu man, but I once made an orc female character, and I kinda fell in love with her. So I got a soft spot for Skyrim orcs.
Okay, I knew this guy has a sameface problem, but come on, guys too?
Stop being delusional boy, I never exalted my elveness, I just shat on your humanity
>human females want the inhuman cock
>humans have shitty eyesight. Atleast dwarves can see on the dark
>you guys are pathetic creating all these comics to project your insecurities on other people and fulfill your fantasies
>also you guys are manlets
And now you're spouting nonsense. I would tell you to kill yourself, but you'll probably die tomorrow of old age. And with that:
>lol you guys have short lifespans