Why is this allowed, Veeky Forums?
Fantasy is about manly men fighting and killing each other for glory.
Not about fucking women.
Why is this allowed, Veeky Forums?
Fantasy is about manly men fighting and killing each other for glory.
Not about fucking women.
Honestly, that model on the left is probably the best Sig marine they've put out....
Fuck that, you see that model on the right? Holy shit, I'm in love.
WTF, I love Stormcast now.
>Not about fucking women.
Homo detected.
I still don't get how we got here. Like, I thought pic related was bad and I was bad for liking it, but now we've gone a full 180 and ended right back where we started. Once we get all these female models out, are we gonna get people bitching about "muh objectification of womyn" shit all over again?
Who cares anymore. That model looks terrible anyway.
I've seen some obvious SJW false flags but this one takes the cake.
People are realizing that pandering to SJWs only results in bleeding money. They don't want to actually play the games or watch the movies or whatever. They just want to dictate what is and is not allowed to be created. The core customers, even those who SJWs claim to speak for (women, minorities, whatever) can smell cheap pandering a mile away and leave, never to return. Just look at how comic books are a dead medium thanks to leftist politicization and content policing.
Games Workshop and a bunch of other companies are now realizing this after years of other companies suffering high profile financial failures caused by SJW pandering. The result is a strange monkey's paw effect for SJWs were the female characters are being added more often, but on the terms of the creator and not the progressive mob.
>Just look at how comic books are a dead medium thanks to leftist politicization and content policing.
>inb4 "Diversity is a strength, it's the sexist cishet fucking male writers who did a bad job."
Nerds will buy minis of half naked wimmins all day every day man.
and all they need to do to keep the SJW happy is write up some fluff about how said mini / unit / faction are bad ass mother fuckers and they dont need no MEN!!
Says you. That dark oath lady is fucking fine.
>Not about fucking women
Getting the princess has been a fantasy trope for millenia
Now she can get you.
No lie, the racist Indian guy from Mass Effect Andromeda's dev team said that exact same thing. Reading his description of the work environment it was clear everyone hated him for being a complete douche but he projected his failings on everyone else.
>implying SJWs are ever happy
You could give them everything they want and they would dig and reach for something to find that's "problematic" about it.
Once fantasy and nerd hobbies are a sterile desert completely devoid of passion or love, women will move on and "losers" will be able to rebuild it's glory for it to fall to deconstructivists again a couple years later.
>said that exact same thing
I was just paraphrasing an user from a thread a few days ago when this topic came up and he was adamant that no, diversity and representation is good, and if you can't make it work, it's because you're bad at it.
It's the new "not true socialism".
The real question here is:
>Do we get a panty shot of that barbarian girl?
>Fantasy is about manly men fighting and killing each other for glory.
The stormcunt is fine
Of course they'll make excuses for why it's someone else's fault. Never realizing that storytelling made with a social acceptability checklist will always result in the quality of the work taking a backseat to appeasing the mob.
We got here because masculinity is dead. It's been dead since the 60s and so now we have STRONK WOMYN every where.
There is nothing you or I could have done to stop it either. We weren't born in time so now we live in a post apocalypse shit hole.
Don't be such a faggot, OP.
Simple capitalism, my guy. A good portion of the population is girls. Get girls into the game, get more people interested in the product, make more money.
Plus, I like the designs. I always thought there should be more girls in armor kicking ass in warhammer. Sucks my favorite setting, the Old World, had to die for it.
I'd have loved something like Ulrican shieldmaidens, Tilean mercenary-queens and of course, lady Witch Hunters. I really liked the addition of Sienna in Vermintide, though. She was a batshit old lady who took no shit and set rats on fire, what's not to love?
>implying she wears panties
Dude, I'm sorry to tell ya but Veeky Forums is FULL of nu males. Absolutely full to the brim of them. While the SJWs won't buy this shit the Nu males will demand it and then never really buy much of it either.
But don't consider the SJWs to be an enemy outside the gates. They are very much inside the gates. The mod team here will ban you for saying nigger, on Veeky Forums. NIGGER ON Veeky Forums.
Decent bait, mate. 5/10, might bite.
>No boob plate
Get that shit outta here.
Oh pls.
This is nothing new.
i dig it. Not the darkoath lady per se, but I shilled money for Neive Blackthorn. She's a kickass model.
I know this is probably bait and an ironic post, but for real though... all the detractors of GW because of this new "awareness" and attempt to be more inclusive to "SJW"s need to calm the fuck down. Being this mad over miniatures and perceived political agendas is a microcosm of something wrong on a personal level. If it really irks you, shouting and getting mad at GW and "SJWS" and women won't do anything. If you don't like it, don't buy it. What's fuckin hard about that?
t. Never gazes outside GW's little bubble
>t Veeky Forums is FULL of nu males. Absolutely full to the brim of them. While the SJWs won't buy this shit the Nu males will demand it and then never really buy much of it either.
Jesus Christ, do you niggers take time to actually read your melodramatic posts? Do you ever just stop typing and sit back and reflect on how you might sound?
Human women out in the wild are dead meat. If you want MUH STRONK WOMEN then it needs to be Elves or Vampire types.
Can you even imagine a female witch hunter trying to hunt down a goddamn skaven? He'd eat her face without even trying. These are the people who are supposed to go toe to toe with the worst the world has. Not whine how unpopular it is.
Capitalism is not the system we live under, not even close. This is liberalism taken to it's conclusion.
Capitalism would realize that men and women are different so it would act like Toys R Us. A row for boys and a row for girls. Then you can buy whatever you want. It wouldn't act like the 0.1% of women who might give a shit need to be pandered to at the expense of the loyalty of a much larger percentage of your customer base.
Found the Nu male.
How much soy is in your diet?
Shave your pube-like beard, my dude.
ITT: Bunch of pretend-businessmen who obviously know how to run the industry better than anyone, and have a deep, intimate understanding of capitalism and how to read the market. Their conclusion? "SJW's are the reason why print and miniatures are supposedly dying in the digital age." It has nothing to do with the medium completely changing and shit like miniatures and toys becoming useless excessive clutter. Case closed.
Y'know a guy would get splatted too, right? This is warhammer, the power level for nonhuman combatants is kind of ridiculous. Without his runic armor, his griffin, his runeblade or his hammer, Karl Franz is about as fucked as anyone else. Without a million different blessings from chaos, Archaeon would be just a guy.
This is warhammer FANTASY. Is it so impossible to beleive that there are powerful women in a setting where the underground is infested with a race of rats powered by magical space cocaine?
Who buys these figures honestly?
Even girls like cute, sexy girls more than these man-ladies.
What's so wrong with having some cute girl figures instead of ugly bulls
Except other miniature/figure industries aren't dying.
Just westernized ones trying to pander to non-existent audiences.
Anime figures are a huge industry and it's actually growing.
Better question is.
Why are you such a damaged person that you want masculine women? What went so wrong with your life that you consider a masculine woman to be a good thing rather than an abomination worthy of Slaanesh Zheself?
> A good portion of the population is girls. Get girls into the game, get more people interested in the product, make more money.
Women also don't take to the same interests as men. Expecting male-centric hobbies and media to cater equally to women and succeed financially is a fool's gambit. Women are only pandered to for brownie points with progressives at the cost of profit and potentially a company's entire customer base.
Pic related.
I drink soy until my tits turn into saucers. My pube beard reminds me that manliness is still alive in this post SJW apocalypse my friend. Seems like theres only 4 people in this thread: You three faggots and me just sounding off each other. I feel like I want to sit back and let you spit more gooble gobble about capitalism this and "post-SJW-capitalism" that. You're truly the undiscovered wolves of Wall St.
Slightly masculine women who are insecure about their femininity are pretty great. Full bodybuilder with tits is disgusting, don't know how people can have that fetish without being legit gay. Prob same fags who think futa and trap are gay but jerk off to what is literally muscular cuntboys.
>and that's how Warboss Skulzogger solved gender politics
t. salty SJW
>Thinking girls should have fun with the thing I enjoy too
I think you're the one damaged, buddy that you think the concept of a woman being strong in some way is considered a demonic abomination.
Guess gw should have put a big eyed big titted anime girl Khorne worshipper wielding an oversized sword and showing off her underwear, that would have got their customers back
Oh, and make the model pre painted too
Women are strong in different ways from men, dumbass.
A strong woman isn't some high jumping roid beast.
They should. Clearly it makes more money than making ugly man-girl models for the ??? audience.
Even so, they're woefully unrepresented in warhammer on the human/empire side.
>no ludmilla loinrippa
Women are not owed or entitled to be represented.
>we want the KD audience
Maybe not, but the fact that these minis are being circulated isn't some direct attack on you or your hobby. You're the one whose being entitled here, hanging up the proverbial "No girls allowed" sign.
Crossdressers and sysadmins are also woefully unrepresented in empire figures. Doesn't mean we need some Karl wearing striped trap thigh highs while writing shit in python.
IF you want female models, they shouldn't be some comical parody shit that no one wants to buy. Who the living fuck wants those figures? Would you pay 50 bucks for that? I'd pay 50 bucks for a cute anime girl, not some roid beast.
You can tell the /pol/tards are triggered when they start calling a nigger user a SJW
It's "no ugly girls allowed".
Wauw. A true industry guru! You can call me an SJW, but in truth I have ascended to Soy-Rolling-Vegan-Mud-Hippie. Get on my level. However it doesn't make the marvelous shit flowing out of your brain and through your fingers any less shit. Tell us more how "OLD FASHIONED MALE CENTRIC HOBBIES" are just too different for wimmens' sensibilities.
Sure I actually don't know shit about the anime figures, but I'd like to think that if you're saying GW is being eaten by younger mini companies, I'd agree. They're using newer tools to address a changing medium. kickstarter and the idea of crowdfunding and even trying out 3d printing. I don't think "pandering" is necessarily the reason why obssessively hoarding knick knacks and collectibles is going a little out of style in the west
>she's not a mommy dommy middle aged matriarch of a whole tribe
what's even the point?
The more of these kinds of miniatures get circulated the less of the good kinds will actually be made.
But if masculinity was already dead in the 80's, what exactly were people complaining about it and demanding more change? And why is the change to go back to that?
I made a simple statement of objective truth. You're the one projecting made up issues onto people who aren't arguing them.
>Who wants these figures
Well, girls who want to feel strong, for one. This is a game about fantasy, girls are entitled to have the same Conan-esque fantasies about being a strong badass as you.
>"No ugly Girls allowed"
I hate the stormcast eternals, but this girl looks cool as hell. She's not fuckable, but who the hell says she has to be? Girls don't have to be hot for you, designs of girl characters don't have to be sexy or pretty.
But it's NOT going out of style in the west considering the westerners buy more jap figures than actual japs. The fact of the matter is that GW doesn't know what people want and what they don't want is ugly girls.
You can try to spin it anyway you want, but NO ONE wants a figure/model/anything of an ugly girl.
>Maybe if I call everyone with a different opinion an "SJW", it'll make up for my lack of an actual point. I should just keep saying that to avoid having to elaborate on my opinions
Have you considered that women are over represented on the battlefield in all tabletop games?
Do you know how many women actually go into battle in the medieval era? Try absolutely none. They knew women would be fucked up and were better off making new men rather than making new enemies or bcoming a hunk of meat for the crows
>girls are entitled to have the same Conan-esque fantasies about being a strong badass as you.
No they're not. No one is entitled to a creator's work, nor do they possess the right to dictate and demand that they be represented. If the creator doesn't represent girls, tough shit.
You seem triggered OP, would you like a safe space in which to calm down?
Girls aren't buying this. Girls DO buy cute anime girl figurines and they buy tyranids. No one likes ugly girls, especially not girls.
You don't have to be some ugly monster to be strong especially in some fantasy bullshit land.
>Expecting male-centric hobbies and media to cater equally to women and succeed financially is a fool's gambit.
Are you telling me that putting love stories into war movies was not the most brilliant move ever?
Policing language is not an argument. At least you admit that you have nothing of value to say.
I can vouch for this.
When I started Dark Eldar, I proxied Age of Sigmar Witch Aelves for wyches, because the wych models look transgender to me.
Because the revolution can never end. That's why we now have all the shit we have now. Once you try and stop the revolution you have no reason to exist any more.
Notice how many "anti-SJWs" are just liberals who wanted 9 revolutions instead of 50 revolutions. Now they're labeled as Nazis and thrown under the bus.
This is what you need to understand. This isn't about change, it's not about fixing anything, it's about the complete destruction of everything. Literally everything must change constantly so it can never build any sort of order or hierarchy.
Buddy your not speaking truth, you're speaking from fear. You're afraid you won't get to feel like your part of some special exclusive club because girls might take an interest, because people are criticizing it and the company is listening to that input.
>This person wants women to have fun so he must be from reddit, save me daddy trump!
Bitch what the fuck.
Just play Death.
Their only gender is bone.
Thanks for reminding me that exists. Now I want to drink until I forget again.
All I'm hearing is that we must eliminate every single one of these harbingers of chaos and destruction.
>Girls want this
>Yet the most popular faction with girls is Tyranids.
HMMM. Even in 2nd edition when Sisters were on store shelves you only saw neck beards playing them.
Clearly women do not want this because they don't even want warhammer.
Why do SJW's care so much about Warhammer?
Why do you want more representation in a setting where everyone is an evil asshole?
So you ca prove that women can be horrible genociding monsters too?
It was the company's decision to take the criticism and work with it. Nobody held a gun to their head.
>They're not entitled to have fantasies
S-Stop imagining yourself being a w-warrior! You should be fantasizing about being a waifu!
nigga I understand what you're saying. I'm saying you may be oversimplifying the issue if you mean to say: "The reason why GW isn't selling models is because they're just not putting out 'nuff sexy wimmens!"
I respect that you want to look at nice looking girls, but this is the 41st millenium, and at the same time, it's the post apocalyptic fantasy world of Sigmar. And since we don't live in the 70's anymore, can't we expect that in harsh, nightmarish settings, we should expect to find rough and grizzled fuckwads of every creed, color, size and gender just milling about? I mean Eldar/Elves and maybe vampires as an exception, I would feel weird fielding a spacebabe or barbarianbabe army. Give me ugly ass ladies and ugly ass men. Just make sure they're wearing cool armor or I won't buy that fuckin product.
>I just want women to have fun
Lets translate that into real speak
>I just want companies to invest thousands of dollars into products women won't buy but will drastically change the character of the product the customer base enjoys
You're literally demanding the destruction of something to replace it with something else that no one wants. And you ask for it because you've been brainwashed into thinking being destructive is the most positive personality trait to have.
>S-Stop imagining yourself being a w-warrior! You should be fantasizing about being a waifu!
You can literally be both and the common female fantasy power fantasy is being both.
Point me to any girl who wants to look like those models.
I wouldn't expect an SJW who's mind is coked out on post modernist swill from their feminist dance therapy teacher to understand that the world is built upon facts. Your response is just a lame appeal to emotion because you have no real argument. You never did. Just accept this and move on instead of wasting people's time.
Ah the Trump era is such a beautiful time. You win the argument if that's all you wanted lol.
>be a normal, well-adjusted human being
>see pictures of female warrior models in My Warhammer Fantasy
>spend a few seconds examining the model, then shrug and move on with my life
Feels good not having autism.
having a bone is sexist
>What's a panty?
>It's an item of underwear.
>... What's underwear?
Wanting other people to like what I like doesn't make me a hippy, guy. And you can't really compare the sales of these girls vs the sales of 'nids, because these sets JUST came out, you'd need to spend months gathering data from sales.
Mate, both 40k and sigmarshit are pulpy as fuck. Barbarian babes fit in just fine and people would actually want to buy those.
People want things that actually look halfway decent. No one wants rosie o'donnell on their shelf.
Because everything bigger than warhammer has been destroyed already. It's about removing any sanctuary for men who don't want to deal with their bullshit.
tl;dr The complete destruction of masculinity.
If your masculinity was defined by a Miniature tabletop game, then your weren't very masculine, were you?
>No one held a gun to their heads
You understand that GW is a UK company correct? A place where we have a law that says hate crimes are guilty until proven innocent.
A place where a man just lost his job.. ready for this? Lost his job because 15 years ago he touched a woman's leg. At least that's what he was accused of. A man, was fired for potentially touching a woman's leg 15 years ago. On her knee.
There is very much a gun pointed at people's heads. Very very much a gun. Notice how we're seeing more articles on Trump being linked to 40k and all that shit?
GW have a gun pointed at them if you want to admit it or not. It wouldn't take much to accuse them of shit and force them to do exactly what you wanted due to British law
Someone tell me a reason why anyone should choose the design on the right rather than the design in pic related that isn't sexist, as in the preference of one sex over the other
But you don't like it. If you did like it you wouldn't want them to completely change the model range to appeal to more people.
Your post openly admits that you don't like it enough that you're willing to defend it. You want to appeal to as many people as possible which in turn will destroy the original product
why is it that you people post these threads so damn early in the morning? aren't you americans supposed to be asleep at this hour? is it because the janitors are asleep, is that it?
anyway piss off, you're clearly not here to discuss models that look like a donkey's ass (oh gee what a surprise GW makes awful looking models, how shocking), you're here for your fucking politics shit.
Tabletop wargames have always been an older male hobby. It was a hobby originally invented to practice war tactics and learn how to fight large battles.
Then you have the fact that the hobby used to be about sculpting and custom building shit. A craft which require patients, skill and imagination. All qualities that were valued in men and are mostly absent from women.
In short. Miniatures are 100% masculine. Your toy soldiers on the other hand aren't.