In light of Disney banning the LA times from their movie screenings for criticizing their business practices, I realized they'd be a GREAT subject for a campaign of Delta Green. What are some spooky, dark secrets I can have outmatched government agents investigate in Disney World/Disney Land? What terrible truths are held in the geometry of Epcot Center? Is Anaheim a locus for magical energies?
In light of Disney banning the LA times from their movie screenings for criticizing their business practices...
Other urls found in this thread:
I think some 2 year old toddler got eaten by some "alligators" at a Disney park? Or is that too "real".
Not all of the "characters" wandering around the place are wearing costumes...
Fuck alligators; what about the rare brain eating parasite that killed a kid in who went to river country? Or the fact that river country was left to the elements after closing instead of being demolished?
Disney has its own private SWAT unit, in case some wacko gets in and starts shooting and they don't have to wait for the cops to arrive and stop it
They also have huge underground complexes under their parks
>Disney has its own private SWAT unit, in case some wacko gets in and starts shooting and they don't have to wait for the cops to arrive and stop it
Is that the same team that deals with their copyright infringement or separate division?
The underground complex thing is kinda wrong
Disneyland in California has only one tunnel, it's the Magic Kingdom in Walt Disney World that does have one to prevent employees from say Tomorrowland to have to trek thru wrongly themed areas. Walt Disney really had a hankering for quality. It's why Main Street Windows are low so children can get on it.
You can also base a ton of stuff off of the many tales and things about the Haunted Mansion.
Yes and No
the moment one of The Mouses legion of lawyers sends the C&D is the moment people stop resisting
Most people aren't stupid enough to draw The Mouses anger to require them to be dealth with permanently
Some other things btw:
>Disneylands 50th Anniversary Fireworks show was tested in some remote desert to hide it.
>There's wherehouses where a lot of stuff like Ride Vehicles and old props are stored, also some 3rd party warehouses have and sell old stuff from the Parks
>The Walt Disney World castle has a suite in it. Disneyland has a walk thru diarama in theirs
>Walt Disney always said that Disneyland would never be finished
>EPCOT was meant to be a city, only changed after Disney's death. Technically Disney does have control over the area inside the park resort and developed Celebration flordia
>The Yeti inside Expedition Everest is broken and can't be replaced except by competently taking out structures
>Disneyland is surrounded by a earth barrier, meaning many things have to go under it in some way to get backstage (haunted mansion's stretching room, Pirate's drop, Indiana Jones line)
>In front of EPCOT there's a place where people left pictures of themselves as memories from the past, it looks like a cemetery to some.
>A theme park was planned but never surfaced in Detroit
>Animal Kingdom had plans for but never had a Fantasy area. This is shown by dragons in the logo and opening gates and a Dragon head on your way to Camp Minniemickey
Someone posted a disney world story to that dg wiki, you’re up against a punk band and a few of those psychic dragon things
>tales and things about the Haunted Mansion
Continue please
Bump for quality topic
didn't invite ≠ ban
But yeah, the mouse is a megacorp that has nothing to envy to its cyberpunk counterparts.
I second this:
In the Artemis Fowl books all of the fair folk visited Disneyland when they went on holiday above ground because none of the humans would bat an eyelid at the dwarfs, elves and pixies or goblins if they wandered about without a disguise.
Well first off there's tons of good stuff @ but here is.
>The hatbox ghost barely got added back in. It was removed very early in the rides history due to the effect not working and so it's existence was considered a mystery for the longest time.
>The stretching room has no Windows or doors and is a elevator to bring you underground so you can get out of the park barrier to backstage
>Orignally the mansion was meant to be a walkthru with a captain owning it, hence the ship on the top.
>WDW version has a ring embedded in the ground in the ride exit to show where the bride fell down from
>There's a hidden pet cemetery, it wasn't until later the more famous one popped up
>A kid tried to shoot the ghosts in the dining room scene. Turns out the room was covered by a two story pane of glass for the effect. Because removing the glass pane would be too large they just painted a spider web.
>Many people try to dump ashes in the ride, only to have them swept away by janitors.
>A man in a knight costume once scared people in the ride
>Ovicously people report ghosts on the ride
>Workers covet the position of working there as you don't have to smile
>A crow pops up at most times the Narrator speaks
>Tons of concept art and inspiration sources exist
>Unrelated but Club 33 and Walt's Personal Apartment are things, so is the Dream Suite
Unless they're wearing costumes like Disney characters that won't slide, if they are then the park would probably also would look for doppelgangers.
The Yeti isn't broken, it's shut down.
And for good reason.
The hydraulics involved in animating it pushed out so much PSI that the entire foundation cracked and would have collapsed the entire ride/mountain in a few weeks.
I worked DCP once and was lucky enough to get a behind the scenes at Expedition Everest.
In the yeti, or in the ride itself? Because jesus fucking christ what kind of crazy-ass force did that thing put out to warrent collapsing the entire mountain?
Or is the Yeti actually interred within the foundation of the ride itself?
The internal SWAT team is Delta Green, the magic kingdom is actually magic, and when the rides turn off for the night it's their job to make sure the characters don't escape.
A little bit if both; the Yeti, to date, is one of the largest and most fluid motioned animatronics Disney has ever created. It could scoop out its arm, and it looked geniuenly scary and life like.
However, the ride was built around it; it is impossible to remove it, since it was built into the ride itself.
IIRC, they described the strength as enough to toss a small passenger plane.
>tfw you learn Disney has a deactivated war golem stowed away until the most dire circumstances require its awakening.
Disney actually explicitly bans cosplay in their parks. There's a whole community dedicated to wearing Disney character themed clothing and pushing it as far as they can without getting asked to leave.
I remember a creepypasta with some cool elements from that abandoned disney park and other creepy stuff, the story eventually evolves to be about about muh club 33 and humanoid mutants/demons looking like disney characters in a bunker but the beginning is relevant to that thread.
"Abandoned by Disney?"
Huh, how long have they been doing that for? Maybe it's since after the books came out? I wasn't aware of that in the slightest.
To be fair, in the books it was mainly the dwarfs, who pretended to be humans with dwarfism, who then got jobs pretending to be dwarfs at disneyland.
Apparantly yes, that and the sequel and prequel.
Walt Disney didn't freeze himself. He suspended himself in time with eldritch magic. His tomb is under Epcot, the city of tomorrow he hoped to build for his employees. During the day, his waking consciousness creates "magical moments" for the park guests. Makes everything look more real, especially for children.
When the park closes, he sleeps. Anyone in the park after hours is at risk of being trapped in Disney's living nightmares.