So, this is a thing. Have you guys ever played it?
I just found out about it, and looked into it expecting some really wonky early 2000s monstrosity of a system, but it actually sounds like a very fun system.
So, this is a thing. Have you guys ever played it?
I just found out about it, and looked into it expecting some really wonky early 2000s monstrosity of a system, but it actually sounds like a very fun system.
I did, years and years ago. From what I remember it was very simple and it worked well for a new player like me, but looking back on it I remember that there wasn’t much in the mechanics that felt very fun, though that might have been because we dove right into it and never touched or experimented with it after the first short little story.
I have pic related. Same system. Never played it but it seems like it would be a decent game.
Buffy as a bad series.
Gets worse and worse as it goes along.
You can find the core rulebook in the share thread, but I haven't found any of the splats yet. I'm looking for the Angel rulebook right now.
Poor guy.
It's alright, but holy fuck when you rewatch it, you can notice the 2000's Millenial Jew-Poz emanating from it-
>The gay kid who get's eaten by a massive snake
>The Episode of Angel with the oppressed mixed Race-Demons and the Nazi Pureblood Demeons attempting to holocaust them but they let a Vampire in their ranks anyway and this episode was used to kill off based-Irishman
>Willow Post-Xander cock and all the cosmic Jew Lesbian shit she's get's in on after this in addition to how much of a joke it becomes in the comics
>That Fucking Black Guy in Angel who never stops fucking everything up because he's a fucking hoodrat and everything is his fault on a cosmic black level
>How much of a necrophilliac polygamous whore Buffy becomes
>That entire fucking thing with making Dracula a Racist in the comics
>Sells his powers to asians who weeb-out and then have Xader's last love be this black chick during this fucking Buffy is bi-curious episode where Willows advanced lesbian sex-cult immediately call her a lesbo despite her prior experience and give her yellow fever which stops because the asian dies anyhow
>Fuck a new universe into existence
There was more than this- but believe me when I say the whole thing went off the rails when the comics kicked in, jebus-
Oh right
The episode where Spike and Angel get Omnicucked by what one guy across thousands of years of time and then Buffy fakes getting cucked by this guy also and they travel itally to stopped becing cucked by this literal magical unseen CHAD
Joss Whendon is a one crazy Jew, man.
>muh jews
>holocaust them
>Jew lesbian shit
Use your natural means of locomotion to go to your previously frequented favorite board of nat-socs and nihilistic larpers.
I absolutely hate nu4chan /pol/ culture. Can't you guys keep your retarded shit in your containment board?
Damn jews are at it again, amirite?
I played it. It used unisystem (cinematic unsystem?) which was actually pretty good. The system was quick and easy while still allowing for customization.
Unfortunately, Buffy as a show has aged pretty badly.
Congratulations, you've clearly not read the Buffy comics, don't own all the seasons on DVD, and Angel for that matter, and are immature enough to be triggered to respond to a racially insensitive post on the pits of the internet blamed for everything on modern TV, and decided to voice it as if it was some kind of universal law that being offensive outside of a board of relatively politically incorrect was unacceptable for some nondescript reason.
No seriously, keep whining you little bitch, I don't give a fuck if you can't take a joke, the fuck do you think you are getting the idea I can't point out grieving errors in a intellectual property that's been dead for years in quick generalizations relevant to today's modern topics? Perish the thought! Surely I must tone-police myself for the sake of minors newer to the sight as to adhere to new marketing strategies that ensure this websites continued survival! Holy fuck, what a little pussy bitch you are! I don't care if you have a gripe with /pol/ or any other board for that matter, you literally just posted an off=topic complaint wheras I referenced actual fucking events in the Intellectual property of the Buffyverse, and isn't staying on topic what you Redditors adhere to the most?
Because I know there's no way in hell you aren't my objective inferior by attempting to defend your weak cognitive dissonance which goes into disarray every time a post like mine shows up. Not all of us are cocksucking Americans linked to your bullshit politics and heaven forbid anyone could bring up complaints against any group but the Jews, whatever denomination or fucking version of them that is, no- clearly this is the work of someone who seeks to sabotage the equilibrium of an entire community by posting such presumed to be drivel on 'MY' board because he is clearly the one in the wrong here, not me for even thinking to start a pointless reply chain to kill a thread.
Anyhow, back on topic and ignoring that crap from earlier, did you know that many of the soundtracks in Vampire the masquerade: Bloodlines is actually taken from the same Artists that frequented the Buffy the Vampire Slayer- AND Angel?
The VTMB Downtown theme was based on part of Sanctuary from angel, and it's extremely apparant once you've listened to it.
Kindly fuck off.
>bunch of buttplastered word salad to defend some alt-shit buzzword post
user, maybe you should seek help
On that note, anyone attempted to run a VTM- whatever version required in the Buffyverse? It's pretty much a solid fit, and a decent setting to easily apply the idea of the Camarilla moving in with Tremere on the Hellmouth to actually get rid-of the Half-demon Pseudovampires and cause some sembalance of order, and clearly has the means to a strong Vampire-hunting based division for those who sort of want to fit it in and the like.
Oh right, remember that Pedophile Indian Torture Demon Spike hired to Torture Angel, but then they actually forgot he was a Demon during the course of the episode and had him become a Vampire and killed him at the end of the episode, going back on what they said?
Remember the episode where !notgiles Literally asked Angel about a Dagger to kill a KEK demon?No really, this happened.
From what I remember, it's pretty fun. Should try this again someday.
Yeah, it's practically the poster child for Cinematic Unisystem, like AFMBE is for Classic.
It's such a fucking shame Eden Studios up and died. They had some good shit on their hands. I'm still upset we'll never get the sequel game to Conspiracy X.
I'm torn between using this or Fate Core to run a High School Vampire Slayers game.
Ah, yes, poor Sensitive Joss Whedon. We need an acronym for the poor boy.