So, anyone excited for genesys?
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Are we going to make a general when it releases?
I am a big fan of the FFG dice system, despite the fact that it clearly only exists out of pure capitalist cynicism. Those designers apparently only got the gig because Beelzebub reached up through the earth and dragged them into hell, but they did a great job
I'm interested in it. The idea of them doing an Android Universe/Netrunner supplement for it is something that could be really cool.
I am. Going to buy it once it comes out but skip on the dice since I already have a set for SW and all that is different is the icons.
>skill check result tables
Haven't heard of it. What does it do differently than GURPS?
GURPS uses d6, 3 main stats and often requires one to use a fair bit of math.
Genesys, which is based off of FFG's Star Wars RPG, uses a narrative dice system of successes vs fails/advantages vs threats with floating triumphs (crits) and despairs (crit fails) and 6 main stats with little math at all.
GURPS has details and lots of cruch while Genesys has details and lots of fluff. Where GURPS will detail very specifically what each roll means, the narrative dice of Genesys is meant to encourage the entire group and GM to come up with the meaning of the roll while still having some something to base it on. Advantages give, well, advantages while threats cause complications and these two cancel each other out. Successes mean just that while failures also mean what they sounds like and these two cancel each other out. Any successes left up means you succeed and more successes make you succeed more (do more damage more often than not). Triumps and despairs are never canceled out and can make a major shift in the game going on but beyond counting as a success and fail respectively they are the ones most people come up with the most for really cool and/or flashy effects.
There is more to it but I'm fuck tired since I just woke up and haven't had coffee yet. Just go to the link provided and read up on it.
As someone who doesn't love Star Wars I am glad to see them make a generic version of the system. What I am really excited for are some of the setting books. With an Android setting book we should have possibly the best Cyberpunk RPG on the market.
GURPS doesn't really have complicated math though. The system is just 3d6 roll under and some addition and subtraction like anything else. If anything the only hard part is the front loading, as without one of the out of the box options it is a toolkit system.
>best cyberpunk
>forgets CyberPunk2020
Still more math than what the SW game had from my personal experience.
The setting is nice but the mechanics leave a lot to be desired in this day and age. With something more modern than CP2020 and GURPS Cyberpunk I think that FFG has a good shot.
No, FFG dice is shit.
Results are way to chaotic,especially for character who are supposed to be good at something.
Only way the dice would make any sense would be if the succeses and advantages were on separate dice.
>t. Guy who's never actually played FFG Star Wars
Ran Edge of the Empire for 3 years; PCs generally have no problems getting things done, becaues they're all passing boost dice to each other via talents/roll results.
QUICK which symbols are good and which are bad!?
>uh circles are good crosses are bad
>uh triangles are good spikey ones are bad
...yeah, don't like the new fail/threat/despair symbols. Mainly threat needs to be changed to be something else.
The arrows, suns and sun-in-circle is good while the crosses, spikey circle and spikey circle with a cross are bad.
What they should have been imho
Bad. Adv/Tri and Thr/Dsp CANNOT resemble each other, since they work in different ways.
I don't know if I would say I'm excited for it exactly, but I'm definitely looking forward to it.
But the official dice do it.
They don't. Advantage and threat are both triangular. Success/Triumph and fail/despair are all 90 degree shapes. The only design problem is that fail and threat read too much like each other.
Yes, super duper excited!
Success and Threat are both Circular, so obviously those cancel out.
Advantage and Failure are pointy 4-sided shapes, so obviously those cancel out.
Triumph is the success symbol enclosed by a shape with the same boldness as the Advantage shape, and Despair is the Failure symbol enclosed by the threat symbol.
>success with threat and a triumph
"You sight up your pistol at the thug and squeeze the trigger... the shot drops him immediately. As he drops, reflex action causes him to unolad wildly with his submachinegun... stray rounds ricochet off the floor near you (1 strain). They also cause a barrel to explode near the thug's friends, lighting some of them on fire. Who's next?"
What settings do you guys want to see besides the 5 beggining ones?
>Hey a genesys thread!
>People are only talking about the fucking dice...
So, apart from the hardware, why should or shouldn't I pick up this game? Are the settings good? Is the system multisetting because it's adaptible, or is it just bland? Do we know what price and release schedule to expect?
Logic is math too, and trying to differentiate every combination of events resulting from those stupid fucking dice SW uses can get insane really fast.
>inb4 "You can make it simpler by houserules"
I'm not sure we really know much about the rules or settings yet. I have a lot of faith in FFG's RPG stuff though, I loved the 40k RPGs and the presentation of their Star Wars games have been pretty on point from my slim experience with them.
Now do this several times in a row on the fly without making it being a total clusterfuck.
One thing I'm a bit worried about is that the system bills itself as generic but then seems to be pushing specific settings rather than genre toolboxes. That doesn't seem very generic or build-your-own-setting friendly. If games like GURPS or Savage Worlds are like Legos, then Genesys looks to be a Barbie doll that comes with Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Cyberpunk, and Horror outfits; one truly is genetic from the ground up while the other is simply placing different premanufactured shells over the same frame.
Am I making sense or just rambling to myself?
Feel free to elaborate a bit more on what to expect from FFG, my experience with them is limited to a failed 40kDH campaign. Do they usually print a lot of supporting material, or just the core book? Do they publish good modules?
Git gud, scrub. GM only has to handle the bad results.
I think I get both the point and the analogy. Honestly I'm not too worried, I kind of prefer specific settings over genre toolboxes anyways. The settings that really fail in my opinion, are those that are presented as a specific setting, but contain so many varied and disparate elements that they end up feeling like "genre toolbox: the setting". Golarion is an example.
Not as hard as you think. Give it a try.
there is 5 settings in the core book:
>medieval fantasy
>weird war
The system is going to be the generic adaptable form of the system used in the Star wars games called Narrative Dice, that focus a lot on multi faceted character (you can think of it as multi classing but it is not the same), stats and dice results affecting roleplay and story, and FFG released a fuck ton of material for the star wars games so you can probably expect the same from genesys now that FFG lost the rights for warhammer RPGs and can't seel them anymore
I even did this shit with 3.PF. It's easy once you get started, and all the more so because with these dice everybody can get in on suggesting how things can shake out.
You know how running Fate or PbtA stuff is supposed to almost be like a conversation? It's like that but less volatile and with more recognizable 'is a game' stuff giving more of a familiar structure to things.
Golarion is a steaming failures entirely due to it NOT having a coherent genre. Gothic horror shares a border with political arena and both are right down the road from heroic fantasy. There is no genre, only a clustefuck of disconnected ideas.
Should have been:
>success / fail
Triangle / Triangle with skull
>advantage / threat
Square / Square with skull
>triumph / despair
Circle / Circle with skull
Or replace skull with another symbol in the center of the icon.
What's the betting that when they do the splats they'll do themed dice?
/gengen/ ?
>What's the betting that when they do the splats they'll do themed dice?
There'll probably be one for each setting once they release those primary sourcebooks they seem to be angling at. Or maybe one or two settings will get Starter Sets that have a custom dice set.
Either way there's basically no way Android's not getting a bespoke set.
Mecha wars
Lovecraftian horror
I really hope so - I'm totally in the "in it for Android universe" camp.
Though FFG have a few decent properties, even without 40k, but that's the one I'm looking forward to - especially with a) it being totally theirs, and b) being a modern cyberpunk setting and game that's not Shadowrun
Yeah they are terribly designed, the Star Wars dice are much better.
Don’t try to explain ID with the fanboys here
the magic seems pretty dope
>communism would have made a better luxury item
I understand your point, but at the same time do we really NEED another generic system? I'd argue if they want this thing to be successful they'd be better off focusing on making this sort of a modular thing for playing the different IPs they have the rights to, instead of doing something plenty of other systems do perfectly well already. An Android RPG clearly has a market if this thread is any judge, and a narrative focused 40k game isn't the worst idea I've ever heard. Also, unlike with toys the two approaches aren't mutually exclusive. Even if they genuinely intend for this to be a generic system they should still use the IP to get people hooked
>Not being able to pirate a game that required time and money to produce
>Literally among the worst excesses of capitalism
It's not even stopping you from pirating it really, just spend a few bucks on some blank dice and you're golden
>>Not being able to pirate a game that required time and money to produce
>>Literally among the worst excesses of capitalism
>It's not even stopping you from pirating it really, just spend a few bucks on some blank dice and you're golden
So you do realize there's numerous free dice roller programs that FFG knows about, does nothing to stop, and even encourages, right?
I did not, but thank you for giving me the final nail in the coffin for the REEEEE DRM nonsense
it's not an argument for communism - they could have made the dice system fit neatly into a standard d6 or d4-d20 dice pool system but they didn't, purely to create something to sell.
>I'd argue if they want this thing to be successful they'd be better off focusing on making this sort of a modular thing for playing the different IPs they have the rights to, instead of doing something plenty of other systems do perfectly well already.
That's a huge point of why this game was made - obviously, it started with Star Wars, the biggest and most lucrative licence of all, and while this thread shows a lot of support for Android (which is wholly FFG anyway) there's other big licenses - Arkham Horror and A Game of Thrones, and based on their catalogue there's plenty of possibilities there (they did a Fallout board game, for example).
The only big deal they don't have anymore is actually 40k, sadly, as GW basically decided to stop working with them very quickly last year - likely based on a combination of their internal decision to revive Specialist Games and the fact that FFG got swallowed up by Asmodee
Lol. But yes user, I hate dices designed only for specific games as well.
>The only big deal they don't have anymore is actually 40k, sadly, as GW basically decided to stop working with them very quickly last year - likely based on a combination of their internal decision to revive Specialist Games and the fact that FFG got swallowed up by Asmodee
This sucks, I liked Rogue Trader. So, is GW gonna... publish rpg's, now ? Or are they gonna waste this potentially fuckehuge market in which to tap into ?
Have you heard of Wrath and Glory?
... woah. How did I miss that ? Thanks for mentioning this to me.
>Wrath and Glory
Huh, I hadn't either, but they got the lead guy from Rogue Trader for it (wonder if his not being at FFG was a factor, at least a small one...)
Most of the board games I think they want to do themselves, card games and RPGs (especially considering Wrath) they'll most likely be moving to smaller, cheaper design studios that aren't a part of one of their biggest competitors - FFG having basically all their licensed tabletop products may have made "sense" when GW was divesting itself of anything that wasn't the big 3 games, but seeing as they've come around, and have started a new era of leasing out the IP (they went to a big expensive licencing show in vegas last year) it doesn't make any sense for them now.
Shame it killed a lot of good stuff, but what can you do?
>Mecha wars
>So, is GW gonna... publish rpg's, now ? Or are they gonna waste this potentially fuckehuge market in which to tap into ?
Nah, they'll just license them to other companies. Cubicle7 is doing a new WHFRP edition, and I'm not sure how good that'll be but they've made a point to make digital versions of 1e and 2e available so they can't be TOO bad. Even had a big HumbleBundle full of WHFRP books.
Cubicle7's also doing some Age of Sigmar-era RPG which I think is going to more closely resemble the 40k RPG's career level stuff.
>>weird war
Who's excited for a cynical cash grab based on selling ugly, hard-to-read proprietary dice that no one asked for and only work with products made by this one corporation? I dunno, I hope nobody.
Copy-pasted their description from its announcement page:
>Weird war settings are alternate-universe historical settings where one or another of humanity’s global wars spun out of control and changed history as we know it. Rooted in historical fiction and war stories, weird war settings combine real-world history and alternate history, liberally sprinkling them with horror and sci-fi elements to create unique and exciting stories.
>Weird war settings can take place in any historical era. You can fight werewolves with the Roman legions, chase ghost ships during the Napoleonic Wars, or protect villagers from packs of ghouls in the mountains of Afghanistan.
The classic weird war is that the Nazi's more esoteric research actually pays off and they have some crazy Atlantean tech, Wolfenstein style. Usually America and Britain have square jawed commando-spies that fight it back using crazy jew science, and sometimes the Soviets get stuff as well.
If /gengen/ isnt the general thread moniker I will abort all of you
I'm quite excited! I really like the FFG SW system, and I think it has the potential to adapt well to a generic system. I am curious how the Talent trees will work out in generic, since they seem to be best with a theme and cliche names (stuff like 'Exhaust Port' in Starfighter Ace)
The dice system plays out a LOT better in action than people expect just theorizing about it. As a GM of the system for quite a while, I've only had issues interpreting a result a few times... and people always forget that it's the -players- who generally interpret Advantages and Triumphs, while the GM generally interprets Threats and Despairs. (Though of course, both sides can offer suggestions freely)
So it's not like it all falls onto the GM to interpret it with every roll. Everyone gets a say and can offer ideas, so I've never once felt burnt out or unable to figure out a roll.
And with FF making that one fantasy battle game and now Star Wars Legions, their position shifted from making different styles of products in the same 'medium' to being a direct competitor with GW's primary products.
means what he says--he's aborted me three times.
We need a proper Android RPG, which is why I'm glad they've all but confirmed a sourcebook.
I'm excited. I'm with many ithers in wanting a lovely Netrunner supplement, but I'd also love to see one for Terrinoth specifically. I know there's a generic fantasy set in the core book, but I'd to not have to stat everything out for Terrinoth.
I'm already planning to use it to do a World of Twilight RPG. That and the Pacific island themed fantasy setting I've been wanting to run.
Mecha, Netrunner, Terrinoth, and maybe rukes for doing more like 17th century fantasy with pike & shots style tech over the usual swords and sorcery.
Modern Fantasy, I've already got some magic system notes to adapt for Genesys.